



ORA-01547 ORA-01194 ORA-10879 ORA-01110

案例二:XX集团oracle ASM异常导致不能读到存储

ORA-00600 internal error code kfrValAcd30


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首先到https://mongolab.com 注册一个帐号,之后Login登录, 点击create new



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例如 使用mongo shell连接

[root@ocm ~]# mongo ds041432.mongolab.com:41432/dbdao -u dbdao -p dbdao
MongoDB shell version: 3.0.3
connecting to: ds041432.mongolab.com:41432/dbdao


rs-ds041432:PRIMARY> db.dbdao.insert({"hello":"world!"});
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
rs-ds041432:PRIMARY> db.dbdao.find();
{ "_id" : ObjectId("55672f4076e23efacff7cc07"), "hello" : "world!" }

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ORA-30732 ORA-30732: 表中不包含用户可见的列 问题解析



服务热线 : 13764045638 QQ号:47079569 邮箱:service@parnassusdata.com


ORA-30732: table contains no user-visible columns

ORA-30732: 表中不包含用户可见的列


SQL> SQL> select * from scott.dept
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-30732: table contains no user-visible columns

oerr ora 30732
30732, 00000, "table contains no user-visible columns"
// *Cause:    An attempt was made to query on a system table which has no 
//            user-visible columns.
// *Action:   Do not query on a system table that has no user-visible
//            columns. 


1、 用户确实查询了一个系统表且存在用户不可见的字段
2、 由于oracle数据字典不一致而导致的问题导致出现该ORA-30732

对于情况1而言,一般并不影响应用用户的使用。 而对于情况2而言 如果oracle data dictionary确实不一致或损坏了,那么代价往往是系统整体不可用,且SELECT查询语句总是失败等。





C100DBA认证讲解 MongoDB replication 原理

C100DBA认证讲解 MongoDB replication 原理

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which of following is true of mechanics of replication in MongoDB?

  1. Clients read from nearest member of a replica set by default
  2. Members of a replica set may replicate data from any other data-bearing member of set .
  3. Operations on the primary are recorded in a capped collection called oplog



  1. 复制集成员会默认从复制集中最近的成员哪里读取数据
  2. replica set 复制集中的成员可能从其他任何承载数据的节点上复制数据
  3. 在primary上的操作将会被记录到一个capped collection(受限集合)中称之为oplong


Replica set members replicate data continuously after the initial sync. This process keeps the members up to date with all changes to the replica set’s data. In most cases, secondaries synchronize from the primary.



For a member to sync from another, both members must have the same value for the buildIndexessetting.

Beginning in version 2.2, secondaries avoid syncing from delayed members and hidden members.



The oplog (operations log) is a special capped collection that keeps a rolling record of all operations that modify the data stored in your databases. MongoDB applies database operations on the primary and then records the operations on the primary’s oplog. The secondary members then copy and apply these operations in an asynchronous process. All replica set members contain a copy of the oplog, in thelocal.oplog.rs collection, which allows them to maintain the current state of the database.


选项Operations on the primary are recorded in a capped collection called oplog是正确的。

C100DBA认证讲解 MongoDB 讲解-quick initiating new replica set member?

C100DBA认证讲解 MongoDB 讲解-quick initiating new replica set member?

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which of the following is the recommended method for quickly initiating a new replica set member?

  1. Empty the dbpath directory for the new member to force an initial sync
  2. Mongodump a existing replica set member’s data and then mongorestore it to the new member
  3. Use the seed command
  4. Step up the new member to be the replica set primary
  5. Use a recent file system snapshot of an existing member with journaling turned on ,assuming the data files in the snapshot are more recent than the oldest operation in the primary’s oplog .



以下哪个选项是被推荐的初始化一个新的replica set 复制集成员的?

  1. 为新成员清空dbpath路径下的文件,强制一个初始化同步
  2. mongodump一个replica set Member复制集成员的数据,并mongorestore到新成员
  3. 使用seed 命令
  4. 将新成员配置成replica set中的primary
  5. 使用一个现有成员的文件系统快照且需要启用了journaling ,假设快照中的数据文件要比primary的oplog中的最老的操作更新



  • Initial sync occurs when MongoDB creates new databases on a new or restored member, populating the member with the replica set’s data. When a new or restored member joins or rejoins a set, the member waits to receive heartbeats from other members. By default, the member syncs from theclosest member of the set that is either the primary or another secondary with more recent oplog entries. This prevents two secondaries from syncing from each other.
  • Replication occurs continually after initial sync and keeps the member updated with changes to the replica set’s data.



Initial Sync

Initial sync copies all the data from one member of the replica set to another member. A member uses initial sync when the member has no data, such as when the member is new, or when the member has data but is missing a history of the set’s replication.

When you perform an initial sync, MongoDB:

  1. Clones all databases. To clone, the mongod queries every collection in each source database and inserts all data into its own copies of these collections. At this time, _id indexes are also built. The clone process only copies valid data, omitting invalid documents.

  2. Applies all changes to the data set. Using the oplog from the source, the mongod updates its data set to reflect the current state of the replica set.

  3. Builds all indexes on all collections (except _id indexes, which were already completed).

    When the mongod finishes building all index builds, the member can transition to a normal state, i.e.secondary.




  • 上层包括SQL解析器(parser)和优化器(optimizer)。
  • 下层包括了一组存储引擎。


  • CREATE TABLE语句有ENGINE项可用于在建立表时启用你所定义的存储引擎。ALTER TABLE语句也含有一个ENGINE项可以使你能将原表转换使用一个不同的存储引擎。
  • 一些索引类型仅在某些特定存储类型中可用。例如, 仅MyISAM引擎支持空间索引(spatial index), 仅MyISAM, InnoDB(5.6.4以上)支持全文索引(full-text)等。
  • COMMIT和ROLLBACK仅对由事务型存储引擎(如InnoDB)管理的表有效果。





  • 存储方法 – 每张表中的数据按其自身的方法进行存储。
  • 事务处理能力 – 某些存储引擎可以对事务进行处理,在执行多SQL语句时能确保数据库的完整性。
  • – 是指每个引擎对于多线程执行场景中同一个资源的访问限制及同步机制处理。
  • 备份恢复 – 基于不同的存储方法,表数据的备份和恢复也有区分。
  • 优化 – 对于数据存储的优化和通过MySQL服务器的数据抽取,每个存储引擎都有其特定的优化点。
  • 特定特性 – 某些引擎具有一些不同的特性包括全文搜索,参照完整性和处理空间数据的能力。


MongoDB replica set演示和实验服务

mongolab提供了一个flip-flop 正反器的replica set复制集演示,其通过一个真实的replica set来演示自动的failover。 该真实环境包括三个节点:replica member “flip”和”flop”。每60秒,primary将会自己让自己不可用”step-down”,之后集群将failover到另一个节点上,60秒后再反转回来。


URL: http://mongolab.org/flip-flop/


同时mongolab还提供了一个可视化的replica set  的election过程

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Logs will start streaming when there is replica set activity. Please wait...

arbiter: Sun May 24 20:43:03.373 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flop.mongolab.com:54117 is now in state SECONDARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:43:07.386 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flip.mongolab.com:53117 is now in state PRIMARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:44:03.460 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flip.mongolab.com:53117 is now in state SECONDARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:44:09.545 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flop.mongolab.com:54117 is now in state PRIMARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:45:03.641 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flop.mongolab.com:54117 is now in state SECONDARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:45:13.669 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flip.mongolab.com:53117 is now in state PRIMARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:46:01.764 [rsHealthPoll] DBClientCursor::init call() failed
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:46:01.804 [rsHealthPoll] replSet info flip.mongolab.com:53117 is down (or slow to respond): DBClientBase::findN: transport error: flip.mongolab.com:53117 ns: local.$cmd query: { getnonce: 1 }
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:46:01.805 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flip.mongolab.com:53117 is now in state DOWN
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:46:03.815 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flip.mongolab.com:53117 is up
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:46:03.816 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flip.mongolab.com:53117 is now in state SECONDARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:46:07.774 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flop.mongolab.com:54117 is now in state PRIMARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:47:03.863 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flop.mongolab.com:54117 is now in state SECONDARY
Sun May 24 20:47:03.863 [rsMgr] replSet I don't see a primary and I can't elect myself
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:47:13.910 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flip.mongolab.com:53117 is now in state PRIMARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:48:03.990 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flip.mongolab.com:53117 is now in state SECONDARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:48:07.992 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flop.mongolab.com:54117 is now in state PRIMARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:49:04.080 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flop.mongolab.com:54117 is now in state SECONDARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:49:14.141 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flip.mongolab.com:53117 is now in state PRIMARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:50:04.252 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flip.mongolab.com:53117 is now in state SECONDARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:50:14.265 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flop.mongolab.com:54117 is now in state PRIMARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:51:04.350 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flop.mongolab.com:54117 is now in state SECONDARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:51:14.456 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flip.mongolab.com:53117 is now in state PRIMARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:52:04.569 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flip.mongolab.com:53117 is now in state SECONDARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:52:08.573 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flop.mongolab.com:54117 is now in state PRIMARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:53:02.660 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flop.mongolab.com:54117 is now in state SECONDARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:53:08.675 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flip.mongolab.com:53117 is now in state PRIMARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:54:02.839 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flip.mongolab.com:53117 is now in state SECONDARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:54:12.951 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flop.mongolab.com:54117 is now in state PRIMARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:55:03.255 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flop.mongolab.com:54117 is now in state SECONDARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:55:08.948 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flip.mongolab.com:53117 is now in state PRIMARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:56:03.017 [rsHealthPoll] replSet member flip.mongolab.com:53117 is now in state SECONDARY
arbiter: Sun May 24 20:56:09.024 [rsMgr] replSet I don't see a primary and I can't elect myself



flip-flop 的初衷是为了可视化演示复制集的election过程,让开发者能更清楚了解这一过程,以便能写出更好的客户端连接代码。同时mongolab还给出了一个连接URL:




有同学在群里问能否提供一些oracle的技术面试题, maclean这里抛砖引玉一下列出一些自己关心的面试内容; 由于是想到哪里写到哪里,所以没什么章法,还请轻拍

  1. 在Oracle AWR中如何定位到大表扫描的情况?
  2. oracle中row lock和TX锁到底是什么关系?
  3. 说说你遇到过的几个oracle等待事件,并简单解释其原理
  4. 简单描述以下一致性读consistent read 和undo的关系
  5. 某数据库出现了hang的情况,甚至sqlplus也无法登陆,你如何收集数据?
  6. 你是如何观察执行计划的,常用几种方法,优缺点如何?
  7. 你是否了解Latch和mutex,可以教条地告诉我他们的原理吗? 不需要你很清楚,只要能背书即可
  8. 对于一个SQL的执行计划问题,你无法调整SQL语句,该如何调整其执行计划?
  9. 现场试验:随机抽一个12c最近处的特性 要求针对其做一个试验并给出试验报告
  10. 给oracle freelist发一封英文邮件,咨询一个随机的技术问题,要求能够用英文明确描述问题


C100DBA MongoDB 讲解 replica set vote

C100DBA MongoDB 讲解 replica set vote


Given a replica set with five data-bearing members, suppose the primary goes down with operations in its oplog that have been copied to only one secondary .

Assuming no other problems occur, which of the following describes what is most likely to happen?

  1. The primary will rollback the operations
  2. The secondary with the most recent oplog will be elected primary
  3. The most recent secondary will roll back the operations following the election
  4. Reads will stale until primary comes backup up


对于一个有五个承载数据的成员的replica set 而言,假设primary服务器宕机了,且其oplog中最新的操作信息只成功拷贝到一个secondary上了。


  1. Primary将在恢复时回滚部分操作
  2. 拥有最新的oplog的这个secondary服务器将赢得election并成为primary
  3. 在election后最新的这个secondary会回滚部分操作
  4. 直到primary重新可用,之前读操作将读到过时的数据


关于此问题 官方文档有较明确解释:

A rollback does not occur if the write operations replicate to another member of the replica set before the primary steps down and if that member remains available and accessible to a majority of the replica set.     http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/core/replica-set-rollbacks/





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