Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c 新特性:实时Real-Time Addm
在Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c中引入了Real-Time addm的新特性。 DBA可以直接从EM界面上启动实时ADDM(Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor )信息收集, 也叫做Emergency ADDM。
“Emergency ADDM adds performance diagnostics for databases suffering from severe performance problems. Real-time ADDM. You can connect to the database and investigate what is going on when you cannot connect to the database because it is hanging on“
登录EM 12c后Target -> Database -> 选择指定的数据库 -> Performance -> Real-Time Addm:
进入”Real-Time ADDM”后点选start按钮,第一次使用会出现”Required PL/SQL package not installed. Use the link below to deploy the package. The error message from the server is:Package dbsnmp.prvt_eaddm is not found” 的错误:
使用Real-Time Addm要求预安装dbsnmp.prvt_eaddm包,点选下方的PL/SQL Package Deployment链接,进入Package Deployment页面,选择合适的身份认证,并install。
select count(1) from obj$,obj$,obj$;
回到”Real-Time ADDM”页面再次点击start , 等待一段时间后会自动stop,如下图:
Real-Time Addm有所发现,这里的Number of finding =1 ,点击Findings 可以看到Prority、Performance Impact、Finding Details等信息:
当出现服务进程hang的情况,例如进程因”enq: TM contention” 队列锁而长久等待,则可以从hang data栏获取hang analysis Final Blocker 和 blocking session的信息, 找出阻塞的源头:
上图中列出了Blocker chains ,一定程度上可以替代hanganalyze dump。
statistics栏给出了实例的一些属性和近期的系统度量system metrics:
Real-Time Addm可以帮助我们快速定位性能和挂起hang问题,而且给出初步的分析,这要比我们使用脚本一步步查来的快捷多了。
快速部署Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c(12.1) Agent
在<OEL 5上快速部署Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c(12.1)>中我介绍了如何安装配置Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c(12.1) Server ,我们知道光有EM Server而不部署Agent是无法发挥其管理特性的。
接下来我们会再次通过实践了解Em 12c(12.1)中部署Agent代理程序的过程,整个过程和10g/11g Grid Control中的Deploy Agent有较大的区别。
这里我们要注意一点,OMS 12c(12.1) 只能和12.1 的Agent 代理程序配合工作,而不能使用之前任何版本的Agent。“Enterprise Manager Cloud Control can communicate only with Oracle Management Agent 12c and not with any other earlier release of the Management Agent. You can not configure your exising Agents to communicate with Enterprise Manager 12c OMS.”
推荐在Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.7或6.1上安装EM 12c的agent , 可以从edelivery.oracle.com 下载到这2款操作系统的安装介质。
以下演示中的主机均采用Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.7 操作系统。
以下表格列出了在Oracle Linux 6或5.x上 安装EM 12c agent ,所要求预装的操作系统软件包,这些软件包可以直接从OS安装DVD介质中找到:
Platform | 32-Bit Packages for 32-Bit Platform | 64-Bit Packages for 64-Bit Platform |
Oracle Linux 6 |
Oracle Linux 5.xRed Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x |
Oracle Linux 5.6Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.6
Oracle Linux 5.3 and 5.4 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 and 5.4
更多关于OS软件要求的信息,可以直接访问EM 安装手册 <Meeting Package, Kernel Parameter, and Library Requirements>章节。
1. 12c 部署agent 要求在创建必要的credential profile,该credential profile将包含能够从OMS server ssh到目标节点target node的用户身份认证,且要求该用户能够在target node上以sudo执行root用户的权限。
这里我们以oracle用户为例,我们将以目标节点上的oracle用户身份创建credential profile,首先我们要确保oracle用户能够以sudo 执行root用户的权限,这需要用到/etc/sudoers配置文件:
!确保/usr/local/bin/sudo 这个符号链接存在
[root@vrh2 ~]# ln -s /usr/bin/sudo /usr/local/bin/sudo
[root@vrh2 m01]# ls -l /etc/sudoers
-r--r----- 1 root root 3407 Oct 18 19:30 /etc/sudoers
[root@vrh2 m01]# cp /etc/sudoers /etc/sudoers.bak
打开/etc/sudoers 将以下三处修改
Defaults requiretty
Defaults:oracle !requiretty
Defaults !visiblepw
Defaults visiblepw
## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
oracle ALL=(ALL) ALL --这里加一行
以上三处修改完成后,save 文件
测试oracle 能否正常sudo
[root@vrh2 m01]# su - oracle
[oracle@vrh2 ~]$ ls -l /root
ls: /root: Permission denied
[oracle@vrh2 ~]$ sudo ls -l /root
[sudo] password for oracle:
total 88
-rw------- 1 root root 1832 Aug 11 05:26 anaconda-ks.cfg
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Aug 10 21:31 Desktop
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 56307 Aug 11 05:26 install.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4136 Aug 11 05:26 install.log.syslog
2. 在目标节点上创建必要的目录 :
[root@vrh2 m01]# mkdir /m01 [root@vrh2 m01]# chown oracle:oinstall /m01
3. 确保OMS server 和target server 间的通信畅通,如没有使用dns 服务 ,那么不要忘记将host/ip 信息写入到/etc/hosts文件中,如果漏掉这部将报target node can not be reached 错误
首先再次以sysman身份登录EM https console,如https://。
点击右上角的setup-> Add Target -> Add Targets Manually
进入Add Targets Manually页面,选择” Add Host Target” ,并点击Add Host …按钮:
在”add Target – Host and Platform “页面使用默认的”session name”即可,点选”+Add”按钮填入主机名和平台信息:
注意这里推荐填入规范的hostname,如”vrh2.oracle.com”, 注意主机名不能带下划线 “_”, 若Platform下拉列表中没有你要的平台那么说明在该平台上还没有12.1 的agent可用。
输入完成后点击Next进入”Add Target – Installation Details ” 页面,点中deployment details 出现下来菜单选择Fresh Agent install ,并填入installation base directory 等目录信息。
接着在Named confidential 点击蓝色的”+” 图形按钮,会跳出 create new Named confidential 的窗口,填入之前配好的oracle用户的信息:
完成后点击Ok,回到原”Add Target – Installation Details “界面,确认并点击Next:
进入Review页面,确认信息正确并点击Deploy Agent:
完成后会进入Agent Deployment summary 页面 ,这里存在三个阶段:
- Initialization — 拷贝agent介质到目标服务器
- Remote Prerequisite Check — 检测目标服务器的安装先决条件
- Agent Deployment –具体的Installation Agent 、Secure Agent 和 执行root.sh
若一开始没有正确配置用户的sudo ,则可能在Remote Prerequisite Check阶段出现检测警告,例如下图:
Agent Deployment 的日志存放在 $OMS_HOME/sysman/prov/agentpush/$date目录下,也可以从EM的网页界面上找到这些日志的具体位置。
之后点击Target -> host可以看到新加入的主机:
之后点击Target -> Database -> add 添加数据库配置信息:
EM 会自动找出目标服务器上已有的数据库, 点击Configure 填入dbsnmp用户的密码后保存并Continue:
之后点击Target -> database 就可以看到新增的数据库了:
点击数据库名 -> 点击Performance -> Performance Home后可以看到新的12c 的性能总览图:
在OEL 5上快速部署Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c(12.1)
在OOW 2011期间甲骨文发布了新一代的企业管理器Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c,这里我们来介绍如何在Oracle Enterprise Linux 5上快速部署EM 12c和其Agent。
安装Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c的硬件要求如下表,推荐至少有4GB内存
Footnote 1 ADP Manager is Application Dependency and Performance
Footnote 2 JVMD is JVM Diagnostics
Footnote 3 Default heap size is 512 MB. For higher heap size, set the size manually.
推荐在Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.7或6.1上安装EM 12c , 可以从edelivery.oracle.com 下载到这2款操作系统的安装介质。
以下演示中的主机均采用Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.7 操作系统。
以下表格列出了在Oracle Linux 6或5.x上 安装EM 12c ,所要求预装的操作系统软件包,这些软件包可以直接从OS安装DVD介质中找到:
Platform | 32-Bit Packages for 32-Bit Platform | 64-Bit Packages for 64-Bit Platform |
Oracle Linux 6 |
In addition, install the 32-bit version as well as the 64-bit version of glibc-devel-2.5-49. |
Oracle Linux 5.xRed Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x |
In addition, install the 32-bit version as well as the 64-bit version of glibc-devel-2.5-49. |
更多关于OS软件要求的信息,可以直接访问EM 安装手册 <Meeting Package, Kernel Parameter, and Library Requirements>章节。
在正式部署EM 12c 之前我们需要完成一系列的准备工作,包括:
1. 下载EM 12c(12.1) 安装介质
EM 12.1的安装介质可以从Oracle技术网络OTN上找到其下载页面,64位软件的具体下载地址:
介质包括 disk1和disk2 2个接近3GB的zip压缩包,其中em12_linux64_disk1of2.zip包含了主要的EM binary,而em12_linux64_disk2of2.zip包含了为EM扩展的插件,如支持Exadata、IBM DB2的插件等。
2. 在安装EM的Host上创建EM软件的拥有者OS账号
groupadd -g 800 oinstall useradd -g oinstall oem
3. 解压安装介质
su - oem [oem@vrh5 tmp]$ mkdir em_cloud [oem@vrh5 tmp]$ cd em_cloud/ [oem@vrh5 em_cloud]$ unzip ../V28375-01.zip [oem@vrh5 em_cloud]$ unzip ../V28376-01.zip
4. 在EM主机上安装必要的rpm 软件包以及调整/etc/sysctl.conf中的内核参数,该步骤可以通过oracle-validated工具代劳,详见<Understand Oracle Validated Configurations>
5. 为 EM拥有者用户配置必要的ulimit 参数 , 需要修改/etc/security/limits.conf配置文件,如:
[root@vrh5 ~]# tail -10 /etc/security/limits.conf #ftp hard nproc 0 #@student - maxlogins 4 # End of file oem soft nofile 4096 oem hard nofile 4096
6. 为EM 12c配置合适的repository database以存放数据
这里可以在Metalink上的Certification Matrix中找到EM 12c已认证的数据库版本,如下图所示和11.2.0.3 均已通过该认证:
这里推荐新建一个11.2.0.2 版本的数据库作为EM Repository。
此外作为EM Repository的数据库还必须使用EM所要求的初始化参数,这些要求包括:
Check the CBO stats gathering job Disable the stats gathering job 1.Check the processes instance parameter value The processes instance parameter needs to be set to at least 300. 2.Check the session_cached_cursors instance parameter value. The session_cached_cursors instance parameter should be set to 300. Any value between 200 and 500, inclusive, will be accepted. 3.Check the job_queue_processes instance parameter value. The job_queue_processes instance parameter should be set to 20. 4.Check the shared_pool_size instance parameter value. The shared_pool_size instance parameter should be set to at least 600 megabytes or roughly one third of the sga_target size. 5. Check the redo log size. The size of the EM database instance should be 300 megabytes or greater. Generally, there should be 3 or more redo logs available of this size. 6. Ensure that the EM tablespace has at least one datafile set to autoextensible Add at least one datafile with the autoextend attribute to the EM tablespace 7.Check the open_cursors instance parameter value. The open_cursors instance parameter should be set between 300 and 400, inclusive. 8.Check the sga_target instance parameter value. The sga_target instance parameter should be set to at least 2 gigabytes, and roughly twice the size of the pga_aggregate_target setting. 9.Check for invalid objects in the EM repository Compile all invalid objects in the EM repository
alter system set processes= 500 scope=spfile; alter system set session_cached_cursors=500 scope=spfile; alter system set shared_pool_size=650M scope=spfile; alter system set job_queue_processes=22 scope=spfile; alter database add logfile size 320M; alter system set open_cursors=350 scope=spfile; alter system set sga_target=2g scope=spfile; ALTER SYSTEM SET pga_aggregate_target=1G SCOPE=SPFILE;
注意EM 要求 repository database没有配置DB control ,如果有的话需要通过下列命令drop 掉:
export ORACLE_HOME= $YOUR_ORACLE_HOME export ORACLE_SID= $Repository_SID $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emca -deconfig dbcontrol db -repos drop
同时要求sysman 和 sysman_mds、 sysman_opss用户不存在,已创建该用户的DB 可以drop 掉:
SQL> select * from v$version; BANNER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for Linux: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production SQL> select * from global_name; GLOBAL_NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- www.askmac.cn & www.askmac.cn drop user sysman cascade; drop user sysman_mds cascade; drop user sysman_opss cascade; drop user sysman_apm cascade; drop user sysman_ro cascade; drop user mgmt_view cascade; @?/rdbms/admin/catsnmp
7. 确保能够从EM 主机顺利登录到 repository 数据库 :
[oem@vrh5 tmp]$ tnsping vrh4:1521/SBDB TNS Ping Utility for Linux: Version - Production on 16-OCT-2011 21:18:24 Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved. Used parameter files: Used HOSTNAME adapter to resolve the alias Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION=(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=SBDB))(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP) (HOST= OK (0 msec) [oem@vrh5 tmp]$ sqlplus sys/maclean@vrh4:1521/SBDB as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Oct 16 21:18:54 2011 Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options SQL>
8. 确保网络正常
这里要求EM主机必须使用statics IP 静态IP ,否则安装会出错, 且已正确在/etc/hosts或DNS配置唯一的域名解析
我们开始正式通过OUI安装Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c(12.1),这里要用到图形化的界面,确保DISPLAY环境变量正确或者使用Xmanager之类的软件:
(oem)$ unset ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_BASE ORACLE_SID (oem)$ export DISPLAY=:0 (oem)$ cd /tmp/em_cloud/ 注意这里若你的EM Host拥有多个host name ,那么要使用ORACLE_HOSTNAME参数指定规范的host name 如/etc/hosts 中的信息为: vrh5 vrh5.oracle.com 那么要选用vrh5.oracle.com 这个hostname 如果host name 中带"_"符号 可能导致安装失败 (oem)$ ./runInstaller ORACLE_HOSTNAME=vrh5.oracle.com Starting Oracle Universal Installer…
如下图OUI界面顺利启动,勾销” I wish to receive security update…”,并点击Next:
Prerequisite Checks会检测EM安装的前提条件,这里因为物理内存不足(要求3g)而出现Warning,点击Next忽略该警告
下一步选择create a new Enterprise Manager -> Simple ,为Middleware Home location选定一可用的空目录,注意目录的拥有者应为oem(EM 所有者用户)
选择暂时不安装Exalogic Elastic Cloud Infrastructure插件, Install Later:
配置Weblogic Server,填入Weblogic和Node Manager密码及OMS instance Base Location:
配置数据库连接信息,填入repository database的连接信息:
输入 sysman用户和Agent注册使用的密码, 安装程序会自动为你提供EM所需创建表空间数据文件的位置:
选择EM 12c将要使用的端口,一般默认即可,除非这些端口有其他用途:
点击 Next后 再点击Install Now进入安装过程:
安装流程包括Copy Files、Configure Plugins Prerequisites Check、Repository Configuration、MDS Schema Configuration、OMS Configuration、Plugins Deployment and Configuration 、 Start Oracle Management Service、 Oracle Configuration Manager Repeater、Agent Configuration Assistant 、Run root scripts,总耗时在1个小时左右。
例如: /m01/midd/oms/sysman/log/schemamanager/m_$date/m_$date.CREATE/em_repos_config.log /m01/midd/oms/sysman/log/schemamanager/m_$date/m_$date.CREATE/emschema.log /m01/midd/oms/cfgtoollogs/cfgfw/oracle.sysman.top.oms_*.log /m01/midd/oms/cfgtoollogs/omsca/*.log
em_repos_config.log记录了em repository的配置日志,在此安装过程中可能遇到如下错误:
INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:__________________________DUMPING PARAMETERS
INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:OracleHome: /m01/midd/oms
INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Connect String: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)
INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:SYS User: SYS
INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:________________________________________________________________________
INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:MDS Schema Creation status: RUNNING
SEVERE: oracle.sysman.top.oms:MDS Schema Creation is failed
INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:_______________________________________________________________________
INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Starting opss Schema Creation.
INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:OPSS Component is already created
INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:_______________________________________________________________________
INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Starting APM Schema Creation.
INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:APM Component is already created
INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The plug-in MDS Schema Configuration has failed its perform method
INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:About to execute plug-in MDS Schema Configuration
INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The plug-in MDS Schema Configuration is running
SEVERE: oracle.sysman.top.oms:MDS Schema Creation is failed 创建失败是由bug引起的
遇到该错误后,手动登录到数据库并执行以下create user命令:
create user SYSMAN_MDS identified by sysman_mds;
INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The plug-in OMS Configuration is running INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Internal PlugIn Class: oracle.sysman.oms.OMSConfiguration INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Classpath = /m01/midd/oms/sysman/jlib/omsConfig.jar: INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:BaseConfiguration:invoke:Starting BaseConfiguration invoke method on an aggregate=oracle.sysman.top.oms for Action=configuration in step=5:microstep=0 INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Fetcing ports from teh static ports file: /m01/midd/.gcinstall_temp/staticports.ini INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:COMMAND: /m01/midd/oms/bin/omsca NEW -RESPONSE_FILE /m01/midd/oms/omscarespfile -lock_console -lock_upload -CONFIGURE_REPEATER true -nostart INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms: Check the OMS Configuration Assistant logs at: /m01/midd/oms/cfgtoollogs/omsca INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Release 1 Grid Control INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved. INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms: INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Enter Admin Server user password: Enter Admin Server user password:Doing pre requisite checks ...... INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Pre requisite checks completed successfully INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms: INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Doing infrastructure setup ...... INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Infrastructure setup of EM completed successfully. INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms: INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Doing pre deployment operations ...... INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Pre deployment of EM completed successfully. INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms: INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Deploying EM ...... INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Deployment of EM completed successfully. INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms: INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Configuring webtier ...... INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Configuring webTier completed successfully. INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms: INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Securing OMS ...... INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:EM Key is secured and is backed up at /m01/midd/oms/sysman/config/emkey.ora INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Adapter created successfully: emgc_USER INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Adapter created successfully: emgc_GROUP INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Post "Deploy and Repos Setup" operations completed successfully. INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms: INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Performing Post deploy operations .... INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Software Library OMS shared storage is not configured, skipping metadata registration INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Post deploy operations completed successfully. INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms: INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:EM configuration completed successfully. INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:EM URL is:https://vrh5.oracle.com:7799/em INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms: INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:/m01/midd/oms/install/ocm/ocmInstance.txt (No such file or directory) INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Command for doing Self Update registration: /m01/midd/oms/bin/emctl register oms metadata -service SelfUpdateEntityInstance -file /m01/midd/oms/install/selfUpdate/agent_software_manifest.xml -core INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Copyright (c) 1996, 2011 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:SYSMAN password: SYSMAN password: Metadata registration successful INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Agent software entity instance registration to Self Update is successful. INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms: Check the OMS Configuration Assistant logs at: /m01/midd/oms/cfgtoollogs/omsca INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The plug-in OMS Configuration has successfully been performed INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:About to execute plug-in Plugins Deployment and Configuration INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The plug-in Plugins Deployment and Configuration is running INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Internal PlugIn Class: oracle.sysman.oms.PluginCA INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Classpath = /m01/midd/oms/sysman/jlib/omsConfig.jar INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:BaseConfiguration:invoke:Starting BaseConfiguration invoke method on an aggregate=oracle.sysman.top.oms for Action=configuration in step=6:microstep=0 INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Fetcing ports from teh static ports file: /m01/midd/.gcinstall_temp/staticports.ini INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:COMMAND: /m01/midd/oms/bin/pluginca -oracleHome /m01/midd/oms -middlewareHome /m01/midd -action deploy -plugins oracle.sysman.db=,oracle.sysman.xa=, oracle.sysman.emas=,oracle.sysman.mos=, INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:pluginca - Plugin Configuration Tool INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Release 1 Grid Control INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Copyright (c) 1996, 2011 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Log file: /m01/midd/oms/cfgtoollogs/pluginca/plugin_deployment_2011-10-17_08-10-26/configplugin_deploy_2011-10-17_08-10-26.log INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Trace file: /m01/midd/oms/cfgtoollogs/pluginca/plugin_deployment_2011-10-17_08-10-26/configplugin_deploy_2011-10-17_08-10-26.trc INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Initializing PluginCA. INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Starting Deployment INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Invoking pre deploy callbacks. INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:OMS state could be found. It is down INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Performing Midtier deconfig INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Performing Midtier config INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Performing Midtier update oh prop INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Performing Opss config INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Performing Post metadata registration INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Performing Post config module INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Invoking post deploy callbacks. INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Completed Deployment INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Checking file /m01/midd/oms/sysman/install/undeployed_pluginswith name INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Checking file /m01/midd/oms/sysman/install/undeployed_pluginswith name INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Checking file /m01/midd/oms/sysman/install/undeployed_pluginswith name INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Checking file /m01/midd/oms/sysman/install/undeployed_pluginswith name INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Checking file /m01/midd/oms/sysman/install/undeployed_pluginswith name INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Checking file /m01/midd/oms/sysman/install/undeployed_pluginswith name INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Checking file /m01/midd/oms/sysman/install/undeployed_pluginswith name INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Checking file /m01/midd/oms/sysman/install/undeployed_pluginswith name INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The plug-in Plugins Deployment and Configuration has successfully been performed INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:About to execute plug-in Start Oracle Management Service INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The plug-in Start Oracle Management Service is running INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Internal PlugIn Class: oracle.sysman.oms.StartOMS INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Classpath = /m01/midd/oms/sysman/jlib/omsConfig.jar: INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:BaseConfiguration:invoke:Starting BaseConfiguration invoke method on an aggregate=oracle.sysman.top.oms for Action=configuration in step=9:microstep=0 INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Fetcing ports from teh static ports file: /m01/midd/.gcinstall_temp/staticports.ini INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Starting OMS ... INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Executing command: /m01/midd/oms/bin/emctl start oms INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Copyright (c) 1996, 2011 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Starting WebTier... INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:WebTier Successfully Started INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Starting Oracle Management Server... INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Oracle Management Server Successfully Started INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Oracle Management Server is Up INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:Starting of OMS is successful. INFO: oracle.sysman.top.oms:The plug-in Start Oracle Management Service has successfully been performed
# /home/oem/oraInventory/orainstRoot.sh Changing permissions of /home/oem/oraInventory Adding read,write permissions for group,Removing read,write,execute permissions for world. Changing groupname of /home/oem/oraInventory to oinstall. The execution of the script is complete /m01/midd/oms/allroot.sh Starting to execute allroot.sh ......... Starting to execute /m01/midd/oms/root.sh ...... Running Oracle 11g root.sh script... The following environment variables are set as: ORACLE_OWNER= oem ORACLE_HOME= /m01/midd/oms Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]: Copying dbhome to /usr/local/bin ... Copying oraenv to /usr/local/bin ... Copying coraenv to /usr/local/bin ... Creating /etc/oratab file... Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created Finished running generic part of root.sh script. Now product-specific root actions will be performed. /etc exist Creating /etc/oragchomelist file... /m01/midd/oms Finished execution of /m01/midd/oms/root.sh ...... Starting to execute /m01/midd/agent/core/ ...... Finished product-specific root actions. /etc exist Finished execution of /m01/midd/agent/core/ ......
打开浏览器,输入地址https://hostname:7799/em(7799默认端口)访问EM Cloud Control 12c,输入sysman的身份认证
Accept License Agreement
首次登陆EM 会显示一个OverView页面:
使用如下命令停止OMS和Agent 服务:
#!/bin/bash export OMS_HOME=/m01/midd/oms export AGENT_HOME=/m01/midd/agent/core/ $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl stop oms -all $AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl stop agent 如 [oem@vrh5 ~]$ $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl stop oms -all Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release Copyright (c) 1996, 2011 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Stopping WebTier... WebTier Successfully Stopped Stopping Oracle Management Server... Oracle Management Server Successfully Stopped AdminServer Successfully Stopped Oracle Management Server is Down [oem@vrh5 ~]$ $AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl stop agent Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Cloud Control Copyright (c) 1996, 2011 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Stopping agent ..... stopped.
使用如下命令启动OMS和Agent 服务:
#!/bin/bash export OMS_HOME=/m01/midd/oms export AGENT_HOME=/m01/midd/agent/core/ $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl start oms $AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl start agent 如 [oem@vrh5 ~]$ $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl start oms Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release Copyright (c) 1996, 2011 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Starting WebTier... WebTier Successfully Started Starting Oracle Management Server... Oracle Management Server Successfully Started Oracle Management Server is Up [oem@vrh5 ~]$ $AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl start agent Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Cloud Control Copyright (c) 1996, 2011 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Starting agent ............................. started.
EM dbconsole显示数据文件使用量为负数?
有网友在itpub上反应11g中查看EM dbconsole显示数据文件的使用量为负数,如图:
实际上导致(EM ( EM Home page -> Administration Tab -> Storage -> Datafiles ))显示负的使用量的Bug在11g和10g中均存在,这里将这些bug列出来以供参考:
10g Enterprise Manager Shows Negative Utilisation For An Oracle Datafile.
Applies to: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to This problem can occur on any platform. Symptoms EM ( EM Home page -> Administration Tab -> Storage -> Datafiles ) shows negative utilization for some files. Value in Used (MB) column is negative. Cause This is because of Bug:5083393. If the object is dropped and not purged, the value of FILE_ID / REL_FNO may be wrong in DBA_FREE_SPACE and this cause EM to display wrong value in Used (MB) column. Solution If available, download Patch:5083393 to resolve this issue. Note that this patch is available on for some platforms at the time of this writing this article (JULY 2007). Workaround : ------------- Purge all objects from the recycle bin. $sqlplus "/as sysdba" sql> purge dba_recyclebin Hdr: 5083393 RDBMS SPACE PRODID-5 PORTID-912 Abstract: VALUE OF FILE_ID AND RELATIVE_FNO OF DBA_FREE_SPACE IS DIFFERENT PROBLEM: -------- When the table is dropped, the value of the FILE_ID column and the RELATIVE_FNO column of dba_free_space might be different. SQL> select * from dba_free_space where tablespace_name = 'TBS_TEST1'; TABLESPACE_NAME FILE_ID BLOCK_ID BYTES BLOCKS RELATIVE_FNO --------------- ------- -------- -------- ------ ------------ E E E TBS_TEST1 6 105 65536 8 6 TBS_TEST1 6 113 65536 8 6 TBS_TEST1 6 121 65536 8 6 TBS_TEST1 6 9 65536 8 7 purge table tbs_test01; Table purged. SQL> select * from dba_free_space where tablespace_name = 'TBS_TEST1'; TABLESPACE_NAME FILE_ID BLOCK_ID BYTES BLOCKS RELATIVE_FNO --------------- ------- -------- -------- ------ ------------ TBS_TEST1 6 9 983040 120 6 TBS_TEST1 7 9 983040 120 7 TBS_TEST1 8 9 20905984 2552 8 In a word, there seems to be a problem in the display of an free space concerning the segment that exists in RECYCLE BIN. WORKAROUND: ----------- None RELATED BUGS: ------------- None REPRODUCIBILITY: ---------------- 100% (both In-house and Ct' site) Rep? Platform RDBMS Ver. ------- --------------------- ---------- Y(100%) 912 Intel Windows NT Y(100%) 912 Intel Windows NT Y(100%) 912 Intel Windows NT Y(100%) 46 Linux x86
Hdr: 9868375 STORAGE PRODID-1366 PORTID-226 9548105 Abstract: EMCONSOLE SHOWS NEGATIVE VALUES WHEN VIEWING DATAFILE USAGE SPACE IN PROBLEM: -------- The display of the usage of the data files (Tablespaces -> Datafiles) shows values in the range negative. The fill rate is not shown correctly. This is the same exact issue as explained in note 559414.1 but on top of and also the issue does not seem fixed when trying the workaround by clearing the recycle bin or by turning it off. DIAGNOSTIC ANALYSIS: -------------------- Checked running the statements from sqlplus they provided the correct value and checked this Bug 5549540 seems it should have been fixed in 11G but still having the same issue. WORKAROUND: ----------- To run the statements and check the data file usage from sqlplus.
11gR1 Grid Control Shows Duplicate Datafile Names Multiple times (Some With Negative Values) When Drilling Onto Tablespace Link
Applies to: Enterprise Manager Grid Control - Version: to - Release: 10.2 to 11.1 Information in this document applies to any platform. Symptoms The list of datafiles displayed for a tablespace in EM Grid Control is wrong, so that some datafiles are listed repeatedly multiple times, and some of the sizes are wrong and showing a negative value. This is seen from database home page => server tab => tablespaces. Click on tablespace name, a list of datafiles associated with that tablespace should be returned. Cause If the SQL statement which Grid Control uses is run manually at Sqlplus, the same output of the same datafile listed multiple times can also be seen. Here you have the SQL statement launched by the Grid Control to collect the list of datafiles : SELECT d.file_name, TO_CHAR((d.bytes / 1024 / 1024), '99999990.000'), NVL(TO_CHAR(((d.bytes - s.bytes) / 1024 / 1024), '99999990.000'), TO_CHAR((d.bytes / 1024 / 1024), '99999990.000')), d.file_id, d.autoextensible, d.increment_by, d.maxblocks FROM sys.dba_data_files d, (SELECT file_id, SUM(bytes) bytes FROM sys.dba_free_space WHERE tablespace_name = '&tablespaceName' GROUP BY file_id) s WHERE (s.file_id (+)= d.file_id) AND (d.tablespace_name = '&tablespaceName') This is the issue described in following bug : Bug 8499373 GRID CONTROL SHOWS SAME DATAFILE NAME REPEATEDLY WHEN DRILL INTO A TABLESPACE This bug is actually closed as a duplicate of a database bug Bug 8570838 WRONG RESULTS FOR QUERY AGAINST DBA_DATA_FILES IN The root cause of the database bug is : Bug 7155655 Intermittent Wrong Results/Plan Instability from Join Predicate Push Down (JPPD) Solution Apply the Patch 7155655. Note : Depending on platform it may be necessary to apply a merge patch for this - eg. in some cases it was necessary to apply Patch 7278117. Hdr: 9748363 STORAGE PRODID-1366 PORTID-226 9548105 Abstract: NEGATIVE VALUES REPORTED BY GRIDCONTROLFOR TABLESPACE WITH AT LEAST TWO DATAFILE *** 05/25/10 09:46 am *** TAR --- 3-1772640611 Problem Description ------------------- The Used (MB) column on the datafiles summary webpage in the 11.2 grid control shows negative values for a tablespace containing at least two datafiles Environment Information ----------------------- Test Case Step-by-Step Instructions ----------------------------------- Test Case Location ------------------ Diagnostic Analysis ------------------- This is the same as bug 9548105 except for this is for GridControl vs dbconsole. SELECT d.file_name, TO_CHAR((d.bytes / 1024 / 1024), '99999990.000'), NVL(TO_CHAR(((d.bytes - s.bytes) / 1024 / 1024), '99999990.000'), TO_CHAR((d.bytes / 1024/ 1024), '99999990.000')), d.file_id, d.autoextensible, d.increment_by, d.maxblocks FROM sys.dba_data_files d, (SELECT ts.name tablespace_name, SUM(e.length * ts.blocksize) bytes FROM sys.fet$ e, sys.ts$ ts WHERE ts.ts# = e.ts# GROUP BY ts.name UNION ALL SELECT ts.name tablespace_name, SUM(e.blocks * ts.blocksize) bytes FROM sys.dba_lmt_free_space e, sys.ts$ ts WHERE ts.ts# = e.tablespace_id GROUP BY ts.name) s WHERE (s.tablespace_name = d.tablespace_name) AND (d.tablespace_name = :1) Performance ----------- NLS Information --------------- ------- Log Files Location ------------------ Reproducibility --------------- yes URL --- Did you test with the latest version? ------------------------------------- Available Workarounds --------------------- none Related Bugs ------------ 9548105 db console启动失败问题一例
2009-7-7 20:11:39 oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig perform 严重: 启动 Database Control 时出错 有关详细资料, 请参阅 oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\cfgtoollogs\dbca\orcl\emConfig.log 中的日志文件。 2009-7-7 20:11:39 oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig perform 配置: Stack Trace: oracle.sysman.emcp.exception.EMConfigException: 启动 Database Control 时出错 at oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig.performConfiguration(EMDBPostConfig.java:569) at oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig.invoke(EMDBPostConfig.java:181) at oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig.invoke(EMDBPostConfig.java:150) at oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig.perform(EMConfig.java:155) at oracle.sysman.assistants.util.em.EMConfiguration.run(EMConfiguration.java:430) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
出现错误的java stack call是EMDBPostConfig说明em db repository 已经完成配置在尝试启动EM,但此时出现了问题。
1. 杀毒软件或者防火墙造成的,这里建议在安装windows期间彻底关闭杀毒类软件和Windows自带的防火墙
2. EM使用的端口已经被其他软件所占用,建议使用netstat命令诊断,或另择网络端口
3. Windows主机名以”U”字母开头
针对第三种可能性,可以在MOS上找到Note <Problem: Startup: Db Control Fails To Start when the hostname begins with the letter “u”>:
Problem: Startup: Db Control Fails To Start when the hostname begins with the letter "u" Applies to: Enterprise Manager for RDBMS - Version: and later [Release: 10.2 and later ] Symptoms The dbconsole is created with emca.The repository creation completes successfully and the dbconsole is created and configured without any error. The last phase of emca is to start the dbconsole. The standalone agent is started successfully but the dbconsole fails to start. The file $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/emca/sid/emca*.log shows: =================================================== 05/11/2005 23:07:49 oracle.sysman.emcp.util.PlatformInterface serviceCommand CONFIG: Waiting for service 'OracleDBConsoleAMITAL' to fully start 05/11/2005 23:07:59 oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig perform SEVERE: Error starting Database Control Refer to the log file at d:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\cfgtoollogs\emca\amital\emca_2005-11-05_10-55-42-PM.log for more details. 05/11/2005 23:07:59 oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig perform CONFIG: Stack Trace: oracle.sysman.emcp.exception.EMConfigException: Error starting Database Control at oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig.performConfiguration(EMDBPostConfig.java:569) at oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig.invoke(EMDBPostConfig.java:181) Cause This issue can be reproduced on all windows platforms which name begins with the letter u. This issue has been logged in the following bug: Bug:4714774 DBCONSOLE DOES NOT WORK HAVING A HOSTNAME STARTING WITH "U" This bug will be fixed in the patchset Solution Download and apply the RDBMS patchset once/if available or To enable the dbconsole to start successfully, follow the steps listed below: 1. Save the file $ORACLE_HOME\host_SID\sysman\config\emd.properties to emd.properties.orig 2. Update the file $ORACLE_HOME\host_SID\sysman\config\emd.properties, replacing \ with / in the following line: For example change: omsRecvDir=d:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\ukp001_db0\sysman\recv to omsRecvDir=d:/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/ukp001_db0l/sysman/recv 3. Stop and restart the DB Control Hdr: 4714774 EMCP PRODID-1370 PORTID-912 Abstract: DBCONSOLE DOES NOT WORK HAVING A HOSTNAME STARTING WITH "U" Problem Description ------------------- this seems to be releated to bug 3610052. Having a hostname like u1234, install rdbms10.2. start dbconsole will take 4-5 min. Even if the service is shown as started, dbconsole java processes stops and restarts. Environment Information ----------------------- Test Case Step-by-Step Instructions ----------------------------------- 1. rename the hostanme to uXYZ.... 2. install 10.2 rdbms into its own oraclehome 3. strt listener, create a database using dbca. 4. access the dbconsole page shows: "page cannot be displayed" Check the dbconsole java process in taksmanager , you will easily see, that it is coninously restarting. dbconsole service is shown as "started". Test Case Location ------------------ not needed easy to reproduce Diagnostic Analysis ------------------- run the java command from file emd.nohup file, this will show something like: java...Exception... Malformed \uxxxx encoding. and a java stack trace. I assume that this problem will always happen, having a "\u" in the path for the dbconsole Performance ----------- NLS Information --------------- Patches ------- Log Files Location ------------------ Reproducibility --------------- everytime, only on windows platforms: w2k w2003, windowsXP URL --- not needed Did you test with the latest version? ------------------------------------- yes Available Workarounds --------------------- Change the hostname from uXYZ to UXYZ, do set ORACLE_SID= emca -config dbcontrol db -reposrecreate Related Bugs ------------ 3610052 Hdr: 6313490 CONSOLE PRODID-1370 PORTID-215 4714774 Abstract: IN A DB CREATED FROM IAS INSTALL FAILS TO START Problem Description ------------------- The dbconsole creating is failing while starting the dbconsole dbconsole in a db created from iAS install. as per the logs:- SEVERE: Error starting Database Control Refer to the log file at D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\cfgtoollogs\emca\mmds\emca_2007-06-19_09-47-70-A M.log for more details. Jun 19, 2007 9:58:17 AM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig perform CONFIG: Stack Trace: oracle.sysman.emcp.exception.EMConfigException: Error starting Database Control at oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig.performConfiguration(EMDBPostConfig.java:569 ) at oracle.sysman.emcp.EMDBPostConfig.invoke Environment Information ----------------------- dbconsole in a db created from iAS install. db console on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 The 10g application server version is to include January 2007 database and application server CPUs. Applied the database CPU patch and after that reconfigured the Dbconsole . Now it doesn't get configured .Db console generating core dump Test Case Step-by-Step Instructions ----------------------------------- Test Case Location ------------------ Diagnostic Analysis ------------------- Stopped the application server service and then started the dbcosnole .But still getting the error D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\BIN>emctl status dbconsole Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control Release Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g is not running. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Logs are generated in directory Asked him to move the file from Oracle_Home>/_/emctl.pid file to another location . Now the dbconsole is started:- >emctl start dbconsole Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control Release Starting Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control ...The OracleDBConsoleMM DS service is starting...................The OracleDBConsoleMMDS service was started successfully. D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\BIN>emctl upload Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control Release EMD upload error: uploadXMLFiles skipped :: OMS version not checked yet.. Asked him to Edit the file ORACLE_HOME>\oc4j\j2ee\home\applications\dms\WEB-INF\web.xml Still the dbconsole is not getting started .
1.升级到10.2.0.2以上版本,目前推荐的是10.2.0.5 Patch set; 版本10.2.0.1到10.2.0.3上的bug太多了..