从Oracle 10g以后数据库升级前我们都需要将实例关闭,并以startup upgrade的升级模式启动数据库。那么startup upgrade到底对instance做了什么事?在这样的模式下升级可以绕过那些错误呢?
就常规判断可以猜测startup upgrade升级模式至少会限制以下几点:
- 关闭自动作业队列
- 关闭回收站功能
- 禁用系统触发器
- 以限制模式启动,仅允许以SYSDBA身份登录
SQL> startup upgrade; 以升级模式启动后观察告警日志内容: Starting ORACLE instance (normal) 以上信息表明虽然是upgrde模式,但其实仍是以NORMAL启动 ........... ALTER SYSTEM enable restricted session; 实例mount之后启用了限制会话特性 ALTER SYSTEM SET _system_trig_enabled=FALSE SCOPE=MEMORY; _system_trig_enabled参数控制一些系统触发器是否被启用,例如某些登录审计触发器 (system trigger facilities are used as an additional audit trail or as a mechanism to prevent certain actions taking place or as part of a virtual private database solution) ALTER SYSTEM SET aq_tm_processes=0 SCOPE=MEMORY; 设置aq_tm_processes参数为0,相当于禁用了对信息队列的监控和控制 ALTER SYSTEM SET resource_manager_plan='' SCOPE=MEMORY; 升级期间显然不需要任何resource plan来凑热闹 ALTER SYSTEM SET _undo_autotune=FALSE SCOPE=MEMORY; 设置隐藏参数_undo_autotune为false,禁用undo自动调优特性 ALTER SYSTEM SET undo_retention=900 SCOPE=MEMORY; 900似乎一直是undo保存的理想值 ALTER SYSTEM SET enable_ddl_logging=FALSE SCOPE=MEMORY; 在11g中增加了新的DDL日志功能,这里需要通过设置enable_ddl_logging为false来禁用该特性 ALTER SYSTEM SET recyclebin=‘OFF’ DEFERRED SCOPE=MEMORY; 在10g下似乎不会关闭回收站,但其实这一点很有必要; Completed: ALTER DATABASE OPEN MIGRATE 这里可以看到startup upgrade只是migrate模式的发展
ORA-00942:"table or view does not exist" --alter table/view 或 drop table/view时可能出现
SQL> drop table not_exist; Table dropped.
/* 任意drop或alter不存在的表或索引都不会报错而会通过,以下错误也是类似的 */
ORA-01418: "specified index does not exist" --DROP索引时可能出现 ORA-00955:"name is already used by an existing object" --当创建某些对象时可能出现 ORA-01430:"column being added already exists in table" --ALTER TABLE 时可能出现 ORA-04043:"object %s does not exist" --修改对象时可能出现
// *Cause: An object name was specified that was not recognized by the system.
// There are several possible causes:
// – An invalid name for a table, view, sequence, procedure, function,
// package, or package body was entered. Since the system could not
// recognize the invalid name, it responded with the message that the
// named object does not exist.
// – An attempt was made to rename an index or a cluster, or some
// other object that cannot be renamed.
// *Action: Check the spelling of the named object and rerun the code. (Valid
// names of tables, views, functions, etc. can be listed by querying
// the data dictionary.)