Java SE 7 Don’t Get Left Behind

Oracle公司在7月28日发布了Java SE 7。Java SE 7是在Oracle将Java收入囊中后一个重要的版本更新。


在了解Java SE 7之前有必要回顾一下Java的历史,自1996年”OaK”项目开始,这一编程语言迅速风靡了全世界:

Java 1.0 , codename “Oak”, was released in 1996.  It can be considered a revolution in software development.
Neither object orientation , virtual machines nor garbage collection were new ideas,
but Java was the first language that got real traction. At the time the other big thing was C++. 

1997 and ‘98 saw “quick” follow up releases, and things like JDBC and collections were added and the language matured.
With 1.2 we were taught to call it Java 2 instead of 1.2

Java 1.3 came in 2000, the biggest change was probably the inclusion of the Hotspot JVM in the JRE.
It was also the first to follow the unwritten “2 years between releases”- rule.

Java 1.4, still following the 2 year rule. The JCP is introduced as controlling organ for the Java language. 

Java 5.0 was a huge release, introducing things like Generics, for-each loops and annotations. 

In 2006 we saw the last release to follow the 2 year rule for a while. Java 6 didn’t change the world for developers as 5.0 did. 

After  Java 6, the JCP got completely stuck over a fight about licensing terms between Apache and Sun.
This led to no new Java JSRs filed for quite some time, and a complete breakdown of the 2 year cycles.

经过5年时间的积累,Java SE 7给我们带来大量的优秀特性:

  1. Multi Core
  2. NIO.2(新的I/O API)
  3. 更新的Java语言规范(JSR334: Project Coin)
  4. 扩展支持动态语言(JSR292:InvokeDynamic)
  5. 增强的网络支持:SDP support、SCTP support、Vista IPv6 stack
  6. 增强的安全支持:Native ECC provider、TLS 1.2、DEP and ASLR on windows


  • JAXP
  • Unicode 6
  • BCP47 and UTR35
  • Separate locale and interface
  • JDBC 4.1
  • Rowset 1.1
  • Stylesheets for Javadocs!

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Java SE Homepage
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Java SE Documentation
Java SE for Embedded 7 Download
Java SE for Embedded 7 README
Java SE for Embedded 7 Release Notes

Oracle 12c coming soon?

Oracle的扛鼎产品Database Software数据库软件12c版本何时会发布?


Release Release Date Elapsed Years
Oracle 6 1988
Oracle 7 1992 4
Oracle 8 1997 5
Oracle 8i 1998 1
Oracle 9i 2001 3
Oracle 10g 2004 3
Oracle 11g 2007 3
Oracle 12c Unknown till now 4


到11g为止(Oracle 11g的Beta版本最早在2006年招募内部测试者),Oracle平均每3.6年发布新的一代数据库产品。

根据以往的经验以及一些小道消息(部分来自于Oracle Staff),我们有理由相信在今年(2011)的第三或第四季度Oracle可能会展开对Database 12c的Beta测试,并且会在2012年的第一季度为其下一代的重量级数据库产品Oracle Database 12c揭开序幕!

在2012同期可能发布的重量级产品还有Microsoft微软公司的旗舰产品Windows 8。



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