
/etc/init.d/mysqld stop

mkdir /root/myql_backup
tar -jcvf /root/myql_backup/mysql_data.tar.bz2 /var/lib/mysql


尝试启动 mysql 实例

/etc/init.d/mysqld start


如果实例不崩溃那么 用mysqldump做逻辑备份


/etc/init.d/mysql start
mysqldump –single-transaction -AER > /root/dump_wtrans.sql
mysqldump -AER > /root/dump.sql



如果 MYSQL 实例崩溃则 尝试设置 innodb_force_recovery 参数




mode=1; sed -i “/^\[mysqld\]/{N;s/$/\ninnodb_force_recovery=$mode/}” /etc/my.cnf


注意这些的mode=1 设置了 innodb_force_recovery 参数的级别


innodb_force_recovery 的参数级别含义为:


Mode 1 当发现一个损坏的数据页时不让MYSQL实例自动崩溃
Mode 2 不启用后台操作
Mode 3 不尝试 回滚事务
Mode 4 不计算状态也不应用buffer change
Mode 5 在启动过程中不去关心undo log
Mode 6 在启动过程中不关心重做日志ib_logfiles, 不去做前滚


以上 mode 2 会包含 mode 1, mode 3会包含 mode 2和 mode 1 ,依此类推


同时从 MYSQL 5.6.15 开始 mode 4-6 会让mysql 以只读模式运行


若已经设置了innodb_force_recovery =6 还是有问题 ,那么需要进一步诊断




tail -200 /var/lib/mysql/`hostname`.err
tail -f /var/log/mysqld.log


InnoDB: Database page corruption on disk or a failed
InnoDB: file read of page 515891.



以上报错说明mysql innodb 引擎发现有数据页损坏 进一步诊断:


for i in $(ls /var/lib/mysql/*/*.ibd)
innochecksum $i


DATADIR=/var/lib/mysql; find $DATADIR -type f -name *.ibd -o -name ibdata* | xargs -I{} innochecksum {}




mysql: 120901 9:43:55 InnoDB: Error: page 70944 log sequence number 8 1483471899
mysql: InnoDB: is in the future! Current system log sequence number 5 612394935.
mysql: InnoDB: Your database may be corrupt or you may have copied the InnoDB
mysql: InnoDB: tablespace but not the InnoDB log files. See
mysql: InnoDB: [url=]MySQL :: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 14.21.2 Starting InnoDB on a Corrupted Database[/url]


以上日志为LSN 不同步问题, 其一般可以通过 设置 innodb_force_recovery解决的




[ERROR] Table ./database/table has no primary key in InnoDB data dictionary, but has one in MySQL!

InnoDB: Error: table ‘database/table’
InnoDB: in InnoDB data dictionary has tablespace id 423,
InnoDB: but tablespace with that id or name does not exist. Have
InnoDB: you deleted or moved .ibd files?

[ERROR] Cannot find or open table database/table from
the internal data dictionary of InnoDB though the .frm file for the
table exists. Maybe you have deleted and recreated InnoDB data
files but have forgotten to delete the corresponding .frm files
of InnoDB tables, or you have moved .frm files to another database?
or, the table contains indexes that this version of the engine
doesn’t support.

可能丢失了表的.frm 或 .ibd文件 ,找回这些文件


当实例可以启动 那么如何检测表是否存在讹误?


可以使用 check table 命令



mysql> CHECK TABLE roundcube.users;
| Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| roundcube.users | check | status | OK |
1 row in set (0.13 sec)

mysql> CHECK TABLE roundcube.dictionary;
| Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| roundcube.dictionary | check | Warning | InnoDB: Tablespace is missing for table ’roundcube/dictionary’ |
| roundcube.dictionary | check | Error | Table ’roundcube.dictionary’ doesn’t exist |
| roundcube.dictionary | check | status | Operation failed |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)



如果以上检测发现讹误,则可能导致mysql崩溃 ,那么可能需要使用 innodb_force_recovery=1 来启动实例 否则可能启动时实例崩溃

可以使用 mysqlcheck 来检测一个数据库


[root@ocp ~]# mysqlcheck -A -uroot -p
Enter password:
mysql.columns_priv OK
mysql.component OK
mysql.db OK
mysql.default_roles OK
mysql.engine_cost OK
mysql.func OK
mysql.general_log OK
mysql.global_grants OK
mysql.gtid_executed OK
mysql.help_category OK
mysql.help_keyword OK
mysql.help_relation OK
mysql.help_topic OK
mysql.innodb_index_stats OK
mysql.innodb_table_stats OK
mysql.password_history OK
mysql.plugin OK
mysql.procs_priv OK
mysql.proxies_priv OK
mysql.role_edges OK
mysql.server_cost OK
mysql.servers OK
mysql.slave_master_info OK
mysql.slave_relay_log_info OK
mysql.slave_worker_info OK
mysql.slow_log OK
mysql.tables_priv OK
mysql.time_zone OK
mysql.time_zone_leap_second OK
mysql.time_zone_name OK
mysql.time_zone_transition OK
mysql.time_zone_transition_type OK
mysql.user OK
recovery.testeasy OK
sys.sys_config OK


如何从frm文件中恢复create table建表语句


可以从 下载 MySQL Utilities



tar xvzf mysql-utilities*

cd mysql-utilities-1.4.3
chmod +x
./ build
./ install



mysqlfrm 会自己建一个mysql实例 需要单独的端口

mysqlfrm –basedir=/usr –user=mysql –port=3308 /var/lib/mysql/testdb/staff.frm

# Spawning server with –user=mysql.
# Starting the spawned server on port 3308 … done.
# Reading .frm files
# Reading the staff.frm file.
# CREATE statement for staff.frm:

CREATE TABLE `staff` (
`staff_id` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`first_name` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
`last_name` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
`address_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
`picture` blob,
`email` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`store_id` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL,
`active` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘1’,
`username` varchar(16) NOT NULL,
`password` varchar(40) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`staff_id`),
KEY `idx_fk_store_id` (`store_id`),
KEY `idx_fk_address_id` (`address_id`)





在实例 没崩溃情况下 如何重建有问题的表



mysql -u root -p

USE dbname;
CREATE TABLE tablename_recovered LIKE tablename;
INSERT INTO tablename_recovered SELECT * FROM tablename;


这里 先见表 后插入


插入如果 遇到问题页面 ,那么可以用limit


insert ignore into tablename_recovered select * from tablename limit 10;
insert ignore into tablename_recovered select * from tablename limit 50;
insert ignore into tablename_recovered select * from tablename limit 100;
insert ignore into tablename_recovered select * from tablename limit 200;



测试 下插入到哪个位置 才报错


如果成功复制表 那么把原表删除 新表重命名



DROP dbname.tablename;
RENAME TABLE dbname.tablename_recovered TO dbname.tablename;



还原 所有数据库和 重置 ibdata/ib_log files

首先要有 有效的备份, 做这些操作前 确认这个备份可用!!

mysqldump -AER > /root/recovery_dump.sql

干掉所有 有问题的db



mysql> DROP DATABASE db1;
mysql> DROP DATABASE db2;

重启mysql 实例

mysql -e “SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown = 0”
/etc/init.d/mysql stop

sed -i ‘/innodb_force_recovery/d’ /etc/my.cnf

nohup /etc/init.d/mysql start & tail -f /var/lib/mysql/`hostname`.err



恢复 数据


mysql < /root/recovery_dump.sql


对于 Log Sequence Number Mismatched/In Future 可以考虑重建整个数据库 也可以重建重做日志



mysql -e “SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown = 0”
/etc/init.d/mysql stop
cd /var/lib/mysql
mv ib_logfile0 ib_logfile0.bak
mv ib_logfile1 ib_logfile1.bak
/etc/init.d/mysql start

或者 临时交换存储引起 为myisam 然后换回来



/etc/init.d/mysql stop
mkdir -p /root/innodb.bak
mv ib* /root/innodb.bak/
/etc/init.d/mysql start
mysql -e “SELECT concat(‘ALTER TABLE ‘, TABLE_NAME,’ ENGINE=InnoDB;’) FROM Information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = ‘db_name’ AND ENGINE = ‘MyISAM'”


如何合适的删除.ibd文件 可以使用如下命令 SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;


mysql -e “ALTER TABLE roundcube.staff DISCARD TABLESPACE”


如果误删除了 .ibd文件 如何 基于备份恢复前的清理工作


[ERROR] MySQL is trying to open a table handle but the .ibd file for table dbname/tblname does not exist.


InnoDB: Warning: cannot delete tablespace 251 in DISCARD TABLESPACE.
InnoDB: But let us remove the insert buffer entries for this tablespace.

DROP TABLE dbname.tblname;

InnoDB: We removed now the InnoDB internal data dictionary entry InnoDB: of table `dbname/tblname`.



如上完成后 再恢复重建整个表 .frm 文件在 但数据字典里没这个表了 先备份.frm 文件


然后执行 create table重建表 丢失.frm文件



InnoDB: Error: table dbname/tblname already exists in
InnoDB internal InnoDB: data dictionary.

Have you deleted the .frm file

InnoDB: and not used DROP TABLE? …
InnoDB: You can drop the orphaned table inside InnoDB by
InnoDB: creating an InnoDB table with the same name in another
InnoDB: database and moving the .frm file to the current database.
InnoDB: Then MySQL thinks the table exists, and DROP TABLE will InnoDB: succeed.



可以在别的db下重建这个表获得.frm 文件 然后拷贝过去

# mysql

mysql> CREATE DATABASE test2;
mysql> quit
# cp /var/lib/mysql/test2/test.frm /var/lib/mysql/test/
# mysql
mysql> DROP TABLE test.test;

MySQL Centos/Redhat 6多版本迅速安装脚本

MYSQL 5.5.62


#如果之前有MYSQL 那么先停服务
/etc/init.d/mysqld stop

#如果之前已经装过MYSQL 那么先备份数据目录
tar -jcvf mysql.tar.bz2 /var/lib/mysql 


rpm -qa|grep mysq| xargs rpm -e --nodeps

#下载MYSQL 5.5.62

wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate


rpm -ivh mysql-community-libs-compat-5.5.62-2.el6.x86_64.rpm mysql-community-client-5.5.62-2.el6.x86_64.rpm mysql-community-common-5.5.62-2.el6.x86_64.rpm mysql-community-libs-5.5.62-2.el6.x86_64.rpm mysql-community-server-5.5.62-2.el6.x86_64.rpm

修改/etc/my.cnf 中的 datadir 到 你要的目录

mkdir /@@datadir 
chown mysql:mysql /@@datadir 


chown -R mysql:mysql /@@datadir 

mysqld_safe  &


SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('mysql');

/etc/init.d/mysqld stop

/etc/init.d/mysqld start

mysql -uroot -pmysql


MYSQL 5.6.46



#如果之前有MYSQL 那么先停服务
/etc/init.d/mysqld stop

#如果之前已经装过MYSQL 那么先备份数据目录
tar -jcvf mysql.tar.bz2 /var/lib/mysql 


rpm -qa|grep mysq| xargs rpm -e --nodeps

#下载MYSQL 5.6.46
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate


rpm -ivh mysql-community-libs-compat-5.6.46-2.el6.x86_64.rpm mysql-community-libs-5.6.46-2.el6.x86_64.rpm mysql-community-client-5.6.46-2.el6.x86_64.rpm mysql-community-common-5.6.46-2.el6.x86_64.rpm  mysql-community-server-5.6.46-2.el6.x86_64.rpm

修改/etc/my.cnf 中的 datadir 到 你要的目录

mkdir /@@datadir 
chown mysql:mysql /@@datadir 


chown -R mysql:mysql /@@datadir 

mysqld_safe  &


SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('mysql');

/etc/init.d/mysqld stop

/etc/init.d/mysqld start

mysql -uroot -pmysql




>#如果之前有MYSQL 那么先停服务
/etc/init.d/mysqld stop

#如果之前已经装过MYSQL 那么先备份数据目录
tar -jcvf mysql.tar.bz2 /var/lib/mysql 


rpm -qa|grep mysq| xargs rpm -e --nodeps

#下载MYSQL 5.7.28 
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate

rpm -ivh mysql-community-common-5.7.28-1.el6.x86_64.rpm mysql-community-libs-compat-5.7.28-1.el6.x86_64.rpm mysql-community-libs-5.7.28-1.el6.x86_64.rpm  mysql-community-client-5.7.28-1.el6.x86_64.rpm mysql-community-server-5.7.28-1.el6.x86_64.rpm

修改/etc/my.cnf 中的 datadir 到 你要的目录

mkdir /@@datadir 
chown mysql:mysql /@@datadir 

mysqld --initialize

chown -R mysql:mysql /@@datadir 

mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &


UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string = PASSWORD('mysql') , password_expired = 'N' WHERE User = 'root' AND Host = 'localhost';

/etc/init.d/mysqld stop

/etc/init.d/mysqld start

mysql -uroot -pmysql



>>#如果之前有MYSQL 那么先停服务
/etc/init.d/mysqld stop

#如果之前已经装过MYSQL 那么先备份数据目录
tar -jcvf mysql.tar.bz2 /var/lib/mysql 


rpm -qa|grep mysq| xargs rpm -e --nodeps

#下载MYSQL 8.0.17

wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate

rpm -ivh mysql-community-client-8.0.17-1.el6.x86_64.rpm mysql-community-common-8.0.17-1.el6.x86_64.rpm  mysql-community-libs-8.0.17-1.el6.x86_64.rpm mysql-community-server-8.0.17-1.el6.x86_64.rpm 
修改/etc/my.cnf 中的 datadir 到 你要的目录

mkdir /@@datadir 
chown mysql:mysql /@@datadir 

mysqld --initialize

chown -R mysql:mysql /@@datadir 

mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &

UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string=null WHERE User='root';

/etc/init.d/mysqld stop 

/etc/init.d/mysqld start


ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mysql';

mysql -uroot -pmysql




FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK简称(FTWRL),该命令主要用于备份工具获取一致性备份(数据与binlog位点匹配)。由于FTWRL总共需要持有两把全局的MDL锁,并且还需要关闭所有表对象,因此这个命令的杀伤性很大,执行命令时容易导致库hang住。如果是主库,则业务无法正常访问;如果是备库,则会导致SQL线程卡住,主备延迟。本文将详细介绍FTWRL到底做了什么操作,每个操作的对库的影响,以及操作背后的原因。














则将table_def_cache从hash链表中摘除,调用free_table_share进行处理。关键函数close table流程如下:


















假设有3个会话,会话A执行大查询,访问t表;然后一个备份会话B正处于关闭表阶段,需要关闭表t;随后会话C也请求访问t表。三个会话按照这个顺序执行,我们会发现备份会话B和会话C访问t表的线程都处于“waiting for table flush”状态。这就是关闭表引起的,这个问题很严重,因为此时普通的select查询也被堵住了。下面简单解释下原因:


3.会话B发现表t存在旧版本(version != refresh_version),表示还有会话正在访问表t,
4.后续会话C同样发现存在旧版本(version != refresh_version),
5. 大查询执行完毕,调用free_table_share,唤醒所有等待线程。

free_table_share //逐一唤醒所有等待的线程。
while ((ticket= it++))

第4步与第5步之间,所有的访问该表的会话都处于“waiting for table flush”状态,唯有大查询结束后,等待状态才能解除。


在生产环境中,为了容灾一般mysql服务都由主备库组成,当主库出现问题时,可以切换到备库运行,保证服务的高可用。在这个过程中有一点很重要,避免双写。因为导致切换的场景有很多,可能是因为主库压力过大hang住了,也有可能是主库触发mysql bug重启了等。当我们将备库写开启时,如果老主库活着,一定要先将其设置为read_only状态。“set global read_only=1”这个命令实际上也和FTWRL类似,也需要上两把MDL,只是不需要清理表缓存而已。如果老主库上还有大的更新事务,将导致set global read_only hang住,设置失败。因此切换程序在设计时,要考虑这一点。





1. 上全局读锁
2. 清理表缓存
3. 上全局COMMIT锁




‘Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client’, PROTOCOL_ENQUEUE_AFTER_FATAL_ERROR


{ Error: ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODE: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client
    at Handshake.Sequence._packetToError (/root/pingnovel/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/sequences/Sequence.js:47:14)
    at Handshake.ErrorPacket (/root/pingnovel/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/sequences/Handshake.js:123:18)
    at Protocol._parsePacket (/root/pingnovel/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:291:23)
    at Parser._parsePacket (/root/pingnovel/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Parser.js:433:10)
    at Parser.write (/root/pingnovel/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Parser.js:43:10)
    at Protocol.write (/root/pingnovel/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:38:16)
    at Socket. (/root/pingnovel/node_modules/mysql/lib/Connection.js:91:28)
    at Socket. (/root/pingnovel/node_modules/mysql/lib/Connection.js:525:10)
    at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:211:7)
    at Protocol._enqueue (/root/pingnovel/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:144:48)
    at Protocol.handshake (/root/pingnovel/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:51:23)
    at Connection.connect (/root/pingnovel/node_modules/mysql/lib/Connection.js:119:18)
    at Object. (/root/pingnovel/src/db1.js:11:12)
    at Module._compile (module.js:652:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:663:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:565:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:505:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:497:3)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:693:10)
  errno: 1251,
  sqlMessage: 'Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client',
  sqlState: '08004',
  fatal: true }

这种授权协议问题,可以通过使用MYSQL NATIVE PASSWORD来解决,例如:

ALTER USER ABC IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password'




11.8 数据恢复


进行数据恢复操作的前提是你需要一份备份,作为恢复所需的一部分。它可以是你数据库某个时间点所做的snapshot快照(当进行备份时)。不过,对于一个活动的服务端,数据会在最近的备份之后就会发生改变。因此恢复操作所需的另一部分材料则是服务端之后所做的数据变更记录 —— 也就是,binary log。因此一个恢复操作涉及到使用备份来恢复数据库并且之后重新执行在binary log中所包含的备份之后的数据修改操作。



  1. 首先对数据存放目录进行拷贝,这是为了防止在恢复时出错而以防万一。
  2. 使用备份文件恢复数据库。如果你已经制作有一个二进制备份,那么这个步骤涉及到关闭服务端并使用这些备份来替换丢失或损坏的文件。
  3. 重新执行在备份后记录在binary log中的数据修改操作。


11.8.1 导入mysqldump输出




shell> mysqldump world Country > dump.sql




shell> mysql world < dump.sql


当mysqldump的输出文件中没有指定数据库时,你在使用mysql客户端工具命令时就有必要指定到某个需要操作的库。如果在mysqldump执行中带有 –database 或 –all-databases项时,所生成的dump文件则已包含有相应的 USE db_name语句。




shell> mysqldump world Country | mysql test




shell> mysqldump world Country | mysql -h world


如果dump文件中包含有很长的INSERT语句,那么这可能会超出默认到通信缓冲(communication buffer: 1M)。你可以对mysqldump和mysql通过使用 --max-allowed-packet项来增大缓冲大小。这个命令项可以设置一个单位为byte的值或者值后加上K,M或G来指明大小。例如,--max-allowed-packet=32M定义了大小为32MB。服务端也需要在运行时使用 --max-allowed-packet值来增大其自身的通信缓冲,使其足够大。

当你使用mysqldump时使用了 --tab项,那么它会生成一个以tab制表符分隔的数据文件。对于这种dump文件,重新导入时则需要注意使用相应的方法。假设你的dump文件对应导出表world.City使用/tmp目录在作为输出目录:



shell> mysqldump --tab=/tmp world City



输出将分两部分,一部分为一个包含有City表CREATE TABLE语句的City.sql文件,另一部分为一个City.txt文件包含了相应的表数据。当使用这些文件进行表导入时,首先切换当前路径到导出的目录,然后使用mysql来处理.sql文件,之后只用mysqlimport来导入.txt中的表数据。


shell> cd /tmp
shell> mysql world < City.sql
shell> mysqlimport world City.txt


如果你在使用 --tab项时还结合其它格式控制项如 --fields-terminated-by--fields-enclosed-by一起使用,那么在使用mysqlimport进行导入时,就需要使用对应相同的格式控制项来使得命令程序知道如何翻译数据文件以进行导入。

[Read more…]





11.5 备份日志和状态文件




  • 你的二进制日志文件。如果你不得不进行数据库恢复的话,binary log备份存储了你在备份之后的更新。
  • 由服务端所使用的配置项文件(cnf或my.ini文件),这些文件包含了在数据库发生奔溃后恢复所需的的配置信息。
  • Replication从库端(Slave)所建立的一个info文件,这个文件包含有所需连接的主库信息。以及relay-log.info文件,这个文件记录了当前处理relay日志的进度情况。
  • Replication从库在处理LOAD DATA INFILE语句时会建立数据临时文件。这些文件被放置在由slave_load_tmpdir系统变量所设置的目录位置下,此变量可以在服务端启动时通过 –slave-load-tmpdir项进行设置。当slave_load_tmpdir未被设置,那么文件就会被存放在操作系统变量tmpdir都指定的位置。其处理的文件会以SQL_LOAD- 打头。


为了备份以上这些文件,你可以使用一般的文件系统操作。静态文件如配置文件(option file)不需要特别的注意即可进行备份。动态文件如服务端正在运行且改变的日志文件,则需要停止服务端,然后进行备份。

[Read more…]




11.4 建立文本备份


11.4.1 通过SQL建立文件备份


SELECT命令可以和INTO OUTFILE语法一起使用来将返回结果直接写入文件中。在使用中,需要将INTO OUTFILE语法放在FROM语法之前。例如,将Country表中数据写入Country.txt文件中,执行以下语句:


mysql> select * from into outfile 'Country.txt' from Country;







  • 此语句可被用于本地或远程服务端。由于是服务端本身来写文件,因此生成的结果文件总是被建立在服务端。
  • 需要输出文件不能已经存在。
  • 语句可用于任何存储引擎。
  • 语句要求有FILE权限。
  • 输出格式可以通过使用语句项,定义其指定列和行分隔符,引用符和逃逸符来进行控制。


使用INTO OUTFILE可以在以下几个方面改变SELECT语句的操作:


  • 文件被写于服务端,而非通过网路将文件发送至客户端(文件名不能已经存在)。
  • 服务端会在其主机上写一个新文件(执行语句需要登录服务端并使用具有FILE权限的账号)
  • 被建立的文件具有文件系统访问权限,并为MySQL服务端所有,不过对所有用户开放可读。
  • 文件的包含的数据按查询语句返回结果中每条记录一行(默认,列值之间以tab制表符进行分隔,每行则在出现新记录时终止)



你可以像CSV格式一样建立以逗号分隔值,使用双引号括起值,并对行以回车换行符(Carriage Return:CR)结尾的格式文件。以这种格式来输出结果信息的话,可以使用以下SELECT … INTO OUTFILE语句:



SELECT * INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/data-out.txt'

[Read more…]




11.3.1 建立MyISAMBinary备份


mysql> use world;
mysql> lock tables Country read;
mysql> flush tables Country;




# cp /usr/local/mysql/data/world/Country.frm /var/backup/Countryfrm
# cp /usr/local/mysql/data/world/Country.MYI /var/backup/CountryMYI
# cp /usr/local/mysql/data/world/Country.MYD /var/backup/CountryMYD
# cp /usr/local/mysql/data/world/Country.TRN /var/backup/CountryTRN
# cp /usr/local/mysql/data/world/Country.TRG /var/backup/CountryTRG
# cp /usr/local/mysql/data/mysql/proc /var/backup/CountryROUTINES


mysql> unlock tables;





[Read more…]


If you cannot recover data by yourself, ask Parnassusdata, the professional MySQL database recovery team for help.

Parnassusdata Software Database Recovery Team

Service Hotline:  +86 13764045638 E-mail:

MySQL error code 120: Didn't find key on read or update
MySQL error code 121: Duplicate key on write or update
MySQL error code 122: Internal (unspecified) error in handler
MySQL error code 123: Someone has changed the row since it was read (while the table was locked to prevent it)
MySQL error code 124: Wrong index given to function
MySQL error code 125: Undefined handler error 125
MySQL error code 126: Index file is crashed
MySQL error code 127: Record file is crashed
MySQL error code 128: Out of memory in engine
MySQL error code 129: Undefined handler error 129
MySQL error code 130: Incorrect file format
MySQL error code 131: Command not supported by database
MySQL error code 132: Old database file
MySQL error code 133: No record read before update
MySQL error code 134: Record was already deleted (or record file crashed)
MySQL error code 135: No more room in record file
MySQL error code 136: No more room in index file
MySQL error code 137: No more records (read after end of file)
MySQL error code 138: Unsupported extension used for table
MySQL error code 139: Too big row
MySQL error code 140: Wrong create options
MySQL error code 141: Duplicate unique key or constraint on write or update
MySQL error code 142: Unknown character set used in table
MySQL error code 143: Conflicting table definitions in sub-tables of MERGE table
MySQL error code 144: Table is crashed and last repair failed
MySQL error code 145: Table was marked as crashed and should be repaired
MySQL error code 146: Lock timed out; Retry transaction
MySQL error code 147: Lock table is full;  Restart program with a larger locktable
MySQL error code 148: Updates are not allowed under a read only transactions
MySQL error code 149: Lock deadlock; Retry transaction
MySQL error code 150: Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed
MySQL error code 151: Cannot add a child row
MySQL error code 152: Cannot delete a parent row
MySQL error code 153: No savepoint with that name
MySQL error code 154: Non unique key block size
MySQL error code 155: The table does not exist in engine
MySQL error code 156: The table already existed in storage engine
MySQL error code 157: Could not connect to storage engine
MySQL error code 158: Unexpected null pointer found when using spatial index
MySQL error code 159: The table changed in storage engine
MySQL error code 160: There's no partition in table for the given value
MySQL error code 161: Row-based binlogging of row failed
MySQL error code 162: Index needed in foreign key constraint
MySQL error code 163: Upholding foreign key constraints would lead to a duplicate key error in some other table
MySQL error code 164: Table needs to be upgraded before it can be used
MySQL error code 165: Table is read only
MySQL error code 166: Failed to get next auto increment value
MySQL error code 167: Failed to set row auto increment value
MySQL error code 168: Unknown (generic) error from engine
MySQL error code 169: Record is the same
MySQL error code 170: It is not possible to log this statement
MySQL error code 171: The event was corrupt, leading to illegal data being read
MySQL error code 172: The table is of a new format not supported by this version
MySQL error code 173: The event could not be processed no other hanlder error happened
MySQL error code 174: Got a fatal error during initialzaction of handler
MySQL error code 175: File to short; Expected more data in file
MySQL error code 176: Read page with wrong checksum
MySQL error code 177: Too many active concurrent transactions
MySQL error code 178: Record not matching the given partition set
MySQL error code 179: Index column length exceeds limit
MySQL error code 180: Index corrupted
MySQL error code 181: Undo record too big
MySQL error code 182: Invalid InnoDB FTS Doc ID
MySQL error code 183: Table is being used in foreign key check
MySQL error code 184: Tablespace already exists
MySQL error code 185: Too many columns
MySQL error code 186: Row in wrong partition
MySQL error code 187: InnoDB is in read only mode
MySQL error code 188: FTS query exceeds result cache memory limit
MySQL error code 189: Temporary file write failure
MySQL error code 190: Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0
MySQL error code 191: Too many words in a FTS phrase or proximity search
MySQL error code 192: Foreign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth
MySQL error code 193: Required Create option missing
MySQL error code 194: Out of memory in storage engine
MySQL error code 195: Table corrupted
MySQL error code 196: Query interrupted
MySQL error code 197: Tablespace cannot be accessed
MySQL error code 198: Tablespace is not empty
MySQL error code 199: Incorrect file name
MySQL error code 200: Operation is not allowed
MySQL error code 201: Compute generate value failed
MySQL error code 1000 (ER_HASHCHK): hashchk
MySQL error code 1001 (ER_NISAMCHK): isamchk
MySQL error code 1002 (ER_NO): NO
MySQL error code 1003 (ER_YES): YES
MySQL error code 1004 (ER_CANT_CREATE_FILE): Can't create file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)
MySQL error code 1005 (ER_CANT_CREATE_TABLE): Can't create table '%-.200s' (errno: %d)
MySQL error code 1006 (ER_CANT_CREATE_DB): Can't create database '%-.192s' (errno: %d)
MySQL error code 1007 (ER_DB_CREATE_EXISTS): Can't create database '%-.192s'; database exists
MySQL error code 1008 (ER_DB_DROP_EXISTS): Can't drop database '%-.192s'; database doesn't exist
MySQL error code 1009 (ER_DB_DROP_DELETE): Error dropping database (can't delete '%-.192s', errno: %d)
MySQL error code 1010 (ER_DB_DROP_RMDIR): Error dropping database (can't rmdir '%-.192s', errno: %d)
MySQL error code 1011 (ER_CANT_DELETE_FILE): Error on delete of '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)
MySQL error code 1012 (ER_CANT_FIND_SYSTEM_REC): Can't read record in system table
MySQL error code 1013 (ER_CANT_GET_STAT): Can't get status of '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)
MySQL error code 1014 (ER_CANT_GET_WD): Can't get working directory (errno: %d - %s)
MySQL error code 1015 (ER_CANT_LOCK): Can't lock file (errno: %d - %s)
MySQL error code 1016 (ER_CANT_OPEN_FILE): Can't open file: '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)
MySQL error code 1017 (ER_FILE_NOT_FOUND): Can't find file: '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)
MySQL error code 1018 (ER_CANT_READ_DIR): Can't read dir of '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)
MySQL error code 1019 (ER_CANT_SET_WD): Can't change dir to '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)
MySQL error code 1020 (ER_CHECKREAD): Record has changed since last read in table '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1021 (ER_DISK_FULL): Disk full (%s); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: %d - %s)
MySQL error code 1022 (ER_DUP_KEY): Can't write; duplicate key in table '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1023 (ER_ERROR_ON_CLOSE): Error on close of '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)
MySQL error code 1024 (ER_ERROR_ON_READ): Error reading file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)
MySQL error code 1025 (ER_ERROR_ON_RENAME): Error on rename of '%-.210s' to '%-.210s' (errno: %d - %s)
MySQL error code 1026 (ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE): Error writing file '%-.200s' (errno: %d - %s)
MySQL error code 1027 (ER_FILE_USED): '%-.192s' is locked against change
MySQL error code 1028 (ER_FILSORT_ABORT): Sort aborted
MySQL error code 1029 (ER_FORM_NOT_FOUND): View '%-.192s' doesn't exist for '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1030 (ER_GET_ERRNO): Got error %d from storage engine
MySQL error code 1031 (ER_ILLEGAL_HA): Table storage engine for '%-.192s' doesn't have this option
MySQL error code 1032 (ER_KEY_NOT_FOUND): Can't find record in '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1033 (ER_NOT_FORM_FILE): Incorrect information in file: '%-.200s'
MySQL error code 1034 (ER_NOT_KEYFILE): Incorrect key file for table '%-.200s'; try to repair it
MySQL error code 1035 (ER_OLD_KEYFILE): Old key file for table '%-.192s'; repair it!
MySQL error code 1036 (ER_OPEN_AS_READONLY): Table '%-.192s' is read only
MySQL error code 1037 (ER_OUTOFMEMORY): Out of memory; restart server and try again (needed %d bytes)
MySQL error code 1038 (ER_OUT_OF_SORTMEMORY): Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer size
MySQL error code 1039 (ER_UNEXPECTED_EOF): Unexpected EOF found when reading file '%-.192s' (errno: %d - %s)
MySQL error code 1040 (ER_CON_COUNT_ERROR): Too many connections
MySQL error code 1041 (ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES): Out of memory; check if mysqld or some other process uses all available memory; if not, you may have to use 'ulimit' to allow mysqld to use more memory or you can add more swap space
MySQL error code 1042 (ER_BAD_HOST_ERROR): Can't get hostname for your address
MySQL error code 1043 (ER_HANDSHAKE_ERROR): Bad handshake
MySQL error code 1044 (ER_DBACCESS_DENIED_ERROR): Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' to database '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1045 (ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR): Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s)
MySQL error code 1046 (ER_NO_DB_ERROR): No database selected
MySQL error code 1047 (ER_UNKNOWN_COM_ERROR): Unknown command
MySQL error code 1048 (ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR): Column '%-.192s' cannot be null
MySQL error code 1049 (ER_BAD_DB_ERROR): Unknown database '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1050 (ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR): Table '%-.192s' already exists
MySQL error code 1051 (ER_BAD_TABLE_ERROR): Unknown table '%-.100s'
MySQL error code 1052 (ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR): Column '%-.192s' in %-.192s is ambiguous
MySQL error code 1053 (ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN): Server shutdown in progress
MySQL error code 1054 (ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR): Unknown column '%-.192s' in '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1055 (ER_WRONG_FIELD_WITH_GROUP): '%-.192s' isn't in GROUP BY
MySQL error code 1056 (ER_WRONG_GROUP_FIELD): Can't group on '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1057 (ER_WRONG_SUM_SELECT): Statement has sum functions and columns in same statement
MySQL error code 1058 (ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT): Column count doesn't match value count
MySQL error code 1059 (ER_TOO_LONG_IDENT): Identifier name '%-.100s' is too long
MySQL error code 1060 (ER_DUP_FIELDNAME): Duplicate column name '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1061 (ER_DUP_KEYNAME): Duplicate key name '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1062 (ER_DUP_ENTRY): Duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key %d
MySQL error code 1063 (ER_WRONG_FIELD_SPEC): Incorrect column specifier for column '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1064 (ER_PARSE_ERROR): %s near '%-.80s' at line %d
MySQL error code 1065 (ER_EMPTY_QUERY): Query was empty
MySQL error code 1066 (ER_NONUNIQ_TABLE): Not unique table/alias: '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1067 (ER_INVALID_DEFAULT): Invalid default value for '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1068 (ER_MULTIPLE_PRI_KEY): Multiple primary key defined
MySQL error code 1069 (ER_TOO_MANY_KEYS): Too many keys specified; max %d keys allowed
MySQL error code 1070 (ER_TOO_MANY_KEY_PARTS): Too many key parts specified; max %d parts allowed
MySQL error code 1071 (ER_TOO_LONG_KEY): Specified key was too long; max key length is %d bytes
MySQL error code 1072 (ER_KEY_COLUMN_DOES_NOT_EXITS): Key column '%-.192s' doesn't exist in table
MySQL error code 1073 (ER_BLOB_USED_AS_KEY): BLOB column '%-.192s' can't be used in key specification with the used table type
MySQL error code 1074 (ER_TOO_BIG_FIELDLENGTH): Column length too big for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu); use BLOB or TEXT instead
MySQL error code 1075 (ER_WRONG_AUTO_KEY): Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key
MySQL error code 1076 (ER_READY): %s: ready for connections.
MySQL error code 1077 (ER_NORMAL_SHUTDOWN): %s: Normal shutdown
MySQL error code 1078 (ER_GOT_SIGNAL): %s: Got signal %d. Aborting!
MySQL error code 1079 (ER_SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE): %s: Shutdown complete
MySQL error code 1080 (ER_FORCING_CLOSE): %s: Forcing close of thread %ld  user: '%-.48s'
MySQL error code 1081 (ER_IPSOCK_ERROR): Can't create IP socket
MySQL error code 1082 (ER_NO_SUCH_INDEX): Table '%-.192s' has no index like the one used in CREATE INDEX; recreate the table
MySQL error code 1083 (ER_WRONG_FIELD_TERMINATORS): Field separator argument is not what is expected; check the manual
MySQL error code 1084 (ER_BLOBS_AND_NO_TERMINATED): You can't use fixed rowlength with BLOBs; please use 'fields terminated by'
MySQL error code 1085 (ER_TEXTFILE_NOT_READABLE): The file '%-.128s' must be in the database directory or be readable by all
MySQL error code 1086 (ER_FILE_EXISTS_ERROR): File '%-.200s' already exists
MySQL error code 1087 (ER_LOAD_INFO): Records: %ld  Deleted: %ld  Skipped: %ld  Warnings: %ld
MySQL error code 1088 (ER_ALTER_INFO): Records: %ld  Duplicates: %ld
MySQL error code 1089 (ER_WRONG_SUB_KEY): Incorrect prefix key; the used key part isn't a string, the used length is longer than the key part, or the storage engine doesn't support unique prefix keys
MySQL error code 1090 (ER_CANT_REMOVE_ALL_FIELDS): You can't delete all columns with ALTER TABLE; use DROP TABLE instead
MySQL error code 1091 (ER_CANT_DROP_FIELD_OR_KEY): Can't DROP '%-.192s'; check that column/key exists
MySQL error code 1092 (ER_INSERT_INFO): Records: %ld  Duplicates: %ld  Warnings: %ld
MySQL error code 1093 (ER_UPDATE_TABLE_USED): You can't specify target table '%-.192s' for update in FROM clause
MySQL error code 1094 (ER_NO_SUCH_THREAD): Unknown thread id: %lu
MySQL error code 1095 (ER_KILL_DENIED_ERROR): You are not owner of thread %lu
MySQL error code 1096 (ER_NO_TABLES_USED): No tables used
MySQL error code 1097 (ER_TOO_BIG_SET): Too many strings for column %-.192s and SET
MySQL error code 1098 (ER_NO_UNIQUE_LOGFILE): Can't generate a unique log-filename %-.200s.(1-999)
MySQL error code 1099 (ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED_FOR_WRITE): Table '%-.192s' was locked with a READ lock and can't be updated
MySQL error code 1100 (ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED): Table '%-.192s' was not locked with LOCK TABLES
MySQL error code 1101 (ER_BLOB_CANT_HAVE_DEFAULT): BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY or JSON column '%-.192s' can't have a default value
MySQL error code 1102 (ER_WRONG_DB_NAME): Incorrect database name '%-.100s'
MySQL error code 1103 (ER_WRONG_TABLE_NAME): Incorrect table name '%-.100s'
MySQL error code 1104 (ER_TOO_BIG_SELECT): The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay
MySQL error code 1105 (ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR): Unknown error
MySQL error code 1106 (ER_UNKNOWN_PROCEDURE): Unknown procedure '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1107 (ER_WRONG_PARAMCOUNT_TO_PROCEDURE): Incorrect parameter count to procedure '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1108 (ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_PROCEDURE): Incorrect parameters to procedure '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1109 (ER_UNKNOWN_TABLE): Unknown table '%-.192s' in %-.32s
MySQL error code 1110 (ER_FIELD_SPECIFIED_TWICE): Column '%-.192s' specified twice
MySQL error code 1111 (ER_INVALID_GROUP_FUNC_USE): Invalid use of group function
MySQL error code 1112 (ER_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSION): Table '%-.192s' uses an extension that doesn't exist in this MySQL version
MySQL error code 1113 (ER_TABLE_MUST_HAVE_COLUMNS): A table must have at least 1 column
MySQL error code 1114 (ER_RECORD_FILE_FULL): The table '%-.192s' is full
MySQL error code 1115 (ER_UNKNOWN_CHARACTER_SET): Unknown character set: '%-.64s'
MySQL error code 1116 (ER_TOO_MANY_TABLES): Too many tables; MySQL can only use %d tables in a join
MySQL error code 1117 (ER_TOO_MANY_FIELDS): Too many columns
MySQL error code 1118 (ER_TOO_BIG_ROWSIZE): Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is %ld. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
MySQL error code 1119 (ER_STACK_OVERRUN): Thread stack overrun:  Used: %ld of a %ld stack.  Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack if needed
MySQL error code 1120 (ER_WRONG_OUTER_JOIN): Cross dependency found in OUTER JOIN; examine your ON conditions
MySQL error code 1121 (ER_NULL_COLUMN_IN_INDEX): Table handler doesn't support NULL in given index. Please change column '%-.192s' to be NOT NULL or use another handler
MySQL error code 1122 (ER_CANT_FIND_UDF): Can't load function '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1123 (ER_CANT_INITIALIZE_UDF): Can't initialize function '%-.192s'; %-.80s
MySQL error code 1124 (ER_UDF_NO_PATHS): No paths allowed for shared library
MySQL error code 1125 (ER_UDF_EXISTS): Function '%-.192s' already exists
MySQL error code 1126 (ER_CANT_OPEN_LIBRARY): Can't open shared library '%-.192s' (errno: %d %-.128s)
MySQL error code 1127 (ER_CANT_FIND_DL_ENTRY): Can't find symbol '%-.128s' in library
MySQL error code 1128 (ER_FUNCTION_NOT_DEFINED): Function '%-.192s' is not defined
MySQL error code 1129 (ER_HOST_IS_BLOCKED): Host '%-.64s' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'
MySQL error code 1130 (ER_HOST_NOT_PRIVILEGED): Host '%-.64s' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server
MySQL error code 1131 (ER_PASSWORD_ANONYMOUS_USER): You are using MySQL as an anonymous user and anonymous users are not allowed to change passwords
MySQL error code 1132 (ER_PASSWORD_NOT_ALLOWED): You must have privileges to update tables in the mysql database to be able to change passwords for others
MySQL error code 1133 (ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH): Can't find any matching row in the user table
MySQL error code 1134 (ER_UPDATE_INFO): Rows matched: %ld  Changed: %ld  Warnings: %ld
MySQL error code 1135 (ER_CANT_CREATE_THREAD): Can't create a new thread (errno %d); if you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bug
MySQL error code 1136 (ER_WRONG_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW): Column count doesn't match value count at row %ld
MySQL error code 1137 (ER_CANT_REOPEN_TABLE): Can't reopen table: '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1138 (ER_INVALID_USE_OF_NULL): Invalid use of NULL value
MySQL error code 1139 (ER_REGEXP_ERROR): Got error '%-.64s' from regexp
MySQL error code 1140 (ER_MIX_OF_GROUP_FUNC_AND_FIELDS): Mixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) with no GROUP columns is illegal if there is no GROUP BY clause
MySQL error code 1141 (ER_NONEXISTING_GRANT): There is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s'
MySQL error code 1142 (ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR): %-.128s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for table '%-.64s'
MySQL error code 1143 (ER_COLUMNACCESS_DENIED_ERROR): %-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for column '%-.192s' in table '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1144 (ER_ILLEGAL_GRANT_FOR_TABLE): Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command; please consult the manual to see which privileges can be used
MySQL error code 1145 (ER_GRANT_WRONG_HOST_OR_USER): The host or user argument to GRANT is too long
MySQL error code 1146 (ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE): Table '%-.192s.%-.192s' doesn't exist
MySQL error code 1147 (ER_NONEXISTING_TABLE_GRANT): There is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on table '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1148 (ER_NOT_ALLOWED_COMMAND): The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version
MySQL error code 1149 (ER_SYNTAX_ERROR): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
MySQL error code 1150 (ER_UNUSED1): Delayed insert thread couldn't get requested lock for table %-.192s
MySQL error code 1151 (ER_UNUSED2): Too many delayed threads in use
MySQL error code 1152 (ER_ABORTING_CONNECTION): Aborted connection %ld to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' (%-.64s)
MySQL error code 1153 (ER_NET_PACKET_TOO_LARGE): Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes
MySQL error code 1154 (ER_NET_READ_ERROR_FROM_PIPE): Got a read error from the connection pipe
MySQL error code 1155 (ER_NET_FCNTL_ERROR): Got an error from fcntl()
MySQL error code 1156 (ER_NET_PACKETS_OUT_OF_ORDER): Got packets out of order
MySQL error code 1157 (ER_NET_UNCOMPRESS_ERROR): Couldn't uncompress communication packet
MySQL error code 1158 (ER_NET_READ_ERROR): Got an error reading communication packets
MySQL error code 1159 (ER_NET_READ_INTERRUPTED): Got timeout reading communication packets
MySQL error code 1160 (ER_NET_ERROR_ON_WRITE): Got an error writing communication packets
MySQL error code 1161 (ER_NET_WRITE_INTERRUPTED): Got timeout writing communication packets
MySQL error code 1162 (ER_TOO_LONG_STRING): Result string is longer than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes
MySQL error code 1163 (ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_BLOB): The used table type doesn't support BLOB/TEXT columns
MySQL error code 1164 (ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_AUTO_INCREMENT): The used table type doesn't support AUTO_INCREMENT columns
MySQL error code 1165 (ER_UNUSED3): INSERT DELAYED can't be used with table '%-.192s' because it is locked with LOCK TABLES
MySQL error code 1166 (ER_WRONG_COLUMN_NAME): Incorrect column name '%-.100s'
MySQL error code 1167 (ER_WRONG_KEY_COLUMN): The used storage engine can't index column '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1168 (ER_WRONG_MRG_TABLE): Unable to open underlying table which is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't exist
MySQL error code 1169 (ER_DUP_UNIQUE): Can't write, because of unique constraint, to table '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1170 (ER_BLOB_KEY_WITHOUT_LENGTH): BLOB/TEXT column '%-.192s' used in key specification without a key length
MySQL error code 1171 (ER_PRIMARY_CANT_HAVE_NULL): All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; if you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead
MySQL error code 1172 (ER_TOO_MANY_ROWS): Result consisted of more than one row
MySQL error code 1173 (ER_REQUIRES_PRIMARY_KEY): This table type requires a primary key
MySQL error code 1174 (ER_NO_RAID_COMPILED): This version of MySQL is not compiled with RAID support
MySQL error code 1175 (ER_UPDATE_WITHOUT_KEY_IN_SAFE_MODE): You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column. %s
MySQL error code 1176 (ER_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXITS): Key '%-.192s' doesn't exist in table '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1177 (ER_CHECK_NO_SUCH_TABLE): Can't open table
MySQL error code 1178 (ER_CHECK_NOT_IMPLEMENTED): The storage engine for the table doesn't support %s
MySQL error code 1179 (ER_CANT_DO_THIS_DURING_AN_TRANSACTION): You are not allowed to execute this command in a transaction
MySQL error code 1180 (ER_ERROR_DURING_COMMIT): Got error %d during COMMIT
MySQL error code 1181 (ER_ERROR_DURING_ROLLBACK): Got error %d during ROLLBACK
MySQL error code 1182 (ER_ERROR_DURING_FLUSH_LOGS): Got error %d during FLUSH_LOGS
MySQL error code 1183 (ER_ERROR_DURING_CHECKPOINT): Got error %d during CHECKPOINT
MySQL error code 1184 (ER_NEW_ABORTING_CONNECTION): Aborted connection %u to db: '%-.192s' user: '%-.48s' host: '%-.64s' (%-.64s)
MySQL error code 1185 (ER_DUMP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED): The storage engine for the table does not support binary table dump
MySQL error code 1186 (ER_FLUSH_MASTER_BINLOG_CLOSED): Binlog closed, cannot RESET MASTER
MySQL error code 1187 (ER_INDEX_REBUILD): Failed rebuilding the index of  dumped table '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1188 (ER_MASTER): Error from master: '%-.64s'
MySQL error code 1189 (ER_MASTER_NET_READ): Net error reading from master
MySQL error code 1190 (ER_MASTER_NET_WRITE): Net error writing to master
MySQL error code 1191 (ER_FT_MATCHING_KEY_NOT_FOUND): Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list
MySQL error code 1192 (ER_LOCK_OR_ACTIVE_TRANSACTION): Can't execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transaction
MySQL error code 1193 (ER_UNKNOWN_SYSTEM_VARIABLE): Unknown system variable '%-.64s'
MySQL error code 1194 (ER_CRASHED_ON_USAGE): Table '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
MySQL error code 1195 (ER_CRASHED_ON_REPAIR): Table '%-.192s' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed
MySQL error code 1196 (ER_WARNING_NOT_COMPLETE_ROLLBACK): Some non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled back
MySQL error code 1197 (ER_TRANS_CACHE_FULL): Multi-statement transaction required more than 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try again
MySQL error code 1198 (ER_SLAVE_MUST_STOP): This operation cannot be performed with a running slave; run STOP SLAVE first
MySQL error code 1199 (ER_SLAVE_NOT_RUNNING): This operation requires a running slave; configure slave and do START SLAVE
MySQL error code 1200 (ER_BAD_SLAVE): The server is not configured as slave; fix in config file or with CHANGE MASTER TO
MySQL error code 1201 (ER_MASTER_INFO): Could not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error log
MySQL error code 1202 (ER_SLAVE_THREAD): Could not create slave thread; check system resources
MySQL error code 1203 (ER_TOO_MANY_USER_CONNECTIONS): User %-.64s already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections
MySQL error code 1204 (ER_SET_CONSTANTS_ONLY): You may only use constant expressions with SET
MySQL error code 1205 (ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT): Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
MySQL error code 1206 (ER_LOCK_TABLE_FULL): The total number of locks exceeds the lock table size
MySQL error code 1207 (ER_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION): Update locks cannot be acquired during a READ UNCOMMITTED transaction
MySQL error code 1208 (ER_DROP_DB_WITH_READ_LOCK): DROP DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lock
MySQL error code 1209 (ER_CREATE_DB_WITH_READ_LOCK): CREATE DATABASE not allowed while thread is holding global read lock
MySQL error code 1210 (ER_WRONG_ARGUMENTS): Incorrect arguments to %s
MySQL error code 1211 (ER_NO_PERMISSION_TO_CREATE_USER): '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' is not allowed to create new users
MySQL error code 1212 (ER_UNION_TABLES_IN_DIFFERENT_DIR): Incorrect table definition; all MERGE tables must be in the same database
MySQL error code 1213 (ER_LOCK_DEADLOCK): Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
MySQL error code 1214 (ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_FT): The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes
MySQL error code 1215 (ER_CANNOT_ADD_FOREIGN): Cannot add foreign key constraint
MySQL error code 1216 (ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW): Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails
MySQL error code 1217 (ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED): Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails
MySQL error code 1218 (ER_CONNECT_TO_MASTER): Error connecting to master: %-.128s
MySQL error code 1219 (ER_QUERY_ON_MASTER): Error running query on master: %-.128s
MySQL error code 1220 (ER_ERROR_WHEN_EXECUTING_COMMAND): Error when executing command %s: %-.128s
MySQL error code 1221 (ER_WRONG_USAGE): Incorrect usage of %s and %s
MySQL error code 1222 (ER_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT): The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
MySQL error code 1223 (ER_CANT_UPDATE_WITH_READLOCK): Can't execute the query because you have a conflicting read lock
MySQL error code 1224 (ER_MIXING_NOT_ALLOWED): Mixing of transactional and non-transactional tables is disabled
MySQL error code 1225 (ER_DUP_ARGUMENT): Option '%s' used twice in statement
MySQL error code 1226 (ER_USER_LIMIT_REACHED): User '%-.64s' has exceeded the '%s' resource (current value: %ld)
MySQL error code 1227 (ER_SPECIFIC_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR): Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %-.128s privilege(s) for this operation
MySQL error code 1228 (ER_LOCAL_VARIABLE): Variable '%-.64s' is a SESSION variable and can't be used with SET GLOBAL
MySQL error code 1229 (ER_GLOBAL_VARIABLE): Variable '%-.64s' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBAL
MySQL error code 1230 (ER_NO_DEFAULT): Variable '%-.64s' doesn't have a default value
MySQL error code 1231 (ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_VAR): Variable '%-.64s' can't be set to the value of '%-.200s'
MySQL error code 1232 (ER_WRONG_TYPE_FOR_VAR): Incorrect argument type to variable '%-.64s'
MySQL error code 1233 (ER_VAR_CANT_BE_READ): Variable '%-.64s' can only be set, not read
MySQL error code 1234 (ER_CANT_USE_OPTION_HERE): Incorrect usage/placement of '%s'
MySQL error code 1235 (ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_YET): This version of MySQL doesn't yet support '%s'
MySQL error code 1236 (ER_MASTER_FATAL_ERROR_READING_BINLOG): Got fatal error %d from master when reading data from binary log: '%-.320s'
MySQL error code 1237 (ER_SLAVE_IGNORED_TABLE): Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rules
MySQL error code 1238 (ER_INCORRECT_GLOBAL_LOCAL_VAR): Variable '%-.192s' is a %s variable
MySQL error code 1239 (ER_WRONG_FK_DEF): Incorrect foreign key definition for '%-.192s': %s
MySQL error code 1240 (ER_KEY_REF_DO_NOT_MATCH_TABLE_REF): Key reference and table reference don't match
MySQL error code 1241 (ER_OPERAND_COLUMNS): Operand should contain %d column(s)
MySQL error code 1242 (ER_SUBQUERY_NO_1_ROW): Subquery returns more than 1 row
MySQL error code 1243 (ER_UNKNOWN_STMT_HANDLER): Unknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %s
MySQL error code 1244 (ER_CORRUPT_HELP_DB): Help database is corrupt or does not exist
MySQL error code 1245 (ER_CYCLIC_REFERENCE): Cyclic reference on subqueries
MySQL error code 1246 (ER_AUTO_CONVERT): Converting column '%s' from %s to %s
MySQL error code 1247 (ER_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE): Reference '%-.64s' not supported (%s)
MySQL error code 1248 (ER_DERIVED_MUST_HAVE_ALIAS): Every derived table must have its own alias
MySQL error code 1249 (ER_SELECT_REDUCED): Select %u was reduced during optimization
MySQL error code 1250 (ER_TABLENAME_NOT_ALLOWED_HERE): Table '%-.192s' from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in %-.32s
MySQL error code 1251 (ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_AUTH_MODE): Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client
MySQL error code 1252 (ER_SPATIAL_CANT_HAVE_NULL): All parts of a SPATIAL index must be NOT NULL
MySQL error code 1253 (ER_COLLATION_CHARSET_MISMATCH): COLLATION '%s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%s'
MySQL error code 1254 (ER_SLAVE_WAS_RUNNING): Slave is already running
MySQL error code 1255 (ER_SLAVE_WAS_NOT_RUNNING): Slave already has been stopped
MySQL error code 1256 (ER_TOO_BIG_FOR_UNCOMPRESS): Uncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)
MySQL error code 1257 (ER_ZLIB_Z_MEM_ERROR): ZLIB: Not enough memory
MySQL error code 1258 (ER_ZLIB_Z_BUF_ERROR): ZLIB: Not enough room in the output buffer (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)
MySQL error code 1259 (ER_ZLIB_Z_DATA_ERROR): ZLIB: Input data corrupted
MySQL error code 1260 (ER_CUT_VALUE_GROUP_CONCAT): Row %u was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()
MySQL error code 1261 (ER_WARN_TOO_FEW_RECORDS): Row %ld doesn't contain data for all columns
MySQL error code 1262 (ER_WARN_TOO_MANY_RECORDS): Row %ld was truncated; it contained more data than there were input columns
MySQL error code 1263 (ER_WARN_NULL_TO_NOTNULL): Column set to default value; NULL supplied to NOT NULL column '%s' at row %ld
MySQL error code 1264 (ER_WARN_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE): Out of range value for column '%s' at row %ld
MySQL error code 1265 (WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED): Data truncated for column '%s' at row %ld
MySQL error code 1266 (ER_WARN_USING_OTHER_HANDLER): Using storage engine %s for table '%s'
MySQL error code 1267 (ER_CANT_AGGREGATE_2COLLATIONS): Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s) and (%s,%s) for operation '%s'
MySQL error code 1268 (ER_DROP_USER): Cannot drop one or more of the requested users
MySQL error code 1269 (ER_REVOKE_GRANTS): Can't revoke all privileges for one or more of the requested users
MySQL error code 1270 (ER_CANT_AGGREGATE_3COLLATIONS): Illegal mix of collations (%s,%s), (%s,%s), (%s,%s) for operation '%s'
MySQL error code 1271 (ER_CANT_AGGREGATE_NCOLLATIONS): Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'
MySQL error code 1272 (ER_VARIABLE_IS_NOT_STRUCT): Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (can't be used as XXXX.variable_name)
MySQL error code 1273 (ER_UNKNOWN_COLLATION): Unknown collation: '%-.64s'
MySQL error code 1274 (ER_SLAVE_IGNORED_SSL_PARAMS): SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is started
MySQL error code 1275 (ER_SERVER_IS_IN_SECURE_AUTH_MODE): Server is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new format
MySQL error code 1276 (ER_WARN_FIELD_RESOLVED): Field or reference '%-.192s%s%-.192s%s%-.192s' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%d
MySQL error code 1277 (ER_BAD_SLAVE_UNTIL_COND): Incorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTIL
MySQL error code 1278 (ER_MISSING_SKIP_SLAVE): It is recommended to use --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you will get problems if you get an unexpected slave's mysqld restart
MySQL error code 1279 (ER_UNTIL_COND_IGNORED): SQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignored
MySQL error code 1280 (ER_WRONG_NAME_FOR_INDEX): Incorrect index name '%-.100s'
MySQL error code 1281 (ER_WRONG_NAME_FOR_CATALOG): Incorrect catalog name '%-.100s'
MySQL error code 1282 (ER_WARN_QC_RESIZE): Query cache failed to set size %lu; new query cache size is %lu
MySQL error code 1283 (ER_BAD_FT_COLUMN): Column '%-.192s' cannot be part of FULLTEXT index
MySQL error code 1284 (ER_UNKNOWN_KEY_CACHE): Unknown key cache '%-.100s'
MySQL error code 1285 (ER_WARN_HOSTNAME_WONT_WORK): MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to work
MySQL error code 1286 (ER_UNKNOWN_STORAGE_ENGINE): Unknown storage engine '%s'
MySQL error code 1287 (ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX): '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use %s instead
MySQL error code 1288 (ER_NON_UPDATABLE_TABLE): The target table %-.100s of the %s is not updatable
MySQL error code 1289 (ER_FEATURE_DISABLED): The '%s' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with '%s' to have it working
MySQL error code 1290 (ER_OPTION_PREVENTS_STATEMENT): The MySQL server is running with the %s option so it cannot execute this statement
MySQL error code 1291 (ER_DUPLICATED_VALUE_IN_TYPE): Column '%-.100s' has duplicated value '%-.64s' in %s
MySQL error code 1292 (ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE): Truncated incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'
MySQL error code 1293 (ER_TOO_MUCH_AUTO_TIMESTAMP_COLS): Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clause
MySQL error code 1294 (ER_INVALID_ON_UPDATE): Invalid ON UPDATE clause for '%-.192s' column
MySQL error code 1295 (ER_UNSUPPORTED_PS): This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet
MySQL error code 1296 (ER_GET_ERRMSG): Got error %d '%-.100s' from %s
MySQL error code 1297 (ER_GET_TEMPORARY_ERRMSG): Got temporary error %d '%-.100s' from %s
MySQL error code 1298 (ER_UNKNOWN_TIME_ZONE): Unknown or incorrect time zone: '%-.64s'
MySQL error code 1299 (ER_WARN_INVALID_TIMESTAMP): Invalid TIMESTAMP value in column '%s' at row %ld
MySQL error code 1300 (ER_INVALID_CHARACTER_STRING): Invalid %s character string: '%.64s'
MySQL error code 1301 (ER_WARN_ALLOWED_PACKET_OVERFLOWED): Result of %s() was larger than max_allowed_packet (%ld) - truncated
MySQL error code 1302 (ER_CONFLICTING_DECLARATIONS): Conflicting declarations: '%s%s' and '%s%s'
MySQL error code 1303 (ER_SP_NO_RECURSIVE_CREATE): Can't create a %s from within another stored routine
MySQL error code 1304 (ER_SP_ALREADY_EXISTS): %s %s already exists
MySQL error code 1305 (ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST): %s %s does not exist
MySQL error code 1306 (ER_SP_DROP_FAILED): Failed to DROP %s %s
MySQL error code 1307 (ER_SP_STORE_FAILED): Failed to CREATE %s %s
MySQL error code 1308 (ER_SP_LILABEL_MISMATCH): %s with no matching label: %s
MySQL error code 1309 (ER_SP_LABEL_REDEFINE): Redefining label %s
MySQL error code 1310 (ER_SP_LABEL_MISMATCH): End-label %s without match
MySQL error code 1311 (ER_SP_UNINIT_VAR): Referring to uninitialized variable %s
MySQL error code 1312 (ER_SP_BADSELECT): PROCEDURE %s can't return a result set in the given context
MySQL error code 1313 (ER_SP_BADRETURN): RETURN is only allowed in a FUNCTION
MySQL error code 1314 (ER_SP_BADSTATEMENT): %s is not allowed in stored procedures
MySQL error code 1315 (ER_UPDATE_LOG_DEPRECATED_IGNORED): The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been ignored.
MySQL error code 1316 (ER_UPDATE_LOG_DEPRECATED_TRANSLATED): The update log is deprecated and replaced by the binary log; SET SQL_LOG_UPDATE has been translated to SET SQL_LOG_BIN.
MySQL error code 1317 (ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED): Query execution was interrupted
MySQL error code 1318 (ER_SP_WRONG_NO_OF_ARGS): Incorrect number of arguments for %s %s; expected %u, got %u
MySQL error code 1319 (ER_SP_COND_MISMATCH): Undefined CONDITION: %s
MySQL error code 1320 (ER_SP_NORETURN): No RETURN found in FUNCTION %s
MySQL error code 1321 (ER_SP_NORETURNEND): FUNCTION %s ended without RETURN
MySQL error code 1322 (ER_SP_BAD_CURSOR_QUERY): Cursor statement must be a SELECT
MySQL error code 1323 (ER_SP_BAD_CURSOR_SELECT): Cursor SELECT must not have INTO
MySQL error code 1324 (ER_SP_CURSOR_MISMATCH): Undefined CURSOR: %s
MySQL error code 1325 (ER_SP_CURSOR_ALREADY_OPEN): Cursor is already open
MySQL error code 1326 (ER_SP_CURSOR_NOT_OPEN): Cursor is not open
MySQL error code 1327 (ER_SP_UNDECLARED_VAR): Undeclared variable: %s
MySQL error code 1328 (ER_SP_WRONG_NO_OF_FETCH_ARGS): Incorrect number of FETCH variables
MySQL error code 1329 (ER_SP_FETCH_NO_DATA): No data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processed
MySQL error code 1330 (ER_SP_DUP_PARAM): Duplicate parameter: %s
MySQL error code 1331 (ER_SP_DUP_VAR): Duplicate variable: %s
MySQL error code 1332 (ER_SP_DUP_COND): Duplicate condition: %s
MySQL error code 1333 (ER_SP_DUP_CURS): Duplicate cursor: %s
MySQL error code 1334 (ER_SP_CANT_ALTER): Failed to ALTER %s %s
MySQL error code 1335 (ER_SP_SUBSELECT_NYI): Subquery value not supported
MySQL error code 1336 (ER_STMT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG): %s is not allowed in stored function or trigger
MySQL error code 1337 (ER_SP_VARCOND_AFTER_CURSHNDLR): Variable or condition declaration after cursor or handler declaration
MySQL error code 1338 (ER_SP_CURSOR_AFTER_HANDLER): Cursor declaration after handler declaration
MySQL error code 1339 (ER_SP_CASE_NOT_FOUND): Case not found for CASE statement
MySQL error code 1340 (ER_FPARSER_TOO_BIG_FILE): Configuration file '%-.192s' is too big
MySQL error code 1341 (ER_FPARSER_BAD_HEADER): Malformed file type header in file '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1342 (ER_FPARSER_EOF_IN_COMMENT): Unexpected end of file while parsing comment '%-.200s'
MySQL error code 1343 (ER_FPARSER_ERROR_IN_PARAMETER): Error while parsing parameter '%-.192s' (line: '%-.192s')
MySQL error code 1344 (ER_FPARSER_EOF_IN_UNKNOWN_PARAMETER): Unexpected end of file while skipping unknown parameter '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1345 (ER_VIEW_NO_EXPLAIN): EXPLAIN/SHOW can not be issued; lacking privileges for underlying table
MySQL error code 1346 (ER_FRM_UNKNOWN_TYPE): File '%-.192s' has unknown type '%-.64s' in its header
MySQL error code 1347 (ER_WRONG_OBJECT): '%-.192s.%-.192s' is not %s
MySQL error code 1348 (ER_NONUPDATEABLE_COLUMN): Column '%-.192s' is not updatable
MySQL error code 1349 (ER_VIEW_SELECT_DERIVED_UNUSED): View's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clause
MySQL error code 1350 (ER_VIEW_SELECT_CLAUSE): View's SELECT contains a '%s' clause
MySQL error code 1351 (ER_VIEW_SELECT_VARIABLE): View's SELECT contains a variable or parameter
MySQL error code 1352 (ER_VIEW_SELECT_TMPTABLE): View's SELECT refers to a temporary table '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1353 (ER_VIEW_WRONG_LIST): View's SELECT and view's field list have different column counts
MySQL error code 1354 (ER_WARN_VIEW_MERGE): View merge algorithm can't be used here for now (assumed undefined algorithm)
MySQL error code 1355 (ER_WARN_VIEW_WITHOUT_KEY): View being updated does not have complete key of underlying table in it
MySQL error code 1356 (ER_VIEW_INVALID): View '%-.192s.%-.192s' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them
MySQL error code 1357 (ER_SP_NO_DROP_SP): Can't drop or alter a %s from within another stored routine
MySQL error code 1358 (ER_SP_GOTO_IN_HNDLR): GOTO is not allowed in a stored procedure handler
MySQL error code 1359 (ER_TRG_ALREADY_EXISTS): Trigger already exists
MySQL error code 1360 (ER_TRG_DOES_NOT_EXIST): Trigger does not exist
MySQL error code 1361 (ER_TRG_ON_VIEW_OR_TEMP_TABLE): Trigger's '%-.192s' is view or temporary table
MySQL error code 1362 (ER_TRG_CANT_CHANGE_ROW): Updating of %s row is not allowed in %strigger
MySQL error code 1363 (ER_TRG_NO_SUCH_ROW_IN_TRG): There is no %s row in %s trigger
MySQL error code 1364 (ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_FIELD): Field '%-.192s' doesn't have a default value
MySQL error code 1365 (ER_DIVISION_BY_ZERO): Division by 0
MySQL error code 1366 (ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_FIELD): Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ld
MySQL error code 1367 (ER_ILLEGAL_VALUE_FOR_TYPE): Illegal %s '%-.192s' value found during parsing
MySQL error code 1368 (ER_VIEW_NONUPD_CHECK): CHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%-.192s.%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1369 (ER_VIEW_CHECK_FAILED): CHECK OPTION failed '%-.192s.%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1370 (ER_PROCACCESS_DENIED_ERROR): %-.16s command denied to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' for routine '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1371 (ER_RELAY_LOG_FAIL): Failed purging old relay logs: %s
MySQL error code 1372 (ER_PASSWD_LENGTH): Password hash should be a %d-digit hexadecimal number
MySQL error code 1373 (ER_UNKNOWN_TARGET_BINLOG): Target log not found in binlog index
MySQL error code 1374 (ER_IO_ERR_LOG_INDEX_READ): I/O error reading log index file
MySQL error code 1375 (ER_BINLOG_PURGE_PROHIBITED): Server configuration does not permit binlog purge
MySQL error code 1376 (ER_FSEEK_FAIL): Failed on fseek()
MySQL error code 1377 (ER_BINLOG_PURGE_FATAL_ERR): Fatal error during log purge
MySQL error code 1378 (ER_LOG_IN_USE): A purgeable log is in use, will not purge
MySQL error code 1379 (ER_LOG_PURGE_UNKNOWN_ERR): Unknown error during log purge
MySQL error code 1380 (ER_RELAY_LOG_INIT): Failed initializing relay log position: %s
MySQL error code 1381 (ER_NO_BINARY_LOGGING): You are not using binary logging
MySQL error code 1382 (ER_RESERVED_SYNTAX): The '%-.64s' syntax is reserved for purposes internal to the MySQL server
MySQL error code 1383 (ER_WSAS_FAILED): WSAStartup Failed
MySQL error code 1384 (ER_DIFF_GROUPS_PROC): Can't handle procedures with different groups yet
MySQL error code 1385 (ER_NO_GROUP_FOR_PROC): Select must have a group with this procedure
MySQL error code 1386 (ER_ORDER_WITH_PROC): Can't use ORDER clause with this procedure
MySQL error code 1387 (ER_LOGGING_PROHIBIT_CHANGING_OF): Binary logging and replication forbid changing the global server %s
MySQL error code 1388 (ER_NO_FILE_MAPPING): Can't map file: %-.200s, errno: %d
MySQL error code 1389 (ER_WRONG_MAGIC): Wrong magic in %-.64s
MySQL error code 1390 (ER_PS_MANY_PARAM): Prepared statement contains too many placeholders
MySQL error code 1391 (ER_KEY_PART_0): Key part '%-.192s' length cannot be 0
MySQL error code 1392 (ER_VIEW_CHECKSUM): View text checksum failed
MySQL error code 1393 (ER_VIEW_MULTIUPDATE): Can not modify more than one base table through a join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1394 (ER_VIEW_NO_INSERT_FIELD_LIST): Can not insert into join view '%-.192s.%-.192s' without fields list
MySQL error code 1395 (ER_VIEW_DELETE_MERGE_VIEW): Can not delete from join view '%-.192s.%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1396 (ER_CANNOT_USER): Operation %s failed for %.256s
MySQL error code 1397 (ER_XAER_NOTA): XAER_NOTA: Unknown XID
MySQL error code 1398 (ER_XAER_INVAL): XAER_INVAL: Invalid arguments (or unsupported command)
MySQL error code 1399 (ER_XAER_RMFAIL): XAER_RMFAIL: The command cannot be executed when global transaction is in the  %.64s state
MySQL error code 1400 (ER_XAER_OUTSIDE): XAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transaction
MySQL error code 1401 (ER_XAER_RMERR): XAER_RMERR: Fatal error occurred in the transaction branch - check your data for consistency
MySQL error code 1402 (ER_XA_RBROLLBACK): XA_RBROLLBACK: Transaction branch was rolled back
MySQL error code 1403 (ER_NONEXISTING_PROC_GRANT): There is no such grant defined for user '%-.48s' on host '%-.64s' on routine '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1404 (ER_PROC_AUTO_GRANT_FAIL): Failed to grant EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privileges
MySQL error code 1405 (ER_PROC_AUTO_REVOKE_FAIL): Failed to revoke all privileges to dropped routine
MySQL error code 1406 (ER_DATA_TOO_LONG): Data too long for column '%s' at row %ld
MySQL error code 1407 (ER_SP_BAD_SQLSTATE): Bad SQLSTATE: '%s'
MySQL error code 1408 (ER_STARTUP): %s: ready for connections.
MySQL error code 1409 (ER_LOAD_FROM_FIXED_SIZE_ROWS_TO_VAR): Can't load value from file with fixed size rows to variable
MySQL error code 1410 (ER_CANT_CREATE_USER_WITH_GRANT): You are not allowed to create a user with GRANT
MySQL error code 1411 (ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_TYPE): Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for function %-.32s
MySQL error code 1412 (ER_TABLE_DEF_CHANGED): Table definition has changed, please retry transaction
MySQL error code 1413 (ER_SP_DUP_HANDLER): Duplicate handler declared in the same block
MySQL error code 1414 (ER_SP_NOT_VAR_ARG): OUT or INOUT argument %d for routine %s is not a variable or NEW pseudo-variable in BEFORE trigger
MySQL error code 1415 (ER_SP_NO_RETSET): Not allowed to return a result set from a %s
MySQL error code 1416 (ER_CANT_CREATE_GEOMETRY_OBJECT): Cannot get geometry object from data you send to the GEOMETRY field
MySQL error code 1417 (ER_FAILED_ROUTINE_BREAK_BINLOG): A routine failed and has neither NO SQL nor READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled; if non-transactional tables were updated, the binary log will miss their changes
MySQL error code 1418 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_ROUTINE): This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)
MySQL error code 1419 (ER_BINLOG_CREATE_ROUTINE_NEED_SUPER): You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)
MySQL error code 1420 (ER_EXEC_STMT_WITH_OPEN_CURSOR): You can't execute a prepared statement which has an open cursor associated with it. Reset the statement to re-execute it.
MySQL error code 1421 (ER_STMT_HAS_NO_OPEN_CURSOR): The statement (%lu) has no open cursor.
MySQL error code 1422 (ER_COMMIT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG): Explicit or implicit commit is not allowed in stored function or trigger.
MySQL error code 1423 (ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_VIEW_FIELD): Field of view '%-.192s.%-.192s' underlying table doesn't have a default value
MySQL error code 1424 (ER_SP_NO_RECURSION): Recursive stored functions and triggers are not allowed.
MySQL error code 1425 (ER_TOO_BIG_SCALE): Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.
MySQL error code 1426 (ER_TOO_BIG_PRECISION): Too-big precision %d specified for '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu.
MySQL error code 1427 (ER_M_BIGGER_THAN_D): For float(M,D), double(M,D) or decimal(M,D), M must be >= D (column '%-.192s').
MySQL error code 1428 (ER_WRONG_LOCK_OF_SYSTEM_TABLE): You can't combine write-locking of system tables with other tables or lock types
MySQL error code 1429 (ER_CONNECT_TO_FOREIGN_DATA_SOURCE): Unable to connect to foreign data source: %.64s
MySQL error code 1430 (ER_QUERY_ON_FOREIGN_DATA_SOURCE): There was a problem processing the query on the foreign data source. Data source error: %-.64s
MySQL error code 1431 (ER_FOREIGN_DATA_SOURCE_DOESNT_EXIST): The foreign data source you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error:  %-.64s
MySQL error code 1432 (ER_FOREIGN_DATA_STRING_INVALID_CANT_CREATE): Can't create federated table. The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct format
MySQL error code 1433 (ER_FOREIGN_DATA_STRING_INVALID): The data source connection string '%-.64s' is not in the correct format
MySQL error code 1434 (ER_CANT_CREATE_FEDERATED_TABLE): Can't create federated table. Foreign data src error:  %-.64s
MySQL error code 1435 (ER_TRG_IN_WRONG_SCHEMA): Trigger in wrong schema
MySQL error code 1436 (ER_STACK_OVERRUN_NEED_MORE): Thread stack overrun:  %ld bytes used of a %ld byte stack, and %ld bytes needed.  Use 'mysqld --thread_stack=#' to specify a bigger stack.
MySQL error code 1437 (ER_TOO_LONG_BODY): Routine body for '%-.100s' is too long
MySQL error code 1438 (ER_WARN_CANT_DROP_DEFAULT_KEYCACHE): Cannot drop default keycache
MySQL error code 1439 (ER_TOO_BIG_DISPLAYWIDTH): Display width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)
MySQL error code 1440 (ER_XAER_DUPID): XAER_DUPID: The XID already exists
MySQL error code 1441 (ER_DATETIME_FUNCTION_OVERFLOW): Datetime function: %-.32s field overflow
MySQL error code 1442 (ER_CANT_UPDATE_USED_TABLE_IN_SF_OR_TRG): Can't update table '%-.192s' in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger.
MySQL error code 1443 (ER_VIEW_PREVENT_UPDATE): The definition of table '%-.192s' prevents operation %.192s on table '%-.192s'.
MySQL error code 1444 (ER_PS_NO_RECURSION): The prepared statement contains a stored routine call that refers to that same statement. It's not allowed to execute a prepared statement in such a recursive manner
MySQL error code 1445 (ER_SP_CANT_SET_AUTOCOMMIT): Not allowed to set autocommit from a stored function or trigger
MySQL error code 1446 (ER_MALFORMED_DEFINER): Definer is not fully qualified
MySQL error code 1447 (ER_VIEW_FRM_NO_USER): View '%-.192s'.'%-.192s' has no definer information (old table format). Current user is used as definer. Please recreate the view!
MySQL error code 1448 (ER_VIEW_OTHER_USER): You need the SUPER privilege for creation view with '%-.192s'@'%-.192s' definer
MySQL error code 1449 (ER_NO_SUCH_USER): The user specified as a definer ('%-.64s'@'%-.64s') does not exist
MySQL error code 1450 (ER_FORBID_SCHEMA_CHANGE): Changing schema from '%-.192s' to '%-.192s' is not allowed.
MySQL error code 1451 (ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED_2): Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)
MySQL error code 1452 (ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW_2): Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)
MySQL error code 1453 (ER_SP_BAD_VAR_SHADOW): Variable '%-.64s' must be quoted with `...`, or renamed
MySQL error code 1454 (ER_TRG_NO_DEFINER): No definer attribute for trigger '%-.192s'.'%-.192s'. The trigger will be activated under the authorization of the invoker, which may have insufficient privileges. Please recreate the trigger.
MySQL error code 1455 (ER_OLD_FILE_FORMAT): '%-.192s' has an old format, you should re-create the '%s' object(s)
MySQL error code 1456 (ER_SP_RECURSION_LIMIT): Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192s
MySQL error code 1457 (ER_SP_PROC_TABLE_CORRUPT): Failed to load routine %-.192s. The table mysql.proc is missing, corrupt, or contains bad data (internal code %d)
MySQL error code 1458 (ER_SP_WRONG_NAME): Incorrect routine name '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1459 (ER_TABLE_NEEDS_UPGRADE): Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `%-.64s`" or dump/reload to fix it!
MySQL error code 1460 (ER_SP_NO_AGGREGATE): AGGREGATE is not supported for stored functions
MySQL error code 1461 (ER_MAX_PREPARED_STMT_COUNT_REACHED): Can't create more than max_prepared_stmt_count statements (current value: %lu)
MySQL error code 1462 (ER_VIEW_RECURSIVE): `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` contains view recursion
MySQL error code 1463 (ER_NON_GROUPING_FIELD_USED): Non-grouping field '%-.192s' is used in %-.64s clause
MySQL error code 1464 (ER_TABLE_CANT_HANDLE_SPKEYS): The used table type doesn't support SPATIAL indexes
MySQL error code 1465 (ER_NO_TRIGGERS_ON_SYSTEM_SCHEMA): Triggers can not be created on system tables
MySQL error code 1466 (ER_REMOVED_SPACES): Leading spaces are removed from name '%s'
MySQL error code 1467 (ER_AUTOINC_READ_FAILED): Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engine
MySQL error code 1468 (ER_USERNAME): user name
MySQL error code 1469 (ER_HOSTNAME): host name
MySQL error code 1470 (ER_WRONG_STRING_LENGTH): String '%-.70s' is too long for %s (should be no longer than %d)
MySQL error code 1471 (ER_NON_INSERTABLE_TABLE): The target table %-.100s of the %s is not insertable-into
MySQL error code 1472 (ER_ADMIN_WRONG_MRG_TABLE): Table '%-.64s' is differently defined or of non-MyISAM type or doesn't exist
MySQL error code 1473 (ER_TOO_HIGH_LEVEL_OF_NESTING_FOR_SELECT): Too high level of nesting for select
MySQL error code 1474 (ER_NAME_BECOMES_EMPTY): Name '%-.64s' has become ''
MySQL error code 1475 (ER_AMBIGUOUS_FIELD_TERM): First character of the FIELDS TERMINATED string is ambiguous; please use non-optional and non-empty FIELDS ENCLOSED BY
MySQL error code 1476 (ER_FOREIGN_SERVER_EXISTS): The foreign server, %s, you are trying to create already exists.
MySQL error code 1477 (ER_FOREIGN_SERVER_DOESNT_EXIST): The foreign server name you are trying to reference does not exist. Data source error:  %-.64s
MySQL error code 1478 (ER_ILLEGAL_HA_CREATE_OPTION): Table storage engine '%-.64s' does not support the create option '%.64s'
MySQL error code 1479 (ER_PARTITION_REQUIRES_VALUES_ERROR): Syntax error: %-.64s PARTITIONING requires definition of VALUES %-.64s for each partition
MySQL error code 1480 (ER_PARTITION_WRONG_VALUES_ERROR): Only %-.64s PARTITIONING can use VALUES %-.64s in partition definition
MySQL error code 1481 (ER_PARTITION_MAXVALUE_ERROR): MAXVALUE can only be used in last partition definition
MySQL error code 1482 (ER_PARTITION_SUBPARTITION_ERROR): Subpartitions can only be hash partitions and by key
MySQL error code 1483 (ER_PARTITION_SUBPART_MIX_ERROR): Must define subpartitions on all partitions if on one partition
MySQL error code 1484 (ER_PARTITION_WRONG_NO_PART_ERROR): Wrong number of partitions defined, mismatch with previous setting
MySQL error code 1485 (ER_PARTITION_WRONG_NO_SUBPART_ERROR): Wrong number of subpartitions defined, mismatch with previous setting
MySQL error code 1486 (ER_WRONG_EXPR_IN_PARTITION_FUNC_ERROR): Constant, random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function are not allowed
MySQL error code 1487 (ER_NO_CONST_EXPR_IN_RANGE_OR_LIST_ERROR): Expression in RANGE/LIST VALUES must be constant
MySQL error code 1488 (ER_FIELD_NOT_FOUND_PART_ERROR): Field in list of fields for partition function not found in table
MySQL error code 1489 (ER_LIST_OF_FIELDS_ONLY_IN_HASH_ERROR): List of fields is only allowed in KEY partitions
MySQL error code 1490 (ER_INCONSISTENT_PARTITION_INFO_ERROR): The partition info in the frm file is not consistent with what can be written into the frm file
MySQL error code 1491 (ER_PARTITION_FUNC_NOT_ALLOWED_ERROR): The %-.192s function returns the wrong type
MySQL error code 1492 (ER_PARTITIONS_MUST_BE_DEFINED_ERROR): For %-.64s partitions each partition must be defined
MySQL error code 1493 (ER_RANGE_NOT_INCREASING_ERROR): VALUES LESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partition
MySQL error code 1494 (ER_INCONSISTENT_TYPE_OF_FUNCTIONS_ERROR): VALUES value must be of same type as partition function
MySQL error code 1495 (ER_MULTIPLE_DEF_CONST_IN_LIST_PART_ERROR): Multiple definition of same constant in list partitioning
MySQL error code 1496 (ER_PARTITION_ENTRY_ERROR): Partitioning can not be used stand-alone in query
MySQL error code 1497 (ER_MIX_HANDLER_ERROR): The mix of handlers in the partitions is not allowed in this version of MySQL
MySQL error code 1498 (ER_PARTITION_NOT_DEFINED_ERROR): For the partitioned engine it is necessary to define all %-.64s
MySQL error code 1499 (ER_TOO_MANY_PARTITIONS_ERROR): Too many partitions (including subpartitions) were defined
MySQL error code 1500 (ER_SUBPARTITION_ERROR): It is only possible to mix RANGE/LIST partitioning with HASH/KEY partitioning for subpartitioning
MySQL error code 1501 (ER_CANT_CREATE_HANDLER_FILE): Failed to create specific handler file
MySQL error code 1502 (ER_BLOB_FIELD_IN_PART_FUNC_ERROR): A BLOB field is not allowed in partition function
MySQL error code 1503 (ER_UNIQUE_KEY_NEED_ALL_FIELDS_IN_PF): A %-.192s must include all columns in the table's partitioning function
MySQL error code 1504 (ER_NO_PARTS_ERROR): Number of %-.64s = 0 is not an allowed value
MySQL error code 1505 (ER_PARTITION_MGMT_ON_NONPARTITIONED): Partition management on a not partitioned table is not possible
MySQL error code 1506 (ER_FOREIGN_KEY_ON_PARTITIONED): Foreign keys are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioning
MySQL error code 1507 (ER_DROP_PARTITION_NON_EXISTENT): Error in list of partitions to %-.64s
MySQL error code 1508 (ER_DROP_LAST_PARTITION): Cannot remove all partitions, use DROP TABLE instead
MySQL error code 1509 (ER_COALESCE_ONLY_ON_HASH_PARTITION): COALESCE PARTITION can only be used on HASH/KEY partitions
MySQL error code 1510 (ER_REORG_HASH_ONLY_ON_SAME_NO): REORGANIZE PARTITION can only be used to reorganize partitions not to change their numbers
MySQL error code 1511 (ER_REORG_NO_PARAM_ERROR): REORGANIZE PARTITION without parameters can only be used on auto-partitioned tables using HASH PARTITIONs
MySQL error code 1512 (ER_ONLY_ON_RANGE_LIST_PARTITION): %-.64s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LIST partitions
MySQL error code 1513 (ER_ADD_PARTITION_SUBPART_ERROR): Trying to Add partition(s) with wrong number of subpartitions
MySQL error code 1514 (ER_ADD_PARTITION_NO_NEW_PARTITION): At least one partition must be added
MySQL error code 1515 (ER_COALESCE_PARTITION_NO_PARTITION): At least one partition must be coalesced
MySQL error code 1516 (ER_REORG_PARTITION_NOT_EXIST): More partitions to reorganize than there are partitions
MySQL error code 1517 (ER_SAME_NAME_PARTITION): Duplicate partition name %-.192s
MySQL error code 1518 (ER_NO_BINLOG_ERROR): It is not allowed to shut off binlog on this command
MySQL error code 1519 (ER_CONSECUTIVE_REORG_PARTITIONS): When reorganizing a set of partitions they must be in consecutive order
MySQL error code 1520 (ER_REORG_OUTSIDE_RANGE): Reorganize of range partitions cannot change total ranges except for last partition where it can extend the range
MySQL error code 1521 (ER_PARTITION_FUNCTION_FAILURE): Partition function not supported in this version for this handler
MySQL error code 1522 (ER_PART_STATE_ERROR): Partition state cannot be defined from CREATE/ALTER TABLE
MySQL error code 1523 (ER_LIMITED_PART_RANGE): The %-.64s handler only supports 32 bit integers in VALUES
MySQL error code 1524 (ER_PLUGIN_IS_NOT_LOADED): Plugin '%-.192s' is not loaded
MySQL error code 1525 (ER_WRONG_VALUE): Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s'
MySQL error code 1526 (ER_NO_PARTITION_FOR_GIVEN_VALUE): Table has no partition for value %-.64s
MySQL error code 1527 (ER_FILEGROUP_OPTION_ONLY_ONCE): It is not allowed to specify %s more than once
MySQL error code 1528 (ER_CREATE_FILEGROUP_FAILED): Failed to create %s
MySQL error code 1529 (ER_DROP_FILEGROUP_FAILED): Failed to drop %s
MySQL error code 1530 (ER_TABLESPACE_AUTO_EXTEND_ERROR): The handler doesn't support autoextend of tablespaces
MySQL error code 1531 (ER_WRONG_SIZE_NUMBER): A size parameter was incorrectly specified, either number or on the form 10M
MySQL error code 1532 (ER_SIZE_OVERFLOW_ERROR): The size number was correct but we don't allow the digit part to be more than 2 billion
MySQL error code 1533 (ER_ALTER_FILEGROUP_FAILED): Failed to alter: %s
MySQL error code 1534 (ER_BINLOG_ROW_LOGGING_FAILED): Writing one row to the row-based binary log failed
MySQL error code 1535 (ER_BINLOG_ROW_WRONG_TABLE_DEF): Table definition on master and slave does not match: %s
MySQL error code 1536 (ER_BINLOG_ROW_RBR_TO_SBR): Slave running with --log-slave-updates must use row-based binary logging to be able to replicate row-based binary log events
MySQL error code 1537 (ER_EVENT_ALREADY_EXISTS): Event '%-.192s' already exists
MySQL error code 1538 (ER_EVENT_STORE_FAILED): Failed to store event %s. Error code %d from storage engine.
MySQL error code 1539 (ER_EVENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST): Unknown event '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1540 (ER_EVENT_CANT_ALTER): Failed to alter event '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1541 (ER_EVENT_DROP_FAILED): Failed to drop %s
MySQL error code 1542 (ER_EVENT_INTERVAL_NOT_POSITIVE_OR_TOO_BIG): INTERVAL is either not positive or too big
MySQL error code 1543 (ER_EVENT_ENDS_BEFORE_STARTS): ENDS is either invalid or before STARTS
MySQL error code 1544 (ER_EVENT_EXEC_TIME_IN_THE_PAST): Event execution time is in the past. Event has been disabled
MySQL error code 1545 (ER_EVENT_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED): Failed to open mysql.event
MySQL error code 1546 (ER_EVENT_NEITHER_M_EXPR_NOR_M_AT): No datetime expression provided
MySQL error code 1547 (ER_OBSOLETE_COL_COUNT_DOESNT_MATCH_CORRUPTED): Column count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corrupted
MySQL error code 1548 (ER_OBSOLETE_CANNOT_LOAD_FROM_TABLE): Cannot load from mysql.%s. The table is probably corrupted
MySQL error code 1549 (ER_EVENT_CANNOT_DELETE): Failed to delete the event from mysql.event
MySQL error code 1550 (ER_EVENT_COMPILE_ERROR): Error during compilation of event's body
MySQL error code 1551 (ER_EVENT_SAME_NAME): Same old and new event name
MySQL error code 1552 (ER_EVENT_DATA_TOO_LONG): Data for column '%s' too long
MySQL error code 1553 (ER_DROP_INDEX_FK): Cannot drop index '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint
MySQL error code 1554 (ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX_WITH_VER): The syntax '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL %s. Please use %s instead
MySQL error code 1555 (ER_CANT_WRITE_LOCK_LOG_TABLE): You can't write-lock a log table. Only read access is possible
MySQL error code 1556 (ER_CANT_LOCK_LOG_TABLE): You can't use locks with log tables.
MySQL error code 1557 (ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_OLD_UNUSED): Upholding foreign key constraints for table '%.192s', entry '%-.192s', key %d would lead to a duplicate entry
MySQL error code 1558 (ER_COL_COUNT_DOESNT_MATCH_PLEASE_UPDATE): Column count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.
MySQL error code 1559 (ER_TEMP_TABLE_PREVENTS_SWITCH_OUT_OF_RBR): Cannot switch out of the row-based binary log format when the session has open temporary tables
MySQL error code 1560 (ER_STORED_FUNCTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_FORMAT): Cannot change the binary logging format inside a stored function or trigger
MySQL error code 1561 (ER_NDB_CANT_SWITCH_BINLOG_FORMAT): The NDB cluster engine does not support changing the binlog format on the fly yet
MySQL error code 1562 (ER_PARTITION_NO_TEMPORARY): Cannot create temporary table with partitions
MySQL error code 1563 (ER_PARTITION_CONST_DOMAIN_ERROR): Partition constant is out of partition function domain
MySQL error code 1564 (ER_PARTITION_FUNCTION_IS_NOT_ALLOWED): This partition function is not allowed
MySQL error code 1565 (ER_DDL_LOG_ERROR): Error in DDL log
MySQL error code 1566 (ER_NULL_IN_VALUES_LESS_THAN): Not allowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THAN
MySQL error code 1567 (ER_WRONG_PARTITION_NAME): Incorrect partition name
MySQL error code 1568 (ER_CANT_CHANGE_TX_CHARACTERISTICS): Transaction characteristics can't be changed while a transaction is in progress
MySQL error code 1569 (ER_DUP_ENTRY_AUTOINCREMENT_CASE): ALTER TABLE causes auto_increment resequencing, resulting in duplicate entry '%-.192s' for key '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1570 (ER_EVENT_MODIFY_QUEUE_ERROR): Internal scheduler error %d
MySQL error code 1571 (ER_EVENT_SET_VAR_ERROR): Error during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %u
MySQL error code 1572 (ER_PARTITION_MERGE_ERROR): Engine cannot be used in partitioned tables
MySQL error code 1573 (ER_CANT_ACTIVATE_LOG): Cannot activate '%-.64s' log
MySQL error code 1574 (ER_RBR_NOT_AVAILABLE): The server was not built with row-based replication
MySQL error code 1575 (ER_BASE64_DECODE_ERROR): Decoding of base64 string failed
MySQL error code 1576 (ER_EVENT_RECURSION_FORBIDDEN): Recursion of EVENT DDL statements is forbidden when body is present
MySQL error code 1577 (ER_EVENTS_DB_ERROR): Cannot proceed because system tables used by Event Scheduler were found damaged at server start
MySQL error code 1578 (ER_ONLY_INTEGERS_ALLOWED): Only integers allowed as number here
MySQL error code 1579 (ER_UNSUPORTED_LOG_ENGINE): This storage engine cannot be used for log tables"
MySQL error code 1580 (ER_BAD_LOG_STATEMENT): You cannot '%s' a log table if logging is enabled
MySQL error code 1581 (ER_CANT_RENAME_LOG_TABLE): Cannot rename '%s'. When logging enabled, rename to/from log table must rename two tables: the log table to an archive table and another table back to '%s'
MySQL error code 1582 (ER_WRONG_PARAMCOUNT_TO_NATIVE_FCT): Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1583 (ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_NATIVE_FCT): Incorrect parameters in the call to native function '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1584 (ER_WRONG_PARAMETERS_TO_STORED_FCT): Incorrect parameters in the call to stored function %-.192s
MySQL error code 1585 (ER_NATIVE_FCT_NAME_COLLISION): This function '%-.192s' has the same name as a native function
MySQL error code 1586 (ER_DUP_ENTRY_WITH_KEY_NAME): Duplicate entry '%-.64s' for key '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1587 (ER_BINLOG_PURGE_EMFILE): Too many files opened, please execute the command again
MySQL error code 1588 (ER_EVENT_CANNOT_CREATE_IN_THE_PAST): Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was dropped immediately after creation.
MySQL error code 1589 (ER_EVENT_CANNOT_ALTER_IN_THE_PAST): Event execution time is in the past and ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE is set. The event was not changed. Specify a time in the future.
MySQL error code 1590 (ER_SLAVE_INCIDENT): The incident %s occured on the master. Message: %s
MySQL error code 1591 (ER_NO_PARTITION_FOR_GIVEN_VALUE_SILENT): Table has no partition for some existing values
MySQL error code 1592 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_STATEMENT): Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. %s
MySQL error code 1593 (ER_SLAVE_FATAL_ERROR): Fatal error: %s
MySQL error code 1594 (ER_SLAVE_RELAY_LOG_READ_FAILURE): Relay log read failure: %s
MySQL error code 1595 (ER_SLAVE_RELAY_LOG_WRITE_FAILURE): Relay log write failure: %s
MySQL error code 1596 (ER_SLAVE_CREATE_EVENT_FAILURE): Failed to create %s
MySQL error code 1597 (ER_SLAVE_MASTER_COM_FAILURE): Master command %s failed: %s
MySQL error code 1598 (ER_BINLOG_LOGGING_IMPOSSIBLE): Binary logging not possible. Message: %s
MySQL error code 1599 (ER_VIEW_NO_CREATION_CTX): View `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` has no creation context
MySQL error code 1600 (ER_VIEW_INVALID_CREATION_CTX): Creation context of view `%-.64s`.`%-.64s' is invalid
MySQL error code 1601 (ER_SR_INVALID_CREATION_CTX): Creation context of stored routine `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalid
MySQL error code 1602 (ER_TRG_CORRUPTED_FILE): Corrupted TRG file for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`
MySQL error code 1603 (ER_TRG_NO_CREATION_CTX): Triggers for table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` have no creation context
MySQL error code 1604 (ER_TRG_INVALID_CREATION_CTX): Trigger creation context of table `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalid
MySQL error code 1605 (ER_EVENT_INVALID_CREATION_CTX): Creation context of event `%-.64s`.`%-.64s` is invalid
MySQL error code 1606 (ER_TRG_CANT_OPEN_TABLE): Cannot open table for trigger `%-.64s`.`%-.64s`
MySQL error code 1607 (ER_CANT_CREATE_SROUTINE): Cannot create stored routine `%-.64s`. Check warnings
MySQL error code 1608 (ER_NEVER_USED): Ambiguous slave modes combination. %s
MySQL error code 1609 (ER_NO_FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT_BEFORE_BINLOG_STATEMENT): The BINLOG statement of type `%s` was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.
MySQL error code 1610 (ER_SLAVE_CORRUPT_EVENT): Corrupted replication event was detected
MySQL error code 1611 (ER_LOAD_DATA_INVALID_COLUMN_UNUSED): Invalid column reference (%-.64s) in LOAD DATA
MySQL error code 1612 (ER_LOG_PURGE_NO_FILE): Being purged log %s was not found
MySQL error code 1613 (ER_XA_RBTIMEOUT): XA_RBTIMEOUT: Transaction branch was rolled back: took too long
MySQL error code 1614 (ER_XA_RBDEADLOCK): XA_RBDEADLOCK: Transaction branch was rolled back: deadlock was detected
MySQL error code 1615 (ER_NEED_REPREPARE): Prepared statement needs to be re-prepared
MySQL error code 1616 (ER_DELAYED_NOT_SUPPORTED): DELAYED option not supported for table '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1617 (WARN_NO_MASTER_INFO): The master info structure does not exist
MySQL error code 1618 (WARN_OPTION_IGNORED): <%-.64s> option ignored
MySQL error code 1619 (ER_PLUGIN_DELETE_BUILTIN): Built-in plugins cannot be deleted
MySQL error code 1620 (WARN_PLUGIN_BUSY): Plugin is busy and will be uninstalled on shutdown
MySQL error code 1621 (ER_VARIABLE_IS_READONLY): %s variable '%s' is read-only. Use SET %s to assign the value
MySQL error code 1622 (ER_WARN_ENGINE_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK): Storage engine %s does not support rollback for this statement. Transaction rolled back and must be restarted
MySQL error code 1623 (ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_FAILURE): Unexpected master's heartbeat data: %s
MySQL error code 1624 (ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE): The requested value for the heartbeat period is either negative or exceeds the maximum allowed (%s seconds).
MySQL error code 1625 (ER_NDB_REPLICATION_SCHEMA_ERROR): Bad schema for mysql.ndb_replication table. Message: %-.64s
MySQL error code 1626 (ER_CONFLICT_FN_PARSE_ERROR): Error in parsing conflict function. Message: %-.64s
MySQL error code 1627 (ER_EXCEPTIONS_WRITE_ERROR): Write to exceptions table failed. Message: %-.128s"
MySQL error code 1628 (ER_TOO_LONG_TABLE_COMMENT): Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)
MySQL error code 1629 (ER_TOO_LONG_FIELD_COMMENT): Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)
MySQL error code 1630 (ER_FUNC_INEXISTENT_NAME_COLLISION): FUNCTION %s does not exist. Check the 'Function Name Parsing and Resolution' section in the Reference Manual
MySQL error code 1631 (ER_DATABASE_NAME): Database
MySQL error code 1632 (ER_TABLE_NAME): Table
MySQL error code 1633 (ER_PARTITION_NAME): Partition
MySQL error code 1634 (ER_SUBPARTITION_NAME): Subpartition
MySQL error code 1635 (ER_TEMPORARY_NAME): Temporary
MySQL error code 1636 (ER_RENAMED_NAME): Renamed
MySQL error code 1637 (ER_TOO_MANY_CONCURRENT_TRXS): Too many active concurrent transactions
MySQL error code 1638 (WARN_NON_ASCII_SEPARATOR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED): Non-ASCII separator arguments are not fully supported
MySQL error code 1639 (ER_DEBUG_SYNC_TIMEOUT): debug sync point wait timed out
MySQL error code 1640 (ER_DEBUG_SYNC_HIT_LIMIT): debug sync point hit limit reached
MySQL error code 1641 (ER_DUP_SIGNAL_SET): Duplicate condition information item '%s'
MySQL error code 1642 (ER_SIGNAL_WARN): Unhandled user-defined warning condition
MySQL error code 1643 (ER_SIGNAL_NOT_FOUND): Unhandled user-defined not found condition
MySQL error code 1644 (ER_SIGNAL_EXCEPTION): Unhandled user-defined exception condition
MySQL error code 1645 (ER_RESIGNAL_WITHOUT_ACTIVE_HANDLER): RESIGNAL when handler not active
MySQL error code 1647 (WARN_COND_ITEM_TRUNCATED): Data truncated for condition item '%s'
MySQL error code 1648 (ER_COND_ITEM_TOO_LONG): Data too long for condition item '%s'
MySQL error code 1649 (ER_UNKNOWN_LOCALE): Unknown locale: '%-.64s'
MySQL error code 1650 (ER_SLAVE_IGNORE_SERVER_IDS): The requested server id %d clashes with the slave startup option --replicate-same-server-id
MySQL error code 1651 (ER_QUERY_CACHE_DISABLED): Query cache is disabled; restart the server with query_cache_type=1 to enable it
MySQL error code 1652 (ER_SAME_NAME_PARTITION_FIELD): Duplicate partition field name '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1653 (ER_PARTITION_COLUMN_LIST_ERROR): Inconsistency in usage of column lists for partitioning
MySQL error code 1654 (ER_WRONG_TYPE_COLUMN_VALUE_ERROR): Partition column values of incorrect type
MySQL error code 1655 (ER_TOO_MANY_PARTITION_FUNC_FIELDS_ERROR): Too many fields in '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1656 (ER_MAXVALUE_IN_VALUES_IN): Cannot use MAXVALUE as value in VALUES IN
MySQL error code 1657 (ER_TOO_MANY_VALUES_ERROR): Cannot have more than one value for this type of %-.64s partitioning
MySQL error code 1658 (ER_ROW_SINGLE_PARTITION_FIELD_ERROR): Row expressions in VALUES IN only allowed for multi-field column partitioning
MySQL error code 1659 (ER_FIELD_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED_AS_PARTITION_FIELD): Field '%-.192s' is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioning
MySQL error code 1660 (ER_PARTITION_FIELDS_TOO_LONG): The total length of the partitioning fields is too large
MySQL error code 1661 (ER_BINLOG_ROW_ENGINE_AND_STMT_ENGINE): Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since both row-incapable engines and statement-incapable engines are involved.
MySQL error code 1662 (ER_BINLOG_ROW_MODE_AND_STMT_ENGINE): Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = ROW and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.
MySQL error code 1663 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_AND_STMT_ENGINE): Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is unsafe, storage engine is limited to statement-based logging, and BINLOG_FORMAT = MIXED. %s
MySQL error code 1664 (ER_BINLOG_ROW_INJECTION_AND_STMT_ENGINE): Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to statement-based logging.
MySQL error code 1665 (ER_BINLOG_STMT_MODE_AND_ROW_ENGINE): Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT and at least one table uses a storage engine limited to row-based logging.%s
MySQL error code 1666 (ER_BINLOG_ROW_INJECTION_AND_STMT_MODE): Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since statement is in row format and BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT.
MySQL error code 1667 (ER_BINLOG_MULTIPLE_ENGINES_AND_SELF_LOGGING_ENGINE): Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since more than one engine is involved and at least one engine is self-logging.
MySQL error code 1668 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_LIMIT): The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted.
MySQL error code 1669 (ER_UNUSED4): The statement is unsafe because it uses INSERT DELAYED. This is unsafe because the times when rows are inserted cannot be predicted.
MySQL error code 1670 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_SYSTEM_TABLE): The statement is unsafe because it uses the general log, slow query log, or performance_schema table(s). This is unsafe because system tables may differ on slaves.
MySQL error code 1671 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_AUTOINC_COLUMNS): Statement is unsafe because it invokes a trigger or a stored function that inserts into an AUTO_INCREMENT column. Inserted values cannot be logged correctly.
MySQL error code 1672 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_UDF): Statement is unsafe because it uses a UDF which may not return the same value on the slave.
MySQL error code 1673 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_SYSTEM_VARIABLE): Statement is unsafe because it uses a system variable that may have a different value on the slave.
MySQL error code 1674 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_SYSTEM_FUNCTION): Statement is unsafe because it uses a system function that may return a different value on the slave.
MySQL error code 1675 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_NONTRANS_AFTER_TRANS): Statement is unsafe because it accesses a non-transactional table after accessing a transactional table within the same transaction.
MySQL error code 1676 (ER_MESSAGE_AND_STATEMENT): %s Statement: %s
MySQL error code 1677 (ER_SLAVE_CONVERSION_FAILED): Column %d of table '%-.192s.%-.192s' cannot be converted from type '%-.32s' to type '%-.32s'
MySQL error code 1678 (ER_SLAVE_CANT_CREATE_CONVERSION): Can't create conversion table for table '%-.192s.%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1679 (ER_INSIDE_TRANSACTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_FORMAT): Cannot modify @@session.binlog_format inside a transaction
MySQL error code 1680 (ER_PATH_LENGTH): The path specified for %.64s is too long.
MySQL error code 1681 (ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX_NO_REPLACEMENT): '%s' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
MySQL error code 1682 (ER_WRONG_NATIVE_TABLE_STRUCTURE): Native table '%-.64s'.'%-.64s' has the wrong structure
MySQL error code 1683 (ER_WRONG_PERFSCHEMA_USAGE): Invalid performance_schema usage.
MySQL error code 1684 (ER_WARN_I_S_SKIPPED_TABLE): Table '%s'.'%s' was skipped since its definition is being modified by concurrent DDL statement
MySQL error code 1685 (ER_INSIDE_TRANSACTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_DIRECT): Cannot modify @@session.binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates inside a transaction
MySQL error code 1686 (ER_STORED_FUNCTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_BINLOG_DIRECT): Cannot change the binlog direct flag inside a stored function or trigger
MySQL error code 1687 (ER_SPATIAL_MUST_HAVE_GEOM_COL): A SPATIAL index may only contain a geometrical type column
MySQL error code 1688 (ER_TOO_LONG_INDEX_COMMENT): Comment for index '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)
MySQL error code 1689 (ER_LOCK_ABORTED): Wait on a lock was aborted due to a pending exclusive lock
MySQL error code 1690 (ER_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE): %s value is out of range in '%s'
MySQL error code 1691 (ER_WRONG_SPVAR_TYPE_IN_LIMIT): A variable of a non-integer based type in LIMIT clause
MySQL error code 1692 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_MULTIPLE_ENGINES_AND_SELF_LOGGING_ENGINE): Mixing self-logging and non-self-logging engines in a statement is unsafe.
MySQL error code 1693 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_MIXED_STATEMENT): Statement accesses nontransactional table as well as transactional or temporary table, and writes to any of them.
MySQL error code 1694 (ER_INSIDE_TRANSACTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_SQL_LOG_BIN): Cannot modify @@session.sql_log_bin inside a transaction
MySQL error code 1695 (ER_STORED_FUNCTION_PREVENTS_SWITCH_SQL_LOG_BIN): Cannot change the sql_log_bin inside a stored function or trigger
MySQL error code 1696 (ER_FAILED_READ_FROM_PAR_FILE): Failed to read from the .par file
MySQL error code 1697 (ER_VALUES_IS_NOT_INT_TYPE_ERROR): VALUES value for partition '%-.64s' must have type INT
MySQL error code 1698 (ER_ACCESS_DENIED_NO_PASSWORD_ERROR): Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'
MySQL error code 1699 (ER_SET_PASSWORD_AUTH_PLUGIN): SET PASSWORD has no significance for users authenticating via plugins
MySQL error code 1700 (ER_GRANT_PLUGIN_USER_EXISTS): GRANT with IDENTIFIED WITH is illegal because the user %-.*s already exists
MySQL error code 1701 (ER_TRUNCATE_ILLEGAL_FK): Cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint (%.192s)
MySQL error code 1702 (ER_PLUGIN_IS_PERMANENT): Plugin '%s' is force_plus_permanent and can not be unloaded
MySQL error code 1703 (ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE_MIN): The requested value for the heartbeat period is less than 1 millisecond. The value is reset to 0, meaning that heartbeating will effectively be disabled.
MySQL error code 1704 (ER_SLAVE_HEARTBEAT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE_MAX): The requested value for the heartbeat period exceeds the value of `slave_net_timeout' seconds. A sensible value for the period should be less than the timeout.
MySQL error code 1705 (ER_STMT_CACHE_FULL): Multi-row statements required more than 'max_binlog_stmt_cache_size' bytes of storage; increase this mysqld variable and try again
MySQL error code 1706 (ER_MULTI_UPDATE_KEY_CONFLICT): Primary key/partition key update is not allowed since the table is updated both as '%-.192s' and '%-.192s'.
MySQL error code 1707 (ER_TABLE_NEEDS_REBUILD): Table rebuild required. Please do "ALTER TABLE `%-.64s` FORCE" or dump/reload to fix it!
MySQL error code 1708 (WARN_OPTION_BELOW_LIMIT): The value of '%s' should be no less than the value of '%s'
MySQL error code 1709 (ER_INDEX_COLUMN_TOO_LONG): Index column size too large. The maximum column size is %lu bytes.
MySQL error code 1710 (ER_ERROR_IN_TRIGGER_BODY): Trigger '%-.64s' has an error in its body: '%-.256s'
MySQL error code 1711 (ER_ERROR_IN_UNKNOWN_TRIGGER_BODY): Unknown trigger has an error in its body: '%-.256s'
MySQL error code 1712 (ER_INDEX_CORRUPT): Index %s is corrupted
MySQL error code 1713 (ER_UNDO_RECORD_TOO_BIG): Undo log record is too big.
MySQL error code 1714 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_INSERT_IGNORE_SELECT): INSERT IGNORE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.
MySQL error code 1715 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_INSERT_SELECT_UPDATE): INSERT... SELECT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are updated. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.
MySQL error code 1716 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_REPLACE_SELECT): REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.
MySQL error code 1717 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_CREATE_IGNORE_SELECT): CREATE... IGNORE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.
MySQL error code 1718 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_CREATE_REPLACE_SELECT): CREATE... REPLACE SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.
MySQL error code 1719 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_UPDATE_IGNORE): UPDATE IGNORE is unsafe because the order in which rows are updated determines which (if any) rows are ignored. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.
MySQL error code 1720 (ER_PLUGIN_NO_UNINSTALL): Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically uninstallable. You have to stop the server to uninstall it.
MySQL error code 1721 (ER_PLUGIN_NO_INSTALL): Plugin '%s' is marked as not dynamically installable. You have to stop the server to install it.
MySQL error code 1722 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_WRITE_AUTOINC_SELECT): Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.
MySQL error code 1723 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_CREATE_SELECT_AUTOINC): CREATE TABLE... SELECT...  on a table with an auto-increment column is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are inserted. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.
MySQL error code 1724 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_INSERT_TWO_KEYS): INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE  on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafe
MySQL error code 1725 (ER_TABLE_IN_FK_CHECK): Table is being used in foreign key check.
MySQL error code 1726 (ER_UNSUPPORTED_ENGINE): Storage engine '%s' does not support system tables. [%s.%s]
MySQL error code 1727 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_AUTOINC_NOT_FIRST): INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe.
MySQL error code 1728 (ER_CANNOT_LOAD_FROM_TABLE_V2): Cannot load from %s.%s. The table is probably corrupted
MySQL error code 1729 (ER_MASTER_DELAY_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE): The requested value %s for the master delay exceeds the maximum %u
MySQL error code 1730 (ER_ONLY_FD_AND_RBR_EVENTS_ALLOWED_IN_BINLOG_STATEMENT): Only Format_description_log_event and row events are allowed in BINLOG statements (but %s was provided)
MySQL error code 1731 (ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_DIFFERENT_OPTION): Non matching attribute '%-.64s' between partition and table
MySQL error code 1732 (ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_PART_TABLE): Table to exchange with partition is partitioned: '%-.64s'
MySQL error code 1733 (ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_TEMP_TABLE): Table to exchange with partition is temporary: '%-.64s'
MySQL error code 1734 (ER_PARTITION_INSTEAD_OF_SUBPARTITION): Subpartitioned table, use subpartition instead of partition
MySQL error code 1735 (ER_UNKNOWN_PARTITION): Unknown partition '%-.64s' in table '%-.64s'
MySQL error code 1736 (ER_TABLES_DIFFERENT_METADATA): Tables have different definitions
MySQL error code 1737 (ER_ROW_DOES_NOT_MATCH_PARTITION): Found a row that does not match the partition
MySQL error code 1738 (ER_BINLOG_CACHE_SIZE_GREATER_THAN_MAX): Option binlog_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_cache_size equal to max_binlog_cache_size.
MySQL error code 1739 (ER_WARN_INDEX_NOT_APPLICABLE): Cannot use %-.64s access on index '%-.64s' due to type or collation conversion on field '%-.64s'
MySQL error code 1740 (ER_PARTITION_EXCHANGE_FOREIGN_KEY): Table to exchange with partition has foreign key references: '%-.64s'
MySQL error code 1741 (ER_NO_SUCH_KEY_VALUE): Key value '%-.192s' was not found in table '%-.192s.%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1742 (ER_RPL_INFO_DATA_TOO_LONG): Data for column '%s' too long
MySQL error code 1743 (ER_NETWORK_READ_EVENT_CHECKSUM_FAILURE): Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from network.
MySQL error code 1744 (ER_BINLOG_READ_EVENT_CHECKSUM_FAILURE): Replication event checksum verification failed while reading from a log file.
MySQL error code 1745 (ER_BINLOG_STMT_CACHE_SIZE_GREATER_THAN_MAX): Option binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu) is greater than max_binlog_stmt_cache_size (%lu); setting binlog_stmt_cache_size equal to max_binlog_stmt_cache_size.
MySQL error code 1746 (ER_CANT_UPDATE_TABLE_IN_CREATE_TABLE_SELECT): Can't update table '%-.192s' while '%-.192s' is being created.
MySQL error code 1747 (ER_PARTITION_CLAUSE_ON_NONPARTITIONED): PARTITION () clause on non partitioned table
MySQL error code 1748 (ER_ROW_DOES_NOT_MATCH_GIVEN_PARTITION_SET): Found a row not matching the given partition set
MySQL error code 1749 (ER_NO_SUCH_PARTITION__UNUSED): partition '%-.64s' doesn't exist
MySQL error code 1750 (ER_CHANGE_RPL_INFO_REPOSITORY_FAILURE): Failure while changing the type of replication repository: %s.
MySQL error code 1751 (ER_WARNING_NOT_COMPLETE_ROLLBACK_WITH_CREATED_TEMP_TABLE): The creation of some temporary tables could not be rolled back.
MySQL error code 1752 (ER_WARNING_NOT_COMPLETE_ROLLBACK_WITH_DROPPED_TEMP_TABLE): Some temporary tables were dropped, but these operations could not be rolled back.
MySQL error code 1753 (ER_MTS_FEATURE_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED): %s is not supported in multi-threaded slave mode. %s
MySQL error code 1754 (ER_MTS_UPDATED_DBS_GREATER_MAX): The number of modified databases exceeds the maximum %d; the database names will not be included in the replication event metadata.
MySQL error code 1755 (ER_MTS_CANT_PARALLEL): Cannot execute the current event group in the parallel mode. Encountered event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s which prevents execution of this event group in parallel mode. Reason: %s.
MySQL error code 1756 (ER_MTS_INCONSISTENT_DATA): %s
MySQL error code 1757 (ER_FULLTEXT_NOT_SUPPORTED_WITH_PARTITIONING): FULLTEXT index is not supported for partitioned tables.
MySQL error code 1758 (ER_DA_INVALID_CONDITION_NUMBER): Invalid condition number
MySQL error code 1759 (ER_INSECURE_PLAIN_TEXT): Sending passwords in plain text without SSL/TLS is extremely insecure.
MySQL error code 1760 (ER_INSECURE_CHANGE_MASTER): Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.
MySQL error code 1761 (ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_WITH_CHILD_INFO): Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in table '%.192s', key '%.192s'
MySQL error code 1762 (ER_FOREIGN_DUPLICATE_KEY_WITHOUT_CHILD_INFO): Foreign key constraint for table '%.192s', record '%-.192s' would lead to a duplicate entry in a child table
MySQL error code 1763 (ER_SQLTHREAD_WITH_SECURE_SLAVE): Setting authentication options is not possible when only the Slave SQL Thread is being started.
MySQL error code 1764 (ER_TABLE_HAS_NO_FT): The table does not have FULLTEXT index to support this query
MySQL error code 1765 (ER_VARIABLE_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_SF_OR_TRIGGER): The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored functions or triggers.
MySQL error code 1766 (ER_VARIABLE_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_TRANSACTION): The system variable %.200s cannot be set when there is an ongoing transaction.
MySQL error code 1767 (ER_GTID_NEXT_IS_NOT_IN_GTID_NEXT_LIST): The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT has the value %.200s, which is not listed in @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT_LIST.
MySQL error code 1768 (ER_CANT_CHANGE_GTID_NEXT_IN_TRANSACTION): The system variable @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot change inside a transaction.
MySQL error code 1769 (ER_SET_STATEMENT_CANNOT_INVOKE_FUNCTION): The statement 'SET %.200s' cannot invoke a stored function.
MySQL error code 1771 (ER_SKIPPING_LOGGED_TRANSACTION): Skipping transaction %.200s because it has already been executed and logged.
MySQL error code 1772 (ER_MALFORMED_GTID_SET_SPECIFICATION): Malformed GTID set specification '%.200s'.
MySQL error code 1773 (ER_MALFORMED_GTID_SET_ENCODING): Malformed GTID set encoding.
MySQL error code 1774 (ER_MALFORMED_GTID_SPECIFICATION): Malformed GTID specification '%.200s'.
MySQL error code 1775 (ER_GNO_EXHAUSTED): Impossible to generate Global Transaction Identifier: the integer component reached the maximal value. Restart the server with a new server_uuid.
MySQL error code 1778 (ER_CANT_DO_IMPLICIT_COMMIT_IN_TRX_WHEN_GTID_NEXT_IS_SET): Cannot execute statements with implicit commit inside a transaction when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.
MySQL error code 1780 (ER_GTID_MODE_REQUIRES_BINLOG): @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON or ON_PERMISSIVE or OFF_PERMISSIVE requires --log-bin and --log-slave-updates.
MySQL error code 1784 (ER_FOUND_GTID_EVENT_WHEN_GTID_MODE_IS_OFF__UNUSED): Found a Gtid_log_event when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.
MySQL error code 1785 (ER_GTID_UNSAFE_NON_TRANSACTIONAL_TABLE): Statement violates GTID consistency: Updates to non-transactional tables can only be done in either autocommitted statements or single-statement transactions, and never in the same statement as updates to transactional tables.
MySQL error code 1786 (ER_GTID_UNSAFE_CREATE_SELECT): Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.
MySQL error code 1787 (ER_GTID_UNSAFE_CREATE_DROP_TEMPORARY_TABLE_IN_TRANSACTION): Statement violates GTID consistency: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE can only be executed outside transactional context.  These statements are also not allowed in a function or trigger because functions and triggers are also considered to be multi-statement transactions.
MySQL error code 1788 (ER_GTID_MODE_CAN_ONLY_CHANGE_ONE_STEP_AT_A_TIME): The value of @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE can only be changed one step at a time: OFF <-> OFF_PERMISSIVE <-> ON_PERMISSIVE <-> ON. Also note that this value must be stepped up or down simultaneously on all servers. See the Manual for instructions.
MySQL error code 1789 (ER_MASTER_HAS_PURGED_REQUIRED_GTIDS): The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.
MySQL error code 1790 (ER_CANT_SET_GTID_NEXT_WHEN_OWNING_GTID): @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.
MySQL error code 1791 (ER_UNKNOWN_EXPLAIN_FORMAT): Unknown EXPLAIN format name: '%s'
MySQL error code 1792 (ER_CANT_EXECUTE_IN_READ_ONLY_TRANSACTION): Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.
MySQL error code 1793 (ER_TOO_LONG_TABLE_PARTITION_COMMENT): Comment for table partition '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)
MySQL error code 1794 (ER_SLAVE_CONFIGURATION): Slave is not configured or failed to initialize properly. You must at least set --server-id to enable either a master or a slave. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.
MySQL error code 1795 (ER_INNODB_FT_LIMIT): InnoDB presently supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a time
MySQL error code 1796 (ER_INNODB_NO_FT_TEMP_TABLE): Cannot create FULLTEXT index on temporary InnoDB table
MySQL error code 1797 (ER_INNODB_FT_WRONG_DOCID_COLUMN): Column '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT index
MySQL error code 1798 (ER_INNODB_FT_WRONG_DOCID_INDEX): Index '%-.192s' is of wrong type for an InnoDB FULLTEXT index
MySQL error code 1799 (ER_INNODB_ONLINE_LOG_TOO_BIG): Creating index '%-.192s' required more than 'innodb_online_alter_log_max_size' bytes of modification log. Please try again.
MySQL error code 1800 (ER_UNKNOWN_ALTER_ALGORITHM): Unknown ALGORITHM '%s'
MySQL error code 1801 (ER_UNKNOWN_ALTER_LOCK): Unknown LOCK type '%s'
MySQL error code 1802 (ER_MTS_CHANGE_MASTER_CANT_RUN_WITH_GAPS): CHANGE MASTER cannot be executed when the slave was stopped with an error or killed in MTS mode. Consider using RESET SLAVE or START SLAVE UNTIL.
MySQL error code 1803 (ER_MTS_RECOVERY_FAILURE): Cannot recover after SLAVE errored out in parallel execution mode. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.
MySQL error code 1804 (ER_MTS_RESET_WORKERS): Cannot clean up worker info tables. Additional error messages can be found in the MySQL error log.
MySQL error code 1805 (ER_COL_COUNT_DOESNT_MATCH_CORRUPTED_V2): Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. The table is probably corrupted
MySQL error code 1806 (ER_SLAVE_SILENT_RETRY_TRANSACTION): Slave must silently retry current transaction
MySQL error code 1807 (ER_DISCARD_FK_CHECKS_RUNNING): There is a foreign key check running on table '%-.192s'. Cannot discard the table.
MySQL error code 1808 (ER_TABLE_SCHEMA_MISMATCH): Schema mismatch (%s)
MySQL error code 1809 (ER_TABLE_IN_SYSTEM_TABLESPACE): Table '%-.192s' in system tablespace
MySQL error code 1810 (ER_IO_READ_ERROR): IO Read error: (%lu, %s) %s
MySQL error code 1811 (ER_IO_WRITE_ERROR): IO Write error: (%lu, %s) %s
MySQL error code 1812 (ER_TABLESPACE_MISSING): Tablespace is missing for table %s.
MySQL error code 1813 (ER_TABLESPACE_EXISTS): Tablespace '%-.192s' exists.
MySQL error code 1814 (ER_TABLESPACE_DISCARDED): Tablespace has been discarded for table '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1815 (ER_INTERNAL_ERROR): Internal error: %s
MySQL error code 1816 (ER_INNODB_IMPORT_ERROR): ALTER TABLE %-.192s IMPORT TABLESPACE failed with error %lu : '%s'
MySQL error code 1817 (ER_INNODB_INDEX_CORRUPT): Index corrupt: %s
MySQL error code 1818 (ER_INVALID_YEAR_COLUMN_LENGTH): Supports only YEAR or YEAR(4) column.
MySQL error code 1819 (ER_NOT_VALID_PASSWORD): Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements
MySQL error code 1820 (ER_MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD): You must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.
MySQL error code 1821 (ER_FK_NO_INDEX_CHILD): Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the foreign table '%s'
MySQL error code 1822 (ER_FK_NO_INDEX_PARENT): Failed to add the foreign key constaint. Missing index for constraint '%s' in the referenced table '%s'
MySQL error code 1823 (ER_FK_FAIL_ADD_SYSTEM): Failed to add the foreign key constraint '%s' to system tables
MySQL error code 1824 (ER_FK_CANNOT_OPEN_PARENT): Failed to open the referenced table '%s'
MySQL error code 1825 (ER_FK_INCORRECT_OPTION): Failed to add the foreign key constraint on table '%s'. Incorrect options in FOREIGN KEY constraint '%s'
MySQL error code 1826 (ER_FK_DUP_NAME): Duplicate foreign key constraint name '%s'
MySQL error code 1827 (ER_PASSWORD_FORMAT): The password hash doesn't have the expected format. Check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.
MySQL error code 1828 (ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_DROP): Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1829 (ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_DROP_CHILD): Cannot drop column '%-.192s': needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1830 (ER_FK_COLUMN_NOT_NULL): Column '%-.192s' cannot be NOT NULL: needed in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' SET NULL
MySQL error code 1831 (ER_DUP_INDEX): Duplicate index '%-.64s' defined on the table '%-.64s.%-.64s'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.
MySQL error code 1832 (ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_CHANGE): Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1833 (ER_FK_COLUMN_CANNOT_CHANGE_CHILD): Cannot change column '%-.192s': used in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1834 (ER_UNUSED5): Cannot delete rows from table which is parent in a foreign key constraint '%-.192s' of table '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1835 (ER_MALFORMED_PACKET): Malformed communication packet.
MySQL error code 1836 (ER_READ_ONLY_MODE): Running in read-only mode
MySQL error code 1837 (ER_GTID_NEXT_TYPE_UNDEFINED_GROUP): When @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is set to a GTID, you must explicitly set it to a different value after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Please check GTID_NEXT variable manual page for detailed explanation. Current @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT is '%s'.
MySQL error code 1838 (ER_VARIABLE_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_SP): The system variable %.200s cannot be set in stored procedures.
MySQL error code 1841 (ER_CANT_SET_GTID_PURGED_WHEN_OWNED_GTIDS_IS_NOT_EMPTY): @@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED can only be set when there are no ongoing transactions (not even in other clients).
MySQL error code 1842 (ER_GTID_PURGED_WAS_CHANGED): @@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.
MySQL error code 1843 (ER_GTID_EXECUTED_WAS_CHANGED): @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED was changed from '%s' to '%s'.
MySQL error code 1844 (ER_BINLOG_STMT_MODE_AND_NO_REPL_TABLES): Cannot execute statement: impossible to write to binary log since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT, and both replicated and non replicated tables are written to.
MySQL error code 1845 (ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED): %s is not supported for this operation. Try %s.
MySQL error code 1846 (ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON): %s is not supported. Reason: %s. Try %s.
MySQL error code 1847 (ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_COPY): COPY algorithm requires a lock
MySQL error code 1848 (ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_PARTITION): Partition specific operations do not yet support LOCK/ALGORITHM
MySQL error code 1849 (ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_FK_RENAME): Columns participating in a foreign key are renamed
MySQL error code 1851 (ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_FK_CHECK): Adding foreign keys needs foreign_key_checks=OFF
MySQL error code 1852 (ER_UNUSED6): Creating unique indexes with IGNORE requires COPY algorithm to remove duplicate rows
MySQL error code 1853 (ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_NOPK): Dropping a primary key is not allowed without also adding a new primary key
MySQL error code 1854 (ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_AUTOINC): Adding an auto-increment column requires a lock
MySQL error code 1855 (ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_HIDDEN_FTS): Cannot replace hidden FTS_DOC_ID with a user-visible one
MySQL error code 1857 (ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_FTS): Fulltext index creation requires a lock
MySQL error code 1858 (ER_SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_GTID_MODE): sql_slave_skip_counter can not be set when the server is running with @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON. Instead, for each transaction that you want to skip, generate an empty transaction with the same GTID as the transaction
MySQL error code 1859 (ER_DUP_UNKNOWN_IN_INDEX): Duplicate entry for key '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1860 (ER_IDENT_CAUSES_TOO_LONG_PATH): Long database name and identifier for object resulted in path length exceeding %d characters. Path: '%s'.
MySQL error code 1861 (ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_NOT_NULL): cannot silently convert NULL values, as required in this SQL_MODE
MySQL error code 1862 (ER_MUST_CHANGE_PASSWORD_LOGIN): Your password has expired. To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired passwords.
MySQL error code 1863 (ER_ROW_IN_WRONG_PARTITION): Found a row in wrong partition %s
MySQL error code 1864 (ER_MTS_EVENT_BIGGER_PENDING_JOBS_SIZE_MAX): Cannot schedule event %s, relay-log name %s, position %s to Worker thread because its size %lu exceeds %lu of slave_pending_jobs_size_max.
MySQL error code 1866 (ER_BINLOG_LOGICAL_CORRUPTION): The binary log file '%s' is logically corrupted: %s
MySQL error code 1867 (ER_WARN_PURGE_LOG_IN_USE): file %s was not purged because it was being read by %d thread(s), purged only %d out of %d files.
MySQL error code 1868 (ER_WARN_PURGE_LOG_IS_ACTIVE): file %s was not purged because it is the active log file.
MySQL error code 1869 (ER_AUTO_INCREMENT_CONFLICT): Auto-increment value in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated values
MySQL error code 1870 (WARN_ON_BLOCKHOLE_IN_RBR): Row events are not logged for %s statements that modify BLACKHOLE tables in row format. Table(s): '%-.192s'
MySQL error code 1871 (ER_SLAVE_MI_INIT_REPOSITORY): Slave failed to initialize master info structure from the repository
MySQL error code 1872 (ER_SLAVE_RLI_INIT_REPOSITORY): Slave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repository
MySQL error code 1873 (ER_ACCESS_DENIED_CHANGE_USER_ERROR): Access denied trying to change to user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s' (using password: %s). Disconnecting.
MySQL error code 1874 (ER_INNODB_READ_ONLY): InnoDB is in read only mode.
MySQL error code 1875 (ER_STOP_SLAVE_SQL_THREAD_TIMEOUT): STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave SQL thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, SQL thread will stop once the current task is complete.
MySQL error code 1876 (ER_STOP_SLAVE_IO_THREAD_TIMEOUT): STOP SLAVE command execution is incomplete: Slave IO thread got the stop signal, thread is busy, IO thread will stop once the current task is complete.
MySQL error code 1877 (ER_TABLE_CORRUPT): Operation cannot be performed. The table '%-.64s.%-.64s' is missing, corrupt or contains bad data.
MySQL error code 1878 (ER_TEMP_FILE_WRITE_FAILURE): Temporary file write failure.
MySQL error code 1879 (ER_INNODB_FT_AUX_NOT_HEX_ID): Upgrade index name failed, please use create index(alter table) algorithm copy to rebuild index.
MySQL error code 1880 (ER_OLD_TEMPORALS_UPGRADED): TIME/TIMESTAMP/DATETIME columns of old format have been upgraded to the new format.
MySQL error code 1881 (ER_INNODB_FORCED_RECOVERY): Operation not allowed when innodb_forced_recovery > 0.
MySQL error code 1882 (ER_AES_INVALID_IV): The initialization vector supplied to %s is too short. Must be at least %d bytes long
MySQL error code 1883 (ER_PLUGIN_CANNOT_BE_UNINSTALLED): Plugin '%s' cannot be uninstalled now. %s
MySQL error code 1884 (ER_GTID_UNSAFE_BINLOG_SPLITTABLE_STATEMENT_AND_GTID_GROUP): Cannot execute statement because it needs to be written to the binary log as multiple statements, and this is not allowed when @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT == 'UUID:NUMBER'.
MySQL error code 1885 (ER_SLAVE_HAS_MORE_GTIDS_THAN_MASTER): Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1. The master may or may not have rolled back transactions that were already replicated to the slave. Suggest to replicate any transactions that master has rolled back from slave to master, and/or commit empty transactions on master to account for transactions that have been committed on master but are not included in GTID_EXECUTED.
MySQL error code 1886 (ER_MISSING_KEY): The table '%s.%s' does not have the necessary key(s) defined on it. Please check the table definition and create index(s) accordingly.
MySQL error code 1887 (WARN_NAMED_PIPE_ACCESS_EVERYONE): Setting named_pipe_full_access_group='%s' is insecure. Consider using a Windows group with fewer members.
MySQL error code 3000 (ER_FILE_CORRUPT): File %s is corrupted
MySQL error code 3001 (ER_ERROR_ON_MASTER): Query partially completed on the master (error on master: %d) and was aborted. There is a chance that your master is inconsistent at this point. If you are sure that your master is ok, run this query manually on the slave and then restart the slave with SET GLOBAL SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; START SLAVE;. Query:'%s'
MySQL error code 3002 (ER_INCONSISTENT_ERROR): Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: message (format)='%s' error code=%d; Error on slave:actual message='%s', error code=%d. Default database:'%s'. Query:'%s'
MySQL error code 3003 (ER_STORAGE_ENGINE_NOT_LOADED): Storage engine for table '%s'.'%s' is not loaded.
MySQL error code 3005 (ER_WARN_LEGACY_SYNTAX_CONVERTED): %s is no longer supported. The statement was converted to %s.
MySQL error code 3006 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_FULLTEXT_PLUGIN): Statement is unsafe because it uses a fulltext parser plugin which may not return the same value on the slave.
MySQL error code 3007 (ER_CANNOT_DISCARD_TEMPORARY_TABLE): Cannot DISCARD/IMPORT tablespace associated with temporary table
MySQL error code 3008 (ER_FK_DEPTH_EXCEEDED): Foreign key cascade delete/update exceeds max depth of %d.
MySQL error code 3009 (ER_COL_COUNT_DOESNT_MATCH_PLEASE_UPDATE_V2): Column count of %s.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.
MySQL error code 3010 (ER_WARN_TRIGGER_DOESNT_HAVE_CREATED): Trigger %s.%s.%s does not have CREATED attribute.
MySQL error code 3011 (ER_REFERENCED_TRG_DOES_NOT_EXIST): Referenced trigger '%s' for the given action time and event type does not exist.
MySQL error code 3013 (ER_INVALID_FIELD_SIZE): Invalid size for column '%-.192s'.
MySQL error code 3014 (ER_MISSING_HA_CREATE_OPTION): Table storage engine '%-.64s' found required create option missing
MySQL error code 3015 (ER_ENGINE_OUT_OF_MEMORY): Out of memory in storage engine '%-.64s'.
MySQL error code 3016 (ER_PASSWORD_EXPIRE_ANONYMOUS_USER): The password for anonymous user cannot be expired.
MySQL error code 3017 (ER_SLAVE_SQL_THREAD_MUST_STOP): This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD first
MySQL error code 3018 (ER_NO_FT_MATERIALIZED_SUBQUERY): Cannot create FULLTEXT index on materialized subquery
MySQL error code 3019 (ER_INNODB_UNDO_LOG_FULL): Undo Log error: %s
MySQL error code 3020 (ER_INVALID_ARGUMENT_FOR_LOGARITHM): Invalid argument for logarithm
MySQL error code 3021 (ER_SLAVE_CHANNEL_IO_THREAD_MUST_STOP): This operation cannot be performed with a running slave io thread; run STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.
MySQL error code 3022 (ER_WARN_OPEN_TEMP_TABLES_MUST_BE_ZERO): This operation may not be safe when the slave has temporary tables. The tables will be kept open until the server restarts or until the tables are deleted by any replicated DROP statement. Suggest to wait until slave_open_temp_tables = 0.
MySQL error code 3023 (ER_WARN_ONLY_MASTER_LOG_FILE_NO_POS): CHANGE MASTER TO with a MASTER_LOG_FILE clause but no MASTER_LOG_POS clause may not be safe. The old position value may not be valid for the new binary log file.
MySQL error code 3024 (ER_QUERY_TIMEOUT): Query execution was interrupted, maximum statement execution time exceeded
MySQL error code 3025 (ER_NON_RO_SELECT_DISABLE_TIMER): Select is not a read only statement, disabling timer
MySQL error code 3026 (ER_DUP_LIST_ENTRY): Duplicate entry '%-.192s'.
MySQL error code 3027 (ER_SQL_MODE_NO_EFFECT): '%s' mode no longer has any effect. Use STRICT_ALL_TABLES or STRICT_TRANS_TABLES instead.
MySQL error code 3028 (ER_AGGREGATE_ORDER_FOR_UNION): Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to a UNION
MySQL error code 3029 (ER_AGGREGATE_ORDER_NON_AGG_QUERY): Expression #%u of ORDER BY contains aggregate function and applies to the result of a non-aggregated query
MySQL error code 3030 (ER_SLAVE_WORKER_STOPPED_PREVIOUS_THD_ERROR): Slave worker has stopped after at least one previous worker encountered an error when slave-preserve-commit-order was enabled. To preserve commit order, the last transaction executed by this thread has not been committed. When restarting the slave after fixing any failed threads, you should fix this worker as well.
MySQL error code 3031 (ER_DONT_SUPPORT_SLAVE_PRESERVE_COMMIT_ORDER): slave_preserve_commit_order is not supported %s.
MySQL error code 3032 (ER_SERVER_OFFLINE_MODE): The server is currently in offline mode
MySQL error code 3033 (ER_GIS_DIFFERENT_SRIDS): Binary geometry function %s given two geometries of different srids: %u and %u, which should have been identical.
MySQL error code 3034 (ER_GIS_UNSUPPORTED_ARGUMENT): Calling geometry function %s with unsupported types of arguments.
MySQL error code 3035 (ER_GIS_UNKNOWN_ERROR): Unknown GIS error occured in function %s.
MySQL error code 3036 (ER_GIS_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION): Unknown exception caught in GIS function %s.
MySQL error code 3037 (ER_GIS_INVALID_DATA): Invalid GIS data provided to function %s.
MySQL error code 3038 (ER_BOOST_GEOMETRY_EMPTY_INPUT_EXCEPTION): The geometry has no data in function %s.
MySQL error code 3039 (ER_BOOST_GEOMETRY_CENTROID_EXCEPTION): Unable to calculate centroid because geometry is empty in function %s.
MySQL error code 3040 (ER_BOOST_GEOMETRY_OVERLAY_INVALID_INPUT_EXCEPTION): Geometry overlay calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.
MySQL error code 3041 (ER_BOOST_GEOMETRY_TURN_INFO_EXCEPTION): Geometry turn info calculation error: geometry data is invalid in function %s.
MySQL error code 3042 (ER_BOOST_GEOMETRY_SELF_INTERSECTION_POINT_EXCEPTION): Analysis procedures of intersection points interrupted unexpectedly in function %s.
MySQL error code 3043 (ER_BOOST_GEOMETRY_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION): Unknown exception thrown in function %s.
MySQL error code 3044 (ER_STD_BAD_ALLOC_ERROR): Memory allocation error: %-.256s in function %s.
MySQL error code 3045 (ER_STD_DOMAIN_ERROR): Domain error: %-.256s in function %s.
MySQL error code 3046 (ER_STD_LENGTH_ERROR): Length error: %-.256s in function %s.
MySQL error code 3047 (ER_STD_INVALID_ARGUMENT): Invalid argument error: %-.256s in function %s.
MySQL error code 3048 (ER_STD_OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR): Out of range error: %-.256s in function %s.
MySQL error code 3049 (ER_STD_OVERFLOW_ERROR): Overflow error error: %-.256s in function %s.
MySQL error code 3050 (ER_STD_RANGE_ERROR): Range error: %-.256s in function %s.
MySQL error code 3051 (ER_STD_UNDERFLOW_ERROR): Underflow error: %-.256s in function %s.
MySQL error code 3052 (ER_STD_LOGIC_ERROR): Logic error: %-.256s in function %s.
MySQL error code 3053 (ER_STD_RUNTIME_ERROR): Runtime error: %-.256s in function %s.
MySQL error code 3054 (ER_STD_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION): Unknown exception: %-.384s in function %s.
MySQL error code 3055 (ER_GIS_DATA_WRONG_ENDIANESS): Geometry byte string must be little endian.
MySQL error code 3056 (ER_CHANGE_MASTER_PASSWORD_LENGTH): The password provided for the replication user exceeds the maximum length of 32 characters
MySQL error code 3057 (ER_USER_LOCK_WRONG_NAME): Incorrect user-level lock name '%-.192s'.
MySQL error code 3058 (ER_USER_LOCK_DEADLOCK): Deadlock found when trying to get user-level lock; try rolling back transaction/releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.
MySQL error code 3059 (ER_REPLACE_INACCESSIBLE_ROWS): REPLACE cannot be executed as it requires deleting rows that are not in the view
MySQL error code 3060 (ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON_GIS): Do not support online operation on table with GIS index
MySQL error code 3061 (ER_ILLEGAL_USER_VAR): User variable name '%-.100s' is illegal
MySQL error code 3062 (ER_GTID_MODE_OFF): Cannot %s when GTID_MODE = OFF.
MySQL error code 3063 (ER_UNSUPPORTED_BY_REPLICATION_THREAD): Cannot %s from a replication slave thread.
MySQL error code 3064 (ER_INCORRECT_TYPE): Incorrect type for argument %s in function %s.
MySQL error code 3065 (ER_FIELD_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT): Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column '%-.192s' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with %s
MySQL error code 3066 (ER_AGGREGATE_IN_ORDER_NOT_SELECT): Expression #%u of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, contains aggregate function; this is incompatible with %s
MySQL error code 3067 (ER_INVALID_RPL_WILD_TABLE_FILTER_PATTERN): Supplied filter list contains a value which is not in the required format 'db_pattern.table_pattern'
MySQL error code 3068 (ER_NET_OK_PACKET_TOO_LARGE): OK packet too large
MySQL error code 3069 (ER_INVALID_JSON_DATA): Invalid JSON data provided to function %s: %s
MySQL error code 3070 (ER_INVALID_GEOJSON_MISSING_MEMBER): Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Missing required member '%s'
MySQL error code 3071 (ER_INVALID_GEOJSON_WRONG_TYPE): Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s: Member '%s' must be of type '%s'
MySQL error code 3072 (ER_INVALID_GEOJSON_UNSPECIFIED): Invalid GeoJSON data provided to function %s
MySQL error code 3073 (ER_DIMENSION_UNSUPPORTED): Unsupported number of coordinate dimensions in function %s: Found %u, expected %u
MySQL error code 3074 (ER_SLAVE_CHANNEL_DOES_NOT_EXIST): Slave channel '%s' does not exist.
MySQL error code 3075 (ER_SLAVE_MULTIPLE_CHANNELS_HOST_PORT): A slave channel '%s' already exists for the given host and port combination.
MySQL error code 3076 (ER_SLAVE_CHANNEL_NAME_INVALID_OR_TOO_LONG): Couldn't create channel: Channel name is either invalid or too long.
MySQL error code 3077 (ER_SLAVE_NEW_CHANNEL_WRONG_REPOSITORY): To have multiple channels, repository cannot be of type FILE; Please check the repository configuration and convert them to TABLE.
MySQL error code 3078 (ER_SLAVE_CHANNEL_DELETE): Cannot delete slave info objects for channel '%s'.
MySQL error code 3079 (ER_SLAVE_MULTIPLE_CHANNELS_CMD): Multiple channels exist on the slave. Please provide channel name as an argument.
MySQL error code 3080 (ER_SLAVE_MAX_CHANNELS_EXCEEDED): Maximum number of replication channels allowed exceeded.
MySQL error code 3081 (ER_SLAVE_CHANNEL_MUST_STOP): This operation cannot be performed with running replication threads; run STOP SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s' first
MySQL error code 3082 (ER_SLAVE_CHANNEL_NOT_RUNNING): This operation requires running replication threads; configure slave and run START SLAVE FOR CHANNEL '%s'
MySQL error code 3083 (ER_SLAVE_CHANNEL_WAS_RUNNING): Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already runnning.
MySQL error code 3084 (ER_SLAVE_CHANNEL_WAS_NOT_RUNNING): Replication thread(s) for channel '%s' are already stopped.
MySQL error code 3085 (ER_SLAVE_CHANNEL_SQL_THREAD_MUST_STOP): This operation cannot be performed with a running slave sql thread; run STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD FOR CHANNEL '%s' first.
MySQL error code 3086 (ER_SLAVE_CHANNEL_SQL_SKIP_COUNTER): When sql_slave_skip_counter > 0, it is not allowed to start more than one SQL thread by using 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD]'. Value of sql_slave_skip_counter can only be used by one SQL thread at a time. Please use 'START SLAVE [SQL_THREAD] FOR CHANNEL' to start the SQL thread which will use the value of sql_slave_skip_counter.
MySQL error code 3087 (ER_WRONG_FIELD_WITH_GROUP_V2): Expression #%u of %s is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
MySQL error code 3088 (ER_MIX_OF_GROUP_FUNC_AND_FIELDS_V2): In aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%u of %s contains nonaggregated column '%-.192s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
MySQL error code 3089 (ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYSVAR_UPDATE): Updating '%s' is deprecated. It will be made read-only in a future release.
MySQL error code 3090 (ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SQLMODE): Changing sql mode '%s' is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release.
MySQL error code 3091 (ER_CANNOT_LOG_PARTIAL_DROP_DATABASE_WITH_GTID): DROP DATABASE failed; some tables may have been dropped but the database directory remains. The GTID has not been added to GTID_EXECUTED and the statement was not written to the binary log. Fix this as follows: (1) remove all files from the database directory %-.192s; (2) SET GTID_NEXT='%-.192s'; (3) DROP DATABASE `%-.192s`.
MySQL error code 3092 (ER_GROUP_REPLICATION_CONFIGURATION): The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.
MySQL error code 3093 (ER_GROUP_REPLICATION_RUNNING): The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.
MySQL error code 3094 (ER_GROUP_REPLICATION_APPLIER_INIT_ERROR): The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as the applier module failed to start.
MySQL error code 3095 (ER_GROUP_REPLICATION_STOP_APPLIER_THREAD_TIMEOUT): The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command execution is incomplete: The applier thread got the stop signal while it was busy. The applier thread will stop once the current task is complete.
MySQL error code 3096 (ER_GROUP_REPLICATION_COMMUNICATION_LAYER_SESSION_ERROR): The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when initializing the group communication layer.
MySQL error code 3097 (ER_GROUP_REPLICATION_COMMUNICATION_LAYER_JOIN_ERROR): The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed as there was an error when joining the communication group.
MySQL error code 3098 (ER_BEFORE_DML_VALIDATION_ERROR): The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.
MySQL error code 3099 (ER_PREVENTS_VARIABLE_WITHOUT_RBR): Cannot change the value of variable %s without binary log format as ROW.
MySQL error code 3100 (ER_RUN_HOOK_ERROR): Error on observer while running replication hook '%s'.
MySQL error code 3101 (ER_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_DURING_COMMIT): Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.
MySQL error code 3102 (ER_GENERATED_COLUMN_FUNCTION_IS_NOT_ALLOWED): Expression of generated column '%s' contains a disallowed function.
MySQL error code 3103 (ER_UNSUPPORTED_ALTER_INPLACE_ON_VIRTUAL_COLUMN): INPLACE ADD or DROP of virtual columns cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE actions
MySQL error code 3104 (ER_WRONG_FK_OPTION_FOR_GENERATED_COLUMN): Cannot define foreign key with %s clause on a generated column.
MySQL error code 3105 (ER_NON_DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_GENERATED_COLUMN): The value specified for generated column '%s' in table '%s' is not allowed.
MySQL error code 3106 (ER_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION_ON_GENERATED_COLUMN): '%s' is not supported for generated columns.
MySQL error code 3107 (ER_GENERATED_COLUMN_NON_PRIOR): Generated column can refer only to generated columns defined prior to it.
MySQL error code 3108 (ER_DEPENDENT_BY_GENERATED_COLUMN): Column '%s' has a generated column dependency.
MySQL error code 3109 (ER_GENERATED_COLUMN_REF_AUTO_INC): Generated column '%s' cannot refer to auto-increment column.
MySQL error code 3110 (ER_FEATURE_NOT_AVAILABLE): The '%-.64s' feature is not available; you need to remove '%-.64s' or use MySQL built with '%-.64s'
MySQL error code 3111 (ER_CANT_SET_GTID_MODE): SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = %-.64s is not allowed because %-.384s.
MySQL error code 3112 (ER_CANT_USE_AUTO_POSITION_WITH_GTID_MODE_OFF): The replication receiver thread%-.192s cannot start in AUTO_POSITION mode: this server uses @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF.
MySQL error code 3113 (ER_CANT_REPLICATE_ANONYMOUS_WITH_AUTO_POSITION): Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when AUTO_POSITION = 1, at file %.512s, position %lld.
MySQL error code 3114 (ER_CANT_REPLICATE_ANONYMOUS_WITH_GTID_MODE_ON): Cannot replicate anonymous transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = ON, at file %.512s, position %lld.
MySQL error code 3115 (ER_CANT_REPLICATE_GTID_WITH_GTID_MODE_OFF): Cannot replicate GTID-transaction when @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE = OFF, at file %.512s, position %lld.
MySQL error code 3116 (ER_CANT_SET_ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY_ON_WITH_ONGOING_GTID_VIOLATING_TRANSACTIONS): Cannot set ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY = ON because there are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.
MySQL error code 3117 (ER_SET_ENFORCE_GTID_CONSISTENCY_WARN_WITH_ONGOING_GTID_VIOLATING_TRANSACTIONS): There are ongoing transactions that violate GTID consistency.
MySQL error code 3118 (ER_ACCOUNT_HAS_BEEN_LOCKED): Access denied for user '%-.48s'@'%-.64s'. Account is locked.
MySQL error code 3119 (ER_WRONG_TABLESPACE_NAME): Incorrect tablespace name `%-.192s`
MySQL error code 3120 (ER_TABLESPACE_IS_NOT_EMPTY): Tablespace `%-.192s` is not empty.
MySQL error code 3121 (ER_WRONG_FILE_NAME): Incorrect File Name '%s'.
MySQL error code 3122 (ER_BOOST_GEOMETRY_INCONSISTENT_TURNS_EXCEPTION): Inconsistent intersection points.
MySQL error code 3123 (ER_WARN_OPTIMIZER_HINT_SYNTAX_ERROR): Optimizer hint syntax error
MySQL error code 3125 (ER_WARN_UNSUPPORTED_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME): MAX_EXECUTION_TIME hint is supported by top-level standalone SELECT statements only
MySQL error code 3126 (ER_WARN_CONFLICTING_HINT): Hint %s is ignored as conflicting/duplicated
MySQL error code 3127 (ER_WARN_UNKNOWN_QB_NAME): Query block name %s is not found for %s hint
MySQL error code 3128 (ER_UNRESOLVED_HINT_NAME): Unresolved name %s for %s hint
MySQL error code 3129 (ER_WARN_ON_MODIFYING_GTID_EXECUTED_TABLE): Please do not modify the %s table. This is a mysql internal system table to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state.
MySQL error code 3130 (ER_PLUGGABLE_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED): Command not supported by pluggable protocols
MySQL error code 3131 (ER_LOCKING_SERVICE_WRONG_NAME): Incorrect locking service lock name '%-.192s'.
MySQL error code 3132 (ER_LOCKING_SERVICE_DEADLOCK): Deadlock found when trying to get locking service lock; try releasing locks and restarting lock acquisition.
MySQL error code 3133 (ER_LOCKING_SERVICE_TIMEOUT): Service lock wait timeout exceeded.
MySQL error code 3134 (ER_GIS_MAX_POINTS_IN_GEOMETRY_OVERFLOWED): Parameter %s exceeds the maximum number of points in a geometry (%lu) in function %s.
MySQL error code 3135 (ER_SQL_MODE_MERGED): 'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.
MySQL error code 3136 (ER_VTOKEN_PLUGIN_TOKEN_MISMATCH): Version token mismatch for %.*s. Correct value %.*s
MySQL error code 3137 (ER_VTOKEN_PLUGIN_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND): Version token %.*s not found.
MySQL error code 3138 (ER_CANT_SET_VARIABLE_WHEN_OWNING_GTID): Variable %-.192s cannot be changed by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns %s. Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.
MySQL error code 3139 (ER_SLAVE_CHANNEL_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED): %-.192s cannot be performed on channel '%-.192s'.
MySQL error code 3140 (ER_INVALID_JSON_TEXT): Invalid JSON text: "%s" at position %u in value for column '%-.200s'.
MySQL error code 3141 (ER_INVALID_JSON_TEXT_IN_PARAM): Invalid JSON text in argument %u to function %s: "%s" at position %u.%-.0s
MySQL error code 3142 (ER_INVALID_JSON_BINARY_DATA): The JSON binary value contains invalid data.
MySQL error code 3143 (ER_INVALID_JSON_PATH): Invalid JSON path expression. The error is around character position %u.%-.200s
MySQL error code 3144 (ER_INVALID_JSON_CHARSET): Cannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET '%s'.
MySQL error code 3145 (ER_INVALID_JSON_CHARSET_IN_FUNCTION): Invalid JSON character data provided to function %s: '%s'; utf8 is required.
MySQL error code 3146 (ER_INVALID_TYPE_FOR_JSON): Invalid data type for JSON data in argument %u to function %s; a JSON string or JSON type is required.
MySQL error code 3147 (ER_INVALID_CAST_TO_JSON): Cannot CAST value to JSON.
MySQL error code 3148 (ER_INVALID_JSON_PATH_CHARSET): A path expression must be encoded in the utf8 character set. The path expression '%-.200s' is encoded in character set '%-.200s'.
MySQL error code 3149 (ER_INVALID_JSON_PATH_WILDCARD): In this situation, path expressions may not contain the * and ** tokens.
MySQL error code 3150 (ER_JSON_VALUE_TOO_BIG): The JSON value is too big to be stored in a JSON column.
MySQL error code 3151 (ER_JSON_KEY_TOO_BIG): The JSON object contains a key name that is too long.
MySQL error code 3152 (ER_JSON_USED_AS_KEY): JSON column '%-.192s' cannot be used in key specification.
MySQL error code 3153 (ER_JSON_VACUOUS_PATH): The path expression '$' is not allowed in this context.
MySQL error code 3154 (ER_JSON_BAD_ONE_OR_ALL_ARG): The oneOrAll argument to %s may take these values: 'one' or 'all'.
MySQL error code 3155 (ER_NUMERIC_JSON_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE): Out of range JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ld
MySQL error code 3156 (ER_INVALID_JSON_VALUE_FOR_CAST): Invalid JSON value for CAST to %s%-.0s from column %s at row %ld
MySQL error code 3157 (ER_JSON_DOCUMENT_TOO_DEEP): The JSON document exceeds the maximum depth.
MySQL error code 3158 (ER_JSON_DOCUMENT_NULL_KEY): JSON documents may not contain NULL member names.
MySQL error code 3159 (ER_SECURE_TRANSPORT_REQUIRED): Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON.
MySQL error code 3160 (ER_NO_SECURE_TRANSPORTS_CONFIGURED): No secure transports (SSL or Shared Memory) are configured, unable to set --require_secure_transport=ON.
MySQL error code 3161 (ER_DISABLED_STORAGE_ENGINE): Storage engine %s is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).
MySQL error code 3162 (ER_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST): User %s does not exist.
MySQL error code 3163 (ER_USER_ALREADY_EXISTS): User %s already exists.
MySQL error code 3164 (ER_AUDIT_API_ABORT): Aborted by Audit API ('%-.48s';%d).
MySQL error code 3165 (ER_INVALID_JSON_PATH_ARRAY_CELL): A path expression is not a path to a cell in an array.
MySQL error code 3166 (ER_BUFPOOL_RESIZE_INPROGRESS): Another buffer pool resize is already in progress.
MySQL error code 3167 (ER_FEATURE_DISABLED_SEE_DOC): The '%s' feature is disabled; see the documentation for '%s'
MySQL error code 3168 (ER_SERVER_ISNT_AVAILABLE): Server isn't available
MySQL error code 3169 (ER_SESSION_WAS_KILLED): Session was killed
MySQL error code 3170 (ER_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED): Memory capacity of %llu bytes for '%s' exceeded. %s
MySQL error code 3171 (ER_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED_IN_RANGE_OPTIMIZER): Range optimization was not done for this query.
MySQL error code 3172 (ER_TABLE_NEEDS_UPG_PART): Partitioning upgrade required. Please dump/reload to fix it or do: ALTER TABLE `%-.192s`.`%-.192s` UPGRADE PARTITIONING
MySQL error code 3173 (ER_CANT_WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET_WHILE_OWNING_A_GTID): The client holds ownership of the GTID %s. Therefore, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET cannot wait for this GTID.
MySQL error code 3174 (ER_CANNOT_ADD_FOREIGN_BASE_COL_VIRTUAL): Cannot add foreign key on the base column of indexed virtual column.
MySQL error code 3175 (ER_CANNOT_CREATE_VIRTUAL_INDEX_CONSTRAINT): Cannot create index on virtual column whose base column has foreign constraint.
MySQL error code 3176 (ER_ERROR_ON_MODIFYING_GTID_EXECUTED_TABLE): Please do not modify the %s table with an XA transaction. This is an internal system table used to store GTIDs for committed transactions. Although modifying it can lead to an inconsistent GTID state, if neccessary you can modify it with a non-XA transaction.
MySQL error code 3177 (ER_LOCK_REFUSED_BY_ENGINE): Lock acquisition refused by storage engine.
MySQL error code 3179 (ER_MASTER_KEY_ROTATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_SE): Master key rotation is not supported by storage engine.
MySQL error code 3180 (ER_MASTER_KEY_ROTATION_ERROR_BY_SE): Encryption key rotation error reported by SE: %s
MySQL error code 3181 (ER_MASTER_KEY_ROTATION_BINLOG_FAILED): Write to binlog failed. However, master key rotation has been completed successfully.
MySQL error code 3182 (ER_MASTER_KEY_ROTATION_SE_UNAVAILABLE): Storage engine is not available.
MySQL error code 3183 (ER_TABLESPACE_CANNOT_ENCRYPT): This tablespace can't be encrypted.
MySQL error code 3184 (ER_INVALID_ENCRYPTION_OPTION): Invalid encryption option.
MySQL error code 3185 (ER_CANNOT_FIND_KEY_IN_KEYRING): Can't find master key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully.
MySQL error code 3186 (ER_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED_IN_PARSER): Parser bailed out for this query.
MySQL error code 3187 (ER_UNSUPPORTED_ALTER_ENCRYPTION_INPLACE): Cannot alter encryption attribute by inplace algorithm.
MySQL error code 3188 (ER_KEYRING_UDF_KEYRING_SERVICE_ERROR): Function '%s' failed because underlying keyring service returned an error. Please check if a keyring plugin is installed and that provided arguments are valid for the keyring you are using.
MySQL error code 3189 (ER_USER_COLUMN_OLD_LENGTH): It seems that your db schema is old. The %s column is 77 characters long and should be 93 characters long. Please run mysql_upgrade.
MySQL error code 3190 (ER_CANT_RESET_MASTER): RESET MASTER is not allowed because %-.384s.
MySQL error code 3191 (ER_GROUP_REPLICATION_MAX_GROUP_SIZE): The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group already has 9 members.
MySQL error code 3192 (ER_CANNOT_ADD_FOREIGN_BASE_COL_STORED): Cannot add foreign key on the base column of stored column. 
MySQL error code 3193 (ER_TABLE_REFERENCED): Cannot complete the operation because table is referenced by another connection.
MySQL error code 3194 (ER_PARTITION_ENGINE_DEPRECATED_FOR_TABLE): The partition engine, used by table '%-.192s.%-.192s', is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use native partitioning instead.
MySQL error code 3195 (ER_WARN_USING_GEOMFROMWKB_TO_SET_SRID_ZERO): %.192s(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.
MySQL error code 3196 (ER_WARN_USING_GEOMFROMWKB_TO_SET_SRID): %.192s(geometry, srid) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, srid) in a future version. Use %.192s(st_aswkb(geometry), srid) instead.
MySQL error code 3197 (ER_XA_RETRY): The resource manager is not able to commit the transaction branch at this time. Please retry later.
MySQL error code 3198 (ER_KEYRING_AWS_UDF_AWS_KMS_ERROR): Function %s failed due to: %s.
MySQL error code 3199 (ER_BINLOG_UNSAFE_XA): Statement is unsafe because it is being used inside a XA transaction. Concurrent XA transactions may deadlock on slaves when replicated using statements.
MySQL error code 3200 (ER_UDF_ERROR): %s UDF failed; %s
MySQL error code 3201 (ER_KEYRING_MIGRATION_FAILURE): Can not perform keyring migration : %s
MySQL error code 3202 (ER_KEYRING_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR): Access denied; you need %-.128s privileges for this operation
MySQL error code 3203 (ER_KEYRING_MIGRATION_STATUS): Keyring migration %s.
MySQL error code 3204 (ER_PLUGIN_FAILED_TO_OPEN_TABLES): Failed to open the %s filter tables.
MySQL error code 3205 (ER_PLUGIN_FAILED_TO_OPEN_TABLE): Failed to open '%s.%s' %s table.
MySQL error code 3206 (ER_AUDIT_LOG_NO_KEYRING_PLUGIN_INSTALLED): No keyring plugin installed.
MySQL error code 3207 (ER_AUDIT_LOG_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD_HAS_NOT_BEEN_SET): Audit log encryption password has not been set; it will be generated automatically. Use audit_log_encryption_password_get to obtain the password or audit_log_encryption_password_set to set a new one.
MySQL error code 3208 (ER_AUDIT_LOG_COULD_NOT_CREATE_AES_KEY): Could not create AES key. OpenSSL's EVP_BytesToKey function failed.
MySQL error code 3209 (ER_AUDIT_LOG_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD_CANNOT_BE_FETCHED): Audit log encryption password cannot be fetched from the keyring. Password used so far is used for encryption.
MySQL error code 3210 (ER_AUDIT_LOG_JSON_FILTERING_NOT_ENABLED): Audit Log filtering has not been installed.
MySQL error code 3211 (ER_AUDIT_LOG_UDF_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE): Request ignored for '%s'@'%s'. SUPER_ACL needed to perform operation
MySQL error code 3212 (ER_AUDIT_LOG_SUPER_PRIVILEGE_REQUIRED): SUPER privilege required for '%s'@'%s' user.
MySQL error code 3213 (ER_COULD_NOT_REINITIALIZE_AUDIT_LOG_FILTERS): Could not reinitialize audit log filters.
MySQL error code 3214 (ER_AUDIT_LOG_UDF_INVALID_ARGUMENT_TYPE): Invalid argument type
MySQL error code 3215 (ER_AUDIT_LOG_UDF_INVALID_ARGUMENT_COUNT): Invalid argument count
MySQL error code 3216 (ER_AUDIT_LOG_HAS_NOT_BEEN_INSTALLED): audit_log plugin has not been installed using INSTALL PLUGIN syntax.
MySQL error code 3217 (ER_AUDIT_LOG_UDF_READ_INVALID_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH_ARG_TYPE): Invalid "max_array_length" argument type.
MySQL error code 3218 (ER_AUDIT_LOG_UDF_READ_INVALID_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH_ARG_VALUE): Invalid "max_array_length" argument value.
MySQL error code 3220 (ER_AUDIT_LOG_JSON_FILTER_NAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY): Filter name cannot be empty.
MySQL error code 3221 (ER_AUDIT_LOG_JSON_USER_NAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY): User cannot be empty.
MySQL error code 3222 (ER_AUDIT_LOG_JSON_FILTER_DOES_NOT_EXISTS): Specified filter has not been found.
MySQL error code 3223 (ER_AUDIT_LOG_USER_FIRST_CHARACTER_MUST_BE_ALPHANUMERIC): First character of the user name must be alphanumeric.
MySQL error code 3224 (ER_AUDIT_LOG_USER_NAME_INVALID_CHARACTER): Invalid character in the user name.
MySQL error code 3225 (ER_AUDIT_LOG_HOST_NAME_INVALID_CHARACTER): Invalid character in the host name.
MySQL error code 3226 (WARN_DEPRECATED_MAXDB_SQL_MODE_FOR_TIMESTAMP): With the MAXDB SQL mode enabled, TIMESTAMP is identical with DATETIME. The MAXDB SQL mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please disable the MAXDB SQL mode and use DATETIME instead.
MySQL error code 3227 (ER_XA_REPLICATION_FILTERS): The use of replication filters with XA transactions is not supported, and can lead to an undefined state in the replication slave.
MySQL error code 3228 (ER_CANT_OPEN_ERROR_LOG): Could not open file '%s' for error logging%s%s
MySQL error code 3229 (ER_GROUPING_ON_TIMESTAMP_IN_DST): Grouping on temporal is non-deterministic for timezones having DST. Please consider switching to UTC for this query.
MySQL error code 3230 (ER_CANT_START_SERVER_NAMED_PIPE): Can't start server : Named Pipe "%s" already in use.

【MySQL学生手册】binary备份 vs 文本备份




11.2 binary备份 vs 文本备份



  • 二进制(binary)备份是一种对数据库中存储的内容文件的拷贝。这种拷贝实际上使得备份文件格式和MySQL在磁盘上存储的数据库文件格式保持了完全一致。因此此类数据库恢复则涉及将这些文件拷贝回它原有的位置。建立binary备份的技术包括使用文件拷贝命令(如cp或tar),mysqlhotcopy以及InnoDB Hot Backup**。
    ** 需要注意的是mysqlhotcopy从MySQL 5.7及其之后就被去除了,相关功能被融合到了其企业版MySQL Enterprise Backup工具mysqlbackup中。而InnoDB Hot Backup原先是商用软件的一部分,在MySQL Enterprise Backup 3.9之后其相应工具也被融合入mysqlbackup中。
  • 文本备份则是将数据库内容导出(dump)至文件文件中。恢复则涉及到通过处理这些文件的内容将数据返回到数据库中。生成文本备份的技术包括了使用SELECT … INTO OUTFILE 的SQL语句,mysqldump工具等。





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