
Oracle 10gr2的后续版本中添加了撤销(UNDO)信息最短保留时间段自动调优的特性,不再仅仅依据参数UNDO_RETENTION的设定,其调优原则如下:

l  当撤销表空间(UNDO TABLESPACE)大小固定,Oracle将根据表空间的大小和实际的系统负载动态调整撤销信息保存时间,该最短保存时间的具体长短基于撤销表空间大小的一定比例值公式换算后获得;它总是比设定的UNDO_RETENTION大,当撤销表空间大量空闲情况下可能远远大于UNDO_RETENTION。

l  当撤销表空间设定为自动扩展空间情况下,Oracle将动态调整撤销信息最短保留时间为该时段最长查询时间(MAXQUERYLEN)加上300秒或参数UNDO_RETENTION间的较大者,即MAX((MAXQUERYLEN+300),UNDO_RENTION);同样的,该最短保存时间可能远远大于设定的UNDO_RETENTION。


在无法就撤销表空间做相应修改的情况,我们可以通过修改隐式参数” _UNDO_AUTOTUNE”为FALSE关闭该自动调优特性。以上设定生效后,V$UNDOSTAT视图上TUNED_UNDORETENTION列不再更新,且撤销信息最短保留时间固定为参数UNDO_RETENTION的设定值。该参数可以不用重启数据库而动态设置生效。

Oracle Supplemental 补全日志介绍

Oracle补全日志(Supplemental logging)特性因其作用的不同可分为以下几种:最小(Minimal),支持所有字段(all),支持主键(primary key),支持唯一键(unique),支持外键(foreign key)。包括LONG,LOB,LONG RAW及集合等字段类型均无法利用补全日志。


SELECT supplemental_log_data_min FROM v$database;




alter database add supplemental log data (primary key,unique index) columns ;

create table test (t1 int , t2 int ,t3 int ,t4 int );

alter table test add constraint pk_t1 primary key (t1); –添加主键


update test set t2=10;       commit;   — 更新数据


update “SYS”.”TEST” set “T2” = ’10’ where “T1” = ’64’ and “T2” = ’65’ and ROWID = ‘AAAMiSAABAAAOhiAA/’;



alter table test drop constraint pk_t1 ;

update test set t2=11;       commit;   — 更新数据


update “SYS”.”TEST” set “T2” = ’11’ where “T1” = ‘1’ and “T2” = ’10’ and “T3” = ‘3’ and “T4” = ‘4’ and ROWID = ‘AAAMiSAABAAAOhiAAA’;



create unique index pk_t1 on test(t1);

update test set t2=15; commit;


update “SYS”.”TEST” set “T2” = ’15’ where “T1” = ‘9’ and “T2” = ’11’ and “T3” = ’11’ and “T4” = ’12’ and ROWID = ‘AAAMiSAABAAAOhiAAI’;

以上是t1列有唯一索引但不限定not null的情况,下面我们加上not null限制

alter table test modify t1 not null;

update test set t2=21; commit;


update “SYS”.”TEST” set “T2” = ’21’ where “T1” = ‘2’ and “T2” = ’15’ and ROWID = ‘AAAMiSAABAAAOhiAAB’;




Drop table test;

create table test (

t1 varchar2(5),

t2 varchar2(5),

t3 varchar2(5),

t4 varchar2(5),  …t250 varchar2(5))

insert into test values (‘TEST’,’TEST’ ……);   commit; –将255个列填入数据

alter database drop supplemental log data (primary key,unique index) columns;  –关闭补全日志

set autotrace on;

update test set t2=’BZZZZ’ where t1=’TEST’; commit;


alter database add supplemental log data (primary key,unique index) columns;  –重新开启补全日志

update test set t2=’FSDSD’ where t1=’TEST’;




alter database drop supplemental log data (primary key,unique index) columns;

alter table test add supplemental log data (primary key,unique index) columns;

update test set t2=’ZZZZZ’; commit;

update “SYS”.”TEST” set “T2” = ‘ZZZZZ’ where “T1” = ‘TEST’ and “T2” = ‘AAAAA’ and “T3” = ‘TEST’………


delete test; commit;


delete from “SYS”.”TEST” where “T1” = ‘TEST’ and “T2” = ‘ZZZZZ’ and “T3” = ‘TEST’ and “T4” = ‘TEST’ and “T5” ……



alter table test drop supplemental log data (primary key,unique index) columns;  –关闭表上原先的补全日志

alter table test add supplemental log group test_lgp (t1 ,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t12,t250) always; –创建补全日志组

update test set t2=’XXXXX’ ; commit;


update “SYS”.”TEST” set “T2” = ‘XXXXX’ where “T1” = ‘TEST’ and “T2” = ‘TEST’ and “T3” = ‘TEST’ and “T4” = ‘TEST’ and “T5” = ‘TEST’ and “T6” = ‘TEST’ and “T12” = ‘TEST’ and “T250” = ‘TEST’ and ROWID = ‘AAAMieAABAAAOhnAAA’;


delete test;


delete from “SYS”.”TEST” where “T1” = ‘TEST’ and “T2” = ‘XXXXX’ and “T3” = ‘TEST’ ……



How many LMS processes for Oracle Rac 9i?


How many LMS processes for Oracle 9i Rac?

Can you check if you have increased the CPU in the machine during the upgrade.
Also please let me know if you have changed any underscore parameter.

Do you have some formula for calculate LMS processes and Num of CPU ?? Let say 2 CPU for 1 LMS process ??



This can go dynamically as and when required and the # of startup of lms is also controlled by
_lm_lms,_lm_max_lms _lm_min_lms , later 2 seems to be for dynamic control of this numbers.
These parameters should not be set manually.
Also the no. of lms process should be one less than the number of CPU on the node.

Know about RAC Clusterware Process OPROCD

OPROCD introduced in Linux and other Unix platform.

  • Fencing
    • Cluster handling of nodes that should not have access to shared resources
    • STONITH – Power cycle the node
    • PCW – nodes fence themselves through the reboot(8) command
    • Fabric Fencing from Polyserve
      • Healthy nodes send SNMP msgs to Fabric switch to disable SAN access from unhealthy nodes [ fence them out ]
      • Server is left in up state to view logs etc.
  • Oracle’s Cluster I/O Fencing solution
  • Only started on Unix platforms when vendor Clusterware is not running
  • Does not run on Windows and Linux!
  • Takes 2 parameters
    • Timeout value [ length of time between executions ]
    • Margin [ leeway for dispatches ]
    • Oproc.debug –t 1000 –m 500
  • In fatal mode node will get reboot’ed
  • In non-fatal mode error messages will be logged

OPROCD – This process is spawned in any non-vendor clusterware environment, except
on Windows where Oracle uses a kernel driver to perform the same actions and Linux
prior to version If oprocd detects problems, it will kill a node via C
code. It is spawned in init.cssd and runs as root. This daemon is used to detect
hardware and driver freezes on the machine. If a machine were frozen for long enough
that the other nodes evicted it from the cluster, it needs to kill itself to prevent
any IO from getting reissued to the disk after the rest of the cluster has remastered

*** Oprocd log locations:
In /etc/oracle/oprocd or /var/opt/oracle/oprocd depending on version/platform.

Note that oprocd only runs when no vendor clusterware is running or on Linux >


– A problem detected by the OPROCD process. This can be caused by 4 things:1) An OS scheduler problem.
2) The OS is getting locked up in a driver or hardware.
3) Excessive amounts of load on the machine, thus preventing the scheduler from
behaving reasonably.
4) An Oracle bug.OPROCD Bugs Known to Cause Reboots:

Bug 5015469 – OPROCD may reboot the node whenever the system date is moved
Fixed in

Bug 4206159 – Oprocd is prone to time regression due to current API used (AIX only)
Fixed in + One off patch for Bug 4206159.


Bug 5137401 – Oprocd logfile is cleared after a reboot
Fixed in

Bug 5037858 – Increase the warning levels if a reboot is approaching
Fixed in


If logging a service request, please provide ALL of the following files to Oracle
Support if possible:

– Oprocd logs in /etc/oracle/oprocd or /var/opt/oracle/oprocd depending on version/platform.

– All the files in the following directories from all nodes.

For 10.2 and above, all files under:


Recommended method for gathering these for each node would be to run the
diagcollection.pl script.

For 10.1:


Recommended method for gathering these for each node:

tar cf crs.tar crs/init crs/log css/init css/log evm/init evm/log srvm/log

– Messages or Syslog from all nodes from the time of the problem:

Sun: /var/adm/messages
HP-UX: /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log
Tru64: /var/adm/messages
Linux: /var/log/messages
IBM: /bin/errpt -a > messages.out

– ‘opatch lsinventory -detail’ output for the CRS home

– It would also be useful to get the following from each node leading up to the time
of the reboot:

– netstat -is (or equivelant)
– iostat -x (or equivelant)
– vmstat (or equivelant)

There is a tool called “OS Watcher” that helps gather this information. This tool
will dump netstat, vmstat, iostat, and other output at an inverval and save x number
of hours of archived data. For more information about this tool see Note 301137.1.


The OPROCD executable sets a signal handler for the SIGALRM handler and sets the interval timer based on the to-millisec parameter provided. The alarm handler gets the current time and checks it against the time that the alarm handler was last entered. If the difference exceeds (to-millisec + margin-millisec), it will fail; the production version will cause a node reboot.

In fatal mode, OPROCD will reboot the node if it detects excessive wait. In Non Fatal mode, it will write an error message out to the file .oprocd.log in one of the following directories.

Oracle clusterware has the following three daemons which may be responsible for panicing the node. It is possible that some other external entity may have rebooted the node. In the context of this discussion, we will assume that the reboot/panic was done by an Oracle clusterware daemon.

* Oprocd – Cluster fencing module
* Cssd – Cluster sychronization module which manages node membership
* Oclsomon – Cssd monitor which will monitor for cssd hangs

OPROCD This is a daemon that only gets activated when there is no vendor clusterware present on the OS.This daemon is also not activated to run on Windows/Linux. This daemon runs a tight loop and if it is not scheduled for 1.5 seconds, will reboot the node.
CSSD This daemon pings the other members of the cluster over the private network and Voting disk. If this does not get a response for Misscount seconds and Disktimeout seconds respectively, it will reboot the node.
Oclsomon This daemon monitors the CSSD to ensure that CSSD is scheduled by the OS, if it detects any problems it will reboot the node.

A sample log looks like
May 11 18:13:15.528 | INF | monitoring started with timeout(1000), margin(500)
May 11 18:13:15.548 | INF | normal startup, setting process to fatal mode
May 12 11:43:00.899 | INF | shutting down from client request
May 12 11:43:00.899 | INF | exiting current process in NORMAL mode
May 12 12:10:43.984 | INF | monitoring started with timeout(1000), margin(500)
May 13 11:29:37.528 | INF | shutting down from client request
May 13 11:29:37.528 | INF | exiting current process in NORMAL mode

When fatal mode is disabled, OPROCD will write the following to the log file and exit:
May 10 18:01:40.668 | INF | monitoring started with timeout(1000), margin(500)
May 10 18:23:02.490 | ERR | AlarmHandler:? timeout(1739751316) exceeds interval(1000000000)+margin(500000000)

[root@rh2 ~]# ps -ef|grep oprocd|grep -v grep
root     19763     1  0 Jun27 ?        00:00:00 oprocd start

[root@rh2 oprocd]# cd /etc/oracle/oprocd

[root@rh2 oprocd]# ls -l
total 20
drwxrwx--- 2 root oinstall 4096 Jun 27 23:52 check
drwxrwx--- 2 root oinstall 4096 Mar 29 22:37 fatal
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root      512 Jun 27 23:52 rh2.oprocd.lgl
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root      171 Jun 27 23:52 rh2.oprocd.log
drwxrwx--- 2 root oinstall 4096 Jun 27 23:52 stop

[root@rh2 oprocd]# cat rh2.oprocd.log
Jun 27 23:52:47.861 | INF | monitoring started with timeout(1000), margin(500), skewTimeout(125)
Jun 27 23:52:47.864 | INF | normal startup, setting process to fatal mode

[root@rh2 oprocd]# oprocd

usage:  oprocd [start | startInstall | stop | check | enableFatal| help | -?]

        run [ -t | -m | -g | -f  | -e]   foreground startup
              -t           timeout in ms
              -m            timout margin in ms
              -e           clock skew epsilon in ms
              -g         group name to enable fatal
              -f                    fatal startup

        start  [-t | -m  | -e]           starts the daemon
                -t         timeout in ms
                -m          timout margin in ms
                 -e         clock skew epsilon in ms

        startInstall [ -t | -m | -g  | - e] start process in install mode
                       -t    timeout in ms
                       -m     timout margin in ms
                       -e    clock skew epsilon in ms
                       -g  group name to enable fatal

        enableFatal  [ -t ]             force install mode process to fatal
                       -t    timeout for response in ms
        stop         [ -t ]             stops running daemon
                       -t    timeout for response in ms
        check        [ -t ]           checks status of daemon
                       -t    timeout for response in ms
        help                          this help information
        -?                            same as help above

[root@rh2 oprocd]# oprocd stop
Jun 28 00:17:36.604 | INF | daemon shutting down

Oracle Clusterware Process Monitor (OPROCD) From Julian Dyke

Process Monitor Daemon
Provides Cluster I/O Fencing

Implemented on Unix systems
Not required with third-party clusterware
Implemented in Linux in and above
In and below hangcheck timer module is used

Provides hangcheck timer functionality to maintain cluster integrity
Behaviour similar to hangcheck timer
Runs as root
Locked in memory
Failure causes reboot of system
See /etc/init.d/init.cssd for operating system reboot commands

OPROCD takes two parameters
-t  - Timeout value
Length of time between executions (milliseconds)
Normally defaults to 1000
-m - Margin
Acceptable margin before rebooting (milliseconds)
Normally defaults to 500

Parameters are specified in /etc/init.d/init.cssd

Contact Oracle Support before changing these values

/etc/init.d/init.cssd can increase OPROCD_DEFAULT_MARGIN based on two CSS variables
reboottime (mandatory)
diagwait (optional)
Values can for these be obtained using

[root@server3]# crsctl get css reboottime
[root@server3]# crsctl get css diagwait

Both values are reported in seconds
The algorithm is

If diagwait > reboottime then
OPROCD_DEFAULT_MARGIN := (diagwait - reboottime) * 1000

Therefore increasing diagwait will reduce frequency of reboots e.g

[root@server3]# crsctl set css diagwait 13

RAC Deadlock For Example

Single resource deadlock: blocking enqueue which blocks itself, f 0

Single resource deadlock: blocking enqueue which blocks itself, f 0
Granted global enqueue 0xd8578490
----------enqueue 0xd8578490------------------------
lock version     : 1
Owner inst       : 2
grant_level      : KJUSERCW
req_level        : KJUSERPW
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : 0x4fe4b6e
resp             : 0xd9c7ad50
procp            : 0xd9971780
pid              : 0
proc version     : 0
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 0
group lock owner : (nil)
xid              : 0000-0000-00000000
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     :
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0xd7d8d7da
Msg_Seq          : 0x60005
res_seq          : 2
valblk           : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER/HOLDER: block level 4 res [0x1451c][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
----------resource 0xd9c7ad50----------------------
resname       : [0x1451c][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
hash mask     : x3
Local inst    : 1
dir_inst      : 1
master_inst   : 1
hv idx        : 112
hv last r.inc : 56
current inc   : 56
hv status     : 0
hv master     : 0
open options  : dd cached
grant_bits    : KJUSERCW
count         : 0         0         2         0         0         0
val_state     : KJUSERVS_NOVALUE
valblk        : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
access_inst   : 1
vbreq_state   : 0
state         : x0
resp          : 0xd9c7ad50
On Scan_q?    : N
Total accesses: 150
Imm.  accesses: 143
Granted_locks : 1
Cvting_locks  : 1
value_block:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
lp 0xd876ab70 gl KJUSERCW rp 0xd9c7ad50 [0x1451c][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
  master 1 gl owner 0xda7233c0 possible pid 1993 xid 2B000-0001-000000B5 bast 0 rseq 1 mseq 0 history 0x49a51495
lp 0xd8578490 gl KJUSERCW rl KJUSERPW rp 0xd9c7ad50 [0x1451c][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
  master 1 owner 2  bast 1 rseq 2 mseq 0x60005 history 0xd7d8d7da
  convert opt KJUSERGETVALUE
----------enqueue 0xd876ab70------------------------
lock version     : 2071
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSERCW
req_level        : KJUSERPW
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9c7ad50
procp            : 0xd9979b08
pid              : 1993
proc version     : 81
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 1993
group lock owner : 0xda7233c0
possible pid     : 1993
xid              : 2B000-0001-000000B5
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : CONVERTING
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x49a51495
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 1
valblk           : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
user session for deadlock lock 0xd876ab70
  sid: 416 ser: 217 audsid: 2301258 user: 95/SPOT
    flags: (0x10041) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    flags2: (0x40008) -/-
  pid: 43 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 1993
    image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (J000)
  client details:
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 1993
    machine: rh2.oracle.com program: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (J000)
    application name: DBMS_SCHEDULER, hash value=2478762354
    action name: QUEST_PPCM_JOB_PM_1, hash value=3637730750
  current SQL:

----------enqueue 0xd8578490------------------------
lock version     : 1
Owner inst       : 2
grant_level      : KJUSERCW
req_level        : KJUSERPW
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : 0x4fe4b6e
resp             : 0xd9c7ad50
procp            : 0xd9971780
pid              : 0
proc version     : 0
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 0
group lock owner : (nil)
xid              : 0000-0000-00000000
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     :
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0xd7d8d7da
Msg_Seq          : 0x60005
res_seq          : 2
valblk           : 0x03000000000000000100000000000000 . 

Requesting global enqueue 0xd876ab70 

----------enqueue 0xd876ab70------------------------
lock version     : 2071
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSERCW
req_level        : KJUSERPW
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9c7ad50
procp            : 0xd9979b08
pid              : 1993
proc version     : 81
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 1993
group lock owner : 0xda7233c0
possible pid     : 1993
xid              : 2B000-0001-000000B5
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : CONVERTING
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x49a51495
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 1
valblk           : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 . u
ser session for deadlock lock 0xd876ab70
sid: 416 ser: 217 audsid: 2301258 user: 95/SPOT
flags: (0x10041) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
flags2: (0x40008) -/-
pid: 43 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 1993
image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (J000)
client details:     O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 1993
machine: rh2.oracle.com program: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (J000)
application name: DBMS_SCHEDULER, hash value=2478762354
action name: QUEST_PPCM_JOB_PM_1, hash value=3637730750
current SQL:
----------resource 0xd9c7ad50----------------------
resname       : [0x1451c][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
hash mask     : x3
Local inst    : 1
dir_inst      : 1
master_inst   : 1
hv idx        : 112
hv last r.inc : 56
current inc   : 56
hv status     : 0
hv master     : 0
open options  : dd cached
grant_bits    : KJUSERCW
count         : 0         0         2         0         0         0
val_state     : KJUSERVS_NOVALUE
valblk        : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
access_inst   : 1
vbreq_state   : 0
state         : x0
resp          : 0xd9c7ad50
On Scan_q?    : N
Total accesses: 150
Imm.  accesses: 143
Granted_locks : 1
Cvting_locks  : 1
value_block:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
lp 0xd876ab70 gl KJUSERCW rp 0xd9c7ad50 [0x1451c][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
  master 1 gl owner 0xda7233c0 possible pid 1993 xid 2B000-0001-000000B5 bast 0 rseq 1 mseq 0 history 0x49a51495
lp 0xd8578490 gl KJUSERCW rl KJUSERPW rp 0xd9c7ad50 [0x1451c][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
  master 1 owner 2  bast 1 rseq 2 mseq 0x60005 history 0xd7d8d7da
  convert opt KJUSERGETVALUE
Trace Bucket Dump Begin: default bucket for process 43 (osid: 1993, J000)


* End DRM for pkey remastering request(s) (locally requested)
ENQUEUE DUMP REQUEST: from 2 spnum 12 on [0x1475a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0] for reason 3 mtype 0

*** 2011-06-21 21:57:42.212
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER/HOLDER: block level 5 res [0x1475a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
----------resource 0xd9e62b48----------------------
resname       : [0x1475a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
hash mask     : x3
Local inst    : 1
dir_inst      : 1
master_inst   : 1
hv idx        : 46
hv last r.inc : 56
current inc   : 56
hv status     : 0
hv master     : 0
open options  : dd cached
grant_bits    : KJUSERNL KJUSEREX
count         : 1         0         0         0         0         1
val_state     : KJUSERVS_NOVALUE
valblk        : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
access_inst   : 1
vbreq_state   : 0
state         : x0
resp          : 0xd9e62b48
On Scan_q?    : N
Total accesses: 30
Imm.  accesses: 25
Granted_locks : 1
Cvting_locks  : 1
value_block:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
lp 0xd87530a8 gl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9e62b48 [0x1475a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
  master 1 gl owner 0xda7233c0 possible pid 26255 xid 2B000-0001-00000576 bast 0 rseq 3 mseq 0 history 0x9a514495
lp 0xd85b60e0 gl KJUSERNL rl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9e62b48 [0x1475a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
  master 1 owner 2  bast 0 rseq 12 mseq 0x1 history 0x97ad
  convert opt KJUSERGETVALUE
----------enqueue 0xd87530a8------------------------
lock version     : 10199
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSEREX
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9e62b48
procp            : 0xd99750b0
pid              : 26255
proc version     : 229
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 26255
group lock owner : 0xda7233c0
possible pid     : 26255
xid              : 2B000-0001-00000576
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x9a514495
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 3
valblk           : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
user session for deadlock lock 0xd87530a8
  sid: 416 ser: 1053 audsid: 4294967295 user: 0/SYS
    flags: (0x41) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    flags2: (0x40008) -/-
  pid: 43 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 26255
    image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
  client details:
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: pts/3, ospid: 26254
    machine: rh2.oracle.com program: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
    application name: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3), hash value=3660119738
  current SQL:
  lock table lock2 in exclusive mode
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER: initiate state dump for DEADLOCK
  possible owner[43.26255] on resource TM-0001475A-00000000

*** 2011-06-21 21:57:42.215
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]. summary=[ges process stack dump (kjdglblkrdm1)].
----------enqueue 0xd85b60e0------------------------
lock version     : 1
Owner inst       : 2
grant_level      : KJUSERNL
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9e62b48
procp            : 0xd9971780
pid              : 0
proc version     : 0
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 0
group lock owner : (nil)
xid              : 0000-0000-00000000
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     :  KJUSERNO_XID
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x97ad
Msg_Seq          : 0x1
res_seq          : 12
valblk           : 0xe0720660ff7f000020700660ff7f0000 .r` p`
Global blockers dump start:---------------------------------
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER/HOLDER: block level 5 res [0x1485a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
----------resource 0xd9c5a7c8----------------------
resname       : [0x1485a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
hash mask     : x3
Local inst    : 1
dir_inst      : 1
master_inst   : 1
hv idx        : 46
hv last r.inc : 56
current inc   : 56
hv status     : 0
hv master     : 0
open options  : dd cached
grant_bits    : KJUSERNL KJUSEREX
count         : 1         0         0         0         0         1
val_state     : KJUSERVS_NOVALUE
valblk        : 0x000000000a0000000a00000001000000 .
access_inst   : 2
vbreq_state   : 0
state         : x0
resp          : 0xd9c5a7c8
On Scan_q?    : N
Total accesses: 29
Imm.  accesses: 20
Granted_locks : 1
Cvting_locks  : 1
value_block:  00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
lp 0xd85b5f20 gl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9c5a7c8 [0x1485a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
  master 1 owner 2  bast 0 rseq 15 mseq 0x2 history 0x977d8d
  open opt  KJUSERNO_XID
lp 0xd8757ff8 gl KJUSERNL rl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9c5a7c8 [0x1485a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
  master 1 gl owner 0xda7233c0 possible pid 26255 xid 2B000-0001-00000576 bast 0 rseq 2 mseq 0 history 0xda51449a
  convert opt KJUSERGETVALUE
----------enqueue 0xd85b5f20------------------------
lock version     : 1
Owner inst       : 2
grant_level      : KJUSEREX
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSEREX
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9c5a7c8
procp            : 0xd9971780
pid              : 0
proc version     : 0
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 0
group lock owner : (nil)
xid              : 0000-0000-00000000
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     :  KJUSERNO_XID
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x977d8d
Msg_Seq          : 0x2
res_seq          : 15
valblk           : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
----------enqueue 0xd8757ff8------------------------
lock version     : 10261
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSERNL
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9c5a7c8
procp            : 0xd99750b0
pid              : 26255
proc version     : 229
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 26255
group lock owner : 0xda7233c0
possible pid     : 26255
xid              : 2B000-0001-00000576
dd_time          : 10.0 secs
dd_count         : 1
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : Y
lock_state       : OPENING CONVERTING
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0xda51449a
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 2
valblk           : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
user session for deadlock lock 0xd8757ff8
  sid: 416 ser: 1053 audsid: 4294967295 user: 0/SYS
    flags: (0x41) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    flags2: (0x40008) -/-
  pid: 43 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 26255
    image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
  client details:
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: pts/3, ospid: 26254
    machine: rh2.oracle.com program: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
    application name: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3), hash value=3660119738
  current SQL:
  lock table lock2 in exclusive mode
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER: initiate state dump for DEADLOCK
  possible owner[43.26255] on resource TM-0001485A-00000000

*** 2011-06-21 21:57:42.219
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]. summary=[ges process stack dump (kjdglblkrdm1)].
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER/HOLDER: block level 5 res [0x1475a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
----------resource 0xd9e62b48----------------------
resname       : [0x1475a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
hash mask     : x3
Local inst    : 1
dir_inst      : 1
master_inst   : 1
hv idx        : 46
hv last r.inc : 56
current inc   : 56
hv status     : 0
hv master     : 0
open options  : dd cached
grant_bits    : KJUSERNL KJUSEREX
count         : 1         0         0         0         0         1
val_state     : KJUSERVS_NOVALUE
valblk        : 0x7c5b5c0900000000806a0660ff7f0000 |[\j`
access_inst   : 1
vbreq_state   : 0
state         : x0
resp          : 0xd9e62b48
On Scan_q?    : N
Total accesses: 32
Imm.  accesses: 26
Granted_locks : 1
Cvting_locks  : 1
value_block:  7c 5b 5c 09 00 00 00 00 80 6a 06 60 ff 7f 00 00
lp 0xd87530a8 gl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9e62b48 [0x1475a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
  master 1 gl owner 0xda7233c0 possible pid 26255 xid 2B000-0001-00000576 bast 0 rseq 3 mseq 0 history 0x9a514495
lp 0xd85b60e0 gl KJUSERNL rl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9e62b48 [0x1475a][0x0],[TM][ext 0x0,0x0]
  master 1 owner 2  bast 0 rseq 12 mseq 0x1 history 0x97ad
  convert opt KJUSERGETVALUE
----------enqueue 0xd87530a8------------------------
lock version     : 10199
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSEREX
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9e62b48
procp            : 0xd99750b0
pid              : 26255
proc version     : 229
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 26255
group lock owner : 0xda7233c0
possible pid     : 26255
xid              : 2B000-0001-00000576
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x9a514495
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 3
valblk           : 0x00000000ff7f000031000502ff7f0000 .1
user session for deadlock lock 0xd87530a8
  sid: 416 ser: 1053 audsid: 4294967295 user: 0/SYS
    flags: (0x41) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    flags2: (0x40008) -/-
  pid: 43 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 26255
    image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
  client details:
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: pts/3, ospid: 26254
    machine: rh2.oracle.com program: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
    application name: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3), hash value=3660119738
  current SQL:
  lock table lock2 in exclusive mode
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER: initiate state dump for DEADLOCK
  possible owner[43.26255] on resource TM-0001475A-00000000

*** 2011-06-21 21:57:42.220
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]. summary=[ges process stack dump (kjdglblkrdm1)].
----------enqueue 0xd85b60e0------------------------
lock version     : 1
Owner inst       : 2
grant_level      : KJUSERNL
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9e62b48
procp            : 0xd9971780
pid              : 0
proc version     : 0
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 0
group lock owner : (nil)
xid              : 0000-0000-00000000
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     :  KJUSERNO_XID
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x97ad
Msg_Seq          : 0x1
res_seq          : 12
valblk           : 0x406f0660ff7f0000806c0660ff7f0000 @o`l`
Global blockers dump end:-----------------------------------
Global Wait-For-Graph(WFG) at ddTS[0.1] :
BLOCKED 0xd8757ff8 5 wq 2 cvtops x1 TM 0x1485a.0x0(ext 0x0,0x0)[2B000-0001-00000576] inst 1
BLOCKER 0xd87520d0 5 wq 1 cvtops x1 TM 0x1485a.0x0(ext 0x0,0x0)[22000-0002-000010C6] inst 2
BLOCKED 0xd8766338 5 wq 2 cvtops x1 TM 0x1475a.0x0(ext 0x0,0x0)[22000-0002-000010C6] inst 2
BLOCKER 0xd87530a8 5 wq 1 cvtops x1 TM 0x1475a.0x0(ext 0x0,0x0)[2B000-0001-00000576] inst 1


ENQUEUE DUMP REQUEST: from 2 spnum 12 on [0x10001][0x7b3],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0] for reason 3 mtype 0
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER/HOLDER: block level 5 res [0x10001][0x7b3],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
----------resource 0xd9c5a6a0----------------------
resname       : [0x10001][0x7b3],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
hash mask     : x3
Local inst    : 1
dir_inst      : 1
master_inst   : 1
hv idx        : 8
hv last r.inc : 56
current inc   : 56
hv status     : 0
hv master     : 0
open options  : dd
grant_bits    : KJUSERNL KJUSEREX
count         : 1         0         0         0         0         1
val_state     : KJUSERVS_NOVALUE
valblk        : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
access_inst   : 1
vbreq_state   : 0
state         : x0
resp          : 0xd9c5a6a0
On Scan_q?    : N
Total accesses: 54
Imm.  accesses: 44
Granted_locks : 1
Cvting_locks  : 1
value_block:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
lp 0xd85b62a0 gl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9c5a6a0 [0x10001][0x7b3],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
  master 1 gl owner 0xda7233c0 possible pid 26287 xid 2B000-0001-00000578 bast 0 rseq 8 mseq 0 history 0x95
lp 0xd85b6460 gl KJUSERNL rl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9c5a6a0 [0x10001][0x7b3],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
  master 1 owner 2  bast 0 rseq 22 mseq 0x1 history 0x97ad
  convert opt KJUSERGETVALUE
----------enqueue 0xd85b62a0------------------------
lock version     : 1
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSEREX
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9c5a6a0
procp            : 0xd996b090
pid              : 22148
proc version     : 0
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 22148
group lock owner : 0xda7233c0
possible pid     : 26287
xid              : 2B000-0001-00000578
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
History          : 0x95
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 8
valblk           : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
user session for deadlock lock 0xd85b62a0
  sid: 416 ser: 1055 audsid: 4294967295 user: 0/SYS
    flags: (0x41) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    flags2: (0x40008) -/-
  pid: 43 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 26287
    image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
  client details:
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: pts/3, ospid: 26286
    machine: rh2.oracle.com program: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
    application name: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3), hash value=3660119738
  current SQL:
  update lock1 set t1=t1+10 where t1=2
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER: initiate state dump for DEADLOCK
  possible owner[43.26287] on resource TX-00010001-000007B3

*** 2011-06-21 22:08:18.048
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]. summary=[ges process stack dump (kjdglblkrdm1)].
----------enqueue 0xd85b6460------------------------
lock version     : 1
Owner inst       : 2
grant_level      : KJUSERNL
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9c5a6a0
procp            : 0xd9971780
pid              : 0
proc version     : 0
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 0
group lock owner : (nil)
xid              : 0000-0000-00000000
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     :  KJUSERNO_XID
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x97ad
Msg_Seq          : 0x1
res_seq          : 22
valblk           : 0xe0720660ff7f000020700660ff7f0000 .r` p`
Global blockers dump start:---------------------------------
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER/HOLDER: block level 5 res [0xb0000][0xc8],[TX][ext 0x5,0x0]
----------resource 0xd9e626a8----------------------
resname       : [0xb0000][0xc8],[TX][ext 0x5,0x0]
hash mask     : x3
Local inst    : 1
dir_inst      : 2
master_inst   : 2
hv idx        : 28
hv last r.inc : 56
current inc   : 56
hv status     : 0
hv master     : 0
open options  : dd
Held mode     : KJUSERNL
Cvt mode      : KJUSEREX
Next Cvt mode : KJUSERNL
msg_seq       : 0x1
res_seq       : 2
grant_bits    : KJUSERNL
count         : 1         0         0         0         0         0
val_state     : KJUSERVS_NOVALUE
valblk        : 0x000000000a0000000a00000001000000 .
access_inst   : 2
vbreq_state   : 0
state         : x8
resp          : 0xd9e626a8
On Scan_q?    : N
Total accesses: 24
Imm.  accesses: 15
Granted_locks : 0
Cvting_locks  : 1
value_block:  00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
lp 0xd8757ff8 gl KJUSERNL rl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9e626a8 [0xb0000][0xc8],[TX][ext 0x5,0x0]
  master 2 gl owner 0xda7233c0 possible pid 26287 xid 2B000-0001-00000578 bast 0 rseq 2 mseq 0 history 0x495149da
  convert opt KJUSERGETVALUE
----------enqueue 0xd8757ff8------------------------
lock version     : 11019
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSERNL
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9e626a8
procp            : 0xd99750b0
pid              : 26287
proc version     : 230
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 26287
group lock owner : 0xda7233c0
possible pid     : 26287
xid              : 2B000-0001-00000578
dd_time          : 10.0 secs
dd_count         : 1
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : Y
lock_state       : OPENING CONVERTING
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x495149da
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 2
valblk           : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
user session for deadlock lock 0xd8757ff8
  sid: 416 ser: 1055 audsid: 4294967295 user: 0/SYS
    flags: (0x41) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    flags2: (0x40008) -/-
  pid: 43 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 26287
    image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
  client details:
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: pts/3, ospid: 26286
    machine: rh2.oracle.com program: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
    application name: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3), hash value=3660119738
  current SQL:
  update lock1 set t1=t1+10 where t1=2
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER: initiate state dump for DEADLOCK
  possible owner[43.26287] on resource TX-000B0000-000000C8

*** 2011-06-21 22:08:18.051
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]. summary=[ges process stack dump (kjdglblkrdm1)].
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER/HOLDER: block level 5 res [0x10001][0x7b3],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
----------resource 0xd9c5a6a0----------------------
resname       : [0x10001][0x7b3],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
hash mask     : x3
Local inst    : 1
dir_inst      : 1
master_inst   : 1
hv idx        : 8
hv last r.inc : 56
current inc   : 56
hv status     : 0
hv master     : 0
open options  : dd
grant_bits    : KJUSERNL KJUSEREX
count         : 1         0         0         0         0         1
val_state     : KJUSERVS_NOVALUE
valblk        : 0x7c5b5c0900000000806a0660ff7f0000 |[\j`
access_inst   : 1
vbreq_state   : 0
state         : x0
resp          : 0xd9c5a6a0
On Scan_q?    : N
Total accesses: 56
Imm.  accesses: 45
Granted_locks : 1
Cvting_locks  : 1
value_block:  7c 5b 5c 09 00 00 00 00 80 6a 06 60 ff 7f 00 00
lp 0xd85b62a0 gl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9c5a6a0 [0x10001][0x7b3],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
  master 1 gl owner 0xda7233c0 possible pid 26287 xid 2B000-0001-00000578 bast 0 rseq 8 mseq 0 history 0x95
lp 0xd85b6460 gl KJUSERNL rl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9c5a6a0 [0x10001][0x7b3],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
  master 1 owner 2  bast 0 rseq 22 mseq 0x1 history 0x97ad
  convert opt KJUSERGETVALUE
----------enqueue 0xd85b62a0------------------------
lock version     : 1
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSEREX
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9c5a6a0
procp            : 0xd996b090
pid              : 22148
proc version     : 0
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 22148
group lock owner : 0xda7233c0
possible pid     : 26287
xid              : 2B000-0001-00000578
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
History          : 0x95
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 8
valblk           : 0x00000000ff7f000031000502ff7f0000 .1
user session for deadlock lock 0xd85b62a0
  sid: 416 ser: 1055 audsid: 4294967295 user: 0/SYS
    flags: (0x41) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    flags2: (0x40008) -/-
  pid: 43 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 26287
    image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
  client details:
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: pts/3, ospid: 26286
    machine: rh2.oracle.com program: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
    application name: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3), hash value=3660119738
  current SQL:
  update lock1 set t1=t1+10 where t1=2
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER: initiate state dump for DEADLOCK
  possible owner[43.26287] on resource TX-00010001-000007B3

*** 2011-06-21 22:08:18.053
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]. summary=[ges process stack dump (kjdglblkrdm1)].
----------enqueue 0xd85b6460------------------------
lock version     : 1
Owner inst       : 2
grant_level      : KJUSERNL
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9c5a6a0
procp            : 0xd9971780
pid              : 0
proc version     : 0
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 0
group lock owner : (nil)
xid              : 0000-0000-00000000
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     :  KJUSERNO_XID
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x97ad
Msg_Seq          : 0x1
res_seq          : 22
valblk           : 0x406f0660ff7f0000806c0660ff7f0000 @o`l`
Global blockers dump end:-----------------------------------
Global Wait-For-Graph(WFG) at ddTS[0.6] :
BLOCKED 0xd8757ff8 5 wq 2 cvtops x1 TX 0xb0000.0xc8(ext 0x5,0x0)[2B000-0001-00000578] inst 1
BLOCKER 0xd8561ee0 5 wq 1 cvtops x28 TX 0xb0000.0xc8(ext 0x5,0x0)[22000-0002-000010C6] inst 2
BLOCKED 0xd8766338 5 wq 2 cvtops x1 TX 0x10001.0x7b3(ext 0x2,0x0)[22000-0002-000010C6] inst 2
BLOCKER 0xd85b62a0 5 wq 1 cvtops x28 TX 0x10001.0x7b3(ext 0x2,0x0)[2B000-0001-00000578] inst 1 

*** 2011-06-21 22:08:19.059
* Cancel deadlock victim lockp 0xd8757ff8


*** 2011-06-21 22:27:00.022
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER/HOLDER: block level 5 res [0x70015][0x81e],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
----------resource 0xd9e62330----------------------
resname       : [0x70015][0x81e],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
hash mask     : x3
Local inst    : 1
dir_inst      : 1
master_inst   : 1
hv idx        : 7
hv last r.inc : 42
current inc   : 56
hv status     : 0
hv master     : 1
open options  : dd
grant_bits    : KJUSERNL KJUSEREX
count         : 1         0         0         0         0         1
val_state     : KJUSERVS_NOVALUE
valblk        : 0x506b0660ff7f00006d6cf50400000000 Pk`ml
access_inst   : 1
vbreq_state   : 0
state         : x0
resp          : 0xd9e62330
On Scan_q?    : N
Total accesses: 23
Imm.  accesses: 15
Granted_locks : 1
Cvting_locks  : 1
value_block:  50 6b 06 60 ff 7f 00 00 6d 6c f5 04 00 00 00 00
lp 0xd8767a10 gl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9e62330 [0x70015][0x81e],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
  master 1 gl owner 0xda2cff40 possible pid 26847 xid 2E000-0001-00000347 bast 0 rseq 1 mseq 0 history 0x14951495
lp 0xd876a630 gl KJUSERNL rl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9e62330 [0x70015][0x81e],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
  master 1 gl owner 0xda7233c0 possible pid 26843 xid 2B000-0001-0000057A bast 0 rseq 1 mseq 0 history 0x1495149a
  convert opt KJUSERGETVALUE
----------enqueue 0xd8767a10------------------------
lock version     : 8523
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSEREX
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9e62330
procp            : 0xd99750b0
pid              : 26843
proc version     : 231
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 26843
group lock owner : 0xda2cff40
possible pid     : 26847
xid              : 2E000-0001-00000347
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
History          : 0x14951495
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 1
valblk           : 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 .
user session for deadlock lock 0xd8767a10
  sid: 16 ser: 851 audsid: 4294967295 user: 0/SYS
    flags: (0x41) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    flags2: (0x40008) -/-
  pid: 46 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 26847
    image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
  client details:
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: pts/3, ospid: 26846
    machine: rh2.oracle.com program: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
    application name: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3), hash value=3660119738
  current SQL:
   update lock1 set t1=t1+10 where t1=11
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER: initiate state dump for DEADLOCK
  possible owner[46.26847] on resource TX-00070015-0000081E

*** 2011-06-21 22:27:00.024
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]. summary=[ges process stack dump (kjdglblkrdm1)].
----------enqueue 0xd876a630------------------------
lock version     : 9399
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSERNL
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9e62330
procp            : 0xd99750b0
pid              : 26843
proc version     : 231
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 26843
group lock owner : 0xda7233c0
possible pid     : 26843
xid              : 2B000-0001-0000057A
dd_time          : 10.0 secs
dd_count         : 1
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : Y
lock_state       : OPENING CONVERTING
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x1495149a
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 1
valblk           : 0xa06e0660ff7f0000e06b0660ff7f0000 .n`k`
user session for deadlock lock 0xd876a630
  sid: 416 ser: 1057 audsid: 4294967295 user: 0/SYS
    flags: (0x41) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    flags2: (0x40008) -/-
  pid: 43 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 26843
    image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
  client details:
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: pts/4, ospid: 26842
    machine: rh2.oracle.com program: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
    application name: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3), hash value=3660119738
  current SQL:
  update lock1 set t1=t1+10 where t1=12
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER: initiate state dump for DEADLOCK
  possible owner[43.26843] on resource TX-00070015-0000081E

*** 2011-06-21 22:27:00.025
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]. summary=[ges process stack dump (kjdglblkrdm1)].
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER/HOLDER: block level 5 res [0x40008][0x7d9],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
----------resource 0xd9e62208----------------------
resname       : [0x40008][0x7d9],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
hash mask     : x3
Local inst    : 1
dir_inst      : 1
master_inst   : 1
hv idx        : 53
hv last r.inc : 42
current inc   : 56
hv status     : 0
hv master     : 1
open options  : dd
grant_bits    : KJUSERNL KJUSEREX
count         : 1         0         0         0         0         1
val_state     : KJUSERVS_NOVALUE
valblk        : 0x7c5b5c0900000000e0690660ff7f0000 |[\i`
access_inst   : 1
vbreq_state   : 0
state         : x0
resp          : 0xd9e62208
On Scan_q?    : N
Total accesses: 92
Imm.  accesses: 82
Granted_locks : 1
Cvting_locks  : 1
value_block:  7c 5b 5c 09 00 00 00 00 e0 69 06 60 ff 7f 00 00
lp 0xd876a7f0 gl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9e62208 [0x40008][0x7d9],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
  master 1 gl owner 0xda7233c0 possible pid 26843 xid 2B000-0001-0000057A bast 0 rseq 6 mseq 0 history 0x14951495
lp 0xd876ab70 gl KJUSERNL rl KJUSEREX rp 0xd9e62208 [0x40008][0x7d9],[TX][ext 0x2,0x0]
  master 1 gl owner 0xda2cff40 possible pid 26847 xid 2E000-0001-00000347 bast 0 rseq 6 mseq 0 history 0x1495149a
  convert opt KJUSERGETVALUE
----------enqueue 0xd876a7f0------------------------
lock version     : 6107
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSEREX
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9e62208
procp            : 0xd9978428
pid              : 26847
proc version     : 238
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 26847
group lock owner : 0xda7233c0
possible pid     : 26843
xid              : 2B000-0001-0000057A
dd_time          : 0.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : N
lock_state       : GRANTED
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
History          : 0x14951495
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 6
valblk           : 0x00000000ff7f000031000502ff7f0000 .1
user session for deadlock lock 0xd876a7f0
  sid: 416 ser: 1057 audsid: 4294967295 user: 0/SYS
    flags: (0x41) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    flags2: (0x40008) -/-
  pid: 43 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 26843
    image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
  client details:
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: pts/4, ospid: 26842
    machine: rh2.oracle.com program: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
    application name: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3), hash value=3660119738
  current SQL:
  update lock1 set t1=t1+10 where t1=12
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER: initiate state dump for DEADLOCK
  possible owner[43.26843] on resource TX-00040008-000007D9

*** 2011-06-21 22:27:00.029
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]. summary=[ges process stack dump (kjdglblkrdm1)].
----------enqueue 0xd876ab70------------------------
lock version     : 3827
Owner inst       : 1
grant_level      : KJUSERNL
req_level        : KJUSEREX
bast_level       : KJUSERNL
notify_func      : (nil)
resp             : 0xd9e62208
procp            : 0xd9978428
pid              : 26847
proc version     : 238
oprocp           : (nil)
opid             : 26847
group lock owner : 0xda2cff40
possible pid     : 26847
xid              : 2E000-0001-00000347
dd_time          : 5.0 secs
dd_count         : 0
timeout          : 0.0 secs
On_timer_q?      : N
On_dd_q?         : Y
lock_state       : OPENING CONVERTING
ast_flag         : 0x0
Open Options     : KJUSERDEADLOCK
Convert options  : KJUSERGETVALUE
History          : 0x1495149a
Msg_Seq          : 0x0
res_seq          : 6
valblk           : 0xa06e0660ff7f0000e06b0660ff7f0000 .n`k`
user session for deadlock lock 0xd876ab70
  sid: 16 ser: 851 audsid: 4294967295 user: 0/SYS
    flags: (0x41) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
    flags2: (0x40008) -/-
  pid: 46 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 26847
    image: oracle@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
  client details:
    O/S info: user: oracle, term: pts/3, ospid: 26846
    machine: rh2.oracle.com program: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3)
    application name: sqlplus@rh2.oracle.com (TNS V1-V3), hash value=3660119738
  current SQL:
   update lock1 set t1=t1+10 where t1=11
DUMP LOCAL BLOCKER: initiate state dump for DEADLOCK
  possible owner[46.26847] on resource TX-00040008-000007D9

*** 2011-06-21 22:27:00.031
Submitting asynchronized dump request [28]. summary=[ges process stack dump (kjdglblkrdm1)].
Global blockers dump end:-----------------------------------
Global Wait-For-Graph(WFG) at ddTS[0.db] :
BLOCKED 0xd876a630 5 wq 2 cvtops x1 TX 0x70015.0x81e(ext 0x2,0x0)[2B000-0001-0000057A] inst 1
BLOCKER 0xd8767a10 5 wq 1 cvtops x28 TX 0x70015.0x81e(ext 0x2,0x0)[2E000-0001-00000347] inst 1
BLOCKED 0xd876ab70 5 wq 2 cvtops x1 TX 0x40008.0x7d9(ext 0x2,0x0)[2E000-0001-00000347] inst 1
BLOCKER 0xd876a7f0 5 wq 1 cvtops x28 TX 0x40008.0x7d9(ext 0x2,0x0)[2B000-0001-0000057A] inst 1

Summary Of  Bugs Which Could Cause Deadlock In RAC Environment

Applies to:

Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to 11.1 Information in this document applies to any platform.


The purpose of this Note is to explain various bugs filed specifically for the Dead lock errors in a RAC environment  against specific Oracle database versions (This Note covers bugs reported versions  above, and explain the symptoms of each bug, workarounds if any and references the patch availability at the time this article was written.


This article is a consolidated effort to summarisze top bugs reported specifically for the Dead lock  error in RAC environment  (This Note covers bugs reported versions above which have been fixed. It is directed towards Oracle Support Analysts and Oracle Customers to have an overview of various bugs logged for the same error .

Summary Of Bugs Which Could Cause Deadlock In RAC Environment

Bugs Fixed in Version Note 2941738.8 Bug 2941738   SMON processes may deadlock in RAC Note 2902030.8 Bug 2902030   Deadlocks in RAC not logged in alert log Bugs Fixed in Version Note 3268802.8 Bug 3268802 Additional diagnostics for deadlock in RAC environment Note.3646162.8 Bug 3646162 False deadlock (ORA-60) in a RAC environment / TM lock mode change Note.3627263.8 Bug 3627263 DEADLOCK OPS STARTUP Deadlock / hang during RAC instance startup Bugs Fixed in Version Note.3992847.8 Bug 3992847 Deadlocks are not detected in rac when one node rebooted more recently than the rest Note 3641819.8 Bug 3641819  Undetected deadlock possible in RAC Note 3777178.8 Bug 3777178  TA / US enqueue deadlock during transaction recovery in RAC Note 4220161.8 Bug 4220161 OPS Deadlock between SMON processes on different instances Bug Fixed in Version Note 4371923.8 Bug 4371923 SMON may deadlock on TX enqueue waits for updates to COL_USAGE$ in RAC Bug Fixed in  Version Note 4579381.8 Bug 4579381  Deadlock on DC_USERS in RAC (ORA-4020) Bug Fixed in Version Note 5012368.8 Bug 5012368 Undetected deadlock in RAC  Note 4913415.8 Bug 4913415 Global deadlock not reported in RAC Bug Fixed in Version Note 5470095.8 Bug 5470095  Self deadlock should provide more targeted diagnostics Note 5454831.8 Bug 5454831  deadlock possible on working set latches Note 5334733.8 Bug 5334733  Deadlock resolution can be slow in RAC  Note 4441119.8 Bug 4441119 Not enough information dumped when RAC detects a deadlock  Note 5883112.8 Bug 5883112 False deadlock in RAC Bug Fixed in Version Note 6145177.8 Bug 6145177 Single resource deadlock with a zero DID For summary of bugs which could cause deadlock in single instance see Note 554616.1


Alert logfile reported as below:

Wed May 27 13:11:47 2009
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/proa021/udump/proa021_ora_9533.trc:
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [memset()+116] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0] [] []

From Trace file
Dump file /u01/app/oracle/admin/proa021/udump/proa021_ora_9533.trc

Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning option
JServer Release - Production
ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/817proa021
System name:	SunOS
Node name:	v08k01
Release:	5.8
Version:	Generic_117350-38
Machine:	sun4u
Instance name: proa021
Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1

Process Info
Oracle process number: 117
Unix process pid: 9533, image: oracle@v08k01 (TNS V1-V3)

2009-05-27 13:11:47.847
ksedmp: internal or fatal error
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [memset()+116] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0] [] []

Current SQL(Current SQL statement for this session)

Call Stack functions
ksedmp <- ssexhd <- sigacthandler <- memset

From Alert logfile
Wed May 27 13:18:39 2009
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/proa021/bdump/proa021_pmon_9584.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [1115], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Wed May 27 13:18:56 2009
Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/proa021/bdump/proa021_pmon_9584.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [1115], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

From Tracefile
Dump file /u01/app/oracle/admin/proa021/bdump/proa021_pmon_9584.trc

Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning option
JServer Release - Production
ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/817proa021
System name:	SunOS
Node name:	v08k01
Release:	5.8
Version:	Generic_117350-38
Machine:	sun4u
Instance name: proa021
Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1

Process Info
Oracle process number: 2
Unix process pid: 9584, image: oracle@v08k01 (PMON)

2009-05-27 13:18:39.766
ksedmp: internal or fatal error
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [1115], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

Call Stack Functions:
ksedmp <- kgeriv <- kgesiv <- ksesic0 <- kssdch
<- ksuxds <- kssxdl <- kssdch <- ksudlp <- kssxdl
<- ksuxdl <- ksuxda <- ksucln <- ksbrdp <- opirip
<- opidrv <- sou2o <- main <- start

current session=8c8fdfbc
---- Cursor Dump ------
Current cursor: 0, pgadep: 0
Cursor Dump:
End of cursor dump
******************** Cursor Dump ************************
Current cursor: 0, pgadep: 0
Cursor Dump:
End of cursor dump
ksedmp: no current context area

ERROR: ORA-600 [1115]

VERSIONS: versions 6.0 to 10.1

DESCRIPTION: We are encountering a problem while cleaning up a state object.

The State Object is already on free list or has the wrong parent State Object.

FUNCTIONALITY: Kernal Service State object manager

NON CORRUPTIVE - No underlying data corruption.

SUGGESTIONS: This error may be reported as a direct result of another earlier problem.

Lot of bugs reported

Bug 3837965 : Abstract: ORA-7445'S AND 600'S LEADING UP TO DB CRASH
Comp Version:
Fixed In Version: 9.2.0.

Comp Version:
Status: Closed, could not be reproduced

Bug 2760836: Abstract: PMON cleanup of dead shared servers/dispatchers can crash instance(OERI:26599 / OERI 1115)

Note 2760836.8 PMON cleanup of dead shared servers/dispatchers can crash instance (OERI 26599 / OERI 1115)

1. One-off patch for Bug 2760836 has fixed this issue...so after customer apply the one-off patch...then this issue will be solved.


2. or later version has fixed this issue...so after customer upgrade to at least version...then this issue will be solved.

The solution can be justified by the followings:

Note 2760836.8 PMON cleanup of dead shared servers/dispatchers can crash instance (OERI 26599 / OERI 1115)

Network Interface No Longer Operational?

Solaris平台上的Oracle数据库,Alert日志偶尔会出现”Network Interface No Longer Operational”的相关记录:

ospid 11223: network interface with IP address no longer operational
requested interface ioctl get mtu. Check output from ifconfig command

该错误一般是由Solaris操作系统Bug 6546482引起的,该错误一般可以忽略。

Script to Detect Tablespace Fragmentation

create table SPACE_TEMP (

  cursor query is select *
          from dba_free_space
                  order by tablespace_name, block_id;
  this_row        query%rowtype;
  previous_row    query%rowtype;
total           number;

  open query;
  fetch query into this_row;
  previous_row := this_row;
  total := previous_row.bytes;
 fetch query into this_row;
     exit when query%notfound;
     if this_row.block_id = previous_row.block_id + previous_row.blocks then
        total := total + this_row.bytes;
        insert into SPACE_TEMP (tablespace_name)
                  values (previous_row.tablespace_name);
        insert into SPACE_TEMP values (previous_row.tablespace_name,
        total := this_row.bytes;
     end if;
previous_row := this_row;
  end loop;
  insert into SPACE_TEMP values (previous_row.tablespace_name,

set pagesize 60
set newpage 0
set echo off
ttitle center 'Contiguous Extents Report'  skip 3
break on "TABLESPACE NAME" skip page duplicate
spool contig_free_space.lis
column "CONTIGUOUS BYTES"       format 999,999,999,999
column "COUNT"                  format 999
column "TOTAL BYTES"            format 999,999,999,999
column "TODAY"   noprint new_value new_today format a1
where CONTIGUOUS_BYTES is not null

select tablespace_name, count(*) "# OF EXTENTS",
         sum(contiguous_bytes) "TOTAL BYTES"
from space_temp
group by tablespace_name;

spool off

drop table SPACE_TEMP

example output:


Table created.

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

                            Contiguous Extents Report

------------------------------ ----------------
EXAMPLE                              32,768,000

                            Contiguous Extents Report

------------------------------ ----------------
SYSAUX                                3,211,264

                            Contiguous Extents Report

------------------------------ ----------------
SYSTEM                              371,130,368
SYSTEM                                  393,216

                            Contiguous Extents Report

------------------------------ ----------------
UNDOTBS1                             13,500,416
UNDOTBS1                                524,288
UNDOTBS1                                458,752
UNDOTBS1                                458,752
UNDOTBS1                                327,680
UNDOTBS1                                262,144
UNDOTBS1                                196,608
UNDOTBS1                                131,072
UNDOTBS1                                131,072
UNDOTBS1                                131,072
UNDOTBS1                                 65,536
UNDOTBS1                                 65,536
UNDOTBS1                                 65,536
UNDOTBS1                                 65,536
UNDOTBS1                                 65,536
UNDOTBS1                                 65,536
UNDOTBS1                                 65,536

                            Contiguous Extents Report

------------------------------ ----------------
USERS                            10,995,367,936
USERS                                 1,048,576
USERS                                   393,216
USERS                                   262,144
USERS                                   196,608

26 rows selected.

                            Contiguous Extents Report

------------------------------ ------------ ----------------
EXAMPLE                                   1       32,768,000
UNDOTBS1                                 17       16,580,608
USERS                                     7   10,997,268,480
SYSAUX                                    1        3,211,264
SYSTEM                                    2      371,523,584

Table dropped.

EVENT: 10231 "skip corrupted blocks on _table_scans_"

Event: 10231
Text:  skip corrupted blocks on _table_scans_
Action: Corrupt blocks are skipped in table scans, and listed in trace files.

        This is NOT an error but is a special EVENT code.
        It should *NOT* be used unless explicitly requested by ST support.

   8.1 onwards:
        The "7.2 onwards" notes below still apply but in Oracle8i
        there is a PL/SQL <Package:DBMS_REPAIR> which can be used
        to check corrupt blocks.  See <DocIndex:DBMS_REPAIR>.

        It is possible to simulate 10231 on a table using
        The SKIP_CORRUPT column of DBA_TABLES shows tables which
        have been marked to allow skipping of corrupt blocks.

   7.2 onwards:
	Event 10231 causes SOFTWARE CORRUPT or MEDIA corrupt blocks
	to be skipped on FULL TABLE SCANS only.  (E.g: on export)
	Software corrupt blocks are defined below.  Media corrupt
        blocks are Oracle blocks where the header field information
        is not what was expected.  These can now be skipped with
	the 10231 event.

   Before 7.2:
        Event 10231 causes SOFTWARE CORRUPT blocks to be skipped on
        FULL TABLE SCANS only.  (E.g: on export).

        A 'software corrupt' block is a block that has a SEQ number of ZERO.
        This raises an ORA-1578 error.

	NB: Blocks may be internally corrupt and still cause problems or
	    raise ORA-1578.  If a block is physically corrupt and the SEQ
	    is not set to ZERO, you cannot use 10231 to skip it.  You have
	    to try to scan around the block instead.

	    To manually corrupt a block and cause it to be skipped you
	    must: Set SEQ to ZERO.
		  Set the INCSEQ at the end of the block to match.

	You can set event numbers 10210, 10211, and 10212 to check blocks
        at the data level and mark them software corrupt if they are found
        to be corrupt.  You CANNOT use these events to mark a physically
        corrupt block as software corrupt because the block never reaches
        the data layer.

        When a block is skipped, any data in the block is totally ignored.

Usage:  Event="10231 trace name context forever, level 10".
	This should be removed from the instance parameters immediately after
	it has been used.

        Alternatively it can be set at session level:
        alter session set events '10231 trace name context forever, level 10'

@       Customer FAX Explaining How to Use Event 10231	 Note 33405.1
@       Data, Index & Cluster Block  <Event:10210><Event:10211><Event:10212>
@	Skip Blocks on Index Range Scan			 <Event:10233>
@	Physical Oracle Data Block Layout		 Note 33242.1

Script to Collect RAC Diagnostic Information (racdiag.sql)


-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Michael Polaski - Oracle Support Services
-- Copyright 2002, Oracle Corporation
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- This script is intended to provide a user friendly guide to troubleshoot
-- RAC hung sessions or slow performance scenerios. The script includes
-- information to gather a variety of important debug information to determine
-- the cause of a RAC session level hang. The script will create a file
-- called racdiag_.out in your local directory while dumping hang analyze
-- dumps in the user_dump_dest(s) and background_dump_dest(s) on all nodes.
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is NOT
-- supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support.
-- The script has been tested and appears to work as intended.
-- You should always run new scripts on a test instance initially.
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Script output is as follows:

set echo off
set feedback off
column timecol new_value timestamp
column spool_extension new_value suffix
select to_char(sysdate,'Mondd_hhmi') timecol,
'.out' spool_extension from sys.dual;
column output new_value dbname
select value || '_' output
from v$parameter where name = 'db_name';
spool racdiag_&&dbname&×tamp&&suffix
set lines 200
set pagesize 35
set trim on
set trims on
alter session set nls_date_format = 'MON-DD-YYYY HH24:MI:SS';
alter session set timed_statistics = true;
set feedback on
select to_char(sysdate) time from dual;

set numwidth 5
column host_name format a20 tru
select inst_id, instance_name, host_name, version, status, startup_time
from gv$instance
order by inst_id;

set echo on

-- Taking Hang Analyze dumps
-- This may take a little while...
oradebug setmypid
oradebug unlimit
oradebug -g all hanganalyze 3
-- This part may take the longest, you can monitor bdump or udump to see if
-- the file is being generated.
oradebug -g all dump systemstate 267

-- The entries that are shown at the top are the sessions that have
-- waited the longest amount of time that are waiting for non-idle wait
-- events (event column). You can research and find out what the wait
-- event indicates (along with its parameters) by checking the Oracle
-- Server Reference Manual or look for any known issues or documentation
-- by searching Metalink for the event name in the search bar. Example
-- (include single quotes): [ 'buffer busy due to global cache' ].
-- Metalink and/or the Server Reference Manual should return some useful
-- information on each type of wait event. The inst_id column shows the
-- instance where the session resides and the SID is the unique identifier
-- for the session (gv$session). The p1, p2, and p3 columns will show
-- event specific information that may be important to debug the problem.
-- To find out what the p1, p2, and p3 indicates see the next section.
-- Items with wait_time of anything other than 0 indicate we do not know
-- how long these sessions have been waiting.
set numwidth 10
column state format a7 tru
column event format a25 tru
column last_sql format a40 tru
select sw.inst_id, sw.sid, sw.state, sw.event, sw.seconds_in_wait seconds,
sw.p1, sw.p2, sw.p3, sa.sql_text last_sql
from gv$session_wait sw, gv$session s, gv$sqlarea sa
where sw.event not in
('rdbms ipc message','smon timer','pmon timer',
'SQL*Net message from client','lock manager wait for remote message',
'ges remote message', 'gcs remote message', 'gcs for action', 'client message',
'pipe get', 'null event', 'PX Idle Wait', 'single-task message',
'PX Deq: Execution Msg', 'KXFQ: kxfqdeq - normal deqeue',
'listen endpoint status','slave wait','wakeup time manager')
and sw.seconds_in_wait > 0
and (sw.inst_id = s.inst_id and sw.sid = s.sid)
and (s.inst_id = sa.inst_id and s.sql_address = sa.address)
order by seconds desc;

-- This section will give a description of the parameter names of the
-- events seen in the last section. p1test is the parameter value for
-- p1 in the WAITING SESSIONS section while p2text is the parameter
-- value for p3 and p3 text is the parameter value for p3. The
-- parameter values in the first section can be helpful for debugging
-- the wait event.
column event format a30 tru
column p1text format a25 tru
column p2text format a25 tru
column p3text format a25 tru
select distinct event, p1text, p2text, p3text
from gv$session_wait sw
where sw.event not in ('rdbms ipc message','smon timer','pmon timer',
'SQL*Net message from client','lock manager wait for remote message',
'ges remote message', 'gcs remote message', 'gcs for action', 'client message',
'pipe get', 'null event', 'PX Idle Wait', 'single-task message',
'PX Deq: Execution Msg', 'KXFQ: kxfqdeq - normal deqeue',
'listen endpoint status','slave wait','wakeup time manager')
and seconds_in_wait > 0
order by event;

-- This section will show us any sessions that are holding locks that
-- are blocking other users. The inst_id will show us the instance that
-- the session resides on while the sid will be a unique identifier for
-- the session. The grant_level will show us how the GES lock is granted to
-- the user. The request_level will show us what status we are trying to
-- obtain.  The lockstate column will show us what status the lock is in.
-- The last column shows how long this session has been waiting.
set numwidth 5
column state format a16 tru;
column event format a30 tru;
select dl.inst_id, s.sid, p.spid, dl.resource_name1,
decode(substr(dl.grant_level,1,8),'KJUSERNL','Null','KJUSERCR','Row-S (SS)',
'KJUSERCW','Row-X (SX)','KJUSERPR','Share','KJUSERPW','S/Row-X (SSX)',
'KJUSEREX','Exclusive',request_level) as grant_level,
decode(substr(dl.request_level,1,8),'KJUSERNL','Null','KJUSERCR','Row-S (SS)',
'KJUSERCW','Row-X (SX)','KJUSERPR','Share','KJUSERPW','S/Row-X (SSX)',
'KJUSEREX','Exclusive',request_level) as request_level,
'KJUSERCA','Canceling','KJUSERCV','Converting') as state,
s.sid, sw.event, sw.seconds_in_wait sec
from gv$ges_enqueue dl, gv$process p, gv$session s, gv$session_wait sw
where blocker = 1
and (dl.inst_id = p.inst_id and dl.pid = p.spid)
and (p.inst_id = s.inst_id and p.addr = s.paddr)
and (s.inst_id = sw.inst_id and s.sid = sw.sid)
order by sw.seconds_in_wait desc;

-- This section will show us any sessions that are waiting for locks that
-- are blocked by other users. The inst_id will show us the instance that
-- the session resides on while the sid will be a unique identifier for
-- the session. The grant_level will show us how the GES lock is granted to
-- the user. The request_level will show us what status we are trying to
-- obtain.  The lockstate column will show us what status the lock is in.
-- The last column shows how long this session has been waiting.
set numwidth 5
column state format a16 tru;
column event format a30 tru;
select dl.inst_id, s.sid, p.spid, dl.resource_name1,
decode(substr(dl.grant_level,1,8),'KJUSERNL','Null','KJUSERCR','Row-S (SS)',
'KJUSERCW','Row-X (SX)','KJUSERPR','Share','KJUSERPW','S/Row-X (SSX)',
'KJUSEREX','Exclusive',request_level) as grant_level,
decode(substr(dl.request_level,1,8),'KJUSERNL','Null','KJUSERCR','Row-S (SS)',
'KJUSERCW','Row-X (SX)','KJUSERPR','Share','KJUSERPW','S/Row-X (SSX)',
'KJUSEREX','Exclusive',request_level) as request_level,
'KJUSERCA','Cancelling','KJUSERCV','Converting') as state,
s.sid, sw.event, sw.seconds_in_wait sec
from gv$ges_enqueue dl, gv$process p, gv$session s, gv$session_wait sw
where blocked = 1
and (dl.inst_id = p.inst_id and dl.pid = p.spid)
and (p.inst_id = s.inst_id and p.addr = s.paddr)
and (s.inst_id = sw.inst_id and s.sid = sw.sid)
order by sw.seconds_in_wait desc;

-- This section will show us if there are any local enqueues. The inst_id will
-- show us the instance that the session resides on while the sid will be a
-- unique identifier for. The addr column will show the lock address. The type
-- will show the lock type. The id1 and id2 columns will show specific
-- parameters for the lock type.
set numwidth 12
column event format a12 tru
select l.inst_id, l.sid, l.addr, l.type, l.id1, l.id2,
decode(l.block,0,'blocked',1,'blocking',2,'global') block,
sw.event, sw.seconds_in_wait sec
from gv$lock l, gv$session_wait sw
where (l.sid = sw.sid and l.inst_id = sw.inst_id)
and l.block in (0,1)
order by l.type, l.inst_id, l.sid;

-- If there is latch contention or 'latch free' wait events in the WAITING
-- SESSIONS section we will need to find out which proceseses are holding
-- latches. The inst_id will show us the instance that the session resides
-- on while the sid will be a unique identifier for. The username column
-- will show the session's username. The os_user column will show the os
-- user that the user logged in as. The name column will show us the type
-- of latch being waited on. You can search Metalink for the latch name in
-- the search bar. Example (include single quotes):
-- [ 'library cache' latch ]. Metalink should return some useful information
-- on the type of latch.
set numwidth 5
select distinct lh.inst_id, s.sid, s.username, p.username os_user, lh.name
from gv$latchholder lh, gv$session s, gv$process p
where (lh.sid = s.sid and lh.inst_id = s.inst_id)
and (s.inst_id = p.inst_id and s.paddr = p.addr)
order by lh.inst_id, s.sid;

-- This view will show us latches with less than optimal hit ratios
-- The inst_id will show us the instance for the particular latch. The
-- latch_name column will show us the type of latch. You can search Metalink
-- for the latch name in the search bar. Example (include single quotes):
-- [ 'library cache' latch ]. Metalink should return some useful information
-- on the type of latch. The hit_ratio shows the percentage of time we
-- successfully acquired the latch.
column latch_name format a30 tru
select inst_id, name latch_name,
round((gets-misses)/decode(gets,0,1,gets),3) hit_ratio,
round(sleeps/decode(misses,0,1,misses),3) "SLEEPS/MISS"
from gv$latch
where round((gets-misses)/decode(gets,0,1,gets),3) < .99
and gets != 0
order by round((gets-misses)/decode(gets,0,1,gets),3);

-- No Wait Latches:
select inst_id, name latch_name,
round((immediate_gets/(immediate_gets+immediate_misses)), 3) hit_ratio,
round(sleeps/decode(immediate_misses,0,1,immediate_misses),3) "SLEEPS/MISS"
from gv$latch
where round((immediate_gets/(immediate_gets+immediate_misses)), 3) < .99 and immediate_gets + immediate_misses > 0
order by round((immediate_gets/(immediate_gets+immediate_misses)), 3);

-- This shows the average latency of a consistent block request.
-- AVG CR BLOCK RECEIVE TIME should typically be about 15 milliseconds
-- depending on your system configuration and volume, is the average
-- latency of a consistent-read request round-trip from the requesting
-- instance to the holding instance and back to the requesting instance. If
-- your CPU has limited idle time and your system typically processes
-- long-running queries, then the latency may be higher. However, it is
-- possible to have an average latency of less than one millisecond with
-- User-mode IPC. Latency can be influenced by a high value for the
-- DB_MULTI_BLOCK_READ_COUNT parameter. This is because a requesting process
-- can issue more than one request for a block depending on the setting of
-- this parameter. Correspondingly, the requesting process may wait longer.
-- Also check interconnect badwidth, OS tcp settings, and OS udp settings if
set numwidth 20
column "AVG CR BLOCK RECEIVE TIME (ms)" format 9999999.9
select b1.inst_id, b2.value "GCS CR BLOCKS RECEIVED",
((b1.value / b2.value) * 10) "AVG CR BLOCK RECEIVE TIME (ms)"
from gv$sysstat b1, gv$sysstat b2
where b1.name = 'global cache cr block receive time' and
b2.name = 'global cache cr blocks received' and b1.inst_id = b2.inst_id
or b1.name = 'gc cr block receive time' and
b2.name = 'gc cr blocks received' and b1.inst_id = b2.inst_id ;

-- This shows the average global enqueue get time.
-- Typically AVG GLOBAL LOCK GET TIME should be 20-30 milliseconds. the
-- elapsed time for a get includes the allocation and initialization of a
-- new global enqueue. If the average global enqueue get (global cache
-- get time) or average global enqueue conversion times are excessive,
-- then your system may be experiencing timeouts. See the 'WAITING SESSIONS',
-- sections if the AVG GLOBAL LOCK GET TIME is high.
set numwidth 20
column "AVG GLOBAL LOCK GET TIME (ms)" format 9999999.9
select b1.inst_id, (b1.value + b2.value) "GLOBAL LOCK GETS",
(b3.value / (b1.value + b2.value) * 10) "AVG GLOBAL LOCK GET TIME (ms)"
from gv$sysstat b1, gv$sysstat b2, gv$sysstat b3
where b1.name = 'global lock sync gets' and
b2.name = 'global lock async gets' and b3.name = 'global lock get time'
and b1.inst_id = b2.inst_id and b2.inst_id = b3.inst_id
or b1.name = 'global enqueue gets sync' and
b2.name = 'global enqueue gets async' and b3.name = 'global enqueue get time'
and b1.inst_id = b2.inst_id and b2.inst_id = b3.inst_id;

-- This section will show how much of our resources we have used.
set numwidth 8
select inst_id, resource_name, current_utilization, max_utilization,
from gv$resource_limit
where max_utilization > 0
order by inst_id, resource_name;

-- This section shows how many tickets are available in the DLM. If the
-- TCKT_WAIT columns says "YES" then we have run out of DLM tickets which
-- could cause a DLM hang. Make sure that you also have enough TCKT_AVAIL.
set numwidth 5
select * from gv$dlm_traffic_controller
order by TCKT_AVAIL;

set numwidth 10
select * from gv$dlm_misc;

-- This view shows the types of lock conversion being done on each instance.
select * from gv$lock_activity;

-- This view shows the top 10 objects for write pings accross instances.
-- The inst_id column shows the node that the block was pinged on. The name
-- column shows the object name of the offending object. The file# shows the
-- offending file number (gc_files_to_locks). The STATUS column will show the
-- current status of the pinged block. The READ_PINGS will show us read
-- converts and the WRITE_PINGS will show us objects with write converts.
-- Any rows that show up are objects that are concurrently accessed across
-- more than 1 instance.
set numwidth 8
column name format a20 tru
column kind format a10 tru
select inst_id, name, kind, file#, status, BLOCKS,
from (select p.inst_id, p.name, p.kind, p.file#, p.status,
count(p.block#) BLOCKS, sum(p.forced_reads) READ_PINGS,
sum(p.forced_writes) WRITE_PINGS
from gv$ping p, gv$datafile df
where p.file# = df.file# (+)
group by p.inst_id, p.name, p.kind, p.file#, p.status
order by sum(p.forced_writes) desc)
where rownum < 11
order by WRITE_PINGS desc;

-- This view shows the top 10 objects for read pings. The inst_id column shows
-- the node that the block was pinged on. The name column shows the object
-- name of the offending object. The file# shows the offending file number
-- (gc_files_to_locks). The STATUS column will show the current status of the
-- pinged block. The READ_PINGS will show us read converts and the WRITE_PINGS
-- will show us objects with write converts. Any rows that show up are objects
-- that are concurrently accessed across more than 1 instance.
set numwidth 8
column name format a20 tru
column kind format a10 tru
select inst_id, name, kind, file#, status, BLOCKS,
from (select p.inst_id, p.name, p.kind, p.file#, p.status,
count(p.block#) BLOCKS, sum(p.forced_reads) READ_PINGS,
sum(p.forced_writes) WRITE_PINGS
from gv$ping p, gv$datafile df
where p.file# = df.file# (+)
group by p.inst_id, p.name, p.kind, p.file#, p.status
order by sum(p.forced_reads) desc)
where rownum < 11
order by READ_PINGS desc;

-- This view shows the top 10 objects for false pings. This can be avoided by
-- better gc_files_to_locks configuration. The inst_id column shows the node
-- that the block was pinged on. The name column shows the object name of the
-- offending object. The file# shows the offending file number
-- (gc_files_to_locks). The STATUS column will show the current status of the
-- pinged block. The READ_PINGS will show us read converts and the WRITE_PINGS
-- will show us objects with write converts. Any rows that show up are objects
-- that are concurrently accessed across more than 1 instance.
set numwidth 8
column name format a20 tru
column kind format a10 tru
select inst_id, name, kind, file#, status, BLOCKS,
from (select p.inst_id, p.name, p.kind, p.file#, p.status,
count(p.block#) BLOCKS, sum(p.forced_reads) READ_PINGS,
sum(p.forced_writes) WRITE_PINGS
from gv$false_ping p, gv$datafile df
where p.file# = df.file# (+)
group by p.inst_id, p.name, p.kind, p.file#, p.status
order by sum(p.forced_writes) desc)
where rownum < 11
order by WRITE_PINGS desc;

-- Non-default init parameters for each node.
set numwidth 5
column name format a30 tru
column value format a50 wra
column description format a60 tru
select inst_id, name, value, description
from gv$parameter
where isdefault = 'FALSE'
order by inst_id, name;

-- This view will provide a summary of the top wait events in the db.
set numwidth 10
column event format a25 tru
select inst_id, event, time_waited, total_waits, total_timeouts
from (select inst_id, event, time_waited, total_waits, total_timeouts
from gv$system_event where event not in ('rdbms ipc message','smon timer',
'pmon timer', 'SQL*Net message from client','lock manager wait for remote message',
'ges remote message', 'gcs remote message', 'gcs for action', 'client message',
'pipe get', 'null event', 'PX Idle Wait', 'single-task message',
'PX Deq: Execution Msg', 'KXFQ: kxfqdeq - normal deqeue',
'listen endpoint status','slave wait','wakeup time manager')
order by time_waited desc)
where rownum < 11 order by time_waited desc; -- SESSION/PROCESS REFERENCE: -- This section is very important for most of the above sections to find out -- which user/os_user/process is identified to which session/process. --  set numwidth 7 column event format a30 tru column program format a25 tru column username format a15 tru select p.inst_id, s.sid, s.serial#, p.pid, p.spid, p.program, s.username, p.username os_user, sw.event, sw.seconds_in_wait sec from gv$process p, gv$session s, gv$session_wait sw where (p.inst_id = s.inst_id and p.addr = s.paddr) and (s.inst_id = sw.inst_id and s.sid = sw.sid) order by p.inst_id, s.sid; -- SYSTEM STATISTICS: -- All System Stats with values of > 0. These can be referenced in the
-- Server Reference Manual
set numwidth 5
column name format a60 tru
column value format 9999999999999999999999999
select inst_id, name, value
from gv$sysstat
where value > 0
order by inst_id, name;

-- Current SQL for any session in the WAITING SESSIONS list
set numwidth 5
column sql format a80 wra
select sw.inst_id, sw.sid, sw.seconds_in_wait sec, sa.sql_text sql
from gv$session_wait sw, gv$session s, gv$sqlarea sa
where sw.sid = s.sid (+)
and sw.inst_id = s.inst_id (+)
and s.sql_address = sa.address
and sw.event not in ('rdbms ipc message','smon timer','pmon timer',
'SQL*Net message from client','lock manager wait for remote message',
'ges remote message', 'gcs remote message', 'gcs for action', 'client message',
'pipe get', 'null event', 'PX Idle Wait', 'single-task message',
'PX Deq: Execution Msg', 'KXFQ: kxfqdeq - normal deqeue',
'listen endpoint status','slave wait','wakeup time manager')
and sw.seconds_in_wait > 0
order by sw.seconds_in_wait desc;

-- Taking Hang Analyze dumps
-- This may take a little while...
oradebug setmypid
oradebug unlimit
oradebug -g all hanganalyze 3
-- This part may take the longest, you can monitor bdump or udump to see
-- if the file is being generated.
oradebug -g all dump systemstate 267

set echo off

select to_char(sysdate) time from dual;

spool off

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Prompt racdiag output files have been written to:;
host pwd
Prompt alert log and trace files are located in:;
column host_name format a12 tru
column name format a20 tru
column value format a60 tru
select distinct i.host_name, p.name, p.value
from gv$instance i, gv$parameter p
where p.inst_id = i.inst_id (+)
and p.name like '%_dump_dest'
and p.name != 'core_dump_dest';

Sample Output:

AUG-11-2001 12:06:36

1 row selected.

------- ---------------- -------------------- -------------- ------- ------------
      1 V9201            opcbsol1         OPEN    AUG-01-2002
      2 V9202            opcbsol2         OPEN    JUL-09-2002

2 rows selected.

SQL> -- Taking Hanganalyze Dumps
SQL> -- This may take a little while...
SQL> oradebug setmypid
Statement processed.
SQL> oradebug unlimit
Statement processed.
SQL> oradebug setinst all
Statement processed.
SQL> oradebug -g def hanganalyze 3
Hang Analysis in /u02/32bit/app/oracle/admin/V9232/bdump/v92321_diag_29495.trc
SQL> -- The entries that are shown at the top are the sessions that have
SQL> -- waited the longest amount of time that are waiting for non-idle wait
SQL> -- events (event column).  You can research and find out what the wait
SQL> -- event indicates (along with its parameters) by checking the Oracle
SQL> -- Server Reference Manual or look for any known issues or documentation
SQL> -- by searching Metalink for the event name in the search bar.  Example
SQL> -- (include single quotes): [ 'buffer busy due to global cache' ].
SQL> -- Metalink and/or the Server Reference Manual should return some useful
SQL> -- information on each type of wait event.  The inst_id column shows the
SQL> -- instance where the session resides and the SID is the unique identifier
SQL> -- for the session (gv$session).  The p1, p2, and p3 columns will show
SQL> -- event specific information that may be important to debug the problem.
SQL> -- To find out what the p1, p2, and p3 indicates see the next section.
SQL> -- Items with wait_time of anything other than 0 indicate we do not know
SQL> -- how long these sessions have been waiting.
SQL> --


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