About Me

maclean liu

Phone: +86 13764045638

Email & Gtalk:  maclean.liu@parnassusdata.com

Company:ParnassusData Software System Inc.  http://www.parnassusdata.com/

Personal Blog: https://www.askmac.cn




View maclean liu's profile on LinkedIn

Maclean Liu is



He is very influential person in Oracle Database community in China and Asia-Pacific. He would like to answer Questions Posted on both OTN and other Oracle Forum, till now he had answered about 4000 Oracle Database Questions on internet.

  1. Maclean has been very active with the community and setup a Q&A section on his blog, amazingly 4000+ Oracle RDBMS questions had been answered by him.
  2. Maclean published several introduction videos about Oracle technology to the internet and they are widely watched by Chinese audience.
  3. Active Shanghai Oracle User Group field activities participant and organizer.
  4. A qualified evangelist for Oracle 12c and Exadata products.
  5. Have a special passion on Oracle database related products, eager to share his Oracle knowledge with the community every day.



Oracle-related blog: https://www.askmac.cn/Ask Maclean Oracle Forum http://t.askmac.cn/Number of members: 1741
Published white paper(s) and/or article(s)    (include title and link): 《Understanding Oracle SQL Execution Plan》in Chinesehttp://t.askmac.cn/forum.php?mod=attachment&aid=MjQ4MnxmMjYzODY1MXwxMzk4Nzc2MjAxfDF8MzIzNw%3D%3D《The mystery of Oracle Histogram》in Chinesehttp://www.slideshare.net/liumaclean/maclean-liuoracle-cbohistogram-0321



《Oracle Database tuning: Hawk Eyes on AWR I》http://t.askmac.cn/forum.php?mod=attachment&aid=MTU2M3w0MWUwMGM4NXwxMzg0MDAyNzUzfDJ8MjA4Ng%3D%3D


《Oracle Database tuning: Hawk Eyes on AWR II》




《Know more about Oracle Latch from 9i》https://www.askmac.cn/archives/oracle-latch.html


《Oracle Database 12c New Features》https://www.askmac.cn/archives/12c-new-feature-summary.html


《know more about Oracle Mutex》http://www.slideshare.net/liumaclean/maclean-liuoraclemutex


《Oracle Background Process SMON: Something you don’t know》 http://www.slideshare.net/liumaclean/smon


《Essential oracle security internal for dba》 http://www.slideshare.net/liumaclean/essential-oracle-security-internal-for-dba-13569701


《Oracle SQL tuning Essentials》




《Oracle Tuning: An ADDM DBA》http://t.askmac.cn/forum.php?mod=attachment&aid=MjAyNHxhNzYxNTU2YXwxMzcyMDYzNTY0fDJ8MjYwNw%3D%3D



《Know more about Enqueue Deadlock Detection》



《MINSCN AND Cache Fusion Read Consistent》https://www.askmac.cn/archives/minscn%E4%B8%8Ecache-fusion-read-consistent.html


《Index Cluster factor can slowdown your delete》

Who pulls the background process dbwr’s trigger? https://www.askmac.cn/archives/who-pulls-the-background-process-dbwrs-trigger.html


《Oracle AWR Statistics Explained》


《Something About RAC Brain Split》http://www.slideshare.net/liumaclean/oracle-rac-brain-split-resolution


《11g New Feature: Online Hot Patching》http://www.slideshare.net/liumaclean/11g-online-patching


《Know more about Oracle Critical Patch Update》




Published book(s):  Writing A book
Published sample code:
Oracle (OTN) Discussion Forum User Profile: https://community.oracle.com/people/LiuMaclean(%E5%88%98%E7%9B%B8%E5%85%B5)
Podcasts and/or video ( include title and link): 《How to Learn Oracle Database: Wings of liberty》

《Install 11gR2 RAC Using VirtualBox Best Practice》

《Install 10gR2 RAC Using VirtualBox Best Practice》http://t.askmac.cn/thread-891-1-1.html


《Install RAC Using VirtualBox Best Practice》


《Oracle Database tuning: Hawk Eyes on AWR I》

《Oracle Database tuning: Hawk Eyes on AWR II》





Conference presentation (include Conf. name, date, presentation title and link): SHOUG Forum COLLABORATE 14 : 《Oracle Database 12c New Feature:Information Lifecycle Management ILM and Storage Enhancements》  https://www.askmac.cn/archives/12c-ilm.htmlSHOUG Forum COLLABORATE 13 : 《Oracle Database 12c New Feature:12c Pluggable Database Container Database》  https://www.askmac.cn/archives/pluggable-container-db-12c.htmlOracle ACS proseminar: 《Oracle Tuning: An ADDM DBA》http://t.askmac.cn/forum.php?mod=attachment&aid=MjAyNHxhNzYxNTU2YXwxMzcyMDYzNTY0fDJ8MjYwNw%3D%3D
Industry-recognized Certification: 10g/11g OCM
Social media profile(s): http://weibo.com/liumaclean


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