SQL> select partition_name from dba_ind_partitions where index_name='LOCAL_ONE'; PARTITION_NAME ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ --- EMPLOYEES_PART1 EMPLOYEES_PART2 EMPLOYEES_PART3 SQL> alter index LOCAL_ONE drop partition EMPLOYEES_PART1; alter index LOCAL_ONE drop partition EMPLOYEES_PART1 * 第 1 行出现错误: ORA-14076: 提交的变更索引分区/子分区操作对本地分区的索引无效
You cannot explicitly drop a partition from a local index. Instead, local index partitions are dropped only when you drop a partition from the underlying table. You have to disable the local partition index by making it unusable. Example: -- alter table make all local partition indexes unusable ALTER TABLE &v_table_name MODIFY PARTITION &v_part_name UNUSABLE LOCAL INDEXES; This will set the UNUSABLE status in the DBA_IND_PARTITIONS on all the local partitioned indexes equipartitioned with &v_part_name. ALTER SESSION SET skip_unusable_indexes = true; -- load data in the corresponding partitions INSERT ... VALUES ... -- alter table make partition local index usable ALTER TABLE &v_table_name MODIFY PARTITION &v_part_name REBUILD UNUSABLE LOCAL INDEXES; The status of the &v_part_name partitions indexes will be now USABLE again in DBA_IND_PARTITIONS.