PRM DUL ORACLE ミスでテーブルをTruncateした時の通常リカバリー







create table ParnassusData.torderdetail_his1 tablespace users as

select * from parnassusdata.torderdetail_his;




SQL> desc ParnassusData.TORDERDETAIL_HIS
 Name                    Null?    Type
 ———————– ——– ————–
SEQ_ID                NOT NULL   NUMBER(10)
 SI_STATUS                        NUMBER(38)
 D_CREATEDATE                     CHAR(20)
 D_UPDATEDATE                     CHAR(20)
 B_ISDELETE                       CHAR(1)
 N_SHOPID                         NUMBER(10)
 N_ORDERID                        NUMBER(10)
 C_ORDERCODE                      CHAR(20)
 N_MEMBERID                       NUMBER(10)
 N_SKUID                          NUMBER(10)
 C_PROMOTION                      NVARCHAR2(5)
 N_AMOUNT                         NUMBER(7,2)
 N_UNITPRICE                      NUMBER(7,2)
 N_QTY                            NUMBER(7,2)
 N_QTYFREE                        NUMBER(7,2)
 N_POINTSGET                      NUMBER(7,2)
 N_OPERATOR                       NUMBER(10)
 C_TIMESTAMP                      VARCHAR2(20)
 H_SEQID                          NUMBER(10)
 N_RETQTY                         NUMBER(7,2)
 N_QTYPOS                         NUMBER(7,2)



select count(*) from ParnassusData.TORDERDETAIL_HIS;






select bytes/1024/1024 from dba_segments where segment_name=’TORDERDETAIL_HIS’ and owner=’PARNASSUSDATA’;








SQL> truncate table ParnassusData.TORDERDETAIL_HIS;


Table truncated.


SQL> select count(*) from ParnassusData.TORDERDETAIL_HIS;








PRMを起動し、Tools =>  Recovery Wizardを選択する。







このTRUNCATEシーンではASMストレージを選んでいないため、ディクショナリーモード(Dictionary Mode)だけを選んでいればいい。



次のステップで、いくつのバラメタを選択する必要がある:EndianエンディアンとDB NAME





Solaris[tm] OE (32-bit) Big
Solaris[tm] OE (64-bit) Big
Microsoft Windows IA (32-bit) Little
Linux IA (32-bit) Little
AIX-Based Systems (64-bit) Big
HP-UX (64-bit) Big
HP Tru64 UNIX Little
HP-UX IA (64-bit) Big
Linux IA (64-bit) Little
HP Open VMS Little
Microsoft Windows IA (64-bit) Little
IBM zSeries Based Linux Big
Linux x86 64-bit Little
Apple Mac OS Big
Microsoft Windows x86 64-bit Little
Solaris Operating System (x86) Little
IBM Power Based Linux Big
HP IA Open VMS Little
Solaris Operating System (x86-64) Little
Apple Mac OS (x86-64) Little



例えば、伝統的なUnix  AIX-Based Systems (64-bit) 、HP-UX (64-bit)ではBig Endianをつかっている、ここではBig Endianに変更する:




さもないと、Linux x86-64 、WindowsではデフォルトのLittle Endianままになる。



注意事項:もし、ファイルがもともとはAIX(つまりBig Endian)に生成するなら、都合のいいため、これらのファイルをWindowsサーバへコーピーし、PRMによってデータをリカバリーするなら、元のBig Endian形式に選ぶ必要がある。


ここでは、例のファイルがLinux x86にあるため、EndianをLittleに変更し、Database name入力する。(ここに入力したデータベース名は名前だけで、データベースホントのDBNAMEにいみしていない、PRMlのLicense検出メカニズムがつかっているのはここに入力したDatabase Nameじゃなく、ホントのDBNAMEをつかっているから):







Choose Filesをクリックして、一般的には、データベースが大きくなければ、データベースにある全てのファイルを選定する必要がある。データベースが大きで、そしてデータテーブルがどこのフィイルにあるかをしっていれば、SYSTEMテーブルスペースのフィイルとデータテーブル(必要)を含むフィイルしかえらべない。


注意:ChooseインターフェースではCtrl + A とShiftなどキーボード操作を支持している。






後で、特定のファイルのBlock Sizeを指定する。つまり、Oracleデータブロックの大きさをしていする必要がある。ここは実際に応じて変更すればいい。例えば、DB_BLOCK_SIZEは8Kだが、一部のデータブロックテーブルスペース指定が16Kから、テーブルスペースが8KじゃないデータブロックのBLOCK_SIZEを変更すればいい。







$dbfsize /dev/lv_control_01


Database file: /dev/lv_control_01

Database file type: raw device without 4K starting offset

Database file size: 334 16384 byte blocks



このシーンで全てのファイルは8KのBLOCK SIZE、そしてファイルシステムはOFFSETがないので、Loadをクリックする。









PRMは多国言語およびOracleデータベースマルチキャラクタセットを支持しているが、PRMでデータをリカバリーしたいオペレーションシステムを事前に該当するLanguage Packsをインストールしないといけない。たとえば、Windowsオペレーションシステムでは中国語Language Packsをインストールしていないが、ORACLEデータベース・キャラクタ・セットがオペレーションシステムから独立しているから、このシーンでつかっているORACLEデータベース・キャラクタ・セットがZHS16GBKキャラクタ・セットで、オペレーションシステムは中国語を支持していないですが、このシーンでサーバに配置していないOracleクライアントは影響をうけず、正確にデータをしめすことができる。


でも、PRMをつかうにはPRMでデータをリカバリーしたいオペレーションシステムが事前に該当するLanguage Packsをインストールする必要がある。例えば、ユーザーがZHS16GBKの中国語キャラクタ・セットデータベースをリカバリーしたいとき、オペレーションシステムが中国語Language Packsをインストールした必要がある。






USERSをクリックし、いろんなユーザー名がでる。例えば、ユーザーがPARNASSUSDATA SCHEMAの下のテーブルをリカバリーしたいが、PARNASSUSDATAをクリックして、テーブルをダブルクリックする。


該当するTORDERDETAIL_HIS表がその前にTRUNCATEDされたから、ダブルクリックしてもデータを示せない。そのとき、テーブルにマウスの右ボタンでUnload truncated dataをクリックする。










$ cd /home/oracle/prm/prmdata/parnassus_dbinfo_PARNASSUSDATA/


$ ls -l ParnassusData*

-rw-r–r– 1 oracle oinstall       495 Jan 18 08:31 ParnassusData.torderdetail_his.ctl

-rw-r–r– 1 oracle oinstall 191164826 Jan 18 08:32 ParnassusData.torderdetail_his.dat.truncated


$ cat ParnassusData.torderdetail_his.ctl


INFILE  ‘ParnassusData.torderdetail_his.dat.truncated’


INTO TABLE ParnassusData.torderdetail_his




“SEQ_ID” ,














“N_QTY” ,













$ sqlldr control=ParnassusData.torderdetail_his.ctl direct=y

Username:/ as sysdba




select * from ParnassusData.torderdetail_his minus select * from parnassus.torderdetail_his;


no rows selected






リカバリシーン2 過ちでTruncateされたテーブをバイパスリカバリ























このように、G10R25というリンクを構造した、ユーザーはmaclean、該当するoracle Easy Connection接続文字列は192.168.1.191:1521/G10R25。


以上のようなデータベース情報入力を完成したら、Testボタンをクリックして、リンクオプションが使えるか否かを確認できる。もし、“ Connect to db server successfully “が戻ってきたら、いまリンクが使えるということを意味する。そのままSaveをクリックして、セブすればいい。


セブできたら、DataBridgeインタフェースに入って、まずはDB Connectionドロップダウンリストに、先に追加したConnection G10R25を選択する:



DB Connectionドロップダウンリストに必要とするデータベースリンクが現れていないなら、DB connectionのそばにある「…」ブタンを押してDB Connection:を追加してください



DB Connectionを正確に選んでいたら、Tablespaceドロップダウンリストが使えるようになる、ふさわしいテーブルスペースを選んでください。


Data Bridgeを使って、truncateをリカバリするときに、以下のようなことを注意してください:ソースリポジトリからtruncateデータをリカバリするときに、databridgeオプションを使って、データをソースデータベースへ伝送する場合(ソースリポジトリじゃなければ問題ない)、Databridgeを新規テーブルにインサートするアドレスはソースデータベースにtruncateされたアドレスにしないでください。さもなければ、truncateされたデータをリカバリしながら、リカバリされたばかりのデータが上書きされることになる。こういう時に上書きされたデータがリカバリできないので、ご注意をください。databridge+を使ってデータをソースデータベースにリカバリするとき、およびdatabridgeにテーブルスペースを指定する場合、ぜひ、リカバリしたいテーブルスペースをつかわないでください。

ユーザーはソースリポジトリから目標リポジトリへ伝送するテーブルの名前のマッピングを変更するか否かを選択できる。例えば、ソースリポジトリであるテーブルがTruncateされた、いまはDataBridgeにより、データをソースリポジトリへリカバリするが、元の名前をつかいたくないで、ほかの名前で格納したいとき、“if need to remap table”を選んでふさわしい名前を入力すればいい:






このシーンで私たちがリカバリしたのはTruncateされたデータで、“if data truncated”を選択する必要がある。さもなければ、PRMは通常のモードでデータを抽出するから、Truncateされたデータが見えなくなる。


Truncateデータの原理は、OracleがデータディクショナリーとSegment HeaderにテーブルのData Object IDを更新するが、実際データに一部のブロックが更新されない。データディクショナリーとセグメントヘッダーのDATA_OBJECT_IDがあとのデータブロックにあるが一致していないため、Oracleサビースプロセスがテーブル全体のデータを読み取るときに、TRUNCATEされたが、まだ上書きされていないデータは読み取れない。


PRMは自動スキャンによって、データセグメントヘッダー(Segment Header)がTRUNCATEされた後のデータブロックはTRUNCATEされた前のDATA_OBJECT_IDを判断し、ディクショナリーにテーブルフィールドの定義と自動獲得したDATA_OBJECT_IDによって、データを抽出する。


そして、”if to specify data object id”というインプットボックスが存在している。これによって、ユーザーがリカバリしたいデータのData Object IDを指定できる。Truncateデータをうまくリカバリできなかったときに限って、ParnassusDataの技術サポートを元に、指定してください。それ以外、何の数値を指定する必要がない。















Question about Oracle DUL


I just wanted to tell you that your blog is wonderful, and to thank you for all great responses on numerous questions. I wanted to ask you, can you send me a newest version of Oracle DUL software for linux. I am very interested in trying it in multitenant architecture. I downloaded one from your website, but when I try to execute it, it says that I need to have latest version for my os.
Oracle DUL is internal tool, can only used by Oracle Support. From DUL Version 10 , the compiled DUL will be expired every month , and have to download it again from . I have no longer access to DUL, because I am now retired from oracle china.

We have made a commercial version DUL ,which called PRM-DUL, you can download it from



Recover Oracle lost/deleted System01.dbf tablespace using PRM-DUL

Case 4: Deleted SYSTEM tablespace by mistake


A System Administrator of company D who deleted SYSTEM tablespace by mistake and make DB can not be open. Unfortunately, there is no RMAN backup available. Therefore, for company D try to use PRM-DUL to recover all data.


In this circumstance, run PRM-DUL and go into Recovery Wizard. Select “Non-Dictionary mode”:




In No-dictionary mode, we have to select DB Character Set and DB National Character Set. Because of while losing SYSTEM tablespace, database cannot find character set information.


Similarly as case 1, select all data (not including temp file), and correct Block Size and OFFSET




Then click scan button. Then PRM-DUL will scan all segment header and extents in datafile, and record it into SEG$.DAT and EXT$.DAT. In Oracle, each partition table or non-partition table has a segment header. Once we find segment header, we could find the whole table extent map information. Via extent map, we can get all record.


There is one exception, for example, there is one non-partition table that is stored in two database files. The segment header and half data are stored in datafile A, and the others are on datafile B.  While system tablespace and datafile A are lost, PRM-DUL couldn’t find segment header associated with problem table, but it can scan datafile B and get the rest extent map.

In order to recover data via segment header and extent map in no-dictionary mode.

PRM-DUL will create two files: SEG$.DAT(stores segment header info) and EXT$.DAT(stores extent info) ,which is also recorded in PRM-DUL embedded database.




After scan, there is database icon on the left.


Meanwhile, there are 2 option:


  • Scan Tables From Segments:
    • System tablespace lost, but user tablespace datafiles are there
  • Scan Tables From Extents
    • Only used when truncated data can not be recovered by Dictionary-Mode
    • Both system tablespace and segment header are lost


It is not necessary to use mode “Scan Tables From Extents” at the first time, unless you can’t find your data by “Scan Tables From Segment”.
Scan tables From segments should be your first choice.




After scanning tables from segments, there will be a tree diagram on the left.





Scan Tables is for constructing the data based on segment header in SEG$. The name of each node in the diagram is named by obj+ DATA OBJECT ID.

Click on node and check right side:







Intelligence on Data Analysis


Because of SYSTEM tablespace lost, there is not data structure information available in NO-Dictionary mode. The column information includes column name and data type. All these are storage in dictionary but not in table. Therefore, PRM-DUL need to guess the data type. PRM-DUL has a JAVA pre analysis algorithm, and has the ability to analysis more than 10 kinds of types.、


Intelligence analysis can successfully guess 90% of columns in most of circumstances


On the right side, the meaning of columns:


  • Col1 no
  • Seen Count
  • String Nice
  • Number Nice
  • Date Nice
  • Timestamp Nice
  • Timestamp with timezone Nice



Sample Data Analysis:






Intelligence Analysis will analyze 10 records and display the results. These results will help client to know the column information.


As in the picture, the there are 10 records which had been displayed all.









If PRM-DUL cannot recognize the column’s data type , you can specify data type by yourself.


So far, PRM-DUL does not support below types:



Unload Statement:

PRM-DUL generated unload scripts, and these scripts can be only used by PRM-DUL support engineers.







In “Non-Dictionary Mode”, Data Bridge is also applicable. Comparing ” Dictionary Mode”, the manger difference that the user can define the type in data transferring. As below picture, the column type is UNKNOW. These types might be PRM-DUL unsupported types for example: XML and etc.


If the user know the data type in this table (from schema design documents), it is necessary to specify the correct types manually.




CASE 5:deleted System Tablespace and Part of User tablespace datafile by mistake


User D deleted the system tablespace and part of user tablespace datafile by mistake.

In this circumstance, part of user data table was deleted, and this might includes datafile which stored segment header. Therefore it is better to use “Scan Tables From Extents” than” Scan Tables From Segment Header”.


Steps as Below:


  1. Go to Recovery Wizard, select No-Dictionary mode,and added all usable data file. Then process them to scan database.
  2. Select database, and right click Scan Tables From Extents
  3. Analyze the data and implement data extraction and Data Bright
  4. Following steps are the same with Case 4


CASE 6: rescue datafile from damaged diskgroup which can’t be mounted


User D chooses ASM instead of other filesystem. Since there are many bugs in version, it may happen that ASM DISKGROUP cannot be mounted or it does not work after repairing ASM Disk Header.

In this circumstance, user can use ASM Files Clone feature of PRM-DUL to rescue datafile from damaged ASM DiskGroup directly.


  1. Open main interface, and select ASM File(s) Clone:




  1. Enter ASM Disks Window, and click SELECt…to add ASM Disks. For example: /dev/asm-disk5(linux). And click ASM analyze.









ASM Files Clone feature will analyze ASM Disk header, in order to finding Disk group file and File Extent Map. All the information is recorded into PRM-DUL embedded database.    PRM-DUL can collect all Metadata, and analyze to show diagram.





  1. After analysis of ASM Analyze, PRM-DUL will find the file list in Disk groups. Users can select the datafile/archivelog which need to be cloned to destination folder.


Click ASM Clone to start…




There is progress bar while file cloning.





ASM File Clone log as below:



Preparing selected files…Cloning +DATA2/ASMDB1/DATAFILE/TBS2.256.839732369:……………………..1024MB………………………………..2048MB………………………………..3072MB………………………………….4096MB

















Cloned size for this file (in byte): 21475885056


Cloned successfully!



Cloning +DATA2/ASMDB1/ARCHIVELOG/2014_02_17/thread_1_seq_47.257.839732751:


Cloned size for this file (in byte): 29360128


Cloned successfully!



Cloning +DATA2/ASMDB1/ARCHIVELOG/2014_02_17/thread_1_seq_48.258.839732751:


Cloned size for this file (in byte): 1048576


Cloned successfully!





All selected files were cloned done.






  1. It is necessary to validate cloned data via “dbv” or “rman validate”, for example:


rman target /RMAN> catalog datafilecopy ‘/home/oracle/asm_clone/TBS2.256.839732369.dbf’;cataloged datafile copydatafile copy file name=/home/oracle/asm_clone/TBS2.256.839732369.dbf RECID=2 STAMP=839750901


RMAN> validate datafilecopy ‘/home/oracle/asm_clone/TBS2.256.839732369.dbf’;


Starting validate at 17-FEB-14

using channel ORA_DISK_1

channel ORA_DISK_1: starting validation of datafile

channel ORA_DISK_1: including datafile copy of datafile 00016 in backup set

input file name=/home/oracle/asm_clone/TBS2.256.839732369.dbf

channel ORA_DISK_1: validation complete, elapsed time: 00:03:35

List of Datafile Copies


File Status Marked Corrupt Empty Blocks Blocks Examined High SCN

—- —— ————– ———— ————— ———-

16   OK     0              2621313      2621440         1945051

File Name: /home/oracle/asm_clone/TBS2.256.839732369.dbf

Block Type Blocks Failing Blocks Processed

———- ————– —————-

Data       0              0

Index      0              0

Other      0              127


Finished validate at 17-FEB-14



When using PRM-DUL in ASM of ASMLIB?

Simple and Clear: asmlib related ASM DISK is stored in OS as ll /dev/oracleasm/disks. For example: Add files of /dev/oracleasm/disks into PRM-DUL ASM DISK


$ll /dev/oracleasm/diskstotal 0brw-rw—-  1 oracle dba 8,  97 Apr 28 15:20 VOL001brw-rw—-  1 oracle dba 8,  81 Apr 28 15:20 VOL002brw-rw—-  1 oracle dba 8,  65 Apr 28 15:20 VOL003brw-rw—-  1 oracle dba 8,  49 Apr 28 15:20 VOL004brw-rw—-  1 oracle dba 8,  33 Apr 28 15:20 VOL005

brw-rw—-  1 oracle dba 8,  17 Apr 28 15:20 VOL006

brw-rw—-  1 oracle dba 8, 129 Apr 28 15:20 VOL007

brw-rw—-  1 oracle dba 8, 113 Apr 28 15:20 VOL008


Recover Database Can’t be opened(corrupted System TABLESPACE or dictionary) using PRM-DUL

Case 3: Oracle Dictionary Corrupted, DB can not be open


DBA of company D deleted SYS.TS$ (A bootstrap Table) by mistake, this cause Oracle DB can not be open


Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit ProductionWith the Partitioning, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP, Data Miningand Real Application Testing optionsINSTANCE_NAME






SQL> select count(*) from sys.ts$;






SQL> delete ts$;


5 rows deleted.


SQL> commit;


Commit complete.


SQL> shutdown immediate;

Database closed.

Database dismounted.

ORACLE instance shut down.


Database mounted.

ORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced

ORA-01405: fetched column value is NULL

Process ID: 5270

Session ID: 10 Serial number: 3


Undo initialization errored: err:1405 serial:0 start:3126020954 end:3126020954 diff:0 (0 seconds)

Errors in file /s01/diag/rdbms/asmme/ASMME/trace/ASMME_ora_5270.trc:

ORA-01405: fetched column value is NULL

Errors in file /s01/diag/rdbms/asmme/ASMME/trace/ASMME_ora_5270.trc:

ORA-01405: fetched column value is NULL

Error 1405 happened during db open, shutting down database

USER (ospid: 5270): terminating the instance due to error 1405

Instance terminated by USER, pid = 5270

ORA-1092 signalled during: ALTER DATABASE OPEN…

opiodr aborting process unknown ospid (5270) as a result of ORA-1092




In this circumstance, data dictionary had been damaged; therefore it would be very hard to open the database.


Then, we can use PRM-DUL rescue data in DB. Following processes as below:



  1. Recovery Wizard
  2. Select Data Dictionary Mode
  3. Choose Big or Little Endian , and input DB NAME
  4. Click Load for database loading
  5. Extract Tables




oracle undrop tablespace using PRM-DUL case study



User D dropped a tablespace(“DROP TABLESAPCE INCLUDING CONTENTS”) by mistake. They want to recover data resided in that tablespace, but there is no RMAN backup.

Therefore, we can use PRM-DUL No-Dictionary mode to recover data. In this way, we can extract most data. However, the data is not mapping to the dictionary. Users need to manually recognize the table. Since it changed data dictionary by DROPPING TABLE and deleted objects in OBJ$, we can not have the relationship between DATA_OBJECT_ID and OBJECT_NAME. Below is the instruction of getting mapping.




select tablespace_name,segment_type,count(*) from dba_segments where owner=’PARNASSUSDATA’  group by tablespace_name,segment_type;TABLESPACE SEGMENT_TYPE      COUNT(*)———- ————— ———-USERS      TABLE                  126

USERS      INDEX                  136


SQL> select count(*) from obj$;







SQL> select current_scn, systimestamp from v$database;







25-4月 -14 下午 +08:00




SQL> select file_name from dba_data_files where tablespace_name=’USERS’;







SQL> drop tablespace users including contents;





The volume is entertainment in drive H and SN is A87E-B792




The drive can not find the file



Here, we can use other file recovery tool for data file recovery, for example: Undeleter on Windows.






Startup PRM-DUL => recovery Wizard => No-Dictionary





This is No-Dictionary mode, and please select correct character set






Add the files recovered and click scan








Start from the head segments, if it can not find all table, try to use extend scan:





You can find lots of node named OBJXXXXX,this name is combination of “OBJ” and DATA_OBJECT_ID.  We need some guy who is familiar with schema design and application data, he can clarify the relationship between data and table.





If there is no body can clarify the relationship between data and table, try below methods:


In this case, only user tablespace had been dropped and Oracle still works, and to get the mapping of DATA_OBJECT_ID and table name by FLASHBACK QUERY.


SQL>  select count(*) from sys.obj$;COUNT(*)———-75436 







SQL> select count(*) from sys.obj$ as of scn 1895940;

select count(*) from sys.obj$ as of scn 1895940



ORA-01555: Snapshot is too old,


Try to use DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN of AWR and find the mapping between OBJECT# and OBJECT_NAME in recent 7 days.



NAME                                        NULL? TYPE

—————————————– ——– ———————–

DBID                                      NOT NULL NUMBER

SQL_ID                                    NOT NULL VARCHAR2(13)

PLAN_HASH_VALUE                           NOT NULL NUMBER

ID                                        NOT NULL NUMBER

OPERATION                                          VARCHAR2(30)

OPTIONS                                            VARCHAR2(30)

OBJECT_NODE                                        VARCHAR2(128)

OBJECT#                                            NUMBER

OBJECT_OWNER                                       VARCHAR2(30)

OBJECT_NAME                                        VARCHAR2(31)

OBJECT_ALIAS                                       VARCHAR2(65)

OBJECT_TYPE                                        VARCHAR2(20)

OPTIMIZER                                          VARCHAR2(20)

PARENT_ID                                          NUMBER

DEPTH                                              NUMBER

POSITION                                           NUMBER

SEARCH_COLUMNS                                     NUMBER

COST                                               NUMBER

CARDINALITY                                        NUMBER

BYTES                                              NUMBER

OTHER_TAG                                          VARCHAR2(35)

PARTITION_START                                    VARCHAR2(64)

PARTITION_STOP                                     VARCHAR2(64)

PARTITION_ID                                       NUMBER

OTHER                                              VARCHAR2(4000)

DISTRIBUTION                                       VARCHAR2(20)

CPU_COST                                           NUMBER

IO_COST                                            NUMBER

TEMP_SPACE                                         NUMBER

ACCESS_PREDICATES                                  VARCHAR2(4000)

FILTER_PREDICATES                                  VARCHAR2(4000)

PROJECTION                                         VARCHAR2(4000)

TIME                                               NUMBER

QBLOCK_NAME                                        VARCHAR2(31)

REMARKS                                            VARCHAR2(4000)

TIMESTAMP                                          DATE

OTHER_XML                                          CLOB



For exmaple:


select object_owner,object_name,object# from DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN where sql_id=’avwjc02vb10j4′


OBJECT_OWNER         OBJECT_NAME                                 OBJECT#

——————– —————————————- ———-


PARNASSUSDATA        TORDERDETAIL_HIS                              78688




Use below scrip for the mapping relationship between OBJECT_ID and OBJECT_NAME


Select * from

(select object_name,object# from DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN

UNION select object_name,object# from GV$SQL_PLAN) V1 where V1.OBJECT# IS NOT NULL minus select name,obj# from sys.obj$;


select obj#,dataobj#, object_name from WRH$_SEG_STAT_OBJ where object_name not in (select name from sys.obJ$) order by object_name desc;



another script:





dba_hist_sqltext tab2

WHERE tab1.current_obj# NOT IN

(SELECT obj# FROM sys.obj$


AND current_obj#!=-1

AND tab1.sql_id  =tab2.sql_id(+);




Attention: Since it relies on AWR repository, the mapping table is not that accurate and exact.


PRM DUL is an Oracle Database Disaster Recovery Tool

It may happen everyday that database reports error or system tablespace damaged, or cannot be accessed. It is too risky for your enterprise IT system. Most of cases can be resolved by RMAN.


PRM (ParnassusData Recovery Manager) is developed by Java which can be run all kinds of JAVA supported platform, Including: AIX, AIX、Solaris、HPUX、Linux and Windows.


PRM is designed for Enterprise Database Recovery, which includes all Oracle DUL data recovery functionalities, and also easy-to-use GUI.

PRM For Oracle Database 3.1 GUI:




PRM almost can recovery Oracle database on all operating system, including:


Linux (RedHat, Centos, Oracle Linux, Suse)AIX, Solaris, HPUX, Windows 2003 Server/XP/2000/NT

PRM Support Oracle database which starts from 9i, 10g, 11g to 12c.



However, few cases are failed to recover from RMAN or Achieve lost. The only left is inconsistent data files that are not usable for Oracle database. Many DBAs did not realize that the data is still usable, but just cannot be read by Oracle instance. PRM is that kind of tool, which can read the data direct from disk or file system without Oracle Instance.

PRM can work on damaged file systems, ASM DiskGroup and data files. Even if Oracle data dictionary lost, PRM can also scan and recover dictionary based on inconsistent SYSTEM.DBF tablespace backup. PRM can support most of Oracle database functionalities for example, Cluster, LOB, and partition.




Highlights of PRM

  • PRM is developed by JAVA and click to use version, which can work with AIX, Solaris, HPUX, Linux and Windows.
  • Same performance and GUI across different of operating systems
  • Rich GUI, and not necessary for script skills, even for new DBA
  • PRM unique DataBridge, without any data exportation, and directly from source to destination, which saves time
  • High performance and reliable
  • PRM supports most of data structure, for example, LOB, BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB
  • PRM supports ASM, which is directly read without any ASM copy
  • PRM can save damaged data file on ASM DiskGroup, and this function is free in community version
  • PRM optimized table recovery from truncated table.



  • Not support on 11g secure file lobs due to encryption and compression
  • Label security
  • Encryption
  • CELL ASM DISK on Exadata
  • Some complicated data structure


Oracle undrop table using PRM-DUL case study

Download PRM-DUL

CASE 10: Recover Data after Dropping Table by mistake.


User D dropped one most important application table in ASM without any backup. Oracle introduced recyclebin feature in 10g. Please check whether the dropped table is in recyclebin by DBA_RECYCLEBINS view. If there is , try to recover data back by “flashback to before drop”. Or, we can use PRM-DUL for recovery.

Recovery steps by PRM-DUL

  1. OFFLINE the table space that the dropped table locates.
  2. Find the DATA_OBJECT_ID of dropped table by query data dictionary or logminer. If not successfully, then user has to recognize this table in No-dictionary mode.
  3. Start PRM-DUL, go to No-dictionary mode, and add all data files of dropped data file. Then SCAN DATABASE+SCAN TABLE from Extent MAP
  4. Locate the data table by DATA_OBJECT_ID in object tress, and insert data back by DataBridge


SQL> select count(*) from “MACLEAN”.”TORDERDETAIL_HIS”;COUNT(*)———-984359SQL>

SQL> create table maclean.TORDERDETAIL_HIS1 as select * from  maclean.TORDERDETAIL_HIS;


Table created.


SQL> drop table maclean.TORDERDETAIL_HIS;


Table dropped.


We can find the general DATA_OBJECT_ID by logminer or similar method in “CASE 9”










Although, there is no DATA_OBJECT_ID, if the table amount is not big, we can manually recognize the data table


OFFLINE table space of dropped table


SQL> select tablespace_name from dba_segments where segment_name=’TPAYMENT’;TABLESPACE_NAME——————————USERSSQL> select file_name from dba_data_files where tablespace_name=’USERS’;






SQL> alter tablespace users offline;


Tablespace altered.



Start PRM-DUL in NON-DICT mode, and add all data to SCAN DATABASE+SCAN TABLE From Extents:







Add related ASM Disks and click ASM Analyze



Select the character set in Non-Dict mode






Select the data files of dropped table, and click scan






Generate database name and right click scan tables from extents:








Recognize TORDERDETAIL_HIS table which is mapped to DATA_OBJECT_ID=82641 manually and insert back to the database by DataBridge




Oracle untruncate using PRM-DUL case study

Case Study on Oracle database recovery via PRM-DUL



CASE 1: Truncate table by mistake

User D had truncated a table by mistake on production environment. The DBA tried to recover table from RMAN backup, and accidently the backup is unavailable. Therefore DBA decided to use PRM-DUL for rescuing all truncated data.

Since all database system files are healthy, DBA just needs to load SYSTEM table data file in dictionary mode and TRUNCATED table file. For example:


create table ParnassusData.torderdetail_his1  tablespace  users asselect * from parnassusdata.torderdetail_his; 

SQL> desc  ParnassusData.TORDERDETAIL_HIS
 Name                    Null?    Type
 ———————– ——– ————–
SEQ_ID                NOT NULL   NUMBER(10)
 SI_STATUS                        NUMBER(38)
 D_CREATEDATE                     CHAR(20)
 D_UPDATEDATE                     CHAR(20)
 B_ISDELETE                       CHAR(1)
 N_SHOPID                         NUMBER(10)
 N_ORDERID                        NUMBER(10)
 C_ORDERCODE                      CHAR(20)
 N_MEMBERID                       NUMBER(10)
 N_SKUID                          NUMBER(10)
 C_PROMOTION                      NVARCHAR2(5)
 N_AMOUNT                         NUMBER(7,2)
 N_UNITPRICE                      NUMBER(7,2)
 N_QTY                            NUMBER(7,2)
 N_QTYFREE                        NUMBER(7,2)
 N_POINTSGET                      NUMBER(7,2)
 N_OPERATOR                       NUMBER(10)
 C_TIMESTAMP                      VARCHAR2(20)
 H_SEQID                          NUMBER(10)
 N_RETQTY                         NUMBER(7,2)
 N_QTYPOS                         NUMBER(7,2)select count(*) from ParnassusData.TORDERDETAIL_HIS;COUNT(*)




select bytes/1024/1024 from dba_segments where segment_name=’TORDERDETAIL_HIS’ and owner=’PARNASSUSDATA’;








SQL> truncate table ParnassusData.TORDERDETAIL_HIS;


Table truncated.


SQL> select count(*) from ParnassusData.TORDERDETAIL_HIS;








Run PRM-DUL, and select Tools =>Recovery Wizard




Click Next




Client did not user ASM storage, therefore just select ‘Dictionary Mode’:



Next, we need to select some characters: including Endian bit order and DBNAME

Since Oracle datafiles have different Endian bit orders on different OS, please choose accordingly:


Solaris[tm] OE (32-bit) Big
Solaris[tm] OE (64-bit) Big
Microsoft Windows IA (32-bit) Little
Linux IA (32-bit) Little
AIX-Based Systems (64-bit) Big
HP-UX (64-bit) Big
HP Tru64 UNIX Little
HP-UX IA (64-bit) Big
Linux IA (64-bit) Little
HP Open VMS Little
Microsoft Windows IA (64-bit) Little
IBM zSeries Based Linux Big
Linux x86 64-bit Little
Apple Mac OS Big
Microsoft Windows x86 64-bit Little
Solaris Operating System (x86) Little
IBM Power Based Linux Big
HP IA Open VMS Little
Solaris Operating System (x86-64) Little
Apple Mac OS (x86-64) Little


In traditional UNIX, AIX (64-bit), UP-UNIX (64-bit), it use Big Endian bit order,




Usually, Linux X86/64, Windows remain default Little Endian:



Attention: if your data file was generated on AIX, if you want to recover data on window, please select original Big Endian format.

Since the data file is on Linux X86, we select Little as Endian, and input database name. (The input database name can be different from DB_NAME found in datafile header,  the input database name is just an alias. PRM-DUL will check if your PRM-DUL license is valid , the valid license key is generated based on DB_NAME found in datafile header)



Click Next =>Click Choose Files


Usually, if the database is not too big, we could select all data files together; if the database capacity is huge and DBA knows the data location, at least you should  select both SYSTEM tablespace and specified datafile.


Attention, the GUI Supports Ctrl + A & Shift short keys:






Specify the Block Size (Oracle data block size) according to the real circumstance. For example, if default DB_BLOCK_SIZE is 8K, but part of tablespaces’ block size is 16k,then user has to specify them as correct block size one by one.


OFFSET setting are just for raw device storage mode, for example: on AIX, based on LV of  normal VG, the offset will be 4k OFFSET.


If you are using raw device but don’t know what the OFFSET is, please use dbfsize tool which is under $ORACLE_HOME/bin



$dbfsize /dev/lv_control_01Database file: /dev/lv_control_01Database file type: raw device without 4K starting offsetDatabase file size: 334 16384 byte blocks


Since all data file block size here is 8K and there is no OFFSET, please click load:




PRM-DUL read Oracle dictionary directly, and recreate a new dictionary in embedded database. It can help us to recuse most types of data in Oracle DB.




After recreating dictionary, the dialog show character information:



Attention: PRM-DUL supports multiple languages and multiple Oracle character set. However, the prerequisite is the OS had installed specified language packages. For example, on Windows, if you didn’t install Chinese language package, even Oracle database characters are independent and support ZHS16GBK, PRM-DUL would display Chinese as messy code. Once the Chinese language package is installed on OS, PRM-DUL can display multibyte character set properly.


Similarly, on Linux, it need font-Chinese language package.


[oracle@mlab2 log]$ rpm -qa|grep chinesefonts-chinese-3.02-12.el5


After loading, in PRM-DUL GUI, it displayed database tree diagram by database users.


Click Users, you can find more users, for example, if user want to recover a table under PARNASSUSDATA SCHEMA, click PARNASSUSDATA, and double click that table:




Previously TORDERDETAIL_HIS had been truncated, so it  won’t show any data . Please select unload truncated Data:




PRM-DUL will scan the tablespace and extract data from truncated table.





As in the above picture, the truncated TORDERDETAIL_HIS had exported 984359 record, and saved to specified falt file.

In addition, it generated SQLLDR control file for text data importing


$ cd /home/oracle/PRM-DUL/PRM-DULdata/parnassus_dbinfo_PARNASSUSDATA/$ ls -l ParnassusData*-rw-r–r– 1 oracle oinstall       495 Jan 18 08:31 ParnassusData.torderdetail_his.ctl-rw-r–r– 1 oracle oinstall 191164826 Jan 18 08:32 ParnassusData.torderdetail_his.dat.truncated 

$ cat ParnassusData.torderdetail_his.ctl


INFILE  ‘ParnassusData.torderdetail_his.dat.truncated’


INTO TABLE ParnassusData.torderdetail_his




“SEQ_ID” ,














“N_QTY” ,











When you import data to original table, ParnassusData strongly recommends you to modify SQLLDR table name as a temp table, it would not impact your previous environment.





$ sqlldr control=ParnassusData.torderdetail_his.ctl direct=yUsername:/ as sysdba//user SQLLDR to import data//Minus can be used for data comparing

select * from ParnassusData.torderdetail_his minus select * from parnassus.torderdetail_his;


no rows selected




After diffing, there is no difference between original data and PRM-DUL exported data.

PRM-DUL successfully recovered the truncated table



CASE 2: Recovery mis-truncated table by DataBridge


In Case 1, we use traditional unload+sqlldr for data recovery, but actually ParnassusData would like to strongly recommend using  DataBridge Feature for recovering.


Why use DataBridge?


  • Traditional unload+sqlldr means a copy of data needs to be saved as flat file on filesystem first, data has to be loaded into Unicode text file and then inserted into destination database by sqlldr, this will take double storage and double time.
  • DataBridge can extract data from source DB and export to destination DB without any intermediary.
  • Once the data arrived destination DB, user can begin to validate them.
  • If source and destination database located on different servers, then read/write IO will be balanced on two servers , MTTR will be saved.
  • If DataBridge is used in truncated table recovery, it is very convenient that truncated data can be exported back to problem database directly.


DataBridge is very simple and convenient. Right click the table on the left side, and select DataBridge:





As the first time to use DataBridge, DB connection information is necessary, which is similar with SQL Developer connection, including: DB host, Port, Service_Name and Account information.

Attention: DataBridge will save data to the specified schema given in the DB connection.




AS above G10R25 connection, user is maclean, and the corresponding Oracle Easy Connection is。


After inputting the account/connection information, you can use test for connection testing. If return message is “ Connect to DB server successfully “, the connection is done and click to save.




After saving connection and go to DataBridge window, please select Connection G10R25 at the drop down list.



If your DB connection is not in the drop down list, please click DB connection Button, which is highlighted in red.



After selecting DB Connection, Tablespace dropdown list will be selectable:




Attention on DataBridge recovering truncated/dropped table: when you recovering truncated/dropped and insert data back to source DB, users should choose another tablespace which diffs from the original tablespace. If export data into same tablespace, oracle will reuse space which stores truncated/dropped table, and can make data overwritten, we will lose the last resort to recover the data.


For example, we truncated a table and would like to user DataBridge to recover data back to source database, but we would like to use another table name. Original table name is torderdetail_his, and user can select “if need to remap table” and input proper destination name, as below:





Attention: 1) For destination DB which already had the same table name, PRM-DUL will not recreate a table but append all recovered data. 2) For destination DB which did not have source table name, PRM-DUL would try to create table and recover the data.


In this case, we would recover Truncated data, therefore, please select “if data truncated?” checkbox, Or, PRM-DUL would do regular data extraction, but not Truncated data.


Truncate recovery methodology is: Oracle will only update table DATA_OBJECT_ID in data dictionary and segment header. Therefore, the real data will not be overwritten. Due to the difference between dictionary and DATA_OBJECT_ID, Oracle server process will not read truncated data while scanning table. But, the real data is still there.


PRM-DUL will try to scan 10M-bytes blocks which are behind of the table’s segment header, if some blocks with smaller DATA_OBJECT_ID than the object’s current DATA_OBJECT_ID, then PRM-DUL thinks it find something useful.



There is a blank input field called ”if to specify data object id”, which let user input Data Object ID. Usually, you don’t need to input any value, unless the recovery does not work. We suggest user to contact ParnassusData for help.


Click DataBridge button ,then it will start extracting if the configuration is done.




DataBridge will display the successfully rescued rows and elapsed time.









《MySQL Replication的条条大路 》 from Giuseppe Maxia

《Oracle数据库的保护之手》 from SHOUG 刘相兵

《PL/SQL : 请避免造成同样的性能错误》from Tim hall

《RAC manageing planned downtime with RAC》 from Björn Rost

《Oracle 12c in-memory特性在中国的实践》 沈宏
 《Oracle信息化发展趋势与Oracle IT战略 》   刘冰冰

Oracle公司移动应用产品经理 Joe Huang 演讲主题:《使用Oracle Mobile Application Framework加速企业应用移动化》

Oracle公司高级技术咨询经理 刘冰冰在分享《Oracle信息化发展趋势与Oracle IT战略》

SHOUG 上海Oracle用户组发起人、诗檀软件创始人 刘相兵在介绍SHOUG宗旨以及 活动当天的现场Workshop:利用12c in-memory特性优化一个大型查询语句,优化后效果最好的同学获得了当天的大奖IPAD。

具体可以参见论坛上的workshop记录: Oracle技术著名网站管理者,ACE Director- Tim Hall 演讲主题:《避免在PL/SQL中犯同样的性能错误》

Tim Hall现场演示了几个常犯的Pl/SQL性能错误

Continuent公司高级MySQL顾问,Oracle ACE Director – Giuseppe Maxia 演讲主题: 《MYSQL复制的条条大路》

SHOUG 上海Oracle用户组发起人、诗檀软件创始人 刘相兵 分享主题 《Oracle数据库的保护之手》

德国Oracle知名专家,Oracle ACE Director -Bjoern Rost 演讲主题: 《配备Oracle RAC以减少应用downtime》

Oracle公司数据库高级咨询顾问 沈宏 演讲主题: 《Oracle 12c in-memory在中国的实践》

Oracle公司移动应用产品经理 Joe Huang 演讲主题:《使用Oracle Mobile Application Framework加速企业应用移动化》





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