Error: ORA 10061 Text: disable SMON from cleaning temp segment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Explanation: This is NOT an error but is a special EVENT code. It should *NOT* be used unless explicitly requested by RD support. It allows you to prevent SMON from cleaning up temporary segments. If set in: 7.0.X: This will prevent SMON performing cleanup of TEMP segments and from coalsecing extents. The cleanup action was performed every 3 minutes in 7.0.X releases. 7.1.X: The event behaviour is modified in that TEMP segment cleanup is skipped on TIMEOUTS but will be performed if SMON is posted. The cleanup only occurs every 12 hours or when posted in 7.1.X releases. You can POST SMON by performing a failed CREATE TABLE command. A new event 10269 is for coalescing extents. Usage: event="10061 trace name context forever, level 10" Articles: @Archived Managing SMON Activity on multiple OPS instances <Note:45856.1>
EVENT:10061 disable SMON from cleaning temp segment
EVENT:10212 check cluster integrity
Error: ORA 10212 Text: check cluster integrity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Explanation: This is NOT an error but is a special EVENT code. It should *NOT* be used unless explicitly requested by RD support. Event 10212 enables cluster block integrity checking. The causes a number of checks on the contents of a block. If the block is found to be corrupt in some way it is marked as SOFTWARE CORRUPT. NB: Blocks are ONLY checked/corrupted when CHANGED. They are NOT checked when accessed for read. Take care with this as if there are blocks in the database which are being accessed happily but have a minor corruption this will mark the block as corrupt. Once a block in an cluster is marked SOFTWARE CORRUPT it is best to rebuild the entire cluster. Usage: event="10212 trace name context forever, level 10" Articles: Data and Index block equivalents <Oerr:10210> <Oerr:10211>
EVENT:10228 trace application of redo by kcocbk
Error: ORA 10228 Text: trace application of redo by kcocbk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Explanation: This is NOT an error but is a special EVENT code. It should *NOT* be used unless explicitly requested by RD support. Event 10228 is potentially useful in recovery situations since it traces the application of redo. Therefore, if cache recovery appears to hang or corrupt blocks then this can help track the dba and operations upon it. This event is available in Oracle 6 and 7. The code just calls the same routines used to dump a redo log using 'alter system dump logfile' so has the same output. The benefit is that it'll stop when it hits the corruption. Articles: Interpreting DUMP LOGFILE Output <Note:29726.1>
EVENT:10210 check data block integrity
Event:10210 See for similar events / parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~ Version/Use: 7.0 - 8.1.7 Check data block integrity after each modification 9.0+ This event is no longer valid. Use <Parameter:DB_BLOCK_CHECKING> instead. 7.0 - 8.1.7 "Check data block integrity after each modification" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTE: Events should NEVER be set by customers unless advised to do so by Oracle Support Services. Read before setting any event. Summary Syntax: This event should be set at instance level: EVENT="10210 trace name context forever, level 10" Levels: This event is either ON (level 1 or higher) or OFF (not set) Note that in 8.1.6 onwards you should use the instead of this event. Description/Steps: Event 10210 enables data block integrity checking. This causes the data layer to perform a number of checks on the contents of a data block. If the block is found to be corrupt in some way it is marked as SOFTWARE CORRUPT. NB: Blocks are ONLY checked/corrupted when CHANGED. They are NOT checked when accessed for read. Take care with this, as if there are blocks in the database which are being accessed happily but have a minor corruption such as an incorrect free space count, this event will mark the block as corrupt. Once marked SOFTWARE CORRUPT the data in the block is not accessible to Oracle. See for more detail of various block checking features. Example Output / Interpreting Output: This event will cause an ORA-600 error to be signalled if a corruption is detected after a data block has been modified. The exact content of the trace file depends on the ORA-600 and the action at the time of the corruption being noticed. Refer to the relevant ORA-600 article for the error which is signalled. Related: Database block checking features Index and Cluster block equivalents See event 10231 which allows SOFTWARE CORRUPT blocks to be skipped on full table scans
Known Oracle Internal Stack Call Meaning
ksedmp # KSE: dump the process state ksfdmp # Call relevant dump routine kgeasi # Raise an error on an ASSERTION failure (IGNORE) ktcrab KTC: Kernel Transaction Control Real ABort - Abort a transaction. ktcsod KTC: Transaction Control: STATE OBJECT PROCEDURE VECTOR DEFINITION kssdch_stage kssdch KSS: delete children of state obj. ksures ktmres ktmres - KTM Resource cleanup routine. ktmmon KTM: TX Monitor: background timeout action ksbrdp KSB: run a detached (background) process opirip # Oracle Program Interface Run Independent Process (IGNORE) opidrv # opidrv - ORACLE Program Interface DRiVer (IGNORE) sou2o # Main Oracle executable entry point main # Standard executable entry point
Function Based Indexes and Global Temporary Tables
A nonunique index can be used to enforce a primary key or unique constraint.
In Oracle8i indexes can be rebuilt without locking the table.
The DROP COLUMN option of the ALTER TABLE command is restartable.
The MOVE option of the ALTER TABLE command retains the constraints of the table.
Data rows in the global temporary table are always deleted when A user session is terminated
1. As user Scott, create a table with three columns. Create an index on all three columns in the order they appear in the table. Then add a primary key constraint using the first two columns with the second column of the table appearing first. Verify that only one index, the index being used to enforce the constraint, has been defined for the table.
Hint: if the columns in the table were labeled A, B, and C, the index would be on (A, B, C) while the constraint would be on columns (B, A).
connect scott/tiger
CREATE TABLE acct ( acct_no NUMBER(10), customer_id NUMBER(10), acct_comment VARCHAR2(200), CONSTRAINT pk_cid_aid PRIMARY KEY(customer_id, acct_no) DISABLE ) / CREATE INDEX I_ANO_CNO_ACOMM ON acct(acct_no, customer_id, acct_comment) ONLINE / ALTER TABLE acct ENABLE CONSTRAINT pk_cid_aid /
select index_name, table_name from user_indexes where table_name = ‘ACCT’ / |
2. As user Scott create a table containing three columns. Remove the third column using one of the new methods introduced in Oracle8i. Verify that the column is no longer part of the table.
connect scott/tiger
CREATE TABLE acct_col ( acct_col_no NUMBER(10), customer_id NUMBER(10), acct_col_comment VARCHAR2(200) ) / ALTER TABLE acct_col SET UNUSED COLUMN acct_col_comment /
desc acct_col
SELECT * FROM user_unused_col_tabs / ALTER TABLE acct_col DROP UNUSED COLUMNS / SELECT * FROM user_unused_col_tabs /
3. As user SYS create a global temporary table containing three columns. The inserted rows should remain available until explicitly deleted or the session ends. Make the table available to anyone who wishes to use it. The users should not have to know the table owner in order to make use of it.
connect / as sysdba
connect / AS SYSDBA
CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM emp_temp for emp_temp_x / GRANT ALL ON emp_temp TO PUBLIC / col object_name format a20 SELECT owner, object_name, object_type FROM dba_objects WHERE object_name LIKE ‘%EMP_TEMP%’ / connect scott/tiger
desc emp_temp
select * from emp_temp /
Materialized Views and Dimensions
Materialized Views and Refresh Types
This practice will familiarize you with the various features and privileges to ensure successful creation of a materialized view from a base table.
1) Grant the necessary privileges for user Scott to create materialized views and allow query rewrite on the materialized views owned by schema Scott.
As user SYSTEM, execute the following command:> grant CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW, QUERY REWRITE to scott; |
2) As user Scott, create a materialized view name STAFF_MV_SIMPLE from the Employees table. You want the materialized view to only store data for the job of a STAFF, and you want a complete refresh. You need to first create the EMPLOYEES table by importing employees.dmp.
As user Scott, execute the following command:> CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW staff_mv_simple REFRESH COMPLETE AS SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE JOB = ‘STAFF’; |
3) Create a materialized view name STAFF_MV_REFRESH, still only storing data for the job of a STAFF, but you want a refresh feature that will only apply the changes made to the base table since the last time you refresh the materialized view. You will be creating a materialized view with a fast refresh.
As user Scott, execute the following command: > CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW staff_mv_refresh REFRESH FAST AS SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE JOB = ‘STAFF’; |
4) Create a materialized view name STAFF_MV_QR, still only storing data for the job of a STAFF, using 2 parallel processes, allowing query rewrite, and you
want a complete refresh.
Query Rewrites
This practice will familiarize you with the various features of creating a materialized view with query rewrite capabilty.
1) Alter your session to allow query rewrite.
As user Scott, execute the following command: > alter session set QUERY_REWRITE_ENABLED = true; |
2) Use EXPLAIN PLAN to verify that rewrite has taken place. Confirm you have a Plan_Table. If you do not, please create it by running the utlxplan.sql file.
It should be located in the subdirectory where you installed Oracle.
For example, if Oracle 8.1.6 is install on c:oracle, then the file will be in the c:oracleora81rdbmsadmin
Create the Plan_table for schema Scott if it does not exist already.
As user Scott, execute the following command: > @c:oracleora81rdbmsadminutlxplan.sql |
Confirm the plan_table exists.
As user Scott, execute the following command: > describe plan_table |
3) Confirm materialized view STAFF_MV_QR will be use in a query rewrite request.
As user Scott, execute the following command: >delete from plan_table;
This is to ensure there are no row the the plan_table before populaing it with the explain plan results. >explain plan for >col Operation format a30 >select lpad(‘ ‘, 2*LEVEL) || OPERATION || |
This practice will familiarize you with the various features of creating a dimension, storing the hierachy definition in the database, and being familiar with the the data dictionary views that can be used to gather information regarding dimensions.
1) Confirm user Scott has the privilege to create a dimension. If not, grant that privilege to Scott.
As user System, execute the following command: > select grantee, privilege from dba_sys_privs where grantee = ‘SCOTT’; If you don’t see user Scott has the CREATE DIMENSION privilege, grant it to user Scott. > grant create dimension to scott; |
2) As user Scott, create a dimension name mv_time_dim from the time table with a hierarchy name scott_calendar. Frist create the time table by exporting from
the file time.dmp.
As user Scott execute the following command: >CREATE DIMENSION mv_time_dim LEVEL sdate IS time.sdate LEVEL month IS time.month LEVEL qtr IS time.quarter LEVEL yr IS time.year HIERARCHY scott_calendar (sdate CHILD OF month CHILD OF qtr CHILD OF yr) ATTRIBUTE month DETERMINES month_name; |
3) Determine the levels of the dimersion you have created. To see that information, query the user_dim_levels view.
As user Scott execute the following command:
>select dimension_name, level_name, detailobj_name
from user_dim_levels;
Summary Management
1) After you have set up Oracle Trace Manager to monitor the utilization of your materialized views. you can determine if you should keep the materialized views you have created by querying the mview$_recommendations view.
As user Scott execute the following command:
>SELECT recommended_action, mview_name, group_by_columns, measures_list
FROM mview$_recommendations;
EVENT: 10231 "skip corrupted blocks on _table_scans_"
Event: 10231
Text: skip corrupted blocks on _table_scans_
Action: Corrupt blocks are skipped in table scans, and listed in trace files.
This is NOT an error but is a special EVENT code.
It should *NOT* be used unless explicitly requested by ST support.
8.1 onwards:
The "7.2 onwards" notes below still apply but in Oracle8i
there is a PL/SQL <Package:DBMS_REPAIR> which can be used
to check corrupt blocks. See <DocIndex:DBMS_REPAIR>.
It is possible to simulate 10231 on a table using
The SKIP_CORRUPT column of DBA_TABLES shows tables which
have been marked to allow skipping of corrupt blocks.
7.2 onwards:
Event 10231 causes SOFTWARE CORRUPT or MEDIA corrupt blocks
to be skipped on FULL TABLE SCANS only. (E.g: on export)
Software corrupt blocks are defined below. Media corrupt
blocks are Oracle blocks where the header field information
is not what was expected. These can now be skipped with
the 10231 event.
Before 7.2:
Event 10231 causes SOFTWARE CORRUPT blocks to be skipped on
FULL TABLE SCANS only. (E.g: on export).
A 'software corrupt' block is a block that has a SEQ number of ZERO.
This raises an ORA-1578 error.
NB: Blocks may be internally corrupt and still cause problems or
raise ORA-1578. If a block is physically corrupt and the SEQ
is not set to ZERO, you cannot use 10231 to skip it. You have
to try to scan around the block instead.
To manually corrupt a block and cause it to be skipped you
must: Set SEQ to ZERO.
Set the INCSEQ at the end of the block to match.
You can set event numbers 10210, 10211, and 10212 to check blocks
at the data level and mark them software corrupt if they are found
to be corrupt. You CANNOT use these events to mark a physically
corrupt block as software corrupt because the block never reaches
the data layer.
When a block is skipped, any data in the block is totally ignored.
Usage: Event="10231 trace name context forever, level 10".
This should be removed from the instance parameters immediately after
it has been used.
Alternatively it can be set at session level:
alter session set events '10231 trace name context forever, level 10'
@ Customer FAX Explaining How to Use Event 10231 Note 33405.1
@ Data, Index & Cluster Block <Event:10210><Event:10211><Event:10212>
@ Skip Blocks on Index Range Scan <Event:10233>
@ Physical Oracle Data Block Layout Note 33242.1
PURPOSE This document provides an example of DBMS_REPAIR as introduced in Oracle 8i. Oracle provides different methods for detecting and correcting data block corruption - DBMS_REPAIR is one option. WARNING: Any corruption that involves the loss of data requires analysis to understand how that data fits into the overall database system. Depending on the nature of the repair, you may lose data and logical inconsistencies can be introduced; therefore you need to carefully weigh the gains and losses associated with using DBMS_REPAIR. SCOPE & APPLICATION This article is intended to assist an experienced DBA working with an Oracle Worldwide Support analyst only. This article does not contain general information regarding the DBMS_REPAIR package, rather it is designed to provide sample code that can be customized by the user (with the assistance of an Oracle support analyst) to address database corruption. The "Detecting and Repairing Data Block Corruption" Chapter of the Oracle8i Administrator's Guide should be read and risk assessment analyzed prior to proceeding. RELATED DOCUMENTS Oracle 8i Administrator's Guide, DBMS_REPAIR Chapter Introduction ============= Note: The DBMS_REPAIR package is used to work with corruption in the transaction layer and the data layer only (software corrupt blocks). Blocks with physical corruption (ex. fractured block) are marked as the block is read into the buffer cache and DBMS_REPAIR ignores all blocks marked corrupt. The only block repair in the initial release of DBMS_REPAIR is to *** mark the block software corrupt ***. DB_BLOCK_CHECKING and DB_BLOCK_CHECKSUM must both be set to FALSE. A backup of the file(s) with corruption should be made before using package. Database Summary =============== A corrupt block exists in table T1. SQL> desc t1 Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- COL1 NOT NULL NUMBER(38) COL2 CHAR(512) SQL> analyze table t1 validate structure; analyze table t1 validate structure * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01498: block check failure - see trace file ---> Note: In the trace file produced from the ANALYZE, it can be determined --- that the corrupt block contains 3 rows of data (nrows = 3). --- The leading lines of the trace file follows: Dump file /export/home/oracle/product/8.1.5/admin/V815/udump/v815_ora_2835.trc Oracle8 Enterprise Edition Release - Beta With the Partitioning option *** 1998. *** SESSION ID:(7.6) 1998. kdbchk: row locked by non-existent transaction table=0 slot=0 lockid=32 ktbbhitc=1 Block header dump: 0x01800003 Object id on Block? Y seg/obj: 0xb6d csc: 0x00.1cf5f itc: 1 flg: - typ: 1 - DATA fsl: 0 fnx: 0x0 ver: 0x01 Itl Xid Uba Flag Lck Scn/Fsc 0x01 xid: 0x0002.011.00000121 uba: 0x008018fb.0345.0d --U- 3 fsc 0x0000.0001cf60 data_block_dump =============== tsiz: 0x7b8 hsiz: 0x18 pbl: 0x28088044 bdba: 0x01800003 flag=----------- ntab=1 nrow=3 frre=-1 fsbo=0x18 fseo=0x19d avsp=0x185 tosp=0x185 0xe:pti[0] nrow=3 offs=0 0x12:pri[0] offs=0x5ff 0x14:pri[1] offs=0x3a6 0x16:pri[2] offs=0x19d block_row_dump: [... remainder of file not included] end_of_block_dump DBMS_REPAIR.ADMIN_TABLES (repair and orphan key ================================================ ADMIN_TABLES provides administrative functions for repair and orphan key tables. SQL> @adminCreate SQL> connect sys/change_on_install Connected. SQL> SQL> -- Repair Table SQL> SQL> declare 2 begin 3 -- Create repair table 4 dbms_repair.admin_tables ( 5 -- table_name => 'REPAIR_TABLE', 6 table_type => dbms_repair.repair_table, 7 action => dbms_repair.create_action, 8 tablespace => 'USERS'); -- default TS of SYS if not specified 9 end; 10 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select owner, object_name, object_type 2 from dba_objects 3 where object_name like '%REPAIR_TABLE'; OWNER OBJECT_NAME OBJECT_TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------ SYS DBA_REPAIR_TABLE VIEW SYS REPAIR_TABLE TABLE SQL> SQL> -- Orphan Key Table SQL> SQL> declare 2 begin 3 -- Create orphan key table 4 dbms_repair.admin_tables ( 5 table_type => dbms_repair.orphan_table, 6 action => dbms_repair.create_action, 7 tablespace => 'USERS'); -- default TS of SYS if not specified 8 end; 9 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select owner, object_name, object_type 2 from dba_objects 3 where object_name like '%ORPHAN_KEY_TABLE'; OWNER OBJECT_NAME OBJECT_TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------ SYS DBA_ORPHAN_KEY_TABLE VIEW SYS ORPHAN_KEY_TABLE TABLE DBMS_REPAIR.CHECK_OBJECT ========================= CHECK_OBJECT procedure checks the specified object and populates the repair table with information about corruption and repair directive(s). Validation consists of block checking all blocks in the object. All blocks previously marked corrupt will be skipped. Note: In the initial release of DBMS_REPAIR the only repair is to mark the block as software corrupt. SQL> @checkObject SQL> set serveroutput on SQL> SQL> declare 2 rpr_count int; 3 begin 4 rpr_count := 0; 5 dbms_repair.check_object ( 6 schema_name => 'SYSTEM', 7 object_name => 'T1', 8 repair_table_name => 'REPAIR_TABLE', 9 corrupt_count => rpr_count); 10 dbms_output.put_line('repair count: ' || to_char(rpr_count)); 11 end; 12 / repair count: 1 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> desc repair_table Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- OBJECT_ID NOT NULL NUMBER TABLESPACE_ID NOT NULL NUMBER RELATIVE_FILE_ID NOT NULL NUMBER BLOCK_ID NOT NULL NUMBER CORRUPT_TYPE NOT NULL NUMBER SCHEMA_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) OBJECT_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) BASEOBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) PARTITION_NAME VARCHAR2(30) CORRUPT_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(2000) REPAIR_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(200) MARKED_CORRUPT NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10) CHECK_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DATE FIX_TIMESTAMP DATE REFORMAT_TIMESTAMP DATE SQL> select object_name, block_id, corrupt_type, marked_corrupt, 2 corrupt_description, repair_description 3 from repair_table; OBJECT_NAME BLOCK_ID CORRUPT_TYPE MARKED_COR ------------------------------ ---------- ------------ ---------- CORRUPT_DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPAIR_DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T1 3 1 FALSE kdbchk: row locked by non-existent transaction table=0 slot=0 lockid=32 ktbbhitc=1 mark block software corrupt Data Extraction =============== The repair table indicates that block 3 of file 6 is corrupt - but remember that this block has not yet been marked as corrupt, therefore now is the time to extract any meaningful data. After the block is marked corrupt, the entire block must be skipped. 1. Determine the number of rows in the block from ALTER SYSTEM DUMP (nrows = 3). 2. Query the corrupt object and extract as much information as possible. SQL> -- The following query can be used to salvage data from a corrupt block. SQL> -- Creating a temporary table facilitates data insertion. SQL> create table temp_t1 as 2 select * from system.t1 3 where dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid) = 3 4 and dbms_rowid.rowid_to_absolute_fno (rowid, 'SYSTEM','T1') = 6; Table created. SQL> select col1 from temp_t1; COL1 ---------- 2 3 DBMS_REPAIR.FIX_CORRUPT_BLOCKS (ORA-1578) ============================================ FIX_CORRUPT_BLOCKS procedure fixes the corrupt blocks in the specified objects based on information in the repair table. After the block has been marked as corrupt, an ORA-1578 results when a full table scan is performed. SQL> declare 2 fix_count int; 3 begin 4 fix_count := 0; 5 dbms_repair.fix_corrupt_blocks ( 6 schema_name => 'SYSTEM', 7 object_name => 'T1', 8 object_type => dbms_repair.table_object, 9 repair_table_name => 'REPAIR_TABLE', 10 fix_count => fix_count); 11 dbms_output.put_line('fix count: ' || to_char(fix_count)); 12 end; 13 / fix count: 1 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select object_name, block_id, marked_corrupt 2 from repair_table; OBJECT_NAME BLOCK_ID MARKED_COR ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- T1 3 TRUE SQL> select * from system.t1; select * from system.t1 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 6, block # 3) ORA-01110: data file 6: '/tmp/ts_corrupt.dbf' DBMS_REPAIR.DUMP_ORPHAN_KEYS ============================== DUMP_ORPHAN_KEYS reports on index entries that point to rows in corrupt data blocks. SQL> select index_name from dba_indexes 2 where table_name in (select distinct object_name from repair_table); INDEX_NAME ------------------------------ T1_PK SQL> @dumpOrphanKeys SQL> set serveroutput on SQL> SQL> declare 2 key_count int; 3 begin 4 key_count := 0; 5 dbms_repair.dump_orphan_keys ( 6 schema_name => 'SYSTEM', 7 object_name => 'T1_PK', 8 object_type => dbms_repair.index_object, 9 repair_table_name => 'REPAIR_TABLE', 10 orphan_table_name => 'ORPHAN_KEY_TABLE', 11 key_count => key_count); 12 dbms_output.put_line('orphan key count: ' || to_char(key_count)); 13 end; 14 / orphan key count: 3 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> desc orphan_key_table Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- SCHEMA_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) INDEX_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) IPART_NAME VARCHAR2(30) INDEX_ID NOT NULL NUMBER TABLE_NAME NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30) PART_NAME VARCHAR2(30) TABLE_ID NOT NULL NUMBER KEYROWID NOT NULL ROWID KEY NOT NULL ROWID DUMP_TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DATE SQL> select index_name, count(*) from orphan_key_table 2 group by index_name; INDEX_NAME COUNT(*) ------------------------------ ---------- T1_PK 3 Note: Index entry in the orphan key table implies that the index should be rebuilt to guarantee the a table probe and an index probe return the same result set. DBMS_REPAIR.SKIP_CORRUPT_BLOCKS =============================== SKIP_CORRUPT_BLOCKS enables/disables the skipping of corrupt blocks during index and table scans of a specified object. Note: If an index and table are out of sync, then a SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY transaction may be inconsistent in situations where one query probes only the index and then a subsequent query probes both the index and the table. If the table block is marked corrupt, then the two queries will return different results. Suggestion: If SKIP_CORRUPT_BLOCKS is enabled, then rebuild any indexes identified in the orphan key table (or all index associated with object if DUMP_ORPHAN_KEYS was omitted). SQL> @skipCorruptBlocks SQL> declare 2 begin 3 dbms_repair.skip_corrupt_blocks ( 4 schema_name => 'SYSTEM', 5 object_name => 'T1', 6 object_type => dbms_repair.table_object, 7 flags => dbms_repair.skip_flag); 8 end; 9 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select table_name, skip_corrupt from dba_tables 2 where table_name = 'T1'; TABLE_NAME SKIP_COR ------------------------------ -------- T1 ENABLED SQL> -- rows in corrupt block skipped, no errors on full table scan SQL> select * from system.t1; COL1 COL2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 dddd 5 eeee --> Notice the pk index has not yet been corrected. SQL> insert into system.t1 values (1,'aaaa'); insert into system.t1 values (1,'aaaa') * SQL> select * from system.t1 where col1 = 1; no rows selected DBMS_REPAIR.REBUILD_FREELISTS =============================== REBUILD_FREELISTS rebuilds freelists for the specified object. SQL> declare 2 begin 3 dbms_repair.rebuild_freelists ( 4 schema_name => 'SYSTEM', 5 object_name => 'T1', 6 object_type => dbms_repair.table_object); 7 end; 8 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Rebuild Index ============= Note: Every index identified in the orphan key table should be rebuilt to ensure consistent results. SQL> alter index system.t1_pk rebuild online; Index altered. SQL> insert into system.t1 values (1, 'aaaa'); 1 row created. SQL> select * from system.t1; COL1 COL2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 dddd 5 eeee 1 aaaa Note - The above insert statement was used to provide a simple example. This is the perfect world - we know the data that was lost. The temporary table (temp_t1) should also be used to include all rows extracted from the corrupt block. Conclusion ========== At this point the table T1 is available but data loss was incurred. In general, data loss must be seriously considered before using the DBMS_REPAIR package for mining the index segment and/or table block dumps is very complicated and logical inconsistencies may be introduced. In the initial release, the only repair affected by DBMS_REPAIR is to mark the block as software corrupt. <<End of Article>
Setting an Oracle event:The structure of the trace syntax
PURPOSE ------- The purpose of this article is to explain briefly the structure of the syntax to event-based trace generation. Setting an event: The structure of the trace syntax --------------------------------------------------- @ A comprehensive/full overview of the event syntax can be found in: @ Note:9331.1 - Full Event Syntax (from ksdp.c) @ Note:45217.1 - Summary Event Syntax for WWCS 0. "Setting an Event" - Abstract definition: ============================================ "Setting an event" means to tell oracle to generate information in form of a so called trace file in the context of the event. 1. Event Classes to be traced: ============================== There are 4 Classes of traceable events: Class 1 "Dump something": Traces are generated upon so called unconditioned, immediate, events. This is the case when oracle data has to be dumped like, e.g., the headers of all redolog files or the contents of the controlfile. These events can not be set in the init<SID>.ora. Class 2 "Trap on Error" : Setting this class of (error-) events cause oracle to generate a so called errorstack everytime the event happens. Class 3 "Change execution path" : Setting such an event will cause oracle to change the execution path for some specific code segment. For example, setting event "10269" prevents SMON from doing free space coalescing. Class 4 "Trace something": Events from this class are set to obtain traces that are used for, e.g., sql tuning. A common event is "10046" which will cause oracle to trace the sql access path on each sql-statement. II. Event based trace generation syntax - Overview and examples: ================================================================ 1. Session: alter session set events '10181 trace name context forever, level 1000'; 2. init<sid>.ora: event="10181 trace name context forever, level 1000"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | TRACE | TRACE SYNTAX | | CLASS | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | <event name> | <action> | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | <action key word> | "name" | <trace name> | <trace qualifier> | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | immediate | trace | "name" | blockdump | level 67110390 | | | immediate | trace | "name" | redohdr | level 10 | | | immediate | trace | "name" | file_hdrs | level 10 | | "Dump | immediate | trace | "name" | controlf | level 10 | | Something" | immediate | trace | "name" | systemstate | level 10 | | | | | | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | | 942 | trace | "name" | errorstack | forever | | | 942 | trace | "name" | errorstack | off | | "Trap | 60 | trace | "name" | errorstack | level 1 | | on | 6501 | trace | "name" | processstate | level 10 | | Error" | 4030 | trace | "name" | heapdump | level 2 | | | | | | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | "Change | 10269 | trace | "name" | context | forever, level 10 | | Execution | | | | | | | path" | | | | | | | | | | | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | | 10046 | trace | "name" | context | forever, level 12 | | "Trace | 10046 | trace | "name" | context | off | | something" | | | | | | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III: Trace syntax: Annotations =============================== 0. There are tools like oradebug that allow for setting an event in another session; this is useful, e.g., for tracing the export utility. @Setting Events from Oracle Tools <Note:45219.1"> @For a list of common ACTIONS see <Event:List> @For COMMON numeric events see <event:Numeric> 1. The general syntax of setting an event is: <event name> <action> <action> consists of three parts: <action key word> <trace name> <trace qualifier> @<action key word> can be either "trace", "crash", or "debug". @ See <Note:9331.1"> <event name> is either "immediate", by this indicating an unconditioned event or an event name given as a symbolic number from the system event name table. An unconditioned event (keyword "immediate") cannot be set in the parameter file. <trace qualifier> "forever" means: Activate a trace whenever this event occurs. <trace name> "context" is a special trace name and pertains only to events set up to either trace a diagnostic event or to change the behaviour of the oracle code execution path. It cannot be used in conjunction with errorstack- ("errorstack") or dump-generating ("immediate") events. 2. There are exactly 2 types of events, session-events and process-events. Process-events are initialized in the parameter file, session-events are initialized with the "alter session..." or "alter system ..."command. When checking for posted events, the oracle server first checks for session events then for process-events. RELATED DOCUMENTS ----------------- @ Event Syntax for most common forms of event setting <Note:45217.1> @ The FULL Event syntax <Note:9331.1> @ Setting Events from Oracle Tools <Note:45219.1> @ List of common ACTIONS <Event:List> @ COMMON numeric events <Event:Numeric>