07年博客迁移:datafile block extract lab

昨天在家里的Linux服务器上,尝试用C 写一个抽取data block 的例子,用到的system_call()
块 头的读取比较顺利,block_type种类大多我不熟悉,那是应用见的少了,只见过表,索引;IOT,cluster则从没见过。不过其实国内用这类高 级特性的恐怕也是极少,加了一个Oracle 的mail-list,看外国人对DB层的研究确实不懈的,而且人家只要这技术有优势就有本事和胆量拿来用,这份精神实在不殆。
块头之后是事务 槽,同行字典一样多少不定,是以行数据是倒过来存储的,即由尾而头,这番道理估计现下的DB上都是一般的。然而Oracle 之所以精妙与这事务槽同回滚段实现的读一致大有关系,然而反过来说Oracle本身也是背了一个极大的包袱在行走能有如今的效用真是不易之极,无怪乎 latch之类要用到汇编指令,但这又加大了改换平台的难度.
行字典中最末是每行的绝对距离. offsets=sizeof(head)+phead->itc*ITL_SIZE
相对地址为: pri[j]+offsets

Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
00014000 06 A2 00 00 0A 00 40 01 0E 89 43 00 00 00 05 02
type frmt spare1/2_kcbh rdba scn seq flg
1 : 20 bytes
type: 0x06=trans data defined in kcb.h
frmt: 8i~9i 都是0x02 10.1.0 2k: 0x62 4k:0x82 8k:0xa2 16k:0xc2 (logfile 0x22 512 bytes)
spare1/2_kcbh: ub1 spare1_kcbh this field is no longer used (old inc#, now always 0)
ub1 spare2_kcbh this field is no longer used (old ts#, now always 0)
rdba: 0x0140000a 转换成2进制后它的前10 bit 表示file id 后22 bit 表示的block id
可以看出一个tablespace 可以有1023 个datafile ,每个datafile可以有4M 的block
10G 出现的 big datafile 这里表示的就是block id了 没有file id
9.2.0试验过一个tablespace可以有1023个datafile 一个object可以存放在1023个datafile中
scn: scn: 0x0000.0043890e
seq: A sequence number incremented for each change to a block at the same SCN
A new SCN is allocated if the sequence number wraps.
同一个SCN影响这个block中的行数大于 254 行就会为这个事务分配一个新的SCN
如下面的操作就可能引起同一个SCN但影响的同一个block 中的行超过254行
“delete from table_name”
影响的行数(最大254) 是用从 0x01 到 0xfe 表示的
当这个byte 的数据为 0xff 的时候标志这个 block 坏调了—> ora-01578
Sequence number:
SEQ -> 0 /* non-logged changes – do not advance seq# */
SEQ -> (UB1MAXVAL-1)/* maximum possible sequence number */
SEQ -> (UB1MAXVAL) /* seq# to indicate a block is corrupt,equal to FF. soft corrupt*/
0xff : When present it indicates that the block has been marked as corrupt by Oracle. either by the db_block_checking functionality or the equivalent events (10210 for data blocks, 10211 for index blocks, and 10212 for cluster blocks) when making a database change, or by the DBMS_REPAIR.FIX_CORRUPT_BLOCKS procedure, or by PMON after an unsuccessful online block recovery attempt while recovering a failed process, or by RMAN during a BACKUP, COPY or VALIDATE command with the CHECK LOGICAL option. Logical corruptions are normally due to either recovery through a NOLOGGING operation, or an Oracle software bug.
flg: as defined in kcbh.h
#define KCBHFNEW 0x01 /* new block – zeroed data area */
#define KCBHFDLC 0x02 /* Delayed Logging Change advance SCN/seq */
#define KCBHFCKV 0x04 /* ChecK Value saved-block xor’s to zero */
#define KCBHFTMP 0x08 /* Temporary block */
这是一个可以组合的值 也就是说有为 6 的时候是 2,4 两种情况的组合
Block structure as defined in kcbh.h:
struct kcbh
{ub1 type_kcbh; /* Block type* /
ub1 frmt_kcbh; /* #define KCBH_FRMT8 2 */
ub1 spare1_kcbh;
ub1 spare2_kcbh;
krdba rdba_kcbh; /* relative DBA /
ub4 bas_kcbh; /* base of SCN */
ub2 wrp_kcbh; /* wrap of SCN */
ub1 seq_kcbh; /* sequence # of changes at same scn */
ub1 flg_kcbh;
ub2 chkval_kcbh;
00014010 00 00 00 00 01 00 17 00 54 D2 00 00 0A 89 43 00
chkval spare3_kcbh typ ? seg/obj csc
spare3_kcbh : ub2 spare3_kcbh
2 : 24 bytes (总计44bytes)
typ : 1 – DATA 2 index
改成3了在10.1.0 上引起了ora-600[2032]然后ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist
oracle进行查询的时候是根据 obj$表中的情况来判断对象的类型的,不是根据这个typ
但dump block 时会出错,ORA-00600: 内部错误代码,自变量: [4555], [0], [], [], [], [], [], []
错误中的 [0] 就是typ对应的数据
? 见过有其他值 但用编辑器改这个值 在 dump 文件中显示不出来变化
seg/obj: 0xd254
csc : 0x00.43890a The SCN at which the last full cleanout was performed on the block
00014020 00 00 E8 1F 02 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 0C 00
csc ? itc ? flg fsl fnx xid
3 : 24 bytes * itl (2个itl总计92bytes)
? 见过有其他值 但用编辑器改这个值 在 dump 文件中显示不出来变化
itc ITL 条目的个数 max 255超过会报ORA-02207
ORA-00060 ORA-00054 可能是没空间分配itl条目了或它的争用引起的
在8i中 INITRANS default为1 , 9.2.0中 INITRANS default为2
flg indicates that the block is on a freelist. Otherwise the flag is –
9i 的ASSM 的情况下这个值为 E
ixora 上说他占用 2 bytes 但我下面的试验和他的结果有一定的出入
我观察到的情况是 : Object id on Block? Y flg: O ver: 0x01
上面的3项是用同一个 byte 来表示的

flg: O ver: 0x01 Object id on Block? Y
从我的观察中 dump 出来的文件中 flg ver Object id on Block
他们共同占用的这个一个字节 他的规律可以从下面的情况看出
2进制数据 flg ver Object id on Block?
0x00 – 0x00 N
0x01 0 0x00 N
0x02 – 0x01 Y
0x03 0 0x01 Y
0x04 – 0x02 Y
0x05 0 0x02 Y
0x06 – 0x03 Y
0x07 0 0x03 Y
0x08 – 0x04 N
0x09 0 0x04 N
0x0a – 0x05 Y
0x0b 0 0x05 Y
0x0c – 0x06 Y
0x0d 0 0x06 Y
0x0e – 0x07 Y
0x0f 0 0x07 Y
0x10 … 类似上面的循环了 这种情况在9i上已经改变因为ASSM的出现

fsl : Index to the first slot on the ITL freelist. ITL TX freelist slot
fnx : 自由列表中下一块的地址 Null if this block is not on a freelist 有数据例如: fnx: 0x1000029
00014030 50 18 00 00 96 14 80 00 B9 07 01 00 01 20 00 00
xid uba Lck Flag Scn/Fsc
xid : Transaction ID (UndoSeg.Slot.Wrap)
值可以用select XIDUSN, XIDSLOT,XIDSQN from v$transaction;查到
This is comprised of the rollback segment number (2 bytes), the slot number
in the transaction table of that rollback segment (2 bytes), and the number
of times use of that transaction table has wrapped (4 bytes).
uba : Undo address (UndoDBA.SeqNo.RecordNo)
The location of the undo for the most recent change to this block by this transaction. This is comprised of the DBA of the rollback segment block (4 bytes), the sequence number (2 bytes), and the record number for the change in that undo block (1 byte), plus 1 unused byte.
Lck Flag: Lck 锁定的row数 这里还用到了下一个 byte 的数据
2 对应的二进制表示为 0010 正好和dump文件中的 –U- 吻合
flag 1 nibble
C = Committed; U = Commit Upper Bound; T = Active at CSC; B = Rollback of this UBA gives before image of the ITL.
—- = transaction is active, or committed pending cleanout
C— = transaction has been committed and locks cleaned out
-B– = this undo record contains the undo for this ITL entry
–U- = transaction committed (maybe long ago); SCN is an upper bound
—T = transaction was still active at block cleanout SCN
Lck 3 nibbles
The number of row-level locks held in the block by this transaction.
Scn/Fsc : If the transaction has been cleaned out, this is the commit SCN or an upper bound thereof. Otherwise the leading two bytes contain the free space credit for the transaction – that is, the number of bytes freed in the block by the transaction
Scn = SCN of commited TX; Fsc = Free space credit (bytes)
00014040 0E 89 43 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Scn/Fsc 第2条itl 这里没使用
00014050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 00
第2条itl 这里没使用 flag ntab nrow
4 : 14 bytes 从这个flag位置开始是data区 也是下面的行的offset的起始地址
flag : N=pctfree hit(clusters), F=don’t put on free list
K=flushable cluster keys. 当然还有别的标记: A …
ntab : 这block中有几个table的数据 cluster这个就可能大于1
nrow : block 有多少行数据
00014060 FF FF 14 00 9B 1F 83 1F 83 1F 00 00 01 00 9B 1F
frre fsbo fseo avsp tosp offs nrow row offs
frre : First free row index entry. -1=you have to add one.
fsbo : Free Space Begin offset 出去row dict 后面的可以放数据的空间的起始位置
也可以看成是从这个区域的开始”flag”到最后一个 “row offs”占用的空间
fseo : Free Space End offset ( 9.2.0 )参与db_block_checking的计算剩余空间
select 的时候oracle不是简单的根据offset定位row.这个值也是参与了定位row的
avsp : Available space in the block (pctfree and pctused) ORA-01578
tosp : Total available space when all TXs commit ( 9.2.0 )参与db_block_checking
offs : 偏移量 用 cluster 的时候可以看出值
nrow : 这个table有多少行数据
row offs : 这行数据相对的起始位置 after delete & commit is 0xffff
00015FF0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2C 01 01 01 61 05 06 0E 89
fb lb cc length data block tail
5 : 用户数据
6 : 4 bytes block tail
fb : K = Cluster Key (Flags may change meaning if this is set to show HASH cluster)
C = Cluster table member
H = Head piece of row
D = Deleted row
F = First data piece
L = Last data piece
P = First column continues from previous piece
N = Last column continues in next piece
lb : 和上面的 ITL 的lck相对应 表示这行是否被 lock 了
cc : 有几列数据 这里只能表示255列 超过了就会有链接行
length : 这列的数据的长度是多少
0xfa ( 250 bytes ) 其实0xfb,0xfc,0xfd 也同样是250bytes
0xfe fb 00 ( 0xfb 00 表示的251 bytes 0xfe表示row的长度超过了250 bytes)
0xff 表示number 的 null 这也是oracle中null的表现形式排序的时候null最大了
它在这个block中的数据的长度不会超过64K 所以最长用3bytes来表示行的长度已经够了.再长就链接行了
data : ‘a’
block tail : 改这 block 最后的4 bytes 数据中的任意肯定ora-1578
第 1 byte : 对应开始的 seq
第 2 byte : 对应开始的 type
第3,4byte : 对应开始的scn的末2为 control file 这里是control seq
10.1.0~lgone@ONE.LG.OK> create table a(v varchar2(4000)) TABLESPACE t;

Table created.

10.1.0~lgone@ONE.LG.OK> insert into a values('a');

1 row created.

Start dump data blocks tsn: 17 file#: 5 minblk 10 maxblk 10
buffer tsn: 17 rdba: 0x0140000a (5/10)
   //// buffer tsn:
         数据文件对应的 tablespace 的 number   这只是dump文件中记录的数据而已
         block 中是没有记录 tablespace 的 number 的 

scn: 0x0000.0043890e seq: 0x05 flg: 0x02 tail: 0x890e0605
frmt: 0x02 chkval: 0x0000 type: 0x06=trans data
Block header dump:  0x0140000a
 Object id on Block? Y
 seg/obj: 0xd254  csc: 0x00.43890a  itc: 2  flg: O  typ: 1 - DATA
     fsl: 0  fnx: 0x0 ver: 0x01

 Itl           Xid                  Uba         Flag  Lck        Scn/Fsc
0x01   0x0004.00c.00001850  0x00801496.07b9.01  --U-    1  fsc 0x0000.0043890e
0x02   0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000.0000.00  ----    0  fsc 0x0000.00000000

data_block_dump,data header at 0x87e125c
   ////  data_block_dump,data header at 0x87e125c
         其实这个block不是直接从 data buffer 中 dump 出来的这个表示真正dump时 block 的数据区的起始位置
===============        ////  tsiz:    hsiz:   pbl:   bdba: 在数据文件都是没有存储的 
tsiz: 0x1fa0           //// Total data area size
                     8k的block: 8192-20(block head)-24(Transaction Header)-24*2(一个事务条)-4(block tail)=8096(0x1fa0)
hsiz: 0x14             //// Data header size  数据块头20个字节+数据块尾4个字节=24字节(0x14)
pbl: 0x087e125c        //// Pointer to buffer holding the block
bdba: 0x0140000a

0xe:pti[0]  nrow=1  offs=0
0x12:pri[0] offs=0x1f9b
tab 0, row 0, @0x1f9b
tl: 5 fb: --H-FL-- lb: 0x1  cc: 1
col  0: [ 1]  61
End dump data blocks tsn: 17 file#: 5 minblk 10 maxblk 10

block 坏掉了还可以报:
    ORA-600 (4519) Cache layer block type is incorrect
    ORA-600 (4393) Check for Type for Segment header with free list
    ORA-600 (4136) Check Rollback segment block
    ORA-600 (4154) Check Rollback segment block

    Ora-600[kcbzpb_1],[d],[kind],[chk] gets signaled when the block got corrupted in memory.
    The only way it should be bad is if a stray store into memory destroyed the header or tail.
    d = blocknumber, kind= kind of corruption detected,chk = checksum flag

    ora-600[3398] and ora-600[3339]
    ora-600[3398] is not in oracle 8.
    ora-600[3398] means it failed a verification check before writing back to disk,  so it must
        be an in-memory corruption.
    ora-600[3339] comes with ora-1578 and means either disk corruption or in memory corruption after read.
    ora-600 [3339] has been removed from 7.2+
    From 7.2+  ora-600 [3398] has become ora-600 [3374] with some checks added.

               ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10289 trace name context forever, level 1';
               ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10289 trace name context off';

RAC Deadlock For Example

Single resource deadlock: blocking enqueue which blocks itself, f 0

Single resource deadlock: blocking enqueue which blocks itself, f 0
Granted global enqueue 0xd8578490
----------enqueue 0xd8578490------------------------
lock version     : 1
Owner inst       : 2
grant_level      : KJUSERCW
req_level        : KJUSERPW
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : 0x4fe4b6e
resp             : 0xd9c7ad50
procp            : 0xd9971780
pid              : 0
proc version     : 0
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 0
group lock owner : (nil)
xid              : 0000-0000-00000000
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     :
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0xd7d8d7da
Msg_Seq          : 0x60005
res_seq          : 2
valblk           : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER/HOLDER: block level 4 res [0x1451c][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
----------resource 0xd9c7ad50----------------------
resname       : [0x1451c][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
hash mask     : x3
Local inst    : 1
dir_inst      : 1
master_inst   : 1
hv idx        : 112
hv last r.inc : 56
current inc   : 56
hv status     : 0
hv master     : 0
open options  : dd cached
grant_bits    : KJUSERCW
count         : 0         0         2         0         0         0
val_state     : KJUSERVS_NOVALUE
valblk        : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
access_inst   : 1
vbreq_state   : 0
state         : x0
resp          : 0xd9c7ad50
On Scan_q?    : N
Total accesses: 150
Imm.  accesses: 143
Granted_locks : 1
Cvting_locks  : 1
value_block:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
lp 0xd876ab70 gl KJUSERCW rp 0xd9c7ad50 [0x1451c][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
  master 1 gl owner 0xda7233c0 possible pid 1993 xid 2B000-0001-000000B5 bast 0 rseq 1 mseq 0 history 0x49a51495
lp 0xd8578490 gl KJUSERCW rl KJUSERPW rp 0xd9c7ad50 [0x1451c][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
  master 1 owner 2  bast 1 rseq 2 mseq 0x60005 history 0xd7d8d7da
  convert opt KJUSERGETVALUE
----------enqueue 0xd876ab70------------------------
lock version     : 2071
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSERCW
req_level        : KJUSERPW
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9c7ad50
procp            : 0xd9979b08
pid              : 1993
proc version     : 81
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 1993
group lock owner : 0xda7233c0
possible pid     : 1993
xid              : 2B000-0001-000000B5
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : CONVERTING
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x49a51495
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 1
valblk           : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
user session for deadlock lock 0xd876ab70
  sid: 416 ser: 217 audsid: 2301258 user: 95/SPOT
    flags: (0x10041) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    flags2: (0x40008) -/-
  pid: 43 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 1993
    image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (J000)
  client details:
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 1993
    machine: rh2.oracle.com program: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (J000)
    application name: DBMS_SCHEDULER, hash value=2478762354
    action name: QUEST_PPCM_JOB_PM_1, hash value=3637730750
  current SQL:

----------enqueue 0xd8578490------------------------
lock version     : 1
Owner inst       : 2
grant_level      : KJUSERCW
req_level        : KJUSERPW
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : 0x4fe4b6e
resp             : 0xd9c7ad50
procp            : 0xd9971780
pid              : 0
proc version     : 0
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 0
group lock owner : (nil)
xid              : 0000-0000-00000000
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     :
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0xd7d8d7da
Msg_Seq          : 0x60005
res_seq          : 2
valblk           : 0x03000000000000000100000000000000 . 

Requesting global enqueue 0xd876ab70 

----------enqueue 0xd876ab70------------------------
lock version     : 2071
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSERCW
req_level        : KJUSERPW
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9c7ad50
procp            : 0xd9979b08
pid              : 1993
proc version     : 81
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 1993
group lock owner : 0xda7233c0
possible pid     : 1993
xid              : 2B000-0001-000000B5
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : CONVERTING
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x49a51495
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 1
valblk           : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 . u
ser session for deadlock lock 0xd876ab70
sid: 416 ser: 217 audsid: 2301258 user: 95/SPOT
flags: (0x10041) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
flags2: (0x40008) -/-
pid: 43 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 1993
image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (J000)
client details:     O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 1993
machine: rh2.oracle.com program: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (J000)
application name: DBMS_SCHEDULER, hash value=2478762354
action name: QUEST_PPCM_JOB_PM_1, hash value=3637730750
current SQL:
----------resource 0xd9c7ad50----------------------
resname       : [0x1451c][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
hash mask     : x3
Local inst    : 1
dir_inst      : 1
master_inst   : 1
hv idx        : 112
hv last r.inc : 56
current inc   : 56
hv status     : 0
hv master     : 0
open options  : dd cached
grant_bits    : KJUSERCW
count         : 0         0         2         0         0         0
val_state     : KJUSERVS_NOVALUE
valblk        : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
access_inst   : 1
vbreq_state   : 0
state         : x0
resp          : 0xd9c7ad50
On Scan_q?    : N
Total accesses: 150
Imm.  accesses: 143
Granted_locks : 1
Cvting_locks  : 1
value_block:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
lp 0xd876ab70 gl KJUSERCW rp 0xd9c7ad50 [0x1451c][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
  master 1 gl owner 0xda7233c0 possible pid 1993 xid 2B000-0001-000000B5 bast 0 rseq 1 mseq 0 history 0x49a51495
lp 0xd8578490 gl KJUSERCW rl KJUSERPW rp 0xd9c7ad50 [0x1451c][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
  master 1 owner 2  bast 1 rseq 2 mseq 0x60005 history 0xd7d8d7da
  convert opt KJUSERGETVALUE
Trace Bucket Dump Begin: default bucket for process 43 (osid: 1993, J000)


* End DRM for pkey remastering request(s) (locally requested)
ENQUEUE DUMP REQUEST: from 2 spnum 12 on [0x1475a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0] for reason 3 mtype 0

*** 2011-06-21 21:57:42.212
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER/HOLDER: block level 5 res [0x1475a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
----------resource 0xd9e62b48----------------------
resname       : [0x1475a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
hash mask     : x3
Local inst    : 1
dir_inst      : 1
master_inst   : 1
hv idx        : 46
hv last r.inc : 56
current inc   : 56
hv status     : 0
hv master     : 0
open options  : dd cached
grant_bits    : KJUSERNL KJUSEREX
count         : 1         0         0         0         0         1
val_state     : KJUSERVS_NOVALUE
valblk        : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
access_inst   : 1
vbreq_state   : 0
state         : x0
resp          : 0xd9e62b48
On Scan_q?    : N
Total accesses: 30
Imm.  accesses: 25
Granted_locks : 1
Cvting_locks  : 1
value_block:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
lp 0xd87530a8 gl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9e62b48 [0x1475a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
  master 1 gl owner 0xda7233c0 possible pid 26255 xid 2B000-0001-00000576 bast 0 rseq 3 mseq 0 history 0x9a514495
lp 0xd85b60e0 gl KJUSERNL rl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9e62b48 [0x1475a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
  master 1 owner 2  bast 0 rseq 12 mseq 0x1 history 0x97ad
  convert opt KJUSERGETVALUE
----------enqueue 0xd87530a8------------------------
lock version     : 10199
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSEREX
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9e62b48
procp            : 0xd99750b0
pid              : 26255
proc version     : 229
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 26255
group lock owner : 0xda7233c0
possible pid     : 26255
xid              : 2B000-0001-00000576
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x9a514495
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 3
valblk           : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
user session for deadlock lock 0xd87530a8
  sid: 416 ser: 1053 audsid: 4294967295 user: 0/SYS
    flags: (0x41) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    flags2: (0x40008) -/-
  pid: 43 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 26255
    image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
  client details:
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: pts/3, ospid: 26254
    machine: rh2.oracle.com program: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
    application name: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3), hash value=3660119738
  current SQL:
  lock table lock2 in exclusive mode
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER: initiate state dump for DEADLOCK
  possible owner[43.26255] on resource TM-0001475A-00000000

*** 2011-06-21 21:57:42.215
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]. summary=[ges process stack dump (kjdglblkrdm1)].
----------enqueue 0xd85b60e0------------------------
lock version     : 1
Owner inst       : 2
grant_level      : KJUSERNL
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9e62b48
procp            : 0xd9971780
pid              : 0
proc version     : 0
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 0
group lock owner : (nil)
xid              : 0000-0000-00000000
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     :  KJUSERNO_XID
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x97ad
Msg_Seq          : 0x1
res_seq          : 12
valblk           : 0xe0720660ff7f000020700660ff7f0000 .r` p`
Global blockers dump start:---------------------------------
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER/HOLDER: block level 5 res [0x1485a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
----------resource 0xd9c5a7c8----------------------
resname       : [0x1485a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
hash mask     : x3
Local inst    : 1
dir_inst      : 1
master_inst   : 1
hv idx        : 46
hv last r.inc : 56
current inc   : 56
hv status     : 0
hv master     : 0
open options  : dd cached
grant_bits    : KJUSERNL KJUSEREX
count         : 1         0         0         0         0         1
val_state     : KJUSERVS_NOVALUE
valblk        : 0x000000000a0000000a00000001000000 .
access_inst   : 2
vbreq_state   : 0
state         : x0
resp          : 0xd9c5a7c8
On Scan_q?    : N
Total accesses: 29
Imm.  accesses: 20
Granted_locks : 1
Cvting_locks  : 1
value_block:  00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
lp 0xd85b5f20 gl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9c5a7c8 [0x1485a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
  master 1 owner 2  bast 0 rseq 15 mseq 0x2 history 0x977d8d
  open opt  KJUSERNO_XID
lp 0xd8757ff8 gl KJUSERNL rl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9c5a7c8 [0x1485a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
  master 1 gl owner 0xda7233c0 possible pid 26255 xid 2B000-0001-00000576 bast 0 rseq 2 mseq 0 history 0xda51449a
  convert opt KJUSERGETVALUE
----------enqueue 0xd85b5f20------------------------
lock version     : 1
Owner inst       : 2
grant_level      : KJUSEREX
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSEREX
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9c5a7c8
procp            : 0xd9971780
pid              : 0
proc version     : 0
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 0
group lock owner : (nil)
xid              : 0000-0000-00000000
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     :  KJUSERNO_XID
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x977d8d
Msg_Seq          : 0x2
res_seq          : 15
valblk           : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
----------enqueue 0xd8757ff8------------------------
lock version     : 10261
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSERNL
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9c5a7c8
procp            : 0xd99750b0
pid              : 26255
proc version     : 229
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 26255
group lock owner : 0xda7233c0
possible pid     : 26255
xid              : 2B000-0001-00000576
dd_time          : 10.0 secs
dd_count         : 1
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : Y
lock_state       : OPENING CONVERTING
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0xda51449a
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 2
valblk           : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
user session for deadlock lock 0xd8757ff8
  sid: 416 ser: 1053 audsid: 4294967295 user: 0/SYS
    flags: (0x41) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    flags2: (0x40008) -/-
  pid: 43 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 26255
    image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
  client details:
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: pts/3, ospid: 26254
    machine: rh2.oracle.com program: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
    application name: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3), hash value=3660119738
  current SQL:
  lock table lock2 in exclusive mode
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER: initiate state dump for DEADLOCK
  possible owner[43.26255] on resource TM-0001485A-00000000

*** 2011-06-21 21:57:42.219
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]. summary=[ges process stack dump (kjdglblkrdm1)].
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER/HOLDER: block level 5 res [0x1475a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
----------resource 0xd9e62b48----------------------
resname       : [0x1475a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
hash mask     : x3
Local inst    : 1
dir_inst      : 1
master_inst   : 1
hv idx        : 46
hv last r.inc : 56
current inc   : 56
hv status     : 0
hv master     : 0
open options  : dd cached
grant_bits    : KJUSERNL KJUSEREX
count         : 1         0         0         0         0         1
val_state     : KJUSERVS_NOVALUE
valblk        : 0x7c5b5c0900000000806a0660ff7f0000 |[\j`
access_inst   : 1
vbreq_state   : 0
state         : x0
resp          : 0xd9e62b48
On Scan_q?    : N
Total accesses: 32
Imm.  accesses: 26
Granted_locks : 1
Cvting_locks  : 1
value_block:  7c 5b 5c 09 00 00 00 00 80 6a 06 60 ff 7f 00 00
lp 0xd87530a8 gl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9e62b48 [0x1475a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
  master 1 gl owner 0xda7233c0 possible pid 26255 xid 2B000-0001-00000576 bast 0 rseq 3 mseq 0 history 0x9a514495
lp 0xd85b60e0 gl KJUSERNL rl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9e62b48 [0x1475a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
  master 1 owner 2  bast 0 rseq 12 mseq 0x1 history 0x97ad
  convert opt KJUSERGETVALUE
----------enqueue 0xd87530a8------------------------
lock version     : 10199
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSEREX
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9e62b48
procp            : 0xd99750b0
pid              : 26255
proc version     : 229
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 26255
group lock owner : 0xda7233c0
possible pid     : 26255
xid              : 2B000-0001-00000576
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x9a514495
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 3
valblk           : 0x00000000ff7f000031000502ff7f0000 .1
user session for deadlock lock 0xd87530a8
  sid: 416 ser: 1053 audsid: 4294967295 user: 0/SYS
    flags: (0x41) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    flags2: (0x40008) -/-
  pid: 43 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 26255
    image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
  client details:
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: pts/3, ospid: 26254
    machine: rh2.oracle.com program: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
    application name: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3), hash value=3660119738
  current SQL:
  lock table lock2 in exclusive mode
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER: initiate state dump for DEADLOCK
  possible owner[43.26255] on resource TM-0001475A-00000000

*** 2011-06-21 21:57:42.220
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]. summary=[ges process stack dump (kjdglblkrdm1)].
----------enqueue 0xd85b60e0------------------------
lock version     : 1
Owner inst       : 2
grant_level      : KJUSERNL
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9e62b48
procp            : 0xd9971780
pid              : 0
proc version     : 0
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 0
group lock owner : (nil)
xid              : 0000-0000-00000000
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     :  KJUSERNO_XID
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x97ad
Msg_Seq          : 0x1
res_seq          : 12
valblk           : 0x406f0660ff7f0000806c0660ff7f0000 @o`l`
Global blockers dump end:-----------------------------------
Global Wait-For-Graph(WFG) at ddTS[0.1] :
BLOCKED 0xd8757ff8 5 wq 2 cvtops x1 TM 0x1485a.0x0(ext 0x0,0x0)[2B000-0001-00000576] inst 1
BLOCKER 0xd87520d0 5 wq 1 cvtops x1 TM 0x1485a.0x0(ext 0x0,0x0)[22000-0002-000010C6] inst 2
BLOCKED 0xd8766338 5 wq 2 cvtops x1 TM 0x1475a.0x0(ext 0x0,0x0)[22000-0002-000010C6] inst 2
BLOCKER 0xd87530a8 5 wq 1 cvtops x1 TM 0x1475a.0x0(ext 0x0,0x0)[2B000-0001-00000576] inst 1


ENQUEUE DUMP REQUEST: from 2 spnum 12 on [0x10001][0x7b3],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0] for reason 3 mtype 0
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER/HOLDER: block level 5 res [0x10001][0x7b3],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
----------resource 0xd9c5a6a0----------------------
resname       : [0x10001][0x7b3],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
hash mask     : x3
Local inst    : 1
dir_inst      : 1
master_inst   : 1
hv idx        : 8
hv last r.inc : 56
current inc   : 56
hv status     : 0
hv master     : 0
open options  : dd
grant_bits    : KJUSERNL KJUSEREX
count         : 1         0         0         0         0         1
val_state     : KJUSERVS_NOVALUE
valblk        : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
access_inst   : 1
vbreq_state   : 0
state         : x0
resp          : 0xd9c5a6a0
On Scan_q?    : N
Total accesses: 54
Imm.  accesses: 44
Granted_locks : 1
Cvting_locks  : 1
value_block:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
lp 0xd85b62a0 gl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9c5a6a0 [0x10001][0x7b3],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
  master 1 gl owner 0xda7233c0 possible pid 26287 xid 2B000-0001-00000578 bast 0 rseq 8 mseq 0 history 0x95
lp 0xd85b6460 gl KJUSERNL rl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9c5a6a0 [0x10001][0x7b3],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
  master 1 owner 2  bast 0 rseq 22 mseq 0x1 history 0x97ad
  convert opt KJUSERGETVALUE
----------enqueue 0xd85b62a0------------------------
lock version     : 1
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSEREX
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9c5a6a0
procp            : 0xd996b090
pid              : 22148
proc version     : 0
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 22148
group lock owner : 0xda7233c0
possible pid     : 26287
xid              : 2B000-0001-00000578
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
History          : 0x95
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 8
valblk           : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
user session for deadlock lock 0xd85b62a0
  sid: 416 ser: 1055 audsid: 4294967295 user: 0/SYS
    flags: (0x41) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    flags2: (0x40008) -/-
  pid: 43 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 26287
    image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
  client details:
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: pts/3, ospid: 26286
    machine: rh2.oracle.com program: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
    application name: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3), hash value=3660119738
  current SQL:
  update lock1 set t1=t1+10 where t1=2
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER: initiate state dump for DEADLOCK
  possible owner[43.26287] on resource TX-00010001-000007B3

*** 2011-06-21 22:08:18.048
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]. summary=[ges process stack dump (kjdglblkrdm1)].
----------enqueue 0xd85b6460------------------------
lock version     : 1
Owner inst       : 2
grant_level      : KJUSERNL
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9c5a6a0
procp            : 0xd9971780
pid              : 0
proc version     : 0
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 0
group lock owner : (nil)
xid              : 0000-0000-00000000
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     :  KJUSERNO_XID
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x97ad
Msg_Seq          : 0x1
res_seq          : 22
valblk           : 0xe0720660ff7f000020700660ff7f0000 .r` p`
Global blockers dump start:---------------------------------
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER/HOLDER: block level 5 res [0xb0000][0xc8],[TX][ext 0x5,0x0]
----------resource 0xd9e626a8----------------------
resname       : [0xb0000][0xc8],[TX][ext 0x5,0x0]
hash mask     : x3
Local inst    : 1
dir_inst      : 2
master_inst   : 2
hv idx        : 28
hv last r.inc : 56
current inc   : 56
hv status     : 0
hv master     : 0
open options  : dd
Held mode     : KJUSERNL
Cvt mode      : KJUSEREX
Next Cvt mode : KJUSERNL
msg_seq       : 0x1
res_seq       : 2
grant_bits    : KJUSERNL
count         : 1         0         0         0         0         0
val_state     : KJUSERVS_NOVALUE
valblk        : 0x000000000a0000000a00000001000000 .
access_inst   : 2
vbreq_state   : 0
state         : x8
resp          : 0xd9e626a8
On Scan_q?    : N
Total accesses: 24
Imm.  accesses: 15
Granted_locks : 0
Cvting_locks  : 1
value_block:  00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
lp 0xd8757ff8 gl KJUSERNL rl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9e626a8 [0xb0000][0xc8],[TX][ext 0x5,0x0]
  master 2 gl owner 0xda7233c0 possible pid 26287 xid 2B000-0001-00000578 bast 0 rseq 2 mseq 0 history 0x495149da
  convert opt KJUSERGETVALUE
----------enqueue 0xd8757ff8------------------------
lock version     : 11019
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSERNL
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9e626a8
procp            : 0xd99750b0
pid              : 26287
proc version     : 230
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 26287
group lock owner : 0xda7233c0
possible pid     : 26287
xid              : 2B000-0001-00000578
dd_time          : 10.0 secs
dd_count         : 1
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : Y
lock_state       : OPENING CONVERTING
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x495149da
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 2
valblk           : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
user session for deadlock lock 0xd8757ff8
  sid: 416 ser: 1055 audsid: 4294967295 user: 0/SYS
    flags: (0x41) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    flags2: (0x40008) -/-
  pid: 43 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 26287
    image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
  client details:
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: pts/3, ospid: 26286
    machine: rh2.oracle.com program: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
    application name: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3), hash value=3660119738
  current SQL:
  update lock1 set t1=t1+10 where t1=2
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER: initiate state dump for DEADLOCK
  possible owner[43.26287] on resource TX-000B0000-000000C8

*** 2011-06-21 22:08:18.051
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]. summary=[ges process stack dump (kjdglblkrdm1)].
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER/HOLDER: block level 5 res [0x10001][0x7b3],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
----------resource 0xd9c5a6a0----------------------
resname       : [0x10001][0x7b3],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
hash mask     : x3
Local inst    : 1
dir_inst      : 1
master_inst   : 1
hv idx        : 8
hv last r.inc : 56
current inc   : 56
hv status     : 0
hv master     : 0
open options  : dd
grant_bits    : KJUSERNL KJUSEREX
count         : 1         0         0         0         0         1
val_state     : KJUSERVS_NOVALUE
valblk        : 0x7c5b5c0900000000806a0660ff7f0000 |[\j`
access_inst   : 1
vbreq_state   : 0
state         : x0
resp          : 0xd9c5a6a0
On Scan_q?    : N
Total accesses: 56
Imm.  accesses: 45
Granted_locks : 1
Cvting_locks  : 1
value_block:  7c 5b 5c 09 00 00 00 00 80 6a 06 60 ff 7f 00 00
lp 0xd85b62a0 gl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9c5a6a0 [0x10001][0x7b3],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
  master 1 gl owner 0xda7233c0 possible pid 26287 xid 2B000-0001-00000578 bast 0 rseq 8 mseq 0 history 0x95
lp 0xd85b6460 gl KJUSERNL rl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9c5a6a0 [0x10001][0x7b3],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
  master 1 owner 2  bast 0 rseq 22 mseq 0x1 history 0x97ad
  convert opt KJUSERGETVALUE
----------enqueue 0xd85b62a0------------------------
lock version     : 1
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSEREX
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9c5a6a0
procp            : 0xd996b090
pid              : 22148
proc version     : 0
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 22148
group lock owner : 0xda7233c0
possible pid     : 26287
xid              : 2B000-0001-00000578
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
History          : 0x95
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 8
valblk           : 0x00000000ff7f000031000502ff7f0000 .1
user session for deadlock lock 0xd85b62a0
  sid: 416 ser: 1055 audsid: 4294967295 user: 0/SYS
    flags: (0x41) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    flags2: (0x40008) -/-
  pid: 43 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 26287
    image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
  client details:
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: pts/3, ospid: 26286
    machine: rh2.oracle.com program: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
    application name: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3), hash value=3660119738
  current SQL:
  update lock1 set t1=t1+10 where t1=2
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER: initiate state dump for DEADLOCK
  possible owner[43.26287] on resource TX-00010001-000007B3

*** 2011-06-21 22:08:18.053
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]. summary=[ges process stack dump (kjdglblkrdm1)].
----------enqueue 0xd85b6460------------------------
lock version     : 1
Owner inst       : 2
grant_level      : KJUSERNL
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9c5a6a0
procp            : 0xd9971780
pid              : 0
proc version     : 0
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 0
group lock owner : (nil)
xid              : 0000-0000-00000000
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     :  KJUSERNO_XID
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x97ad
Msg_Seq          : 0x1
res_seq          : 22
valblk           : 0x406f0660ff7f0000806c0660ff7f0000 @o`l`
Global blockers dump end:-----------------------------------
Global Wait-For-Graph(WFG) at ddTS[0.6] :
BLOCKED 0xd8757ff8 5 wq 2 cvtops x1 TX 0xb0000.0xc8(ext 0x5,0x0)[2B000-0001-00000578] inst 1
BLOCKER 0xd8561ee0 5 wq 1 cvtops x28 TX 0xb0000.0xc8(ext 0x5,0x0)[22000-0002-000010C6] inst 2
BLOCKED 0xd8766338 5 wq 2 cvtops x1 TX 0x10001.0x7b3(ext 0x2,0x0)[22000-0002-000010C6] inst 2
BLOCKER 0xd85b62a0 5 wq 1 cvtops x28 TX 0x10001.0x7b3(ext 0x2,0x0)[2B000-0001-00000578] inst 1 

*** 2011-06-21 22:08:19.059
* Cancel deadlock victim lockp 0xd8757ff8


*** 2011-06-21 22:27:00.022
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER/HOLDER: block level 5 res [0x70015][0x81e],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
----------resource 0xd9e62330----------------------
resname       : [0x70015][0x81e],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
hash mask     : x3
Local inst    : 1
dir_inst      : 1
master_inst   : 1
hv idx        : 7
hv last r.inc : 42
current inc   : 56
hv status     : 0
hv master     : 1
open options  : dd
grant_bits    : KJUSERNL KJUSEREX
count         : 1         0         0         0         0         1
val_state     : KJUSERVS_NOVALUE
valblk        : 0x506b0660ff7f00006d6cf50400000000 Pk`ml
access_inst   : 1
vbreq_state   : 0
state         : x0
resp          : 0xd9e62330
On Scan_q?    : N
Total accesses: 23
Imm.  accesses: 15
Granted_locks : 1
Cvting_locks  : 1
value_block:  50 6b 06 60 ff 7f 00 00 6d 6c f5 04 00 00 00 00
lp 0xd8767a10 gl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9e62330 [0x70015][0x81e],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
  master 1 gl owner 0xda2cff40 possible pid 26847 xid 2E000-0001-00000347 bast 0 rseq 1 mseq 0 history 0x14951495
lp 0xd876a630 gl KJUSERNL rl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9e62330 [0x70015][0x81e],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
  master 1 gl owner 0xda7233c0 possible pid 26843 xid 2B000-0001-0000057A bast 0 rseq 1 mseq 0 history 0x1495149a
  convert opt KJUSERGETVALUE
----------enqueue 0xd8767a10------------------------
lock version     : 8523
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSEREX
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9e62330
procp            : 0xd99750b0
pid              : 26843
proc version     : 231
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 26843
group lock owner : 0xda2cff40
possible pid     : 26847
xid              : 2E000-0001-00000347
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
History          : 0x14951495
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 1
valblk           : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
user session for deadlock lock 0xd8767a10
  sid: 16 ser: 851 audsid: 4294967295 user: 0/SYS
    flags: (0x41) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    flags2: (0x40008) -/-
  pid: 46 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 26847
    image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
  client details:
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: pts/3, ospid: 26846
    machine: rh2.oracle.com program: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
    application name: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3), hash value=3660119738
  current SQL:
   update lock1 set t1=t1+10 where t1=11
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER: initiate state dump for DEADLOCK
  possible owner[46.26847] on resource TX-00070015-0000081E

*** 2011-06-21 22:27:00.024
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]. summary=[ges process stack dump (kjdglblkrdm1)].
----------enqueue 0xd876a630------------------------
lock version     : 9399
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSERNL
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9e62330
procp            : 0xd99750b0
pid              : 26843
proc version     : 231
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 26843
group lock owner : 0xda7233c0
possible pid     : 26843
xid              : 2B000-0001-0000057A
dd_time          : 10.0 secs
dd_count         : 1
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : Y
lock_state       : OPENING CONVERTING
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x1495149a
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 1
valblk           : 0xa06e0660ff7f0000e06b0660ff7f0000 .n`k`
user session for deadlock lock 0xd876a630
  sid: 416 ser: 1057 audsid: 4294967295 user: 0/SYS
    flags: (0x41) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    flags2: (0x40008) -/-
  pid: 43 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 26843
    image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
  client details:
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: pts/4, ospid: 26842
    machine: rh2.oracle.com program: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
    application name: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3), hash value=3660119738
  current SQL:
  update lock1 set t1=t1+10 where t1=12
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER: initiate state dump for DEADLOCK
  possible owner[43.26843] on resource TX-00070015-0000081E

*** 2011-06-21 22:27:00.025
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]. summary=[ges process stack dump (kjdglblkrdm1)].
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER/HOLDER: block level 5 res [0x40008][0x7d9],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
----------resource 0xd9e62208----------------------
resname       : [0x40008][0x7d9],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
hash mask     : x3
Local inst    : 1
dir_inst      : 1
master_inst   : 1
hv idx        : 53
hv last r.inc : 42
current inc   : 56
hv status     : 0
hv master     : 1
open options  : dd
grant_bits    : KJUSERNL KJUSEREX
count         : 1         0         0         0         0         1
val_state     : KJUSERVS_NOVALUE
valblk        : 0x7c5b5c0900000000e0690660ff7f0000 |[\i`
access_inst   : 1
vbreq_state   : 0
state         : x0
resp          : 0xd9e62208
On Scan_q?    : N
Total accesses: 92
Imm.  accesses: 82
Granted_locks : 1
Cvting_locks  : 1
value_block:  7c 5b 5c 09 00 00 00 00 e0 69 06 60 ff 7f 00 00
lp 0xd876a7f0 gl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9e62208 [0x40008][0x7d9],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
  master 1 gl owner 0xda7233c0 possible pid 26843 xid 2B000-0001-0000057A bast 0 rseq 6 mseq 0 history 0x14951495
lp 0xd876ab70 gl KJUSERNL rl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9e62208 [0x40008][0x7d9],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
  master 1 gl owner 0xda2cff40 possible pid 26847 xid 2E000-0001-00000347 bast 0 rseq 6 mseq 0 history 0x1495149a
  convert opt KJUSERGETVALUE
----------enqueue 0xd876a7f0------------------------
lock version     : 6107
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSEREX
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9e62208
procp            : 0xd9978428
pid              : 26847
proc version     : 238
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 26847
group lock owner : 0xda7233c0
possible pid     : 26843
xid              : 2B000-0001-0000057A
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
History          : 0x14951495
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 6
valblk           : 0x00000000ff7f000031000502ff7f0000 .1
user session for deadlock lock 0xd876a7f0
  sid: 416 ser: 1057 audsid: 4294967295 user: 0/SYS
    flags: (0x41) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    flags2: (0x40008) -/-
  pid: 43 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 26843
    image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
  client details:
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: pts/4, ospid: 26842
    machine: rh2.oracle.com program: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
    application name: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3), hash value=3660119738
  current SQL:
  update lock1 set t1=t1+10 where t1=12
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER: initiate state dump for DEADLOCK
  possible owner[43.26843] on resource TX-00040008-000007D9

*** 2011-06-21 22:27:00.029
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]. summary=[ges process stack dump (kjdglblkrdm1)].
----------enqueue 0xd876ab70------------------------
lock version     : 3827
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSERNL
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9e62208
procp            : 0xd9978428
pid              : 26847
proc version     : 238
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 26847
group lock owner : 0xda2cff40
possible pid     : 26847
xid              : 2E000-0001-00000347
dd_time          : 5.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : Y
lock_state       : OPENING CONVERTING
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x1495149a
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 6
valblk           : 0xa06e0660ff7f0000e06b0660ff7f0000 .n`k`
user session for deadlock lock 0xd876ab70
  sid: 16 ser: 851 audsid: 4294967295 user: 0/SYS
    flags: (0x41) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    flags2: (0x40008) -/-
  pid: 46 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 26847
    image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
  client details:
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: pts/3, ospid: 26846
    machine: rh2.oracle.com program: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
    application name: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3), hash value=3660119738
  current SQL:
   update lock1 set t1=t1+10 where t1=11
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER: initiate state dump for DEADLOCK
  possible owner[46.26847] on resource TX-00040008-000007D9

*** 2011-06-21 22:27:00.031
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]. summary=[ges process stack dump (kjdglblkrdm1)].
Global blockers dump end:-----------------------------------
Global Wait-For-Graph(WFG) at ddTS[0.db] :
BLOCKED 0xd876a630 5 wq 2 cvtops x1 TX 0x70015.0x81e(ext 0x2,0x0)[2B000-0001-0000057A] inst 1
BLOCKER 0xd8767a10 5 wq 1 cvtops x28 TX 0x70015.0x81e(ext 0x2,0x0)[2E000-0001-00000347] inst 1
BLOCKED 0xd876ab70 5 wq 2 cvtops x1 TX 0x40008.0x7d9(ext 0x2,0x0)[2E000-0001-00000347] inst 1
BLOCKER 0xd876a7f0 5 wq 1 cvtops x28 TX 0x40008.0x7d9(ext 0x2,0x0)[2B000-0001-0000057A] inst 1

Summary Of  Bugs Which Could Cause Deadlock In RAC Environment

Applies to:

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to 11.1 Information in this document applies to any platform.


The purpose of this Note is to explain various bugs filed specifically for the Dead lock errors in a RAC environment  against specific Oracle database versions (This Note covers bugs reported versions  above, and explain the symptoms of each bug, workarounds if any and references the patch availability at the time this article was written.


This article is a consolidated effort to summarisze top bugs reported specifically for the Dead lock  error in RAC environment  (This Note covers bugs reported versions above which have been fixed. It is directed towards Oracle Support Analysts and Oracle Customers to have an overview of various bugs logged for the same error .

Summary Of Bugs Which Could Cause Deadlock In RAC Environment

Bugs Fixed in Version Note 2941738.8 Bug 2941738   SMON processes may deadlock in RAC Note 2902030.8 Bug 2902030   Deadlocks in RAC not logged in alert log Bugs Fixed in Version Note 3268802.8 Bug 3268802 Additional diagnostics for deadlock in RAC environment Note.3646162.8 Bug 3646162 False deadlock (ORA-60) in a RAC environment / TM lock mode change Note.3627263.8 Bug 3627263 DEADLOCK OPS STARTUP Deadlock / hang during RAC instance startup Bugs Fixed in Version Note.3992847.8 Bug 3992847 Deadlocks are not detected in rac when one node rebooted more recently than the rest Note 3641819.8 Bug 3641819  Undetected deadlock possible in RAC Note 3777178.8 Bug 3777178  TA / US enqueue deadlock during transaction recovery in RAC Note 4220161.8 Bug 4220161 OPS Deadlock between SMON processes on different instances Bug Fixed in Version Note 4371923.8 Bug 4371923 SMON may deadlock on TX enqueue waits for updates to COL_USAGE$ in RAC Bug Fixed in  Version Note 4579381.8 Bug 4579381  Deadlock on DC_USERS in RAC (ORA-4020) Bug Fixed in Version Note 5012368.8 Bug 5012368 Undetected deadlock in RAC  Note 4913415.8 Bug 4913415 Global deadlock not reported in RAC Bug Fixed in Version Note 5470095.8 Bug 5470095  Self deadlock should provide more targeted diagnostics Note 5454831.8 Bug 5454831  deadlock possible on working set latches Note 5334733.8 Bug 5334733  Deadlock resolution can be slow in RAC  Note 4441119.8 Bug 4441119 Not enough information dumped when RAC detects a deadlock  Note 5883112.8 Bug 5883112 False deadlock in RAC Bug Fixed in Version Note 6145177.8 Bug 6145177 Single resource deadlock with a zero DID For summary of bugs which could cause deadlock in single instance see Note 554616.1

Know more about DML

The change vectors as constructed by the transaction layer are used by the cache layer to apply the physical block changes.

Redo log ordering and recovery as well as read consistency are the fundamental purposes of SCNs.

The change vector:
Change vectors are built in the PGA process of the process modifying a block, have the DBA and SCN/SEQ of the block before the change, and only ever perform the change for one block.

The system commit number:
The SCN is a 6-byte structure consisting of the SCN base and SCN wrap.
Is a 6-byte structure consisting of the SCN base and SCN wrap, 4 bytes for the SCN base and 2 bytes for the SCN wrap

The SCN is used within the data block to reflect the committed version of the block.
There is only one global SCN generator for each database.
A large transaction is defined as a transaction that is participating in a parallel DML (PDML) operation or a distributed transaction.
One of the first checks for rollback segment allocation is whether the transaction is participating in a PDML or distributed transaction. These are used to determine the largest rollback segment to be allocated.

steps below to illustrate the order necessary to begin a transaction.

1.bind to the available rollback segment
2.allocate a slot in the transaction table
3.allocate an undo block to the rollback segment

When a free slot cannot be allocated in the transaction table, exclusive access is acquired in the rollback segment header.
Only when a free slot can be allocated in the transaction table do you gain exclusive access to the RBS header.

The system rollback segment will be used only for data for the system tablespace and data that is being created from recursive SQL calls generated by user data.

The search for the allocation of an undo block to a rollback segment will occur in:
Searching for an undo block to be allocated will begin in the current extent if the extent boundary has not been reached, in the next extent provided there are no uncommitted transactions, or in a newly allocated extent if the next extent has uncommitted data.

Rollback segments are shrunk either explicitly through the ’alter rollback segment … shrink to …’ command or implicitly by the SMON process. Implicit shrinkage can be disabled by:
PCTINCREASE has no affect on rollback segments. All extents will be sized by the setting of the next_extent storage attribute.
Setting the event 10512 will disable the implicit shrink operation performed by SMON.
Setting the initialization parameter ‘rbs_disable_shk’. There is no such parameter. Setting the event 10512 will disable the implicit shrinkage operation performed by SMON.

The Oracle server begins shrinking a rollback segment starting from the current extent +2

Rollback segment shrinkage will occur while optimal or minextents is not reached, there are at least two remaining extents, the extent is not busy, and the extent is not extent #0.

An extent is reused if all its blocks are inactive. RBS undo blocks are reused on a per extent basis. An undo block becomes inactive when the active transaction in the undo block commits.

correct order of Interested Transaction List (ITL) allocation.

1. Find an  Unused ITL
2. FInd ITL of oldest commited TX
3. DO a partial block cleanout that stops when an ITL becomes available
4. Extend ITL area

The variable portion of the transaction layer is dictated by the MAXTRANS parameter.
The INITRANS parameter dictates the number of ITL’s and hence the variable portion of the Transaction Layer.

An ITL must be acquired by any transaction wishing to modify a block. If an ITL is unavailable and there is no space left in the block, a transaction will wait.

A transaction that currently has an ITL within a block cannot update any row in the block if the required row is locked by a previous transaction. That transaction will wait on the TX enqueue.When attempting to update a row already held by a previous transaction, a transaction will wait on the TX enqueue in exclusive mode.

The free space credit field of the transaction layer maintains the space as freed for a given transaction, and that is returned on commit of the transaction.

When a transaction is unable to allocate an ITL within a data block for which it needs to modify a block, the transaction will:
That transaction will wait on the TX enqueue in share mode until an ITL becomes available within the block where the modification is required.

The Oracle server maintains the row header flag and lock byte (total 2 bytes) for the deleted row. It is necessary to keep these first two bytes to maintain the row lock. This is referred to as stub space.

The correct statistic Rollback changes – undo records applied is incremented for each link in the undo record chain.

The Data Block Address (DBA) in the Transaction Table slot indicates:
The beginning of the undo chain for the transaction  Correct! The DBA in the Transaction Table slot is the starting point for rolling back a transaction

the correct sequence of events at the COMMIT of a transaction.

1. FIND an scn value
2. update the transaction table slot with the scn
3. create a commit record in the redo log buffer
4. flush the redo log buffer to disk
5. release locks held on the rows and tables

The application of the undo to the data block is performed by the
The data layer ,and the transaction layer do not have the right to perform physical block-level changes.


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