该脚本可以用于显示活跃的分布式事务(Distributed Transactions from dblink),可以协助诊断dblink远程事务:
REM distri.sql column origin format a13 column GTXID format a35 column LSESSION format a10 column s format a1 column waiting format a15 Select /*+ ORDERED */ substr(s.ksusemnm,1,10)||'-'|| substr(s.ksusepid,1,10) "ORIGIN", substr(g.K2GTITID_ORA,1,35) "GTXID", substr(s.indx,1,4)||'.'|| substr(s.ksuseser,1,5) "LSESSION" , substr(decode(bitand(ksuseidl,11), 1,'ACTIVE', 0, decode(bitand(ksuseflg,4096),0,'INACTIVE','CACHED'), 2,'SNIPED', 3,'SNIPED', 'KILLED'),1,1) "S", substr(event,1,10) "WAITING" from x$k2gte g, x$ktcxb t, x$ksuse s, v$session_wait w -- where g.K2GTeXCB =t.ktcxbxba <= use this if running in Oracle7 where g.K2GTDXCB =t.ktcxbxba -- comment out if running in Oracle8 or later and g.K2GTDSES=t.ktcxbses and s.addr=g.K2GTDSES and w.sid=s.indx; REM distri_details.sql set headin off select /*+ ORDERED */ '----------------------------------------'||' Curent Time : '|| substr(to_char(sysdate,'dd-Mon-YYYY HH24.MI.SS'),1,22) ||' '||'GTXID='||substr(g.K2GTITID_EXT,1,10) ||' '||'Ascii GTXID='||g.K2GTITID_ORA ||' '||'Branch= '||g.K2GTIBID ||' Client Process ID is '|| substr(s.ksusepid,1,10)||' running in machine : '||substr(s.ksusemnm,1,80)||' Local TX Id ='||substr(t.KXIDUSN||'.'||t.kXIDSLT||'.'||t.kXIDSQN,1,10) ||' Local Session SID.SERIAL ='||substr(s.indx,1,4)||'.'|| s.ksuseser ||' is : '||decode(bitand(ksuseidl,11),1,'ACTIVE',0, decode(bitand(ksuseflg,4096),0,'INACTIVE','CACHED'), 2,'SNIPED',3,'SNIPED', 'KILLED') || ' and '|| substr(STATE,1,9)|| ' since '|| to_char(SECONDS_IN_WAIT,'9999')||' seconds' ||' Wait Event is :'||' '|| substr(event,1,30)||' '||p1text||'='||p1 ||','||p2text||'='||p2 ||','||p3text||'='||p3 ||' Waited '||to_char(SEQ#,'99999')||' times '||' Server for this session:' ||decode(s.ksspatyp,1,'Dedicated Server', 2,'Shared Server',3, 'PSE','None') "Server" from x$k2gte g, x$ktcxb t, x$ksuse s, v$session_wait w -- where g.K2GTeXCB =t.ktcxbxba <= use this if running Oracle7 where g.K2GTDXCB =t.ktcxbxba -- comment out if running Oracle8 or later and g.K2GTDSES=t.ktcxbses and s.addr=g.K2GTDSES and w.sid=s.indx; set headin on -- end script