PROMPT Print the details of the Users Tablespace Quotas TTITLE left _date center ' Database Users Space Quotas by Tablespace' skip 2 Quotas by Tablespace" COL un format a25 heading 'User Name' COL ta format a25 heading 'Tablespace' COL usd format 9,999,999 heading 'K Used' COL maxb format 9,999,999 heading 'Max K ' SELECT tablespace_name ta, username un, bytes / 1024 usd, max_bytes / 1024 maxb FROM dba_ts_quotas WHERE MAX_BYTES!=-1 ORDER BY tablespace_name, username; set linesize 140 pagesize 1400 SELECT username, tablespace_name, privilege FROM ( SELECT grantee username, 'Any Tablespace' tablespace_name, privilege FROM ( -- first get the users with direct grants SELECT p1.grantee grantee, privilege FROM dba_sys_privs p1 WHERE p1.privilege='UNLIMITED TABLESPACE' UNION ALL -- and then the ones with UNLIMITED TABLESPACE through a role... SELECT r3.grantee, granted_role privilege FROM dba_role_privs r3 START WITH r3.granted_role IN ( SELECT DISTINCT p4.grantee FROM dba_role_privs r4, dba_sys_privs p4 WHERE r4.granted_role=p4.grantee AND p4.privilege = 'UNLIMITED TABLESPACE') CONNECT BY PRIOR grantee = granted_role) -- we just whant to see the users not the roles WHERE grantee IN (SELECT username FROM dba_users) OR grantee = 'PUBLIC' UNION ALL -- list the user with unimited quota on a dedicated tablespace SELECT username,tablespace_name,'DBA_TS_QUOTA' privilege FROM dba_ts_quotas WHERE max_bytes = -1 ) WHERE tablespace_name LIKE UPPER('SYSTEM') OR tablespace_name = 'Any Tablespace';